The Coming of the Third Great Awakening
Elvis Iverson
October 1, 2011
I see a vision of the Holy Spirit hovering over the earth, I see the earth cover with anointing of love, I see the earth cover with fire of relationship, I see the earth cover with light of Christ, I see the earth cover with power of signs and wonders, I see the earth cover with presence of God, I see the earth cover with glory of the Throne Room, I see the earth cover with the wine of God.
I hear a sound of trumpet throughout the church in every place; I hear the gathering of hearts in the Love of God, and gathering of minds in the peace of God.
I hear these words Awake! Awake! Awake! Awake! Awake! Awake! Awake!
I see great massive numbers of believers coming together and gathering in prayer and vision.
I hear a voice say hear what the Holy Spirit has to say to the churches.
I hear a voice say I have giving my people hearing ears to hear my voice and to know my voice.
I see these gatherings are above name, above group, above things that in the past was dear to there heart. The only thing that matter in these gatherings in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Church, the Freedom of the Holy Spirit, the Bible is the Word of God, and to love one another, and most of all to love the Lord, and most of all to receive His love.
I hear some say I will not go, I will not come, I will not hear, and I hear a voice say you will no longer be a leader or a voice in my house.
These gatherings are first gathering of heart, and gathering our hearts with the Lord’s heart, before a gathering of people, and gathering of the Lord’s heart with our hearts.
I hear a voice say hear what I have to say through my apostles and my prophets to the church.
I see a holy awakening come upon hearts of believers all over the earth. I see a holy awakening come upon many believers in many cities, and I see a holy awakening come upon many believers in many nations.
This is the beginning of the third great awakening, this great awakening is not just for America, it is a global awakening of the Church.
But I see the church of America awaken to God, and His Holy Word, and the Holy Spirit. I see all of the church of America open the door of great light.
I then see the awakening come upon America, and I hear many people say all over America; “God is Real, Jesus is Real, God is the Real and only true God, and Jesus is God”
I see the holy awakening upon the church globally, and in many nations and in many cities, and I see the holy awakening coming upon many nations and many cities around the world.
Now I hear these words:
Seek the Lord!
Seek His Face!
Seek the Lord!
Seek His presence!
Seek the Lord!
Pray this prayer:
Father I ask you to awaken me today, awaken me in heart, awaken me in mind, awaken me with the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God, awaken my ears to hear you, awaken my eyes to see you. Gather your heart to my heart, gather your mind to my mind, gather my heart and my mind to your heart and mind, and gathering my heart to the hearts of other believers, fill my heart and my life with holy fire, holy awaken, holy revival, holy wine, and fill me to overflow with your presence. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Father Now I pray for everyone who prayed this that prayer, awaken them, give them revival, help them drink of the wine of the Spirit, let them be drunk with Holy Spirit, give them revival, give them spiritual breakthroughs, and fill them to overflow with the presence of the Lord. We pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Copyright © 2011 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Labels: Elvis Iverson, prophecy, Supplication International Ministries
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