Saturday, July 03, 2010

The Church in the Home

The Church in the Home

Elvis Iverson

This is the restoration of the church in the home, in the early church, the believers meet in homes, not for the reason that they could not meet in buildings, but meeting in homes is the will of God, for in the home there is love, and fellowship with one another. –(Acts 3:19-21)

The Church in the home is more biblical then the so-called local church. The church in the home is first before meeting in a building. Christ wants to restore the fellowship of the home in the Church life. –(Acts 2:42,46)

Biblical fellowship is based in the church in the home; you cannot have a true application of biblical fellowship within a building. The building is based on the division between believer and minister, there should be no division between the believer and the minister, yes there are ministers, and leaders, but we are all called to a ministry in Christ. We are to build relationships with one another; we are to fellowship with one another, and we are to build fellowship, a building limits one another fellowship. –(1 Jn. 1:7)

The application of one another is best apply in the church in the home, love one another is best apply in the home, it is hard to build love and build relationship, and to build fellowship in the limited local church. –(JN. 13:34-35)

Every believer is to flow in ministry, every believer has some kind of ministry, and every believer is to flow in the Gifts of the Spirit and prophecy, every believer has a spiritual gift, and every believer is to pray for one another and to minister to one another. This can only have application in the church in the home. The church in the home is the beginning of the believer ministry. The application of the priesthood of the believer can only begin to be applied in the church in the home. –(1 Pet. 2:5-9,4:10-11)

The application of new apostolic fellowship as the early church flowed in it can only again can be apply in the church in the home. If we have the application of new apostolic fellowship then we will have the manifestation of new apostolic power. –(Acts 2:40-27)

What is the application of the church in the home: They came together in homes, and eat together, fellowship, share testimonies, prayer, sing songs, teach one another, and hear a sermon of the pastoral ministry, and then have one another ministry. –(Acts 2:42)

The leadership of the Home church was: the ministry of the pastor is in the home, and the ministry of the evangelist was in the home and connected to the church in the home, it was a team ministry of pastoral care, the leadership was corporate, cooperation, and coordinating. –(Rom. 16:3-16)

There was a center, this was for the ministry of the apostle, prophet, teacher, and this was the threefold eldership, the leading and mature apostle lead the team of elders, this center was for the equipping of the saints, meat of the Word, fathering, mentoring and training of the believer and those called into Five-Fold Ministry. However, the church in the home was first, and the center was second in order, and the eldership overseen the whole group of home churches and the center. –(1 Cor. 12:28)

Beyond this there is the city church, the regional church, the national church and the global church, and new apostolic networks. –(Psa 133)
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