Monday, April 11, 2011

Enter into the Divine Rest of ministry

Enter into the Divine Rest of ministry

Elvis Iverson
December 25, 2010

I since a strong, powerful, weight, and liberty presence of God filling our lives around the earth, this is a new day for ministry, this is a new day for the church, this is a new day for the believer, it is not going to be the same as last years, this is a new year, a new day, a new time, a new decade, a new age of the presence of God.

I hear a voice saying; enter into rest and I shall fulfill all things, enter into rest and I shall fulfill all prophecy, and enter into to rest and I shall fulfill all your prayers. You are not to carry any burden, you are of the labor of rest, and you are my partner in harvest. You will work with me in all things that I have said to you. Many things are about to happen. You must follow the labor of rest when doing my works and my will; this is how I do things. You must apply the rest of the Lord to ministry, work, and life. You must by grace, only by grace apply the Sabbath principle and the Jubilee principle to ministry and life.

I since a great peace coming, it is great peace that the Lord has giving as a gift of grace. I since a great rest coming that this too is a gift of grace. It is easy to plant churches, it is easy to plant mega churches, it is easy to plant networks, and it is easy to oversee the massive gathering of the faithful. It will be also easy to raise the dead, to fly in the Spirit, to go from one place to another by the Spirit, to heal the masses, and to win massive numbers to Christ.

We are the vessels of grace, it is His who will raise the dead, and He will raise massive numbers from the dead, He will heal massive numbers, He will win massive number, He will plant massive networks, He will plant massive churches, He will set free massive numbers. Yes in His grace, peace and rest.

I since the presence of God over the future, and the future is no longer the future, it is now and today, this is the moment. No longer will you not see signs and wonders, no longer will you not see great signs and great wonders, you will see them everyday.

It is God who will help you, it is God who will make everything easy, and smooth, it is God who will bring forth His will in your life. It will be easy to have massive amounts of wealth and to have a river of great wealth.

I since great peace, great rest, great grace, great power, great favor, great wealth and great signs and great wonders. All doors that you have prayed for are open, and the blessings shall come to you in this moment, it is all grace, for your union is with Christ by the Cross, by the Blood of Christ and By His grace. You have entered into a mystical union, and mystical ministry of the supernatural of Christ. As you enter into rest, rest enters into you!

I see a vision of great peace filling cities and churches all over the earth, in America, in India, in Russia, in Africa, in Center America and South America, and in Europe. I see great rest filling the church around the world. Now I hear these words enter now into the divine labor of divine rest and the ministry of great signs, great wonders, great deeds, great power, great miracles, and great speaking of river of life and Word.

I see churches open up all over the earth, I see cities open up all over the earth, I see city churches open up all over the earth, I see nations open up all over the earth, I see people groups open up all over the earth, I see the hearts of many massive number open up all over the earth.

Now I see massive outpourings of angelic hosts for many years, generations, and decades now and to come.

I see a vision of a great congregation with great doors open wide with a great number of believers, I see their hearts open wide, this is the moment of the open door, this is the day of the open door.

Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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