Friday, June 05, 2015
New Wine of Grace
Elvis Iverson
July 24, 2013
I see a vision of the Throne Room of God, I see a glass of wine this glass of wine is the gospel of grace. I see in time this new wine of grace will mature, I see this glass of wine filled with ice, and this is the Spirit. I see angels flow throughout the Church shouting grace and Spirit, grace and Spirit, grace and Spirit.
I see from this glass of wine flows a great river of grace and power, I see the doors of the church open in many cities and many come to the church, I see the back door of the church open in many cities, and many return to the Lord.
I see the camps of grace increase around the earth 10 times, 10 times, 10 times, 10 times. I see the wine of grace mature in time, but will not take long, then this wine of grace pours upon the whole church.
From grace came freedom and many overcome and are healed from the past, and many will walk in freedom in all areas of life.
From grace comes power I see signs and wonders, gifts of the Spirit, flow around the church.
From grace comes love I see forgiveness of one another, and love one another.
From grace comes holiness I see freedom from sin, power over sin, and healing of our inner cities. From grace comes harvest I see many souls coming into the church. From grace comes unity there will come a greater unity in the church. From grace comes revival, there will come revivals that will not stop, revivals go from revival to revival, we will see many revivals.
From grace comes favor, we will arise in our communities, in our cities and in our nation and change the world.
Now I see this glass of new wine of grace, I hear God the Father say come and drink and become drunk on the wine of grace; this wine of grace marks a new beginning.
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