Friday, October 17, 2008

High Praises of God

High Praises of God

Clara Iverson

We are created to worship God. God is searching for true worshippers, those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. God is not searching for good singing voices. He is seeking true worshippers. Everyone can sing to God. You just need a worshipful heart to sing to God. In the secret place, everyone can open their mouth and sing to God. We can sing our prayers to God. We can even sing in the spirit, sing a new tongue, sing a new song, and sing our prophecies and declarations to God.

We pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be down on earth, as it is in heaven.” In heaven, there is only victory. There is no lack, no sickness and no misery. How can we appropriate heavenly victory to earth? We can imitate what they do in heaven. The four living creatures sing for all eternity, “Holy, holy, Lord God almighty, who was, who is and who is to come.” We can join the twenty-four elders and cry, “You are worthy, O God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created all things, and by your will they exist and were created.” Psalm 119:164 tells us to praise God seven times a day. Some of us worry of what people think of our voices and do not even praise God one time a day! In our intimate fellowships with God, we can all compose new songs unto God. It does not matter if it is off key or not. God is very pleased when you worship Him in spirit and in truth. Truth means without hypocrisy. We are not putting on a show. There is no audience. We are just offering our vocal chords to God in spirit and in truth.

There is a time to pray and there is also a time to sing. That is why Paul said on one hand, he prays in understanding and in tongues. On the other hand, he sings in understanding and in tongues. New anointing and breakthrough will come when we add music to our prayers, declarations or prophecies. When we sing our prophecies out, a sharp two-edged sword is coming forth from our mouth and we are actually binding our enemies with chains and irons. God is executing vengeance and judgment on our enemies as the high praises of God are arising from our midst! (Psalm 149:6)

Some warfare comes simply because of the mouth of the dragon. The devil either accuses or speaks lies. When the mouth of the dragon is sealed, the warfare will cease. Jesus has ordained strength even in the mouth of babes and nursing infants. As our mouth sing and worship God, our enemies are being silenced, one after another. God does want to end certain warfare. He is waiting on us to sing. When we sing, our enemies will flee. When we sing, angels will encamp around us and chase after our enemies. That is how we can overcome the accuser. We overcame him by singing “the word of our testimony” out. Not only we declare victory, but also we can sing our victory out. We can sing “the blood of Jesus” and sing aloud the defeat of our enemies. (Revelation 12:10)

Sometimes God did not move until we sing. As they BEGAN to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushes against Jehoshaphat’s enemies. When they continued to sing, their enemies even helped to destroy each other. ( 2 Chronicles 20:21-23) How about the time when the priests blew the trumpets and they all shout with a great shout? The wall of Jericho fell down flat. (Joshua 6) What if you are thrown to prison unjustly? Learn from Paul and Silas, sing praises and make music to God. As we do this, our chains will be broken and bondage will be loosened.

Let us make a joyful shout to the Lord. Let us offer the sacrifice of praise to Him. Praise is a sacrifice because some feel embarrassed to sing. Others already felt depressed because of the adverse circumstance. But, let us just lay aside our feelings and offer this one sacrifice to God. When we sing, God will arise and our enemies will all scatter. (Psalm 68:1) The wicked will perish from the presence of God. When we sing, God’s arrow will shoot at our enemies and they will be suddenly wounded. (Psalm 64:7)

Friends, you will soon discover the power of the high praises of God. The dead does not praise the Lord. We are alive. As we worship Him, you will be strengthened, saved, healed and delivered. He is our strong tower, our refuge and our hope. Let us praise Him yet more and more. This honor has all His saints.

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