Friday, July 17, 2009

Never To Be Without Revival

Never To Be Without Revival

Elvis Iverson

This is the New Apostolic Age of Revival. the restoration of revival has already begun, revival will become the way of life, revival will become the life of the church.

God the Father’s will is for the Church to never be without revival, never again, and we are in the time that revival is beginning to flow, we hear reports here and there, soon you shall hear reports of revival everywhere and soon you shall have revival. From this time forth the church will never again be without revival. The Lord’s will is for the church never to be without revival, and I believe a time is coming that revival will always happen and that we will never be without revival. –(Acts 2:17-18)

The Bible says the restoration of all things, this mean the restoration of the Church, restoration of the Apostles and Prophets, the restoration of signs and wonders, and restoration of revival however; the restoration of revival will be a restoration of greater revival and double portion of revival. –(Acts 3:19-21)

A day will come that the church will lack no spiritual gift, gifts of the Spirit, or the gift of revival, I believe revival is a gift from the Father to His children in Christ, and there is coming a day that the church will lack nothing. –(1 Cor. 1:7)

Apart of the destiny of the Church is the church shall be full of Glory, a glorious church. The church shall be full of revivals, overflowing with revivals, always having revivals. –(Eph. 5:27)

First the Church shall be filled with glory, filled with revivals, filled with overflowing revivals, filled with all revivals, then these revivals will begin to pour from the church upon cities and nations around the world, first the church shall be filled and full with glory and revivals, then the earth shall become filled and full with glory and revivals and this is the will of Christ. –(Num. 14:21)

Unfortunately, the reason why the church lacks revival or that revival comes to an end in a few months or a few years, and then we live life without revival for many years is that we don’t have the application of revival. And the application of revival is Ephesians 2:19-22)

Revivals of the past are not the revivals that are coming, yes we learn and were blessed by them, but the revivals that coming are revivals that not die, revivals that will continue, revivals that will go beyond the revivalist and beginning stages, and the revivals that are coming are more then one, are more then two, are more then a few, when one revival comes to an end another will begin, before one revival comes to an end another will begin, there will never again be a time between revivals without revivals.

The capstone revival has already begun this is the restoration of revival. This revival will prepare the way for the other revivals to come. –(Zech. 4)

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