Friday, September 12, 2008

Lay Down Our Pearls

Lay Down Our Pearls

Clara Iverson

First and foremost, we must be assured that our Heavenly Father is good and loving. He definitely wants to give us good and perfect gifts. He wants to answer our prayers so that our joy can be full. He wants His children to be cheerful. This is the foundational truth.

Nevertheless, before the manifestations of our prayer requests, there are some works that need to be done with our hearts. Our Lord God wants to circumcise our hearts, so that we will love Him with all our hearts, and with our soul. (Deuteronomy 30) In Exodus 20:3, God said you shall have no other gods before ME. Right now, God is cleansing us from the idols of our hearts. Our hearts must desire Jesus first. Our hearts should worship Jesus, not the gifts. The heart of the gospel: We shall love our Lord with ALL our hearts, with ALL our minds, with ALL our strengths and with ALL our souls. Honestly, most of time, we worship the blessings/gifts more than Jesus Himself. However, nothing can replace Jesus on the throne of our hearts.

Yes, He is testing our hearts. For His sake, are you willing to LET GO OF the very treasures of your hearts? Yes, you have prayed for this for a long time. But for His very sake, are you willing to lay it down on the altar just like Abraham laid down Isaac? Christ wants to be the center of your life. He wants total commitment. He wants real disciples---those who desire Him first and seek Him first. Do you know when the test is over, He will give you back hundred-fold return? When He sees that you fear Him wholeheartedly, He will send angels to bring gifts at your door?

What is the sign that the test of our hearts is over? How can we know the work of circumcision is completed in our hearts? It is when we finally come to the point in which we no longer CONCERN about it. It does not matter any more. We count everything as rubbish, so we can gain Christ.

~~ For instance, some hunger for acceptance/recognition/reputation or titles. When the work of circumcision is completed, you will not even care about fame any more. Then, suddenly, you are brought to Pharaoh and you found yourself clothed with royal robes, sitting on the throne.

~~ How about those who are praying for a spouse? When you come to a point that you are able to rejoice even if you are single. Then immediately, you run into your second-half right at the corner---the one who is predestined for you.

~~ How about those who believe for prosperity? When you finally grasp the meaning of contentment and can delight in simple lifestyle. You no longer feel shameful in areas where you lack. Then instantly, you found yourself living in a big house and driving Mercedes Benz.

When we really delight ourselves in the Lord, He will finally gives us the desire of our hearts. THAT MEANS THE VERY GIFT WE WANT NO LONGER HAS A HOLD ON US.

Not only that, you have no guarantee of what will happen tomorrow. Of course, we believe we have a future and a hope and only good things will come to us. But, what if one day you lose something, you WILL NOT FALL APART because your foundation is on Jesus. You worship Jesus alone, not any gifts, nor any possessions, nor any human beings. God has laid the foundation in you and you are solid like a rock. No wind or rain can shake you. Your true SECURITY is in Christ alone. You have unshakable peace and joy no matter what comes to your way.

Therefore, be thankful now! Rejoice even if you are still in the wilderness, waiting to see the land of Canaan. Sing a new song to God even if you do not feel like it. As a matter of fact, God responds to thankfulness. Count each blessing we already have right now. Just because we have a breath of life is enough reason to be filled with gratitude.

On the other hand, we must be aware of the enemy of our souls. Bitterness and self-pity are the most common weapon the enemy loves to use to steal our promises. In John 5:7, Jesus waited until the 38th year to heal this man, who had a spirit of infirmity at the pool of Bethesda.This man was trapped in his bitterness. He thought life was unfair and he thought he could not get healed because God made him crippled, which was why he missed his chance of healing when the angel stirred the water. Brothers and Sisters, God did not do anything wrong. If Jesus did not stop by, that man would always be that way. A curse without cause shall not alight. (Proverbs 26:2) There is a reason for every problem, but God is never the problem. Also, God did not owe us anything. It is not a time to complain or feeling sorry for us. It is time to count everything we already have and be thankful. Everyday, we need His mercy and grace. Instead, we ought to say if the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that. After all, we are just a vapor that appears for a little while, and then vanishes away! (James 4:14) We should say Son of David, have mercy on me!!

Brothers and Sisters, when He sees our humble and contrite hearts, shall He not drop a tear of mercy and grant us our requests? Shall He not reward us exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask, think, imagine or dream of? Shall He not restore to you the very pearl that you laid on the altar, just like Isaac was returned back to Abraham?

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