Envision the Bliss of God
Elvis Iverson
December 11, 2010
In a vision I see an envision world of the supernatural that is always in the heat of Christ in the order of the Written Word of God, and the natural of Christ, and according to the Will of God, and witness of the Holy Spirit.
First I see in this world of Supernatural a land called Radical Bliss, and in this land they had to follow the divine order of bliss.
I see apostles and prophets, and believers flow and dwell in the presence of the Bliss of God; I see the bliss gifts of God. I see many angels around and within this land of bliss, I see rivers of bliss that flow out of this land.
Now I see a land called prophetic union. I see apostles, and prophets and believers flow and dwell in this land. I see angels around and in this holy land. I see the common prophetic every where, I see the raw prophetic in the meetings of the prophets and apostles, I see the communion prophetic growing and increase in the hearts of believers in many places, I see the deep prophetic begin flow in certain places and many gather there, I see the ecstatic prophetic break forth in three years at a time, and then again, and again, and then in some places always. I see ecstatic arise within and upon gathering of people in many places for seasons at times, and some always. Then I see prophetic union arise and increase in number and in following, and faithful company.
Now I see a land of healing, I see healing of the sick, casting out of demons, and raising the dead, and I see this in many places, and all over the earth, I see this every day. I see apostles, I see prophets and I see believers in the land of healing, and I see many angels.
Now I see a land of the gifts of the Spirit, I see gifts of Spirit flow as nine rivers throughout the church among many people. I see great leaders arise moving strong in all nine, and I see others strong in one, or some, I see believers all over flowing the gifts of Spirit like running water. I see many angels among them all.
Now I see a land called signs and wonders, and I see a land called the signs of the apostles, and I see a land called signs, and I see a land called prophecy, visions and dreams. I see a land called miracles.
I see a place where all these lands will come together in Word, in Fruit, in Order, in Fellowship. This is a place of teaching and impartation. I see an angel and he says God is Most Awesome.
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Labels: Elvis Iverson, prophecy, Supplication International Ministries, visions and dreams
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