Thursday, July 02, 2015
The Future of America
Elvis Iverson
July 24, 2013
I see a vision from an outpouring of prayers of Jesus from the Right Hand of God the Father over America; it is the prayers of Jesus that shall change America. Then I see outpourings of angels and supernatural acts of God.
I see the meetings of Word and Spirit, and I see the wine of the Spirit, the wine of revival, the wine of signs and wonders, the wine of the prophetic, the wine of teaching, the wine of holy drunkenness. These meetings happen every year for some time.
Then I see a house built, where the believers from all over the nation and the earth come to hear the teaching of the apostles and prophets.
I see a river of signs and wonders flow throughout the church in America and the nation.
I see an outpouring of home churches, I see outpourings of upon outpouring of home churches, and I see great huge numbers of harvest of souls, I see harvest upon harvest, that could not number, that you could not be govern, that you could only watch and be thankful.
From this great number of home churches came rivers of life, rivers of signs and wonders, rivers of wine, rivers of healing, and rivers of revivals flow throughout the nation and the earth.
I see the arise of most holy zones in America, no one who is religious in their mind, in their group will not be allow to enter, only the humble in mind can come, only those groups that are humble in mind can come. I see the pure and undefiled religion will be birth in our hearts and manifest as a river of Word, Spirit, unity, and life.
I see waves of Word, wine, Spirit, love, and life will sweep across this nation many times. I see the restoration of many generations, and I see the restoration of generational blessings, and I see the restoration of fathers and mothers, I see the restoration of fathers, I see the restoration of family, and I see the restoration of love, mercy, and compassion.
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