Friday, February 08, 2008

The Ephesians Vision part two

The Ephesians Vision part two

Elvis Iverson
August 25, 2007

In a vision I see pillars of clouds and pillars of fire, I see a great number of angels standing around me, I sense the winds of the Holy Spirit, the winds of heaven, the winds of the Kingdom, and the winds of change blowing in our time. I since extreme movements of the Holy Spirit upon us, and the clouds before me our unfolding over the church around the world. Then I see a prophet walk from out of the background of the clouds of revival, glory, and grace. The prophet says to us, do you believe what the Lord has said, does the Lord need to speak again to you, do you not hear what He has said, have you not receive all His words giving to you. The Lord will confirm these words two more times from two other prophets, and then these words will stand throughout time, all these words will come to pass, and these words will be in the hearts of many around the world, for the Holy Spirit has confirm these words, for the council of the Lord stands. This vision of this prophet is a prophet from the future in a vision giving by the Holy Spirit to us now.

Now the Holy Spirit says I love to speak to those who have hearing ears and even seeing eyes, I have said these things to you, for you have faith, the faith that I am looking for in this time and the time beyond you.

Apart from that, I see the working of the Lord throughout the church around the world, to establish the foundations of apostles and prophets and to establish apostles and prophets, for they are the foundation. The Lord will build His house, the Lord will raise up His house, first and foremost He will build up the foundations of apostles and prophets, He will raise up apostles and prophets all over the world, for they are the foundations of His house.

In addition, the church shall arise around the world in every city and in every nation as the city of God, for the house of the Lord is the city of God around the world, the church is the city of God built upon the rock of Christ, which is the Kingdom of God.

Moreover, the Lord says to His prophets prophesy to the north, south, east and the west, prophesy to the nations around the world, prophesy to the cities around the world, and prophesy to the church around the world, this is a time to prophesy, then the time of the winds of life will come to the church around the world.

Besides, the winds of life will blow upon the prophetic words released and planted in cities, nations and the church around the world. The winds of life will blow upon His people in all nations and in all cities. The time of watering the prophecies will be fulfilled, and then the time of increase will come, which is the time of fullness and fulfillment, prophetic fulfillment.

Notwithstanding, the church will no longer be hinder from restoration and progression, for as the times of restoration has come upon the church, the times of restoration will come upon the world, has the times of progression comes upon the church, the times of progression will come upon the world, for the church shall lead the world in restoration and progression.

However, hear the voice of joy, voice of gladness, voice of the Bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, and voice of those who are saying, “Praise the LORD of Hosts, for the LORD is good, for His mercy endures forever”.

Nevertheless, the Lord stands with His rod, with the shepherd’s rod, He is standing at the door, calling by His two silver trumpets, His sheep to come through the door and pass under His rod.

On the contrary, He will build His house; He will rise up His house in every city and in every nation around the world, through the outpourings and movements of the Holy Spirit.

By contrast, the outpourings and the movements of the Holy Spirit will never end, although certain moments of the Holy Spirit will come to an end, and new movements of the Holy Spirit will begin, we will never be without an outpouring or movement of the Holy Spirit.

Unfortunately, even when Christ returns again He will bring with Him, eternal revival. Eternal revival will begin, and never end, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit will never end too.

Notwithstanding, the Church will always increase, there is no end to the increase of the Church, and Kingdom of God will always increase and there is no end to the increase of the Kingdom of God.

Furthermore, the Lord will raise up the Church around the world, He will raise up the church in every city around the world, He will raise up the church in every nation, no longer the growth of His Church shall be hold back in cities and nations around the world, He will raise up His Bride in authority and power in all cities and all nations around the world. The church shall no longer be under the foot of any government, or any religion, for the church is the city of the center of the Kingdom of God in the earth, the gates of hell, the gates of darkness will come down, the walls of division will come down, the kingdom of darkness in decrease, instead the gates of the Kingdom of God, the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven, and the gates of the church shall arise, and the gates of praise shall arise and walls of salvation shall be built around the world. And the Kingdom of Light will increase and fill the earth. The kingdom of darkness will no longer stand against the church, His servants the apostles and the prophets, His city church, and His believers in all nations and in all cities.

Conclusion, The church will be rising up in every city, in every nation around the world, the church shall arise as the city of God in all cities, and the Bride of Christ shall arise in all nations and cities, and on the global level, the global church shall arise, the national church in every nation shall arise, the city church in every city shall arise, and the Lord shall build His Church, and shall build His house on the global level, city level, and national level, in the whole world, in every nation, and in every city.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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