Friday, July 03, 2009

Times of Revival

Times of Revival

Elvis Iverson

You don’t need repentance for revival to come, I see people repenting of their sins all the time, and never no revival comes, yes there can be revival that comes by repentance, but it is very few times this will happen, revival comes for the reason of the Blood of Christ, and the application of the dwelling place. Yes when revival comes there will come much repentance. Yes we must not repent with legalism repentance, or condemnation repentance, we must repent with faith filled love repentance. –(Acts 3:19-21)

There need to be a change of mind, then there will come a change of heart, we need to renew our minds. If we will hear the Holy Spirit, and change our minds, and then our hearts will change, and we will have revival.

There will come an outpouring of times of refreshing, the church is to enter into these times of refreshing, and then there will come an outpouring of restoration of all things.

Times of refreshing and times of restoration, and times of revival come from the Presence of the Lord. This is why we must learn to practice the Presence of the Lord, the presence of the Lord will lead us to times of refreshing, restoration, and revival.

In the outpouring of the Holy Spirit there are times of refreshing, restoration and revival, and with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit there is prophecy, visions, dreams and angelic visitations and encounters. –(Acts 2:17-18)

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