Friday, October 23, 2009

Pastors and Evangelists

Pastors and Evangelists

Elvis Iverson

The New Apostolic Church will arise in every city and in every nation; the New Apostolic City Church will rise in many cities, and New Apostolic Congregations will arise in many cities throughout the world. –(Eph. 2:19-22)

The New Apostolic Congregation is a network of churches in your house with a center for the equipping of the saints. The center is the place for the ministry of the apostle, prophet, and teacher; the home church is the place for ministry of the pastor and evangelist. –(1 Cor. 12:28, Eph. 4:11, 1 Cor. 14:26)

The pastor ministry is in the home church; he or she provides pastoral care, and the evangelist connects with a home church to bring in the lost and then disciple them. –(Rom. 16:3-16, Acts 8:4-5)

The word pastor is only listed once in the Bible, the word evangelist is only listed three times in the Bible. Pastors are not the senior elders of a congregation, they are not the head of a congregation, they are not the visionary leader of a congregation, they are not the main ministry of the center, there ministry is not in the center, instead it is in the home, Pastors are not full time ministers, evangelists are not of the ministry of the center, they are not full time ministry, they are to work with the home church. –(Eph. 4:11, Acts 21:8, 2 Tim. 4:5)

In the home church the pastor or pastors provide pastoral care, they flow in the continuity of the church in the house, and the continuity of the one another ministry, they maintain the unity and continuity of the group, they work in the cooperation of the group, and they do coordinate the home church meetings, and host them, and they are coordinators of the group. But correspondence and communication with the whole group; Pastors will work as a team, with one leading them in the home church among them, and the pastors will be in fellowship and correspondence and communication with other pastors in other home churches, and they will willing submit to the oversight of the congregation elders. –(Acts 2:40-47)

An Evangelist will fellowship in one home church, and then work with at least six other home churches with correspondences with pastors and in connection with elders oversight, Evangelists will work together and be in fellowship, correspondence and communication with other Evangelists they will lead the lost to Christ, and they will be leaders of soul winners among the home churches, and they will plant the new born in Christ in a home church and disciple them. –(Prov. 11:30)

Evangelists will train and equip believers in how to win souls, plant them in a home church, and how to disciple the newborn. Pastors will train and equip beilevers in pastoral care and home church fellowship; both the pastors and evangelists will equip the believers in home church planting. Pastors are to train and mentor new pastors, and evangelists are to train and mentor new evangelists. –(Eph. 4:11-12)

Pastors and Evangelists are not full time ministry that has careers; there personal support to live on comes from their own strength, but from time to time the believers should honor them with gifts, etc for the labor of love they do. Pastors and Evangelists are to be ordained as ministers. –(1 Cor. 16:13-18)

Half of the ministers will not be in full time ministry, instead they will have a career that supports them and pays their personal and living costs, then most of the rest of ministers will have support from alternative financial support, only a very few will have full support for their living costs and personal costs, etc. Itinerant apostolic workers will have the full financial support that they need, most of these will be full time in ministry, and will not have a support of their own, so the financial support of the church is being free up to support more the itinerant apostolic workers. –(1 Cor. 9:1-18)

A congregation is a network of home churches; the eldership of the congregation is apostles, prophets, and teachers, among the elders cabinet, one of the apostles will be appoint to oversee the home church network, and among the council of elders there will be a leading apostle, the senior elder. –(1 Cor. 12:28, Acts 13:1-3)

How to plant churches in the Home:

1. An apostle first prays, plants a home church with already season believers, then trains pastors and evangelists, before moving forth the apostle calls a prophet to come for prophecy and ministry, an apostle does not move forth without a word from a prophet, then releases the new pastors and evangelists, and begins to plant new home churches, and then begins to setup the center.
2. Pastors and evangelists in a city already apart of a home church network, goes forth planting home churches together.
3. Pastors and evangelists are lead to another city under elders oversight to plant new homes churches.
4. Season members in a city already apart of a home church network, go forth together to plant another home church.
5. Members in another city, outside of a home church network wants to connect with a home church network, a new apostolic congregation, and then comes together to form a home church, etc.
6. Members sent from a new apostolic congregation to plant a home church that will lead to more homes churches and a new congregation.
7. The planting of home churches need to be under elders council’s oversight and apostolic oversight.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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