The Coming New Apostolic Wineskins
Elvis Iverson
October 8, 2011
I see a vision of arising new apostolic wineskins. I see reformation coming to the church in time, and see arising of the new apostolic wineskins. Then see the reformation come more extreme throughout the church, but there is a time between reformation, and when it becoming more extreme, and in that time the new apostolic wineskins are raise up and mature awhile.
I see an angel come out of the Third Heaven blowing the winds of life, winds of love, winds of rest; winds of peace and out of those winds came new apostolic home churches. I first see thousands of these home churches, and then I see thousands upon thousands of these home churches. But in time we will see millions of these kind of home church, and in time will see billions of these kinds of home churches. I see revival in the home church; I see manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit in the home church.
I see an angel come from the third heaven blowing the winds of love, winds of revelation, winds of power, winds of anointing, winds of signs and wonders, winds of vision and out of these winds came the new apostolic congregations, they came out of new apostolic home churches, for a network of home churches were a congregation with a center where apostles, prophets, and teachers minister day and night.
I see an angel come from the third heaven blowing the winds of revelation, winds of grace, winds of covenant, winds of order, winds of anointing, winds of vision out of these came apostolic vertical networks.
I see an angel come from the third heaven blowing the winds of unity, winds of love, winds of common ground, winds of compassion, winds of order, winds of vision and out of these winds came apostolic horizontal networks.
I see an angel come from the third heaven blowing the winds of unity, winds of oneness, winds of common ground, winds of order, winds of anointing, winds of prayer, winds of worship, winds of vision and out of these winds came the new apostolic city church.
I see a vision of angels coming from the Throne Room in the Third Heaven, with the new apostolic wines filling the new apostolic wineskins. They will hold all the wine; this was a great day of rejoicing in the Lord. But first the wineskins were anointing with oil then fill with water and then after that fill with wine. The oil is the Holy Spirit, the water is the Word.
Now I see wines coming:
First wines are Word Revelation and prophetic revelation.
Second wines are holy drunkenness, prophetic manifestations.
Third wines are signs and wonders.
Fourth wines are revivals.
Fifth wines are evangelism and outreach.
Sixth wines are love, compassion, mercy, and love feasts.
Seventh wines are love, unity, order, vision, wisdom, worship, and prayer, soaking presence.
I see a vision of these new apostolic wineskins arising filling with new apostolic wines, I see the church being drunk with these wines, then I see the earth coming to drink and we taking the drink of these wines to the earth and they becoming drunk on the Lord. I see many Holy Drunk times coming to the Church, and I see then many holy drunk times coming to the earth.
Copyright © 2011 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Labels: Elvis Iverson, new apostolic reformation, new apostolic wineskins, prophecy, Supplication International Ministries
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