Friday, June 05, 2015

Mercy on our times

Mercy on our times Elvis Iverson July 24, 2013 In a vision I see a fallen eagle, this fallen eagle is a wonderful eagle, she has walk in unity with the Father, through much suffering, trails, and witchcraft she could not overcome at that time, waves of trails, waves of warfare, waves of witchcraft come against her, finally she became first broken in trust and faith, then broken in mind. The warriors of peace came to war to set her free, they won battles, then came the three worst battles, the first one almost destroy her, but the warriors of peace won the battle, even Michael the archangel was sent to fight the battles of her mind, the first time they won the battle, the second time they won the battle, but she was not fully restored, then came the third battle and that battle she turned against the warriors of peace, and she fall as a broken eagle. Is this her destiny? No! God is the God of mercy, then I see a vision of the Throne Room, I hear a voice say what is the state of this eagle of mine, then I heard the warriors of peace come before the Throne Room of God, have mercy on her, set her free, restore her. I hear a voice from the Throne Room say I am doing a work in her; I will lead her out of the darkness of her mind, for it is all a lie. The truth will come to her; the Holy Spirit will teach her truth and freedom. This eagle will fly again, this eagle will fly high again, she has a ministry of freedom and she is a warrior in these coming days, she will minister freedom to many. I speak peace, peace, freedom, freedom, restoration, restoration, love, love, joy and joy! Now I see a vision this eagle is free in mind and free in heart, she arise to set and heal many, and teach many on warfare. I hear a voice say to those who have fallen, there is hope, you are still in my hand, and I love you, and I have a future of hope for you, arise in truth, arise in peace, arise in grace and fly high in me, for this is my will. Copyright © 2013 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved


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