Friday, June 26, 2015
The Birth of the Future of the Church
Elvis Iverson
July 24, 2013
In a vision I see many clouds gathering together throughout the earth over the Bride of Christ, I see an massive outpouring of angelic hosts, I see the rains of the Spirit upon the church, and I see waves of the spirit coming one after the other, some waves came together, some waves came more than once, and there were times that there were many waves coming upon the church all over the earth.
This is the time when there will be more than a few happens of the Spirit, there will be many happenings of Spirit some on a global level, some on a national level, some on a zone level, some on a regional level, and some on a city level.
Then there will be many happenings of the Spirit that I could hear the voice of many believers say great is our God, and greatly to be praise His Name.
I see an outpouring of new apostolic wineskins all over the earth, I see an outpouring of new apostolic wines upon the new apostolic wineskins, and an unity came among them, a unity of the prophetic, a unity of the apostolic, a unity of compassion, a unity of prayer.
I see an outpouring of home churches, I see outpourings of home churches, I see a great outpouring of home churches, I see outpourings of home churches, I see a massive outpouring of home churches, and I see massive outpourings of home churches, that no one could number them, that no one could manage them, only you could watch from a distant, with thankfulness.
There came unity of vision, a unity of the apostolic, a unity of the prophetic, a unity of compassion, and a unity of prayer among them. From unity and love of these many home churches came rivers of the Spirit that flow between each other, that flow unto many cities and many nations, and all cities and all nations.
I see the harvest of souls coming, I see many harvests of souls, I see great harvests of souls, I see many harvests of souls, I see massive harvests of souls, I see many massive harvests of souls, and I see harvest upon harvest of souls.
I see arise the new apostolic city church a union of apostles and prophets and apostolic congregations, these new apostolic city church centers were outreaches to the city and to the church.
I see revivals coming from the West and the South, I see revivals coming from the north and the east, and I see revivals come from the north, south, east, and the west.
I hear a voice say the church shall have many revivals, shall be fat with many revivals, and shall be full of many revivals, and shall overflow with many revivals.
I see the City Church arise in every city, I see the regional church arise in every city, I see the state church arise in every state, I see the national church arise in every nation, I see the zone church arise in every zone, and I see the global church arise globally.
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