Visions of the End Times part four
Elvis Iverson
August 18, 2007
In a vision I see revivals coming out from the church has an army of revivals to the nations and cities around the world. I see written upon the earth these words: the glory of the Lord fills the earth” In the church the church is full of church, the church will be filled with glory, however the church will always fill with glory, even through is has come to fullness, there is an filling of glory coming for the glory of the Lord always increase. As the glory fills the church, the glory overflow unto cities and nations around the world, and world fill with glory. Even if the world becomes full of glory, there will always be filling of Glory for the glory always increases.
I see a vision of an angel standing at the seat of a government speaking, guiding and giving wisdom to a head of state. This leader of that nation can see and hear this angel. Now I see a vision of angels or a few angels standing before a company of statement, giving them wisdom, anointing, grace, mercy, and helping to aid them in their government and nation. This will be a wonder in many nations in the end times.
I see a vision of the capital of a nation, I see hovering revival over the seat of government. This hovering is mercy and wisdom raining upon them. What the leaders of nations need much more is wisdom in how to lead and what to do.
I see a vision of an angel among a city council, they can see the angel with their eyes, and this angel gives them wisdom in how to lead and how to deal.
I see a vision of global business and I see an angel speaking to the head of a company, and an angel speaking to the board guiding them with wisdom and ideals.
I see a vision of farms and ranches, and I see angels ministering anointing and guiding the working and owners, and some see these angels.
I see believers praying over a river, and anointing hovering cloud comes upon this river, and this river begins to be healed, and likewise this happens in other areas such has the healing the land.
I see government leaders and statesmen gathering from nations around the world to speak and work things out, I see believers praying In a room under them, I see a hovering anointing comes upon this international statesmen gathering, and wisdom, ideals, mercy, peace, grace is rain upon them, and they are anointed. There will come an yearly anointed time, when leaders from around the world will gathering to be anointed to govern and deal with their own governments.
Now I see a vision of angels, anointings and graces come upon people to lead them in ideals that help make life better for all. I see the tech world lead by many Spirit lead visionary people
coming up with new ideals. Likewise I see this happening in every area of walk and life for the glory of Christ.
What is being seen here will begin more and more, beginning in our time, and increasing throughout time, and coming to greater increase of these things, and in the end times great increase of these things that will be an wellsprings of anointing and grace.
Notwithstanding, I see a vision of the arising kings of the Kingdom that shall begin to arise in our time, and minister the Kingdom throughout time beginning with our time, and in the end times will be beginning of the fullness of the ministry of the kings of the Kingdom, and beginning of fullness of the Kingdom of God.
I see the ministry of kings of the Kingdom in every walk and life of mankind around the world in every nation, in every city; you will see kings ministering the Kingdom of God.
Our Lord Jesus Christ will gather all thing in the church, then the church will gather all things in this world, and for the kings of His Kingdom will gather all things in this world, and He will gather all His Kings, and He will return, the fullness of the Kingdom of God, the Fullness of glory, fullness of light, fullness of peace, fullness of life, fullness of the Bride, and the beginning of eternal revival.
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Labels: Elvis Iverson, End Times, prophecy, Supplication International Ministry
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