Friday, October 03, 2008

The Mystery of Love

The Mystery of Love

Clara Iverson

Father God, removes this deception off our minds and hearts, so we will finally understand love. Pours the spirit of wisdom and revelation to us, enlightens our inner eyes, so we will finally grasp the meaning of Christ’ love. Breaks the stronghold of fear off us now. Let deliverance comes now, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Fear is the strongest blockage to love. Fear separates God and men. Fear never existed until the fall of men. Our understanding of love was decreasing as fear started to take root since Genesis one. We no longer think that love will work. Everyone puts on fear guard to protect ourselves from more hurts. We cannot trust anyone because we are afraid that will get hurt again. Instead of putting on the armor of God, we put on fear guard. No one can never see the real us because we are hiding behind this fear shield. Some were not raised in families of love. For generations, no one taught them how to love. So when they became parents, all they knew were sowing fear to their children, teaching them to be afraid of germs, sickness, accidents or bad things. Some parents created an atmosphere of superstitions to the young hearts. Since the time when they were babies, they were formatted to expect bad things to come to their days.

Therefore, love never operates in our lives. We do not believe in love. Instead, we believe in fear. Now, Holy Spirit comes to reprogram us. He is changing the object of our faith. Instead of putting faith in fear, we will put faith in LOVE now. We must believe in love and believe that love will actually work. Who am I to doubt love? Who am I to say love may not work? Even when I was a sinner, Christ died for me. Even before I existed on this planet earth, Christ demonstrated His love for me. Who dare to die? We dare to lend something to others. We dare to help people. But who dare to go that far, even to the point of death? Holy Spirit, removes this deception of fear off us, so we will finally see this bold love, this fearless love, this love which dares to die---something no one will do except Christ.

This love is our greatest protection and shield. Let us put off fear guard and put on the SHIELD OF LOVE. We will not be afraid of hurts because Christ’ love is the thickest armor protecting us. We do not need to defend ourselves when someone challenges us because Christ is our advocate. He is our judge and He will judge all men. We do not need to get angry to act tough because love is not easily angered. A heart of love can turn anger away and that anger is melted away by the POWER OF LOVE. Satan can throw fiery darts at us all he wants. But surely, nothing can separate us from the LOVE OF CHRIST---absolutely nothing. This love protects us from all dangers or hardships. Because of this love, our garments will not be burnt even when we are thrown to the lion’s den. Because of this love, Steven can say Father, forgive them, for what they do, they do not understand.

We do not really understand the meaning of sacrifice. Let me give you a scenario. For example, we ordered a nice meal at the restaurant. The meal comes and we are about to enjoy. Suddenly, someone comes in and tells you he is very hungry. Unwillingly, you sacrifice your nice meal and offer it to him. This is just an example of minor sacrifice. What did Christ actually do for us? He has loved us so much to give Himself up for us all as an offering and a sacrifice to God, for a sweet smelling aroma.(Eph 5:2) Until we understand Christ’ sacrifice for us, we still do not know love. Satan has no love. Satan is extremely upset that Christ will love us to the utmost. Satan is selfish while Christ is selfless. Sacrifice is not only a cost, but also a PAIN. We feel painful inside when we have to sacrifice our valuables. Christ endured this pain of sacrifice because of His unspeakable love for us.

Some act angry or tough all the time and thinking that anger is a power. Others perceive hatred as power. Some act angry or upset in unfair situations to show people they are not weak. However, anger, hatred, offence or raising our voices are neither the demonstrations of power, nor the exercising of authority. All these are destructive emotions. Fear, anger, hatred, easily offended attitudes are WEAKNESSES. We are getting weaker and weaker as we dwell and meditate on fear, anger, and unforgivness. On the contrary, only one element is power. That is LOVE. Among the three things Paul talked about, the greatest of these is LOVE. More love, more power. Love is the strongest force to uphold you. Love never fails. Love can face an angry person and not feeling afraid. Love can talk to a proud person and not being intimidated. REAL COURAGE comes from a heart of love, which is rooted and grounded in Christ’ love. And this love surpasses all knowledge. When our hearts are established in this love which knows no width, no depth, no height, how can we be afraid any more? Our hearts become as bold as a lion. Springing from this heart of endless love, we are able to speak the truth in love, to those who are rebellious and stubborn. The spirit of love is equal to the spirit of power and the spirit of sound mind. The more love you have, the more POWER and THE PRESENCE OF GOD will back you up.

On the other hand, we do not have the spirit of sound mind if we do not have the spirit of love. Do not speak when you are anger or upset. Those are not heavenly wisdom but are earthy, sensual and demonic. When our hearts are full of bitter envy and self-seeking, we better keep quiet. Otherwise, we will bring more confusion to the situations. Only when we are filled with the spirit of love, we will have the spirit of sound mind to speak wisdom that comes from above. This wisdom is pure, peaceful, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. A person who is filled with the spirit of love is a peacemaker who bears the fruits of righteousness.

To conclude, as we meditate on Father’s perfect love everyday, we are eating, swallowing and digesting this love. We live in the blessings of love and we will start to renew our mind and expect good things to come to us. We will no longer fear because God loves us, His nature is love and a loving Father will ONLY give His children good gifts. Fear is exiting the program of our thought patterns and we will soon know nothing except LOVE.

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