Petition, Prophecy and Proclamation
Elvis Iverson
Now it is time to have understanding of the working of togetherness of petition, prophecy, and proclamation, and there application of faith. –(1 Jn. 5:14-15, Ezek. 37, Job. 22:28)
There is a time for asking, a time of petition, you are to pray according to the Word of God, based your prayer request on the Word of God, and pray in faith, mix your prayer request with thanksgiving, then after you have pray the prayer of petition, enter into rest, do not be double minded, don’t speak any words that is against what you prayed for, don’t have an unbelief during the day. –(Phil. 4:4-9)
The first time you pray the prayer of petition your prayer is answered, but you may for a season have to keep praying the same prayer of petition, this is not for the reason that God don’t answered your prayer, instead to prepare the way for your prayer to come to pass. –(LK. 11:5-8, Eph. 6:18)
Remember if you come to the Throne Room by the Blood of Christ, the Lord always hears your prayers, but the answered of prayer is based on the Word of God, if your prayer of petition lines up with the Word of God, and your heart motive is pure, your prayer is answered. Now there is another side to this, all your needs, wants and prayers have already been giving through Christ, The Father gives your blessings to Christ, and in Christ you have your blessings. –(Eph. 1:3)
However, there is the answered of petition prayer, and then there is the coming to pass of petition prayer, this takes faith and patience. –(Heb. 6:12, MK. 11:22-24)
Unfortunately, there is another thing to understanding, there is the preparing the way, there are other things that you must deal with, there could be spiritual warfare, or things that must be broken off that is hindering the fulfillment of petition prayer, see God has always answered your petition prayer. –(Eph. 6:10,12,18)
After you have prayed a petition prayer for a time, you must trust the Lord and enter into rest. Lets hold fast to our petition prayer in hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful, you commit your petition prayer to the Father, and give thanks. –(Heb. 11:1,6,10:23)
There is the time pray petition prayer, then your come to prophecy, that the Lord will lead you from petition prayer to prophecy. After you have prayed petition prayer for a time, then begin to move in prophecy by the leading of the Lord, prophecy over your life, family, income, church, city, etc. This is not speaking words of faith; instead this is prophecy birth from much prayer over your life. –(1 Cor. 14:1-3)
After awhile from petition prayer to a time of prophecy over your life, now you come to a time of proclamation, you give proclamation according to the prophecy over your life, and the petition prayer, but proclamation is to be led by the Holy Spirit, He will give you the ideals and the words to write down in a proclamation, then you give proclamation in faith. –(MK. 11:22-24)
Moreover, you pray petition prayers, then your prophecy, and then you give proclamation!
An outline of petition prayer, prophecy and proclamation: 1.Enter into the Throne Room by the Blood of Christ. 2. A time of thanksgiving, praise, and worship. 3. A time of petition, supplication, intercession, and prayer. 4. Pray in the Spirit. 5. Prophecy. 6. The peace of God comes. 7. Give Proclamation. 8. Spiritual Warfare. 9. Give thanksgiving, praise and worship. 10. Cover your prayer in the Blood of Christ. 11. Trust the Lord. 12. Enter into Rest.
You go through the time of petition prayer, to the time of prophecy, then the time of proclamation, besides you can go through this prayer outline of petition, prophecy, and proclamation prayer, only do proclamation if you are led by the Holy Spirit.
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