Friday, July 03, 2009

Understanding the Angels of Revival

Understanding the Angels of Revival

Elvis Iverson

We have enter into the new apostolic age of revival, this is a word that the Holy Spirit spoke to me, there is not just a revival coming, or a last day revival, there are many revivals coming, great revivals, massive revivals, and lasting revivals, the church will never again be without revival. –(Acts 2:17-18)

With the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit, comes an outpouring of prophecy, visions, dreams, and signs and wonders, along with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit comes an outpouring of angelic hosts. An outpouring of angelic hosts is coming upon the church and we have enter into the age of angelic activity. There is coming an increase angelic activity and this increase will continue to increase and increase.

In additions, there is coming an outpouring of angels of revival, there are many kinds of holy angels, I believe there are angels who release revival to the church and to the world, and I believe there is an outpouring of revival angels throughout the church and the world in coming days.

There are angels of revivals that are visiting and releasing revivals; revival comes through revelation and prayer, application and angelic activity.

The Lord give me a vision of the angel of Awakening, this angel came and visited me and said He has come to release awakening in the Church. –(Zech 4:1)

Outpouring of Angelic Hosts March 14, 2008

I see visions of angles, I see dreams of angels pouring like spring waters upon the hearts of believers throughout the world. I see moving clouds throughout the earth, hovering over cities and nations, and communities of believers.

I see angels of divine healing come like running rivers of the Spirit upon the community of believers from city to city, from nation to nation.

I see angels of signs and wonders come like great winds of the Spirit, and winds of change upon the church around the world.

I see angels of wealth and finances minister to the church throughout the earth, and they ministered to the New Apostolic Church, the New Apostolic Congregations, the New Apostolic city church, and the compassion and mercy ministries throughout the church, and the church around the world.

I see angels of salvation ministering to many, upon many, and numbers continue increasing, they are ministering to those who will know Christ, and they bring dreams and visions, and angelic encounters to those who will know Christ.

I see angels of divine change, release throughout the church and ministering to nations and cities around the world.

I see angels of restoration send to minister to the church around the world. I see times of restoration and times of refreshing come to believers throughout the church around the world.

I see angels of fulfillment send to minister to many believers; they come to bring prayer fulfillment and prophetic fulfillment to many who pray faithfully, and are dear to the Lord, for all in Christ are dear to the Lord.

I see angels of deliverance send to minister to the masses in the church around the world; these are times of great deliverance in the church.

I see angels of revelation send to anointed and pour oil upon the believers and their hearts in the church around the world.

I see angels of seasons come to bring the seasons and times of the favor of the Lord to the church around the world.

I see angels of release send to minister to many apostles, prophets, business kings, and divine destiny moments.

I see angels of reconciliation send to minister to the church around the world.

I see angels of breakthroughs send to minister to believers in the church around the world.

I see angels of resolution ministering throughout the church around the world.

I see angels of harvest of souls, labors, spiritual sons/ daughters, and wealth release around the world to minister to the church.

I see angels of apostolic grace send to minister to the church around the world and the apostles.

I see angels of revival filled the church with revivals, ministering revivals in cities and nations around the world.

Furthermore, as I see these angelic hosts release from the Third Heaven, I see that they were only the beginning, they were send to prepare the way, for an even greater outpouring of angelic hosts, and I seen a great door beginning to open in Heaven.

Angelic Times August 10, 2008

I see a vision of a band of angels sent to America, the church in America, and in nations and cities around the world, and the church around the world.

The first angel I see is the angel of the threshing floors, this angel is sent to those who don’t receive the works and messages of the other angels in this band of angels. This angel is ether sent before these other angels or after them.

The second angel is the angel of awakening, he comes to open gates and doors to revivals and moves of God, and to awake God’s people to the will of God and the voice of the Holy Spirit, he comes with supernatural grace to be giving to those who awake so that they can walk with God in power and revival.

The third angel is the angel of supernatural signs and wonder; he comes to pour out such a degree of supernatural signs and wonders that no one can question these signs and wonders.

The fourth angel is the angel that brings an outpouring of prophecy, visions and dreams in such a way and in such wonder that people are change, and no one can question that they are from God, or that they are real.

The fifth angel is the angel of reformation, he comes to release and bring reformation to the point that major changes manifest and unfold.

The sixth angel is the angel that comes to pour out revivals, he comes with grace and revival, and that these revivals cannot be stop or hinder, they are overpowering and overflowing.

The seventh angel is the angel that comes with an outpouring of social transformations that continue to increase and grow to mature strength and wisdom.

The eighth angel is the angel that brings mass harvest, he release supernatural rivers and supernatural graces to harvest mass numbers, and much power comes with these releases.

The ninth angel is the angel that will bring waves of wealth into the church for the church and the Kingdom, will bring the rivers of wealth, flowing wealth to do the work of the Lord.

The tenth angel is the angel that will bring extreme favor to the church.

The eleventh angel is the angel that will bring restoration and healing to cities and regions, and nations.

The twelfth angel is the angel that is called the angel of the apostles; he will bring with him the raising, release, increase, growth, success, and fruitfulness of the ministry and the apostles.

Angel of Awaking June 21, 2008

In a vision I see a cloud filled my place, and smoke fills my home, and then I seen a angel appear in the cloud, and he comes up to me, and begins to speak, the first thing he says is grace, grace to you.

I am the angel of awaking, I have come to release the Capstone revival, and the beginning of all revivals, and this is a new day of revivals, the church need revelation to have revival. I speak grace, grace.

I have been to Lakeland Florida; I soon will go to other places in America and awaking revival, then I will go to other places around the world and awaking revival. I speak grace, grace.

I have come to awaking revival in your heart; I have come to awaking revival in the hearts of the believers. I speak grace, grace.

This is the beginning of the coming revivals; this is the beginning of great revivals. The Lord will fill the church full of revivals. I speak grace, grace.

Now I see a vision of America, I see a building arise, and I see the glory cloud enter into this building, the glory cloud came in, and no one could minister, only the cloud of glory could minister, this was the ministry of the Lord, this is revival beyond the revivalists. The angel of Awaking then said this will happen in America and other nations, I speak grace, grace.

Now the angel of awaking had a gift in his hands, he says this is revival, revival is a gift from God, and it is a free gift. I have come from the Father in the Third Heaven to bring you His gift for you and the church. I speak grace, grace.

The angel of awaking says this is only the beginning, the beginning of revival will be long, and so have patience and with grace you will flow in revival to revival. I speak grace, grace.

Now he says you will go from glory to glory, revival to revival, grace to grace, I speak glory, glory, I speak revival, revival, and I speak grace, grace.

Revival is the work of the Holy Spirit, revival is the will of God, revival is the Heart of the Father, and revival will flow like grace to your hearts around the world. I speak grace, grace.

He says the Lord hears the prayers for America, now hear comes the beginning of an outpouring of prayer fulfillment, and now begin an outpouring of prophetic fulfillment. I speak grace, grace.

Then the angel of awaking looked to east and to west and to the north and to the south and pointed his fingers, and said revival will come to the east and to the west and to the north and to the south. I speak grace, grace.

He says the Lord speaks in Revival, He speaks in His glory, when the glory cloud comes the Lord speaks, watch revival, watch revivals, for the Lord is speaking through them to the church, to you, and the world, hear the Lord says, and take heed, for the Lord says can you hear, he who has an ear hear what the Holy Spirit is saying through revival, for the Lord will speak through revival. I speak grace, grace.

The angel of awaking says watch revival, watch the capstone revival, watch revival around the world, for when revival comes the church moves forth, and the Lord moves forth, move with the Lord, follow the Lord, hear and see the leading of the Lord through revival. I speak grace, grace.

Angel of Awakening Coming to a City near you August 3, 2008

The angel of awakening, the awakening angel is coming to Omaha Nebraska USA, this is just the beginning, for the Lord will send the awakening angel to other cities and other nations, for this is the will of the Father. The Lord will send working angels ahead of the awakening angel, to prepare and build a dwelling place for the Lord of revival.

The first harvest is beginning, this is the first harvest for America in this holy new day, however there will be a second harvest that will bring in massive numbers, almost tuning the whole nation to God. What the Lord is doing in America is an example what He will do in many nations.

The fear of the Lord will come upon America, and spread across America, America will fill with great fear of the Lord. This will be a sign of many good things to come.

The Lord will fill America with the signs of the apostles, and the Lord will fill America with signs and wonders, this is a signs and wonders outpouring.

The Lord in His grace and Wisdom, by the Holy Spirit rising up new wineskins, and now the wine of revival will begin to pour and fill the new wineskins.

The Lord will heal this generation; He will give restoration and healing to all generation, in this generation of mercy. He will heal the church in America, He will heal America, and He will heal the cities of America.

The awakening time has come, the awakening revival has begun, and the Spirit of Awakening will sweep and spread across America, and cities and nations around the world.

Many souls will be saved in these few years, and the new wineskins shall arise in many cities and become full and overflowing with new wines, and the new wine of revival. However the second harvest will be greater, massive numbers, huge masses, and great numbers will be won.

I see a vision of an overflow cup of wine, this is the new wine of awakening, this is the awakening wine, it is now time to drink of the awakening wine, it is now time for each on of us to drink of the awakening wine, it is time to pour this wine upon the church.

An Angelic Meeting May 17, 2008

In a vision the place where I am in fills with cloud of the presence of the Lord, I then see angels talking with one another, an angelic meeting.

The angel of promise says the promises of prophecy and prayer is about to come forth.

The Angel called the minister of finances says there is going to be releases of great amounts of wealth, rivers of wealth that will not end.

The angel of the open door says The Lord is about to open up many doors, and many hearts around the world.

The angel of Omaha Nebraska saying Omaha is about to enter into a time of change and favor, a beginning of prophecies and prayers being fulfilled.

An angel of signs and wonders saying signs and wonders ministry is coming, signs and wonders will flow in Omaha and around the world.

Angels of the revivals saying revival will flow like a river, and testimonies of revival will begin to be reported from around the world.

An angel of harvest says harvest of souls; the Lord will increase the adding of souls in Omaha, and many cities and nations around the world.

The Angel of the Internet saying the Internet is about to come a place of favor for apostolic and prophetic ministry.

A healing angel saying there is about to be a healing river flowing throughout the church around the world.

An apostolic angel says there is going to be revelational ministry and a river of revelation, prophetic and apostolic is going to flow throughout the church around the world.

The angel of the Corporation Sole saying favor and wealth, and blessings are going to flow in Omaha and around the world.

A deliverance angel says a river of power, signs, wonders, mighty deeds, and casting out demons is to going to flow from Omaha to the church around the world.

I now see a strong angel come, he says you are right, and now we will witness the truth and faithfulness of the Lord, and the church and man will witness of the goodness and mercy of the Lord.

Now I hear the great voice of the Lord of Sabaoth, Lord of Hosts, our Lord Jesus Christ, what I prayed and what I have spoken will come to pass, who is great in the earth? The Hand of the Lord is great! The Hand of the Lord will raise up the servants of the Lord to do what I have giving them to do, the means and ways, now is the moment that destiny comes knocking, I love my church, I love my people, I love my servants, and I love their prayers, and hear them pray, and it is My Father’s good will to fulfill prayers and prophecy.

The Holy Spirit says these words are spoken to the church, the Lord speaks and the angels speak what the Lord gives them only, and the church will know the goodness and mercy of the Lord.

In this angelic vision I was in, an angelic meeting for the reasons for these prophetic words to be written and heard for the glory of Christ, it was an angelic meeting of the Lord and His prophets.

Angelic Revival May 17, 2008

I see a cloud coming arcos the earth, and from this cloud comes angelic outpourings.

Angels of Revival:

I see angels of revival come across America, releasing revival, these angels look like fire all over them, and I see these angels fly around the world ministering revival. I first see angels of revival visiting Singapore to release revival, and then I see angels of revival ministering revival in Japan. I see angels of revival ministering revival in Thailand. I see angels of revival ministering revival in Ukraine and Russia, I see angels of revival ministering revival in Haiti, Cuba, Jamaica, and Dominican Republic, and I see angels of revival ministering revival in Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, I see angels of revival ministering revival in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, I see angels of revival ministering revival in Canada, Netherlands, Norway, Finland, and Denmark.

Angelic Revival:

I see certain areas and certain places where I can hear the sound of rolling revival, and what I hear is the words of angelic revival. I look and I see India, in the southern part an angelic revival. I look in certain places in Africa and I see angelic revival. Now I look all across the church of America I see angelic revival.

City of Angels:

I see a vision of seven cities across the world, one in America, one in Europe, one in Africa, one in India, one in South America, one in Japan and then Singapore.

Angelic Centers:

I see a vision of certain churches, certain places, and certain meeting places these will be angelic centers, of angelic activities. I see one in America, in one in Australia, three in Europe, four in Africa, and more across the world.

Angelic Visitations:

There will be angelic visitations all over the world, and the city church and the church will be filled with angelic visitations.

Healing Angels:

There will be an increase of healing angel’s manifestations throughout the world; many will be healed giving glory to Christ.

Angels ministering to the lost:

There will be many testimonies of angels ministering to the lost in order to lead them to a believer, so that believers can lead them to Christ.

Angels dealing with governments:

You will hear the sound of angels dealing with governments sent by Christ and upon the prayers of believers.

Angels and the suffering Church:

Angels will begin increase manifestations and ministering to the church that is suffering in 50 nations around the world, dealing with those nations and governments.

Angels and the Middle East:

There will be increase and great outpourings of angels throughout the Land of Israel and upon the nations in the Middle East.

Angels and the Apostles and Prophets:

Angels will minister right side with apostles and prophets, apostles and prophets are angelic ministry carriers.

Angels and the City Church:

Angels will work, visit and minister to the city church and the work of the city church, and the unity of the city church, and the growth of the city church in the church around the world.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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