The Outpourings of the Seven Spirits of God
Elvis Iverson
October 8, 2011
I see an outpouring of angelic hosts, and from this outpouring came many outpourings of angelic hosts, and then I see a great outpouring of angelic hosts, and from that outpouring came a many great outpourings of angelic hosts.
I see a vision the church is the city of God that is built upon the Kingdom of God, I see the city of God arise in every city on earth, first I see the city of God arise in certain cities, then I see the city of God arise in many cities, then I see the city of God arise in more many cities, then more many cities, then more many cities, then more many cities, I keep on seeing this over and over, then the city of God arise in all cities.
I hear the Voice of the Son of God saying I will build My Church in All cities on earth, I will increase my Church in all cities on earth, there is no end to My Church, and there is no end to the increase of My Church.
Then I see a vision of the Kingdom of God arise, increase throughout the earth as the great mountain, there was no great mountain expect the Kingdom of God, all other mountain was subject and submitting to the Kingdom of God, and in time all kingdoms came apart of the Kingdom of God, expect certain mountains that was wicked and evil and unfruitful in the Fruits of the Spirit.
Out of the City of God came revivals, manifestations of the Spirits, rivers of revivals, signs and wonders, rivers of angelic hosts, and blessings. Out of the Kingdom of God came the outpourings of the Holy Spirit, social reformation, and social transformation, healing of the nations, and peace.
I see vision of the new apostolic wineskins arise in certain cities and nations, then in many cities and nations, then more many cities and nations, and I continue see this happen in many more cities and nations. I then see the new apostolic wines being pour upon each wineskin, and it was holding all the wine, this was a time of rejoicing in the Body of Christ. Then I see the wines of these wineskins begin bring holy drink to cities and nations making them holy drunk in the Lord. But first I see the church all over drinking first of the wines of these wineskins and becoming holy drunk in the Lord.
I see the new apostolic city church arise in certain cities and nation, then many cities and nations, then again many cities and nations, then I see this going on continue, then I see many more, many more, many more and then all cities and nations.
The New Apostolic City Church is the place of unity, the place of reformation, the place of revival, the place of social reformation, the place of social transformation, and the place of compassion.
I see a vision of the city of God; I see in the city the seven lamps of the seven Spirits of God burning before the Throne of God. I see first the Seven Spirits pour upon the Church, and then around the same time the Seven Spirits pour upon the earth, cities and nations.
I see the great awakening come to the Earth, awaken to the Knowledge of Christ, awaken to the Knowledge of God, awake to the Knowledge of the Kingdom of God, awaken to the workings and manifestations of the Holy Spirit and the outpourings of the Holy Spirit.
I see then the outpouring of the Spirit of Wisdom upon the earth, I see apostles, church apostles, marketplace apostles, and kings of the Kingdom, I see the apostles raising up the first waves of the kings of the Kingdom, I see the coming of the waves of kings of the Kingdom of God upon the seven mountains of society all over the earth. I see wave upon wave, wave upon wave, more waves upon waves, much more waves upon much more waves, then I see great waves come, I see great waves come, I see great waves come upon many great waves.
This will happen in a short time, and continue to happen from this turning point in history, this tipping point in history.
I see social reformations come to the seven mountains, I see social transformations coming to the seven mountains, I see waves of social reformations, and I see waves of social transformations. I see waves of social revolutions, the revolutions of love.
I see the outpouring of the Spirit of understanding upon the earth. I see networks of believers and kings in the seven mountains, I see the Church in the marketplace arise, I see the bridge between the church and marketplace fully establishes, I see the bridges of wealth establish between the church and the marketplace. I see we understand the markets and how to deal and change, and govern, I see we understand the heart and leading of the Lord in the seven mountains. I see the arise of new models of society on seven mountains.
I see the outpouring of Spirit of council upon the earth. I see Prophets minister on the seven mountains, I see prophets speaking in the cities and nations, and there words were gold. I see massive and extreme prayer movements and waves upon the seven mountains. I see we begin to hear the Lord and move in His ways and plans to help the earth and man to be restored and healed.
I see the outpouring of the Spirit of might upon the earth. I see breakthroughs, waves of breakthroughs; I see great breakthroughs, waves of great breakthroughs,
I see wealth, I see waves and rivers of wealth, I see waves and rivers of continue and lasting wealth, I see waves and rivers of great wealth. I see divine changes, I see great divine changes, I see waves of divine changes, and waves great divine changes, these changes are good news, goodness and mercy of the Lord.
I see the outpouring of the Spirit of knowledge upon the earth. I see knowledge from God come to move us forth, move to toward, advance mankind in many ways, I see the knowledge of Christ go to the cities ands nation around the earth, I see the knowledge of God go around the earth, I see waves of evangelism go many times around the earth.
I see the outpouring of the Fear of the LORD upon the earth. I see many revivals, many marketplace revivals, and many social transformations and many harvests of souls all over the earth.
I hear the Voice of the Son of God saying this is only the beginning of the new beginnings, this is only the beginnings of new things.
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Labels: Elvis Iverson, prophecy, Supplication International Ministries
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