Average Christian
Elvis Iverson
An average Christian is one who know Christ, goes to church service on Sunday morning, and maybe a weekday church service, and they give to their church often, and maybe pray a few minutes a day, and will try to be a witness for Christ. –(Jude 12)
What we think is an average Christian will change, what we think is church will change, what we think is church life will change, and what we think is the Christian life will change! For the face of the whole church will change in one generation! –(Heb. 9:10)
The Christian life will be the revival life, all believers will have revival, and this will be common and average. All believers will have the common power of God, and this will be common and average. All believers will move in spiritual gifts and have gifts of the Spirit, and this will be common, and average. All believers will be ministers of the work of the ministry, and this will be common and average. –(MK. 16:15-18)
The average Christian will be rising up as a priest in the church, they will be persons of prayer, and of the power of God, and the average Christian will be raise up as a king in the Kingdom ministering in the world around them, they move forth, they walk forth, they will take hold of the world around them, and change the world. –(1 Pet. 2:5,9)
The average Christian will prophecy, have vision and see dreams, they will flow in the common prophetic river that is giving to all believers in Christ. –(Acts 2:17-18)
The average Christian will flow in the power of God and flow in supernatural signs, they will flow in the common power of God, the believers will become supernatural again in the Holy Spirit. –(MK. 16:17-18)
The average Christian will know the Bible for them, they will know the Word, and they will know how to apply the Word to the world around them. –(Deut. 6:1-9)
The average Christian will know how to pray, will be a person of prayer, they may not pray for hours, instead they will know how to pray, they will be faithful in prayer, they will love to pray, they will seek the Lord faithfully, and they will pray at least an hour. –(1 Tim. 2:1)
The average Christian today will not be the average Christian tomorrow; the average Christian today will look like a weak believer, or a backslider. The spiritual leadership today will not be the spiritual leadership of tomorrow. The tomorrow-average Christian will be as the spiritual leadership today, and the spiritual leadership of tomorrow will be advance. The eminent spiritual leadership of today in our nation, and in our cities, tomorrow the advance spiritual leader will be eminent, and the spiritual leadership that stands out from among them as their role models and mentors will be super supernatural spiritual leaders. –(Eph. 4:11-12)
Everything you know of Church is changing; do not built on those things that will no longer be apart of the basic patterns of church, instead see by revelation and the prophetic and begin to build by grace and the leading of the Holy Spirit. –(1 Cor. 3:10)
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