Friday, October 16, 2009

Continuity of Organism

Continuity of Organism

Elvis Iverson

We have already enter into reformation, to the degree of reformation is the degree of revival that will come, this reformation is laying the foundation for revival, many revivals, lasting revivals, radical revivals, extreme revivals, massive revivals, visitation revivals, and resting revivals, and the revival life, the church will never be without revival never again, there will never be a time without revival, never again, the life of the church will be revival, the life of the believer will be revival. –(Ezek. 48:35)

We have already begun in the first degree of reformation, the first degree of reformation is the degree of the lamb, and reformation is already coming as a lamb, then it will turn into a lion, and then run fast as a horse, and then fly supernaturally as an eagle, and then become like army of reformation. –(Heb. 9:10)

This is the third reformation, the new apostolic reformation, this is the reformation of the whole church, this is called the great reformation of the church, and this reformation will be radical, extreme, and massive. –(Heb. 12:25-29)

There needs to be a wineskin of lasting, resting, massive revival that can contain revival, and that revival can overflow upon cities and nations around the world. The church will become full of revivals, and the glory of the Lord and then overflow upon cities and nations around the world, and the world will begin to be filled with revivals and the glory of the Lord, the day will come that the church will be filled with revival and glory, and then the earth will be filled with revival and glory. –(LK. 5:36-39)

Reformation is laying the foundation for revival, social transformation and harvest. The ministry that the Lord gives me is a ministry of reformation, revival, social transformation and harvest. There are other kinds of divine movements, such as renew, restoration and then awaking, the greatest of these three is awaking, however revival is greater then all of these, and reformation is greater then restoration, and social transformation is greater then revival, for social reformation is both revival and reformation, and harvest follows reformation, revival, and social transformation. –(Acts 3:19-21)

The revelation of the City Church is be giving in this hour, there is only one city church in each city; there is only one church in a city, with many congregations. There are stages of maturity of the city church; the last stage is the mature city church, which is the unity of the faith and the end time church in the end times. Right now we are in the transition from the pastoral city church to the apostolic city church. –(Matt. 16:18-19)

It is the New Apostolic City Church that can contain the habitational revival, resting revival. The New Apostolic City church is a Horizontal Network of congregations and New Apostolic Congregations. Lead by territorial apostles and city church apostles who lead and coordinate the apostles and congregation’s senor leaders on a horizontal level. The New Apostolic City church has a New Apostolic City Church Center, a place for prayer, prophetic expression, and worship; this center is the place for resting revival to fill the city. –(Ezek. 40:1-48, Rev. 21:2,10,18)

The New Apostolic Congregation is a network of the church in the homes, with a center gathering place for fathering, mentoring, training and equipping. The leadership of a new apostolic congregation is a team of mature apostles, prophets, and teachers with a senior elder, who is an apostle that leads with vision and coordination. The leadership of the church in the home is pastors and evangelists who lead the church in the home with the coordination and community of the believers. –(1 Cor. 12:28, 14:26)

The Church in the home is first before the center, this is the place for community, this is the place where believers minister to one another, prophecy to one another, pray for one another, teach one another, and love one another. The Church in the Home is the 1 Cor. 14:26 home church.

The center of a new apostolic congregation, is the 1 Cor. 12:28 center or the APT center, this is the place for the ministry of apostles, prophets and teachers.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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