Thursday, December 30, 2010

Times of Resolution and Action

Times of Resolution and Action

Elvis Iverson

There are times of resolution and action, and there are times of waiting and patience, but in times of resolution and action we move in faith and patience. –(Heb. 6:12)

It is not a time to react, we can react all the time, but what we need is proper action led by much prayer and anointing. If we seek first our Lord and His Kingdom, we will have proper action and doors of favor and opportunity. –(Matt. 6:33)

If we have to react, lets react in love, and in the peace of God, not in fear or angry, instead in the fruits of the Spirit. Yes we must be bold, and speak the truth, at the same time speak the truth in love. –(Eph. 4:15)

Apart from that, you have prayed and prayed, you have sown much seeds in prayer, there is time for prayer and then there is a time for resolution, and we are coming to that time of resolution. –(Gal. 6:7-9)

If you have been faithful in prayer, to pray with thanksgiving, now you will be ready for the times of resolution, that are coming upon us from the Holy Spirit. –(LK. 18:1-8)

Likewise, you have prophecy, prophecy, prayed over those prophetic words for long times, but now the times of resolution, and the times of apostolic affirmation, prophets bring prophesy destiny and apostles bring apostolic affirmation, which are times of resolution. –(Rev. 10:6)

You have been found faithful in prayer, faithful in prophecy, faithful in fasting, now the times of resolution are coming, some plant, some water, but God gives the increase. We plant seeds of faith in prayer, we plant seeds of faith in prophecy, and we water them with much prayer, but now God will give the increase, for the times of resolution are coming. –(1 Cor. 3:6-8)

Times of resolution must be led by the Holy Spirit, done in faith, in the peace of God, and with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. There is anointing of apostolic resolution coming upon the church in these coming seasons, and they have already begun. –(Rev. 3:7-8,20,4:1)

We are to pray for times of resolution to come, times of action, times of faith action, times of apostolic affirmation, and times of apostolic resolution, and times of prophetic fulfillment, and times of prayer fulfillment. We are to pray for open doors, open doors of opportunity, open doors of favor, open doors of prophetic fulfillment, and prayer fulfillment, and when you see those doors open, move in faith and the peace of God. –(Col. 4:3, 1 Cor. 16:9, Jam. 1:22-25, 2:14-26)

The times of opportunity, resolution, favor, apostolic affirmation, apostolic resolution, prophetic fulfillment, prayer fulfillment, and faith action will come upon us, overtake us, and seek us out, these are the blessings of the Lord. –(Ezek. 34:26)

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