Vision of Hell and Vision of the Third Heaven
Elvis Iverson
Vision of Hell
Elvis Iverson
September 29, 2008
These prophetic visions are a series of prophetic messages called eternal visions, they are of eternal nature, future, beyond the end times, even today, some are symbols, some are as they say, but all of the meanings of truth and life for every believer to receive the imparted prophetic vision with grace and truth.
Vision of Hell:
I see a vision and the Spirit of the Lord say come now I will show you Hell. Do not fear Hell instead fear God!
I see the gates of hell, the angels of the Lord are guarding the gates of Hell to keep the demons in Hell. Hell was made for demons, fallen angels, it is not their home, and hell is a prison for demons and those who do not know Christ.
There is division of angels giving command over hell it is called hell duty. Hell is very real indeed, if you don’t know Christ give your life to Him and serve Him the entire days of your life.
Hell is filled with many pits of fire; this fire is so hot and at the same time so cold. Very hot, very cold. Now I see a vision of angel blowing a trumpet, he says this trumpet is blowing all the time; it is the words spoken to all who are in the prison of hell. What are these words? He says these words are the four gospels.
I then seen a huge pit with many pits, I seen an angel standing guard over this huge pit. He says this pit is for those who heard the gospel and never repented of their sins.
Now I seen another Hugh pit of many pits, what is this pit I ask an angel who was guarding this pit. These are all those who have the blood of the saints upon their hands.
Now I see another huge pit of many pits, then the angel standing watch over this pit said this is the pit for those who have the blood of Jews upon their hands.
Yes there were many more huge pits of many pits with angels standing guard over them.
Now an angel brought to the gate of Hell and I see many coming into Hell.
First I saw many who said they were Christians, but did not know Christ and were not Born Again.
Second I saw many coming from the nation of India, then an angel said soon this will change the number coming from India will decrease, and so there will be great decreases of people from India going to hell.
Third I saw many going from hell from Africa, but it all begin to change and very little numbers were going to hell from Africa.
Fourth I saw many people from the Middle East going to hell, an angel said it would take some time to change this report. Much suffering will have to happen and much changes will have to happen, if the saints will pray more, then the time of change will come.
Sixth I see many from China going to hell, then I seen many changes happen in China, so there were fewer and fewer numbers going to hell from China.
Seventh I see many from Europe going to hell, an angel said the plans have already been set to change this.
Eight I see many from America going to Hell, then holy changes came, then an angel said to me soon much change will happen and then the day will come very soon and only a few amount will go to hell from America.
Now an angel came and said this is why the children of God must pray for harvests of souls all over the world.
Now I see a tunnel going downer into hell, I see other kinds of pits and I see more angels guarding these pits. I seen another angel blowing a trumpet all the times, the angel said this trumpet blows the visions of the Presence of the Lord, the Third Heaven, and the sins that these demons and fallen angels have committed.
This tunnel led to more tunnels of deep fire that brings great suffering to demons and fallen angels.
I see pits of demons, and pits of fallen angels, and I see much suffering coming to them day and night.
Now an angel said demons and fallen angels will have much, great, deep suffering and pain in hell.
Now I see a vision of many demons being cast into hell, and I see fallen angels being cast into hell.
An angel then said to me the times are coming that great numbers of demons will be cast into hell. There number will increase, and increase, huge massive numbers will be cast into hell, and that is just the beginning.
Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Vision of the Third Heaven
Elvis Iverson
July 5, 2008
These prophetic visions are a series of prophetic messages called eternal visions, they are of eternal nature, future, beyond the end times, even today, some are symbols, some are as they say, but all of the meanings of truth and life for every believer to receive the imparted prophetic vision with grace and truth.
Vision of the Third Heaven:
In a vision I see Heaven, the Third Heaven. Heaven is a realm of glory where God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit reign from over the whole earth, and all things. This is the Kingdom of Heaven, where God rules over all things from, heaven is real, only those who are born of the Spirit may enter into, Heaven is a place where those who are Born Again go to after they have pass away, God made Heaven for Himself, and He made the Earth for man, after the resurrection of the dead and the Return of Christ, believers in heaven will return to the earth, for this is God’s will for man, however man will be free to visit and enjoy heaven at any time, they will be able to travel from earth to heaven anytime they want to visit, there home will be earth.
Those who are born again, born of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit dwells in them, for this reason their hearts are the Throne Room, and at the same place the Throne Room is in the Third Heaven these are same Throne Room, for man is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. However, heaven is a real place, and those who are born again will live in heaven after they die, until the return of Christ.
I see before me a gate into heaven, I see walls all around heaven. These is an angel standing at each gate, outside this gate is a map sign post of heaven, there are planets in heaven, heaven increasing every day, heaven is very huge that can fit anything into heaven. The gates of heaven are open and they never shut day or night.
I walk pass this gate into heaven I see streets of gold, with names like joy, praise, hope, and love. I see a fellowship center, where many people coming every day to fellowship and talk about the things of the Lord, I walk up to this table of fellowship, I see a great spiritual leader in history comes up to me, he is one of the reformers in the church history, and then I see apostle Paul, they begun to share about progress work of the church in the earth.
Now I see Abraham and a man of God in history who was an apostle of faith, they came up to me and share about the hall of faith, and brought me there, based on Hebrews 11: Hall of Faith. I went into the Hall of Faith and they share more about faith.
Now Apostle John, and four men of God came up, who were leaders of Divine Healing in Church History, they tool me to a house, a great house of healing, and they share with me about healing and I can see body parts ready to come to earth.
Now Solomon and a three great man of God, who were leaders of prayer, came by and brought me to a garden of wisdom. Share with me the application of wisdom.
David and a wonderful worship leader came by and they took me to a place where I see many worshipers and worship leaders worshiping the Lord and writing songs.
Moses and two great men of God came by, one of them was a writer and the other was a great faith preacher and healer, and they took me to a great liberty of books. I seen books that were already written, and I then seen many books that were not written yet. Moses said revelation would increase, and the more revelation increase, the more revelation will increase.
Then I see the crystal sea, I could walk upon this water, and I could swim in this water, and I could dance upon this water, and I danced for hours upon the crystal sea.
I see mansions, many mansions, and streets filled with mansions on each side, and now I look and see John the Baptist, and Elijah, and fire revivalists in church history and they share with me about the coming revivals that are coming, and how they are a whole new thing that the Lord is doing in the Church.
Now I came to a great house, this is the house of intercessions, and I enter into this house, and I see the prayers of believers being gathering into bowls of mercy, and I see clouds coming by and filling with the water that comes from these bowls of grace and mercy, then the clouds will go and rain upon the earth, an outpouring of prayer fulfillment.
Now I come to another great house, the house of prophecy, as I entered into this great house, I could see the prophecies beige gather together from all over the earth, by angels, then come through this great house of prophecy, into this process of anointing, then release upon angels to come to pass in the earth, this is outpouring of prophetic fulfillment.
After all these things, an angel comes to me, saying come now with me to the Palace of the Throne Room. I see outside a river of life flows forth to the church around the world, and see on ether side trees of life, and now I enter into the Palace, I hear sounds of worship, prayer, prophecy, council within this grand Palace of glory, I came to the center of the Palace, and see the Throne Room, I see the seraphim worshiping the Lord day and night, and I see the cherubim standing guard.
I see the Seven Lamps of fire burning before the Throne of the Father and the Christ, the Seven Lamps of Fire is the Throne of the Holy Spirit. The Father’s Throne is the Throne of Mercy, and Christ’s Throne is the Throne of Grace, and the Throne of the Holy Spirit is in our hearts, it is the Throne of Love, The Holy Spirit’s Throne is the Seven Lamps of Fire and the Throne of Love, they are the same thing, the Throne Room in Heaven and the Throne Room in your heart are the same placed, The Throne Room in Heaven is real, Heaven is a real place.
Now I see the Throne of Christ, Christ is seated at the Right Hand of the Father, He prays for us and makes intercession for us; He is our Chief Apostle, High Priest, Intercessor, Mediator, Advocate, and Great Shepherd of the Sheep.
Wow, I see the Throne of God the Father, there is light, glory upon and around Him; He says I release my love upon the earth, and I have already release my faith and hope, now I will release the fullness of the Gifts of the Spirit, and the Seven Spirits of God.
Wow, I then have a vision as I am before the Father and the Christ, I have a vision of the Eyes of the Father, I don’t see His face, but I see His Eyes, and there is an impartation that comes forth from His eyes, and enters into my eyes as I look into His eyes and as He looks into my eyes.
The Father says the day will come that all the sons of God will stand before me, and I will show them my face, but that is an appointed day in time, and no man knows that day or hour.
Furthermore, I hear these words; the fullness of the Spirit, Fullness of Christ and the fullness of the Father will come into the heart of the believer and the whole church, in the time of the fullness of glory.
Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Labels: Elvis Iverson, Heaven, hell, Supplication International Ministries
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