Friday, June 27, 2008

Signs Prophet

Signs Prophet

Elvis Iverson

A prophet is one of the office and government ministries of the government of the church. To be a prophet you have to be giving the gift of a prophet, and as a young prophet matures they are release into the office of the prophet. –(Eph. 4:11, 1 Cor. 12:28)

Prophet moves in the prophetic anointing, they will be send to the church with a divine message from the Throne Room, they teach or preach with prophetic revelation from the Throne Room, and bring prophetic words and visions for seasons and hours we live in, and foresee the future. –(Amos 3:7-8)

A prophet has ether two of the revelation gifts of the Spirit, and one of the utterance gifts of the Spirit, or they ether have two of the utterance gifts of the Spirit and one of the revelation gifts of the Spirit. –(1 Cor. 12:8,10)

Again a prophet does not just prophecy or see visions they ether teach or preach with revelation of the Word of God from the Holy Spirit. –(1 Cor. 2:9,10,13)

Some prophets have the seeing eyes and some prophets have the hearing ear, and some have both however, all believers are to have visions, dreams and prophecy, with signs. –(Prov. 20:12, Acts 2:17-18, MK. 16:17-18)

There are some prophets that are called to be a signs prophet, they have a signs and wonders ministry along with their prophetic ministry, and not only they bring supernatural signs, there life is a divine message from the Lord, their life is a sign from the Lord. –(Ezek. 4:1-7, Psa. 74:9)

I believe today we will see a company of signs prophets arise in the church around the world, we have already seen forerunners of this however, now we will see a company of them come forth in the church. –(Rom. 15:4)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, June 20, 2008

Praying prayers for the Kingdom

Praying prayers for the Kingdom

Elvis Iverson

It is time to come to the knowledge and truth of the Kingdom of God. You must have a revelation of the Kingdom of God, for upon this revelation rests all hopes for our world today. We are to come to sound teaching of the Kingdom of God. The Four Gospels are the teachings of the Kingdom of God, and for the kings of the Kingdom, the workplace, and the secular society. –(Matt. 4:17)

Look into the Holy Scriptures and see kingdom prayers and begin to pray and apply them to other kingdom prayers that the Holy Spirit will lead you to pray, praying Kingdom prayers will lead to encounters of the Kingdom. –(Matt. 6:10)

Ask the Lord for a vision of the Kingdom of God, you must see the Kingdom of God for the Kingdom of God is in you, and through your hands you will see the Kingdom active in your life and city. –(Rom. 14:17)

Praying prayers for the Kingdom of God:

1. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in your city, nation and world.
2. Pray for the Kingdom to come in the Church in your city, and around the world, and in your local church.
3. Pray for the Kingdom to come in your Life.
4. Pray for the kings of the Kingdom to arise in every city, every nation, every place, and every kingdom.
5. Pray for apostles to rise up kings in every city and in every nation.
6. Pray for the Kingdom to manifestation in power, signs, wonders, demonstration, healing, deliverance, righteousness, peace, joy, preaching, and teaching in the Holy Spirit.
7. Pray for rivers, continuing rivers, revivals, outpourings, movements of Kingdom manifestation, and pray that there will be no end to these manifestations, instead will always increase.
8. Pray for social transformation to come to every city, every nation, every government, every area of mankind, and in every place.
9. Pray for massive social transformation to come to every city, every nation, every government, and every place, etc.
10. Pray for endless rivers of social transformation to come to every city, every nation, every government, and every place, etc.
11. Pray for the Kingdom of God to grow and increase in all cities, nations, governments, areas, and places, etc.
12. Pray for the Kingdom of God to become a great mountain above all other mountains.
13. Pray for the Church to arise as the city of God built upon the Kingdom of God in all places, etc.
14. Pray for all kingdoms to become the Kingdoms of Christ.
15. Pray for the kings of the Kingdom to posses all kingdoms for Christ.
16. Pray for revelation and vision of the Kingdom of God to be release in the hearts of all in the Body of Christ.
17. Pray for a mighty army and company of workplace believers to arise in every city, every nation, and every place.
18. Pray for a company of workplace apostles to arise in every city, every nation, and every place.
19. Pray for the wealth of the wicked to continue to flow as a river into the church, and city church, and to the hands of the apostles.
20. Pray for marketplace revival, transformation, and revolution to come to the saints in the workplace, the church in the workplace, and to the marketplace through the hands of believers in the workplace.

As you pray for the Kingdom of God, you will begun to experience the Kingdom of God in your life, as you pray for the Kingdom, the Kingdom will touch you, and as you pray for the Kingdom, you will move forth in the power and grace of the Kingdom of God. –(1 Cor. 4:20)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, June 13, 2008

Praying prayers for the End Times

Praying prayers for the End Times

Elvis Iverson

The End times are a time of victory, glory, revival, overcoming, fullness, unity, new beginnings, and the healing of the nations. –(Matt. 24:14)

The End time Church is one of glory, holiness, restored, and united church. This is why we must have a vision of the church in the end times, and vision of the end times. The Holy Spirit is speaking end time vision; it is a vision of faith and hope for those in Christ. –(Heb. 11:1)

What will aid us to stay in turned with the Holy Spirit about the End Times is by hearing what the Apostles and prophets are saying, and praying prayers for the end times, and having a more healthy teaching about the end times. –(Jn. 14:1)

Praying prayers for the End Times:

1. We pray for the fullness of the Kingdom of God in the End Times.
2. We pray for the fullness of unity for the Church in the End Times.
3. We pray for vision and revelation for the End Times.
4. We pray for the church to be full of glory in the End Times, the church shall be a glorious church in the End Times.
5. We pray for the fullness of the City Church in the End Times.
6. We pray for victorious living for all believers in the End Times.
7. We pray for victorious spiritual warfare for the church in the End Times.
8. Pray for victory for the church in the End Times, for the church in the End Times is victorious.
9. We pray for the unity of the Faith in the Church.
10. We pray for the unity of the Godhead in the Church.
11. We pray for the unity of the Spirit in the Church.
12. We pray for all of Israel will know the Lord.
13. We pray for oneness between the church and Israel.
14. We pray for revival for the Middle East in the End Times.
15. We pray for end time apostles for the End Time Church.
16. We pray for kings of the Kingdom to begin to come into their fullness in the End Times.
17. We pray for the Church to be full of revivals and glory in the End Times.
18. We pray for revivals to fill the earth and the earth to be full of the glory of the Lord, and the healing of the nations in the End Times.
19. We pray for many nations, many cities and many places to be massive social transformation.
20. Pray for end time harvest, end time harvests, massive harvests of souls and the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

When you pray these prayers for the End Times you heart will fill with hope, your mind will open to the visionary plans of the Lord, and a river of worship will begin to flow in your life, begin now as you pray, worship the Lord. –(Hab. 2:1)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, June 06, 2008

Praying prayers for the City Church

Praying prayers for the City Church

Elvis Iverson

Since 1991 I become a person of prayer and intercession, it was the Lord who placed a burden and passion for prayer, most of all I had a burden to pray for the nations, cities and people groups in addition, the Holy Spirit would give me teaching on prayer, etc. for the church. –(Isa. 62:6-7)

In 1993 the Lord give me a vision of a prayer ministry, and in 1999 I was lead to begin this prayer ministry, I believe it was to prepare a way for others, etc. the end of the last year this prayer ministry fulfilled its mission. During the time of this prayer ministry we prayed for nations, cities, and the body of Christ. –(1 Cor. 3:9)

I have always had a love for the church of the city, and the body of Christ and to see unity come to the church. When I moved to Omaha, Nebraska the Lord give me a vision of the city church, although I have already giving teachings on the city church, it was later when I heard of teachings of the city church from others, that ideals and seeds were planted in my heart, I believe this was a path that I was being led upon from step to step, then the Holy Spirit begun to teach me on the city church more. All of this led me to pray prayers of unity, and prayers for the body of Christ. –(Prov. 29:18)

I remember back a time age when I prayed to the Lord teach me about the future of the Church, and He has been teaching me ever since that time; therefore we must see the city church that is today, which is pastoral unity, then the next level that is coming which is apostolic unity, and the end time church; from all of this we are to pray prayers for the church, the city church and the Kingdom of God and all members in the Body of Christ. –(Jer. 33:3)

Praying prayers for the City Church:

1. Pray for the city church to arise in every city of every nation.
2. Pray for the city church to arise in unity, glory, power, anointing, signs, wonders, wisdom, prophetic, apostolic, revelation, authority, vision, and freedom.
3. Pray for city church unity to come to every city church.
4. Pray for apostolic unity to come to every city church.
5. Pray for unity to come among all congregations within every city of every nation.
6. Pray for territorial apostles and city church apostles to arise in every city church.
7. Pray for workplace apostles to arise in every city.
8. Pray for a pool of apostles to arise in every city.
9. Pray for a company of prophets to arise, and territorial prophets to arise in every city.
10. Pray for a company of intercessors to arise, and territorial intercessors to arise in every city.
11. Pray for city church networks to arise in every city.
12. Pray for city church centers to arise in every city.
13. Pray for the ministry to the poor and hurting to arise in every city.
14. Pray for a company of workplace believers to arise in every city.
15. Pray for revivals, massive revivals, and habitational revival to come to every city church.
16. Pray for revivals, massive revivals to come to every city.
17. Pray for reformation, and massive reformation to come to every city church.
18. Pray for social transformation, and massive social transformation to come to every city.
19. Pray for the mature city church, the fullness of the city, and every growth level of the city church, and pray the maturity of every level and growth of the city church.
20. Pray for vision and revelation of the city church to be release to all hearts in the body of Christ.
21. Pray for the national church to arise in every nation.
22. Pray for the national church to arise in revivals, reformation, unity, visions, dreams, signs, wonders, wisdom, revelation, vision, and blessings.
23. Pray for the global church to arise around the world.
24. Pray for the global church to arise in unity, power, grace, mercy, vision, revelation, prayer, networking, compassion, holiness, and glory.

I truly believe as we move forth in our time we will see the next level of city church, right now the Holy Spirit is speaking this now word to His apostles and prophets, and a prayer burden is being giving to us in order to pray for the city church of today, and the future. –(Est. 4:14-16)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Angelic Messengers

Angelic Messengers

Elvis Iverson
June 1, 2008


There is a beginning in our generation of increase angelic activity, for the Lord is pouring out an outpouring of angelic hosts, those who have study the Bible knows the truth about visions and angelic visitations. Yes we must test the spirits to see if they are from God, if they glorify Christ and submit to the authority of the Holy Scriptures, and bring liberty, and good fruits. However it is those who have wrong things in their hearts, and wrong beliefs that could be mislead by evil spirits. Every believer has the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit will guide us in all truth and bear witness of those spiritual things that are of Christ. –(Jn. 16:13-15,1 Jn. 4:4)

God’s will is for every believer to have prophecy, visions and dreams; the Bible says the outpouring of the Holy Spirit will begin with prophecy, visions, and dreams, if you have visions, you will have angelic encounters for the glory of Christ! –(Acts 2:17-18)

The Holy Spirit has shown me in visions, that there will be an increase of activity and increase of outpourings of angelic hosts. In this prophetic word is an angelic prophetic message that came from the Throne Room early this year, prophetic messages for the church. –(Rev. 1-4)

Preparing for Angelic Encounters:

We are to prepare for what the Lord is doing; angelic activity is the Lord’s doing and ministry to the church through the manifestations of the Holy Spirit. How does one prepare for angelic visitations and angelic encounters? –(1 Cor. 12:1,14:1,26)

1. Enter into the Throne Room by the Blood of Christ. –(Heb. 4:16, 10:19)
2. A revelation of the Throne Room. –(Rev. 4)
3. Praying the Word, pray in faith. –(Heb. 11:6, Psa. 103:20-21)
4. Prayer and Worship. –(Isa. 6)
5. Learn to hear the voice of the Lord. –(Jn. 10)
6. Pray to flow in prophecy, visions, and dreams. –(Acts 2:17-18)
7. Pray for the Spirit of Wisdom and the Spirit of Revelation, and pray for the Spirit of Prophecy. –(Eph. 1:17-18, Rev. 19:10)
8. Pray for an outpouring of angelic hosts. –(Heb. 1:7,14)
9. Seek those things above. –(Col. 3:1-2)
10. Seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness. –(Matt. 6:33, LK. 12:31)
11. Love the Lord, and keep His Word. –(Jn. 14:21,23)
12. Acts 10 Experience Applications.
13. Practice the presence of the Lord.
14. Pray in the Spirit. –(1 Cor. 14:2)

Discern angelic presence:

Yes we are to test every spirit to see if they are from God, and we are to know when angelic presences is near, and discern them according. –(1 Jn. 4:1-4, Heb. 13:2)


Enter into rest, and dwell in the peace of God, we are to learn to live in rest and peace, and then there are times that we must rest, every week, and then there are times when we are to rest in the presence of the Lord. Enter into the Throne Room by the Blood of Christ, and enter into rest, and in rest we are more open to spiritual things from the Throne Room. –(Heb. 3:19,4:10,Matt. 11:28-30)

Angelic Visitations and Angelic Encounters:

What are the reasons for angelic visitations and angelic encounters? These reasons will give you faith for visions of angelic encounters from the Holy Spirit, all angelic visitations and angelic encounters are only through the Holy Spirit. –(Acts 2:17-18)

1. Apostles and prophets will often have angelic visitations. –(Eph. 3:1-13)
2. Angels are sent to minister to and for the believers. –(Heb. 1:7,14)
3. Angelic visitations come with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. –(Acts 2:17-18)
4. We are labors and angels are reapers. –(Matt. 13:29,41. 9:37-38)
5. Angels are encamped around us. –(Psa. 34:7)
6. Angels guard us. –(Psa. 34:7, 91:11)
7. Angels bring messages from God. –(Acts 10)
8. Angels come with the Spirit of Wisdom and the Spirit of Revelation. –(Eph. 1:17-18)
9. Angels come with the Spirit of Prophecy. –(Rev. 19:10)
10. Angels are ministering during our worship services. –(Rev. 19:10)

Angelic Prophetic Message Part One:

In this angelic prophetic message seven or more angels come with prophetic messages from the Throne Room. –(January 13, 2008)

1. Outpouring of the Holy Spirit, gifts of the Spirit, visions, dreams, prophecy, signs, wonders, etc. great portions and extremes.
2. Revival, revival, revival, revival, reformation, extreme and massive, social transformation, social transformation, social transformation, harvest, times of Awe.
3. Seasons of blessings, revelation, prayer fulfillment, prophetic fulfillment, open heaven, open doors, season of blessings never end, be change, from season to season, season of grace.
4. Beginning days and times, reigns of apostles and prophets, new wineskins, mega churches, great apostles, great prophets.
5. The new apostolic church, city church, networks, all real.
6. Apostles, reformation-revivals always, apostolic revival, 100 years of apostolic revival, the whole church filled with apostolic revival, kinds of revivals, there are cloud revivals, church wide revivals, long revivals, pray for long revivals, never without revival.
7. Angelic ministry, Acts 10 Angelic outpouring, angelic visitations, angelic revivals, increase angelic outpouring upon the church.

Angelic Prophetic Message Part Two:

In this angelic prophetic message there are many angels come with prophetic messages from the Throne Room. –(January 19, 2008)

1. The message of reformation will go to the church around the world. The message of the city church will go to the church around the world. The message of the end times will go to the church around the world. The message of the Kingdom of God will go to the church around the world.
2. Angelic trumpets: first angel, angelic activity will increase around the world within 10 years. The 2nd angel, signs and wonders will increase around the world within 19 years. 3rd angel, dream encounters will increase around the world in the lives of unbelievers within 10 years. 4th angel, great leaders, great kings, great apostles, great prophets, great teachers, will increase within 10 years. 5h angel, great changes will come around the world within 10 years. Sixth angel, the church will become a mighty force to be dealt with within 10 years. Seventh angel, the truth about Christ will be so real around the world within 10 years.
3. Bowls of outpourings, the first angel says visions, dreams, and prophecy. Second angel says revival, moving of God, third angel say reformation, and progression. Fourth angel says, mercy and compassion. The fifth angel says worship and music. The sixth angel says freedom and liberty. The seventh angel says grace.
4. Seals opening: the first angel says wealth, second angel says apostles and apostolic church, third angel says marketplace apostles, fourth angel says new apostolic congregation, fifth angel says new apostolic city church, sixth angel says massive reformation, seventh angel says divine changes.
5. Prophets, city prophets, nation prophets, global prophets, marketplace prophets, prophets in teams, prophets with apostles, reformation, revival, social transformation, changes, coming fire, mercy, peace and signs.
6. Waves of apostolic grace: Abraham - fathering, new seed, new generation, birth new generation. Isaac – restoration of many generations, youth, children revivals, change, revival. Jacob – restore, angelic activity, prayer change things. Joseph – mercy, dreams, marketplace.
7. Num. 10, Acts 2 the Silver trumpets: 120 cities, revival, revelation, and restoration, witness.
8. Angels of His Presence.
9. The end of many groups, the beginning of many network groups, the beginning of many new houses of worship.

Angelic Prophetic Message Part Three:

In this angelic prophetic message there are ten angels who came with prophetic messages from the Throne Room. –(January 20, 2008)

The Time of reformation, massive reformation, the end of many groups, the end of the Christian religion, the end of clouds without rain, the end of many groups, the beginning of the arising new apostolic church, the new apostolic city church, the new apostolic congregations, the new apostolic networks, apostolic training centers, apostolic unity, apostolic revival, apostolic signs.
New Acts: coming church revival around the world.
India: revivals in India, shaking of government, reformation to the church, raising the dead, social transformation in five levels, great freedom and liberty,
China: over night divine change, many revivals, mass healing, mass prayer movement, movement of transformation.
Russia: Great healings, Great signs, Great wonders, and great numbers will be saved.
Nations next to Russia: revival!!!
Japan: Mega apostolic churches in major cities and other cities. The new Apostolic City Church in many cities, a great increase of souls, five great increases.
America: Massive reformation, the apostolic church arise, apostolic networks fill the nation, New Apostolic congregations, apostolic revival for 40 years. Apostolic revival life, apostolic revival river, and waves, establish for future generations. Outpouring of visions, dreams, prophecy, and angelic encounters. The new apostolic city church. Great unity, great wealth.

Angelic Prophetic Message Part Four:

In this angelic prophetic message there are five angels who came with prophetic messages from the Throne Room. –(January 20, 2008)

Angelic Prayer Directives:

1. Ask the Lord for rain in the times of rain. –(Zech. 10:1) Ask for revival, ask for signs and wonders, and ask for the supernatural.
2. Ask for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in visions, dreams and prophecy. –(Acts 2:17-18)
3. Ask for the Spirit of Wisdom and the Spirit of Revelation. –(Eph. 1:17-18)
4. Ask for the Spirit of Prophecy. –(Rev. 19:10)
5. Pray for the harvest and pray for the labors. –(Matt. 9:37-38)
6. Pray for the gifts of the Spirit, signs and wonders, etc. –(1 Cor. 1:7)
7. Pray for a people to come, pray for many peoples, sons and daughters to come. –(Isa. 43:4-7)
8. Pray for the Highway of salvation to the cities and nations. –(Isa. 40:8-12)
9. Pray for Isa. 60 for the church, city church, and the new apostolic congregation. –(Isa. 60)
10. Pray for the river of healing, the healing of the nations. –(Rev. 22:2, Ezek. 47)
11. Pray for the increase of the Kingdom of God. –(Isa. 9:6-7)
12. Pray for the arising city church. –(Matt. 16:18-19)
13. Pray for waves and rivers of wealth. –(Prov. 13:22, Isa. 60:5)
14. Pray for open doors ad open windows. –(1 Cor. 16:9)
15. Pray for great meetings, great gatherings, all over the world. –(Isa. 2:3)
16. Pray for the release of the reapers, ministers, fire, wind, and angelic outpouring. –(Matt. 13:39, Isa. 1:7, 14)
17. Pray for the freedom and liberty of the Church. –(Heb. 13:3)
18. Pray for all of Israel to be saved. –(Rom. 10:1)
19. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel. –(Psa. 122:6)
20. Pray for the church and Israel to be one in Christ.
21. Pray for the unity of the church. –(Jn. 17, Eph. 4)
22. Pray for the church to be a glorious church. –(Eph. 5:27)
23. Pray for reformation. –(Heb. 9:10)
24. Pray for times of refreshing, times of restoration of all things, and times of progression. –(Acts 3:19-21)
25. Pray for prayer fulfillment and prophetic fulfillment.

Angelic Prophetic Message Part Five:

In this angelic prophetic message there are 1,000’s of angels who came with prophetic messages from the Throne Room. –(January 21, 2008)

1. Priests and kings arise around the world, the church in the marketplace arises, and a new increase of the Kingdom is coming.
2. I will rise up my golden Lampstands from city to city across the world, and unite the church in every city.
3. Come up here, open heaven, the call to the Throne Room, I will fill the church full with Throne Room Encounters.
4. A call for much prayer, much fasting to fill and keep full the golden bowls of incense, these are the beginning days of golden bowls prayer watch.
5. I will rise up apostles, I will rise up apostolic city, the city of the apostles and city of revivals, they have been mark out and they have been set apart.
6. Angels. 1. Angels send for dreams, visions, understanding, wisdom, and interpretation of dreams, prophet. 2. Angels sent to the city of the apostles. 3. Angels sent to reap with the labors. 4. Angels sent with wealth. 5. Angels sent with revivals. 6. Angels sent with signs, healing, and wonders. 7. Angels sent to shake and change the world. 8. Angels sent to minister to apostles and prophets. 9. Angels sent to rise up the church. 10. Angels sent to increase the Kingdom. 11. Angels sent to open the gates and doors from around the world.
7. The Restoration of the feasts of Trumpets has begun.
8. The Restoration of the Feasts of Tabernacle, the foundation is beginning to be laid.
9. The Seven Thunders, the Seven Voices of God will sound throughout the church and around the world, throughout the nations for five generations.
10. This is the day of the Strong Angels. –(Rev. 10)
11. It is time to release the water, river of change and social transformation and Harvest. –(Rev. 11:15)
12. The Church will be a great sign today. –(Rev. 12:1)
13. The birthing season has begun; the birthing time has again come. –(Rev. 12:2)
14. The wings of a great eagle, the beginning of the supernatural church, the church shall become a supernatural church again. –(Rev. 12:14)
15. Great proclamations, great doors, great gates, great releases. –(Rev. 14)
16. The Tempe of the Tabernacle in Heaven, will be open again within a few years from now, you will even begin to see a part of this happen around the church all over the world. –(Rev. 15:5-8)
17. The Spirit of prophecy and the Spirit of Worship will pour greatly in this time. –(Rev. 19:10)
18. The City of God, the city church, will birth in the church around the world. –(Rev. 21)
19. Nations will be saved in these days and filled with the presence of the glory of the Lord, and give glory to God. –(Rev. 21:24)
20. The rivers of healing will begin to flow in our time. –(Rev.22: 2)
21. There will be fruit every month for the church; there will be 12 fruits every month for the church. –(Rev. 22:2)
22. Unity of the voice of the Bride will come, and unity of the Voice of the Spirit will come, and there will come unity between the voice of the Bride and the Voice of the Spirit. –(Rev. 22:17)

Angelic Prophetic Message Part Six:

In this angelic prophetic message there are 10,000 of angels who came with prophetic messages from the Throne Room. –(January 27, 2008)

God The Father Heart Desires:

1. Father’s heart desire is for all people to know Christ.
2. Father’s heart desire to see all of Israel Saved.
3. Father’s heart desire is to see revivals all the time, and the church to never be without revival.
4. Father’s heart desire is to see the church full active in apostolic grace and Kingdom authority.
5. Father’s heart desire is to see every believer free and live in the liberty of Christ.
6. Father’s heart desire is that all believers to have the revelation of Jesus Christ.
7. Father’s heart desire is to see the whole earth filled with glory.
8. Father’s heart desire that all believers may have prophetic manifestations.
9. Father’s heart desire that the church will have fire, signs and wonder around the world.
10. Father’s heart desire that all nations and cities will have revivals, restoration, and healing.
11. Father’s heart desires the city church to be rising up.
12. Father’s heart desire that the church to be full of glory and unity.
13. Father’s heart desire that the Kingdom of God increases greatly and fills the earth.

Angelic Prophetic Message Part Seven:

In this angelic prophetic message there are three angels who came with prophetic messages from the Throne Room. –(January 28, 2008)

God the Father’s Desires:

1. That you may know love as I know love.
2. That you may know peace as I know peace.
3. That you may know grace as I know grace.
4. That you may know joy as I know joy.
5. That you may know revival as I know revival.
6. That you may know unity as I know unity.
7. That you may know Christ as I know Christ.
8. That you may know prayer as I know prayer.

Angelic Prophetic Message Part Eight:

In this angelic prophetic message there are seven angels who came with prophetic messages from the Throne Room. –(January 28, 2008)

1. Canada, America, EU, Russia, AU, New Zealand, South Africa:
a. Massive reformation.
b. Revival Reformation.
c. Apostolic Revival.
d. Wealth Outpouring.
e. Prophetic Outpouring.
2. Mexico, West Indies, Central America, South America:
a. Hugh revival.
b. Deliverance revival.
c. Mega church revival.
d. New Wine revival.
e. Great signs, and great wonders.
3. Africa:
a. Restoration
b. Healing.
c. Apostolic Revival.
d. Wealth revival.
e. Unity.
4. Middle East:
a. Outpouring of dreams.
b. Outpouring of angels.
c. Outpouring of signs.
d. Huge harvest revivals.
e. Revival hot spots.
5. India, etc.
a. Rising dead.
b. Mass healings.
c. Mass Harvests.
d. Mass Revivals.
e. Divine Changes.
6. China, Korea, Japan, etc.
a. Revivals.
b. National revivals
c. National harvests.
d. Divine Changes.
e. Divine Shaking.
7. I see great Tabernacle of meetings setup throughout the church around the world. I see the whole church stand at the great Tabernacle of meetings. I first see the apostles come from the church around the world. I see the prophets come before the great Tabernacle of meeting. I see the teacher come to this great Tabernacle of meeting, and order came forth. Now I see the government of the church come with a great anointing upon the church around the world. I see apostolic reformation come to all the church. I see apostolic revival come to all the church. I see massive reformation. I see revivals, massive revivals. I see new wineskins come forth, and they have an oneness between them, new wines fill them all and each one.

Angelic Prophetic Message Part Nine:

In this angelic prophetic message there are ten angels who came with prophetic messages from the Throne Room. –(February 2, 2008)

1. Reformation will lay the foundation for many revivals.
2. This is the reformation of the whole church.
3. This reformation is massive reformation.
4. The new apostolic church is the church of this reformation.
5. The church is called to be an apostolic church.
6. The new apostolic city church will arise and increase.
7. The City church will arise.
8. Signs, wonders, miracles, healings, gifts of the Spirit, prophetic manifestations, and revival will be the way of life.
9. The bridges of wealth will be establish, rivers of wealth will flow, waves of wealth will come.
10. The church in the workplace will be establish, and connected to the church.
11. Revival life will be the life of the believer, and the life of the church, revival, revivals, many revivals, lasting revivals, massive revivals, and resting revivals will come.
12. I will fill the church, with overflowing revivals.
13. Revival will begin in the church.
14. Revival will begin in certain set apart cities.
15. Revivals will come to many cities, many nations, revivals will come to all cities and all nations, revivals will come to all places, revivals will come, revivals will always come.
16. Revival is the mercy of the Lord; revival is the manifestation of the glory of the Lord in the church, and through the church.
17. Revival is the mercy of the Lord in the earth.
18. Revival is the manifestation of the glory of the Lord in the Church.
19. We will never be without revival.
20. The nations will be healed through revival and wealth.
21. The church will be full of revivals, and the believers will be full of revival, and the church will full of wealth, and the believers will have wealth, and it is revival and wealth.
22. The New Apostolic Congregation will arise in many cities.
23. Social Transformation will come to many cities and all cities, many nations and all nations.
24. Many Social Transformations, waves of Social Transformation, massive Social Transformation, and lasting Social Transformation will come.
25. Social Transformation, revival, harvest, and reformation bring increases of the Kingdom of God.
26. The Kingdom of God increase through the outpourings of the Holy Spirit.
27. The outpourings of the Holy Spirit will increase, and increase, and fill the earth.
28. The Kingdom of God will increase through the hearts of believers.
29. The Kingdom of God will increase through the ministry of the kings of the Kingdom.
30. This is the beginning of the days of the restoration of the ministry of the kings of the Kingdom.

Angelic Prophetic Message Part Ten:

In this angelic prophetic message there are three angels who came with prophetic messages from the Throne Room. –(February 3, 2008)

1. United States:

a. Massive Reformation will come across America; there will be waves of reformation.
b. The church in America will change within 10 years.
c. The New Apostolic Church will arise. The New Apostolic Congregation will arise. The City Church will arise. The New Apostolic City Church will arise.
d. Revivals, many revivals will fill America.
e. Social Transformation is coming in many waves upon America.
f. Nation Harvest of souls all over America.

2. Canada, AU, New Zealand, Israel, South America, EU, Russia, and neighboring nations. Will partake in the America outpouring.

3. India:

a. Bangalore will be a city of revival, reformation, Social Transformation, and harvest.
b. The government of India will change; there will be divine changes.
c. Massive Harvest, massive Harvest arcos India.
d. Revival fire will fall upon India.

4. China:

a. Divine change, divine shaking, coming upon China.
b. Acts of the Holy Spirit.
c. Signs and Wonders.
d. Many new churches birth.
e. Church in the marketplace.
f. Healing waves across the nation.

5. Africa:

a. Healing, restoration.
b. Massive, massive, massive souls will be saved.
c. Great apostolic churches.
d. Great Apostolic City Churches.
e. Social Transformation.
f. Revival fires, apostolic revival.
g. Wealth, rivers of wealth.
h. Marketplace church.

6. West Indies, Center America, South America, Mexico:

a. Revivals all over these lands.
b. Healing, signs, gifts of the Spirit.
c. Outpouring of angelic activity.
d. River of souls coming to the church.

7. Japan:

a. Christ will be glorified.
b. Worship.
c. Prophetic.
d. Prayer.
e. Church growth throughout the nation.
f. Revivals.
g. 80 years of revivals.
h. Marketplace revival, and marketplace church.

8. The Church around the world:

a. Apostles and prophets are foundation.
b. New Apostolic Church.
c. New Apostolic Congregations.
d. New Church Life.
e. Revival Life.
f. Unity.
g. Wealth.
h. Marketplace.
i. City Church.
j. Israel.

9. Open door in the Throne Room:

a. Prophets, prophetic, visions.
b. Supernatural.
c. Signs, wonders, revival.
d. The Life of the Church.
e. Gifts of the Spirit.
f. Angelic Visitation.

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