Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Meetings of Word and Spirit

The Meetings of Word and Spirit Elvis Iverson July 24, 2013 I see a vision of a cloud come down upon a group of grace, truth and Spirit. This group is a group of submitted apostles and prophets and from this cloud came anointing and favor upon this group called Alpha and Omega. From this cloud came a wind of grace and power. The first meetings were meetings of apostles doctrine, soaking presence, Word Knowledge, healing angels, angelic visitation. These meetings were in America and Philippines. The second meetings were meetings of signs and wonders, Word revelation, prophetic words, and signs and wonders, and the ministering angels. There meetings were in America, Philippines, and India. The third meetings were meetings of impartation, plantation, signs and wonders, teaching, prophecy, visions and ministering angels. These meetings were in America and Europe. The fourth meetings were meetings were soaking presence, angelic visitation, signs and wonders, teaching and visions. These meetings were in America, Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Fiji, and Taiwan. The fifth meetings were meetings of healing angels, ministering angels, angelic visitation, prophecy, visions, Words of Knowledge, teaching, and signs and wonders. These meetings were in Canada, America, Europe, and Israel. The sixth meetings were meetings of signs and wonders, holy drunkenness, teaching, prophecy, and angelic ministering. These meetings were in America and India. The seventh meetings were healing, signs and wonders, miracles, and soaking presence, and ministering angels, and teaching. These meetings were in America, Philippines, India, and Europe. I see at each of these meetings the winds of the Spirit came from the cloud, and there was the breaker anointing and signs and wonders!!! Copyright © 2013 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved


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