Friday, June 26, 2009

What Happens in Revival

What Happens in Revival

Elvis Iverson

This is the new apostolic age of revival, this is an age of revivals, not only revival, instead many revivals, revival is not coming to a few, revival is coming to many and all, revival may begin with revivalists, but revival will flow among the common people of God, revival will be common, and revival will become a way of life.

What happens in revival? What is real revival? What is genuine revival? In this new season the Holy Spirit is speaking to His apostles and prophets about revival, and we need to hear what the Lord is saying through His apostles and prophets, for everything that the Lord does first begins with His Holy Apostles and Prophets.

We must change our minds, renew our minds so that the Lord can change our hearts and renew our hearts. Repentance can bring revival, but not always revival comes by repentance, only a few times revival will come through repentance, but repentance always follows revival and always happens during true revival. –(Matt. 4:17)

When revival comes there will be and will happen during revival and will follow revival is times of repentance, times of refreshing, times of restoration and times of progression. –(Acts 3:19-21)

When revival comes, or during revival, or following revival there will be an outpouring of prophesy, visions, and dreams. An outpouring of angelic hosts, signs, wonders, healings, and miracles will happen during revival. –(Acts 2:17-18)

When revival comes, or during revival, or that which shall follow revival; the works of the devil of are destiny in revival, for when revival comes the Son of God manifest through the manifestation of the Holy Spirit and the works of the devil are destroy. –(1Jn. 3:8)

When revival comes, or during revival, or that which shall follow in revival; the manifestation of the Holy Spirit and the Gifts of the Spirit, and the profit of all in Christ shall come, and the edification of the Church. –(1 Cor. 12:7, 14:12)

When revival comes, or during revival, or that which shall follow in revival; the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire, we are led through revival, the Lord speaks through revival; revival is a sign that God is moving. During revival the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire will come. –(Ex. 13:21-22)

When revival comes, or during revival, or that which shall follow in revival; The Lord comes in revival, the Lord ministers in revival, during revival the Lord will minister and man will not minister. Revival is more the ministry of the Lord then of the people. –(2 Chron. 5:11-14, 6:1-2)

The Church is the City of God, the name of the City of God is the Lord of Revival, one of the names of the Church is the Lord is revival, the name of the city church is the Lord of Revival, the Lord is the Lord of revival. Revival is not coming to a church; revival is coming to the city church, and revival is coming to the Church, the City of God. –(Ezek. 48:35)

Apostles and Prophets laid the foundations for the third reformation, and reformation laid the foundations for revival, apostles and prophets are foundational, revelatory, impartation, reformation, revival, social transformation and harvest ministry. They are the foundation of the Church, the foundation of the City of God, foundation of the City Church. Ephesians 2:19-22 is the application of revival.

The Lord needs a dwelling place for revival to rest and live among us, revival comes by the Blood of Christ, and a dwelling place and by the foundation of apostles and prophets, and prayer. The Lord’s will is for the church to be full of revivals, and to overflow with revivals. –(Eph. 5:26-27)

Come up Here, the will of the Lord is for us to have revival as the Church and on a persona level, and the calling of revival is upon us, and the door of revival has already been open to us. –(Rev. 4:1)

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