Thursday, July 02, 2015
The Supernatural Grace of Harvest
Elvis Iverson
The supernatural grace of harvest is being release upon the church around the world; it is being release in great manifestations upon our cities and nations around the world.
In these days ten people will begin to come to each Christian in many cities and many nations. Ten heads of homes, ten leaders of tribes, ten leaders of society will come to each believe saying take me to your God, take me to the river of life, take me to the revival, take me to the manifestation of the presence of the Lord. Yes they will come to the believer who is called to do the work of the ministry, it is the everyday believer, and it is the common believer that they come to saying teach me the Word of God, tell me about Jesus, preach the Kingdom of God, I since the presence of the Lord upon you, I since the peace of God, I see the joy of the Lord, I see angels standing next to you, I feel the love of Christ in your heart. Ten persons each day will come to each believer, harvest is coming to a believer near you, or even you. –(Zech. 8:23)
Men and women of influence will come to you, business men and women will come to you, men and women of stature will come to you, from all cities and all nations many people of influence and wealth, and power will come to you to hear you pray, to hear you teach, to hear you preach, to hear you minister, and to witness the manifestation of the Spirit and the presence of the Lord. -(Isa. 45:14)
The Lord of Harvest will come upon the hearts of the masses, and release His angel of gathering, great numbers, and many will come from the north, south, east and west, and even the Lord will gather His skilled believers and anointed servants to come upon your congregation of the Spirit and manifestation of the Spirit and the presence of the Lord. Yes those called into ministry will come to the houses of the Spirit saying train us and mentor us apostles. –(Isa. 43:4-7)
The Lord is arising and building the city of God, the city of God is the Bride of Christ, is the church. The Lord will rise up the city of God in all cities around the world. The Lord will rise up the city church in many cities and then all cities. Then you will have the fruits, signs, wonders and manifestations, and blessings of Isaiah 60.
1.Gentiles, kings, sons, daughters, multitudes, all the flocks, rams, sons of foreigners, and kings will come to you.
2.The wealth of the gentiles, silver and gold, gold and incense, wealth of gentiles, procession from kings, milk of gentiles and the breast of kings shall come to you.
Who is the Lord of harvest? The Lord of harvest is the Holy Spirit. We are to pray for the rain of the Spirit, we are to pray for the seed of the Word to be planted in all hearts, we are to pray for labors to be rising up, we are to pray for support for the work of the Lord, we are to support the labors. We are to pray for the Harvest of souls in all cities and all nations. We are to prepare our congregations for the coming harvests of souls. –(Matt. 9:37-38)
Pray for the Rain of the Spirit over cities and nations around the World. –(Zech. 10:1)
Pray for the harvest of souls in cities and nations around the world. –(Matt. 9:37-38)
Pray for the Lord of Harvest to send labors into the harvest fields. –(Matt. 9:37-38)
Pray for the Lord to send the reaping and gathering angels to bring in the masses of souls in cities and nations around the world. –(Matt. 13:39)
Pray for the early and latter rain. –(Jam. 5:7)
See the vision of the harvest fields, and pray for them to become already white for harvest. –(Jn. 4:35-36)
Some plant, some water, but it is God who gives the increase. Pray for the labors to have unity, and pray for God to give increase. –(1 Cor. 3:5-8)
The supernatural grace of harvest is being release, and we will witness and enjoy the coming days of harvest, and we will have continued harvest of souls! We will hear in our cities three thousand souls be won to Christ and added to the church. We will see even five thousand souls being won and added to the church. Great increase will come to the church in cities and nations around the world, great numbers, great masses, massive numbers will be added to the church. This will not be a one time thing, instead a beginning of the river of continue harvest of souls. –(Acts 5:2:41, 4:4, 5:14, 6:7, 11:21, and 24)
The supernatural grace of harvest is being poured out upon our cities and nations around the world, we will see rivers of continue harvest of souls that will not end. The Lord will added to the church daily! –(Acts 2:47)
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