Restoration of Kings
Elvis Iverson
The Church is the Priesthood of the Kingdom, the church is the ambassador of the Kingdom, and the Church is the Bride of Christ; this is the purpose and function of the church, however the church is not a religion! –(1 Pet. 2:5,9)
The church begun as the Priesthood of the Kingdom, but after a time broken the bond, and become a religion, a kingdom it itself outside of the Kingdom of God. Although those reborn of the Spirit are apart of the Church and the church is apart of the Kingdom, there was no revelation of the Kingdom of God. –(2 Thess. 2:1-12)
Even today the understanding of the Kingdom of God is in the end times, and this misinformation is not truth. You cannot understand the end times until you have the revelation of the Kingdom of God. –(Matt. 13:45-46)
Nevertheless, the restoration of the Priesthood has already begun, the restoration the church, not only this is a restoration; instead it is the restoration and progression. Now in our time we have enter in the beginning of the end of the restoration of the Priesthood, and we are entering into the beginning of the restoration of the kings of the Kingdom. –(Acts 3:19-21)
With the restoration of the Kings of the Kingdom is coming the restoration of the revelation of the Kingdom of God. In our time we have enter into a reformation of the church, and the church will be set free from religion, and we will no longer be a religion, instead be restored to the Kingdom of God, becoming the Priesthood of the Kingdom of God again, and restore the bond that is to be in between the Church and the Kingdom. –(Matt. 13:45-46)
The Kingdom of God has already begun, the beginning of the Kingdom of God was when Christ was seated upon His Throne in the Third Heaven thus begun His reign and His Kingdom on the Earth. He reigns over the earth from heaven, and when He returns He will reign from the Earth over Heaven. The Kingdom of God is increasing throughout time beginning when He ascended and was seated upon His Throne. The Kingdom is Increasing through the outpourings of the Holy Spirit, through the faith of believers, and the Kingdom of God will come in it’s fullness at the return of Christ, the end times is the beginning of the fullness of the Kingdom of God, and the kings of the Kingdom, and at Christ returns, the fullness of the Kingdom of God will come. –(Isa. 9:6-7)
The End times, it the time of the beginning of fullness of the Kingdom, and the kings of Kingdom of God, and the time of the glorious Church of Christ, and the union of Israel and the Church. –(Heb. 6:12)
The Church is the emissary of the Kingdom of God on earth, the church is the city of God on the earth, and the church is the center and heart of the Kingdom of God on earth. The Kingdom of God is in our hearts through the Holy Spirit, and through faith we will manifest the Kingdom of God in our cities and nations around the world. –(LK. 17:21)
In our time we have enter into the beginning of the end of restoration of the Priesthood of the Kingdom, and we have begun the beginning of the restoration of the kings of the Kingdom of God! –(Acts 3:19-21)
The Ministry of Christ, the ministry of the grace of Christ, the ministry of the five-fold ministry is to equipped the saints for the work of the ministry, they are to equipped the saints for the Priesthood ministry of the Kingdom of God, and if we do this then unity will come, maturity will come, holiness will come, glory will come, and fullness will come. –(Eph. 4:11-16, 5:26-27)
The Ministry of the apostle is to train, equip, and raise up the Kings of the Kingdom of God, we have enter into beginning of the restoration of the kings of the Kingdom, the apostles have a holy calling and a holy function from Christ, which is to raise up the kings of the Kingdom of God. –(Matt. 4:17,19, 10:7-8, 24:14)
Apostles and prophets both are to prepare the way for the restoration of the Kings, the revelation of the kings, and beginning of the fullness of the Kingdom that will come in the future, in the end times, the end times is the beginning of fullness of the Kings and the Kingdom, and glorious end time church. However, today is the beginning of the restoration of the Kings of the Kingdom of God, and the restoration of the revelation the Kingdom of God. –(Eph. 3:5)
The Apostles are the ones called and ordain by Christ, for Christ in His first coming rise up apostles first to rise up the kings of the Kingdom of God, although this calling and commission is still unfulfilled, in our time will began the apostolic work of the apostles raising up the kings of the Kingdom. –(Matt. 9:37-38,10:1,7-8)
Our Lord Jesus Christ came in the first time to lay the foundation of the Kingdom of God, to seek for His bride, and to prepare for the beginning of the Kingdom, which begun when He rose, ascended, and was seated upon His Throne, thus begun the Kingdom of God on earth. Jesus Christ is the foundation of the Church and the Kingdom of God, Jesus Christ is the Rock of the Kingdom, and the city of God is built upon the Rock of Christ, the Rock is the Kingdom of God, the city is the Church, the bride of Christ. On the contrary, now in our time we begin the restoration of the Kings and the restoration of the revelation of the Kingdom of God. –(Matt. 13:45-46)
Yes the Kingdom of God has increase throughout the world, but now after the Church is restored to the Kingdom, the bond between the Church and Kingdom is realign, there will come great increase of the Kingdom throughout the world, and if the Kingdom increase the Church will increase too. If there is great increase for the Kingdom, there is great increase for the church, for the church is apart of the Kingdom. This increase of the Church and of the Kingdom will increase will continue, as a river of increase and the Church and the Kingdom will increase in great ways beginning in our time, and then beyond our time, and even in the end times. –(Isa. 9:6-7, Acts 5:14)
The believers are both priest and kings in Christ; however first the believer must equipped as a priest, then the believer can be raise up to be a king, although we are priest and king in the now. The only thing is that we don’t have the application of the priest or the application of the king; therefore the restoration of the kings is a restoration of the application of kings. –(1 Pet. 2:5,9, Rev. 1:5-6,5:9-10)
Furthermore, It is the kings of the Kingdom, that shall bring social transformation to many cities, and many nations, and all cities and nations, and the world, it is the kings that shall be the leaders of restoration and progression to the nations to obey and follow Christ in them, and through the hearts of the Kings shall come revival and social transformation and bring the healing of the nations. –(LK. 19:11-27)
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Labels: Elvis Iverson, Kingdom of God, Marketplace Church, new apostolic congregation, new apostolic reformation, Supplication International Ministry
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