Power of Repentance
Clara Iverson
Holy Spirit, season these words with grace and love, so that we can all handle them. Remove the veil off the eyes of our hearts, so the truth will become like honey to our ears. In Jesus’ name Amen. Now, the grace of God is wrapping up the following words: sin, repentance, and confession. Holy Spirit, brings healing to our mind, spirit, soul and body as we read this article.
Battles will not end. Warfare will not cease until we repent. Saul can listen to soothing music all he wants. We can also fast and afflict our bodies all we want. If we do not repent of the particular sin that opens this demonic door, the tormenting demons will not leave. Even if the demon temporary leaves, it will return with seven more if our hearts do not truly repent.
Sometimes we sense heaviness on us. We just do not understand why. We feel dryness and our vitality is gone. (Psalm 51) It is like the hand of God is heavy on us day and night. We are like Saul. There are some types of stubbornness and blindness in us that we just do not know how to change. We do not know how to have breakthrough. We are like a horse or mule, have to be harnessed with bits and bridles; otherwise we cannot submit or obey.
We then groan and say what is wrong with me? Actually, God is waiting on us to be honest with ourselves. He desires truth in the inward parts. Holy Spirit is searching our hearts and He wants us to confess with our mouth the specific sin that opens door to this demonic attack. Still, we do not know how? Let us ask the Holy Spirit to remove the deception off our minds and our hearts, so we can finally SEE. Sometimes we say to ourselves, I did not steal; I did not lie; I did not commit adultery. Why do I need to repent? However, an attitude of unbelief, unforgivness, judgmental, pride, unthankfulness or a heart of fear or depression could be the actual reasons that are causing this heaviness. Once the Holy Spirit identifies it, and when we finally repent on the right sin, demons have no more legal right to stay and must go.
What are the benefits of repentance? Surely, the presence of God will come back. You will feel the returning of the Holy Spirit and you can rejoice again. (Psalm 51) The feelings are like being washed, cleansed, purged thoroughly and you feel like you are as white as snow. You feel more light, peaceful and happy. These are the rewards. Yes, it is not easy. No one wants to hear the word repentance. But, let us go ahead and repent and confess. You will enjoy the feeling of being forgiven. (1 John 9) We will taste of His faithfulness. Also, as we repent of pointing of finger and speaking of wickedness, our own breaches are being repaired. (Isaiah 58) Then, our light shall dawn in darkness. Our souls are satisfied and our bones are strengthened. We become like watered gardens. Yokes are broken off us and God’s healing springs forth speedily. The benefits of repentance will motivate us to open our mouth and confess even when we do not feel like it.
After repentance, we must renew our minds with the truth and our hearts must be transformed into Christ’ nature. We must build the walls of deliverance and salvation. When the tendency to sin is completely destroyed by the fire of the Holy Spirit, we are transformed into His likeness. We will find it very easy to walk in power, love, and sound mind. We feel like we were born to live in holiness. There are no struggles at all. As we are walking in this new lifestyle, we are surrounding ourselves with the shield of Psalm 91 protection. We abide in Him and bear much good fruits. We are not even tempted to sin at all. Demons can smell holiness in us and run in terror from us. The floods of great water cannot come near us.(Psalms 32:6) We are living in the hiding place, surrounded by the WALL of truth, mercy, deliverance, salvation, grace and the presence of God.
Remember all these are done by grace, not by legalism, nor by works. We are not under law, but we are under grace. We are saved by grace, through faith. This is the work of the Holy Spirit. The wind blows as it wishes. You do not know where it comes from and where it goes. Unconsciously, you find yourself transformed. Those who are fearful, will no longer fear, but will be filled with perfect love and perfect faith. Those who feel sad easily will no longer do that, because the joy of the Lord becomes your strength. How about those who are judgmental or critical? All of a sudden, your perception changes and you just want to open your mouth to praise God and appreciate the good sides of other people. We all become more loving and forgiving as the wind of the Holy Spirit continues to blow over us.
To conclude, this is the power of grace and the revelation of grace. By the grace of God, we are able to discern between good and evil in His everyday training. We will not turn to the right or to the left. We will obey the spirit of truth wholeheartedly. Thus, we shall see the goodness of God in the land of the living.
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