Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Some in the Church

Some in the Church

Elvis Iverson

Every believer in Christ is a priest; the church is a holy priesthood, every believer has a gift, every believer has a ministry, every believer can minister, and believers are to come together to pray for one another, to minister to one another, to prophecy to one another, to share with one another, and to care for one another. –(1 Pet. 2:5,9, 1 Cor. 14:26)

Every believer has a gift differing according to the grace that is giving, every believer has a function in the church; the manifestation of the Spirit is giving to each one for the profit of all the church, the Holy Spirit works all these things distributing to each one individually as He wills, all believers are to desire the best gifts, all believers are to pursue love, desire spiritual gifts, and all believers are to desire especially the gift of prophecy. Yes there are gifts for each believer, but Christ has set some in the church, the some ministries, some apostles, some prophets, some teachers, some evangelists, and some pastors for the equipping of the saints. There is the everyone, then there is the some, the some equip the everyone, and every believer is to minister, have a revelation, a teaching, and to pray and minister to one another, everyone is to speak in prophecy, but the prophets are to judge prophecy, and mature prophets are to judge the prophetic of other prophets, the spirits of the prophets, the manifestation of the prophetic is oversight by the prophets. –(Rom. 12:3-5, 1 Cor. 12:7,11,31,1 Cor. 14:1, Eph. 4:7-12, 1 Cor. 14:26-35)

Apostles and prophets are the foundation of the church; there are only two ministries that are foundational, that is the apostle and the prophet. God has appointed apostles first, prophets second, teachers third, It is apostles, prophets and teachers when mature are the elders of the congregation, it is apostles who are to appoint elders, it is the apostles then the elders, it pleased the apostles first, second the elders, and third the whole church, apostles are not to leave the ministry of the Word, they are to give themselves continually to prayer and the ministry of the Word, the first disciples of Christ were apostles, the first to follow Christ was apostles, the Lord train apostles first, He give power to apostles first, and apostles, prophets, and teachers are to be leaders of the congregation. –(Eph. 2:20, 1 Cor. 12:28, Acts 14:23, Acts 15:6,12-13,22,25, Acts 6:2,4, Matt. 4:19, 10:1)

There is the ministry of the center; examples are the Solomon’s Porch, and the school of Tyrannus, The center is the place for the ministry of the apostle, prophet, and teacher, the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry. Then there is the church in the home, this is the one another ministry, the ministry of everyone, to minister, pray, share with one another, and the ministry of the pastors and evangelists, there ministry flows along with the one another ministry of the church in the home. –(Acts 3:11, 19:9-10,2:42,46,47)

We are to financial support Itinerant apostolic workers, and we are to honor and financial support the elders, which are apostles, prophets, and teachers, those who labor in Word and Doctrine, those who continually to give themselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word, and those who spiritually care for you as elders. –(1 Cor. 9:1-18, 1 Tim. 5:17-18, Heb. 13:7,17, 1 Thess. 5:12-13)

We are to set apart those who are called into full time ministry by the laying on of the hands from the presbytery, with prophecy. What is the path of ordination? First a believer begins to minister among the one another ministry in the church in your home, then after awhile the believers recognize the gifts of a believer, and he or she begins to minister as a recognize minister, and after being faithful, and proved, the apostles give affirmation, and ordination, then after they have mature, they are appointed as elders. Another way is the believer begins to minister first among the church in the home, the believers recognize him or her, the apostles begin to mentor, and after they have been proved and have been found faithful, are then giving affirmation, and ordination. –(Acts 14:23)

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Fire to Houses of the Apostles

Fire to Houses of the Apostles

Elvis Iverson
February 26, 2010

I see a vision of apostles around the earth, and then I see a vision of prophets around the world. I hear these words are these not the foundations of the Church? I see oil pour upon them; it is like a flood of oil!

I see reformation come to the prophets; I see four prophetic rivers flow throughout the church and the earth.

The first river was the fire of God upon the prophets.

The second river was the signs of the prophets.

The third river was mercy of the prophets.

The Fourth was the coming to pass of prophetic words.

I see a vision of reformation come to the apostles; I see seven apostolic rivers flow throughout the church and the earth.

The First River is revelation.
The second river is grace.
The third river is signs and wonders.
The fourth river is a new wineskins.
The fifth river is favor.
The sixth river is harvest.
The seventh is mighty deeds.

Now I see an apostle arise in signs and wonders, and rivers flow out of him, no one could walk in such signs and wonders; he was sign and wonder of things to come.

I see new wineskins arise throughout America. Then I see new wines pour upon them and filling and overflowing and flooding the church of America and America.

I see huge congregations arise in grace and anointing, they are networks of home churches, I see nets of salvation come forth and many come to the Lord.

I see deep pools of the Spirit form across America.

I see in years the changes of the Church of America as a whole.

I see reformation flow in many rivers of holy fire to the church around the world, and from these rivers of reformation came floods of revivals.

I see huge meeting of mass numbers coming to the Lord, I see endless meetings of mass numbers coming to the Lord beginning in America.

I see cities across America become fat with revivals.

I see prophets minister day and night with no end to their meetings.

I see healing of generations come to America.

Then I see a great huge mighty door open, it is the door of all nations.

I hear these words can a nation be saved in a day?

I see America awakening in Christ!

I see the Church of America awakening in Christ!

Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Monday, March 08, 2010

Revival Lands of America

Revival Lands of America

Elvis Iverson
February 26, 2010

I see America as I hover by the Spirit over this nation of hope. I hear the words destiny, destiny, destiny, then I see an outpouring of angelic hosts upon America.

Now I see a Vision of Los Angeles California:

I see a new culture revolution will come forth, it is like the Jesus movement, and this move is a discipleship movement that will come across over all America. I see the beaches of California come baptism waters for many who come to know the Lord.

I see an extreme revival break out in Los Angeles that sweeps the whole west coast, and western states.

I see the Holy Spirit pour upon South Los Angeles with holy fire.

Now I see a vision of center Florida:

I see a third revival come in great thunders and I see holiness and revival cover the southern states.

I see a vision of New York City, New York:

I see a great awakening coming that last many years. This awakening will sweep across America and around the world.

I see a vision of a great revival that come upon these lands, these lands will never be the same, never again.

I see a vision of Washington D.C.:

I see the rain of the Holy Spirit, I see an open Heaven.

I see the Spirit of Justice, the Spirit of judgment, the Spirit of Burning, the Spirit of holiness pour out in rivers of revival.

I see a vision of Michigan:

I see a massive harvest of souls, I see much restoration and healing, I see a signs and wonders revival.

I see a vision of mid center of America:

I see revivals, I see the fires of God, I see revivals of repentance, I see healing revival, and I see love revival. I see the whole center of America cover with holy fire and glory.

I see a vision of Texas:

I see great revival, I see apostolic revival, I see signs and wonders revival, I see harvests of souls; I see a river of unity.

I see Prophetic ecstasy revival sweeping first to southern states then sweeping across America.

I ask the Lord for more? He said it is only the beginning!

Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Monday, March 01, 2010

Seasonal Anointing

Seasonal Anointing

Elvis Iverson
February 20, 2010

I been soaking for about five hours in the presence of the Lord, I see a cloud of His presence hovering and fog filling my dwelling place. I see an angel standing here for almost these five hours, he then begins to speak. What is coming has begun, you have been made ready, now the time has come to see what will come upon the church very soon in the near future. You have been faithful and now you shall enter into the door of vision. I am speaking to those who have been made ready and have been faithful, they shall enter and see the fullness of the Glory of the Lord.

Now I see a vision, I see and feel a peace coming, this peace is sweet and is filling my soul, this peace is becoming great and deep.

The angel says: sweet peace is coming, then great peace is coming, then deep peace is coming, and then overflowing peace is coming!

Now I see a vision of a cleansing that is coming behind the coming peace of God.

The angel says: The cleansing is coming to the people of the Lord this is the mercy of the Lord and this is the love of the Lord, first the cleansing will come, then healing will come, and then restoration will come.

Now I see a vision of angels that will bring great fires to the church around the earth.

The angel says: revivals are coming, but reformation is coming first. The fires are reformation.

Now I see a vision of angels with swords.

The angel says: the angels with swords are come to bring God’s judgments upon His enemies all over the earth.

Now I see a vision of angels with bowls of oil.

The angel says: these angels are bringing revivals to the church and the nations.

Now I see a vision of anointing of release, grace, favor, and blessings.

The angel says: this is the anointing that is coming now, beginning today and for the next four years, this anointing will open many doors and make a way, and bring the people of the Lord to a new level of blessings and fruitfulness, successfulness, and favor.

Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Love Never Fails

Love Never Fails

Elvis Iverson

Love never fails; we need a revelation of the Love of God, it is time to mature in the love of God, hope in the Lord, for hope will open your heart for the Holy Spirit to pour out love in your hearts. Don’t say you are humble if you don’t love, only those who love can be humble. –(Rom. 5:5)

If we love we are in the will of God, the will of God is not a perfection, it is the grace of the Lord, and how do we remain in the will of God is to be in His love, and what areas the Lord place His will are always in love, outside of love, it outside of the will of God. –(Rom. 13:8-10, Gal. 5:14)

In each step of faith we take, there is love between them, if you live the life of faith, if you are just then you live the life of faith, but if your steps of faith are out of the love of God, then your faith is not the faith Christ will reward. –(Gal. 5:6)

We have our groups, we have our fellowships, we have our meetings, we have our teachings, we have our moves of God, but when that day is almost over it is love that never fails, let us end every day with the love of God, to love God and to love one another. –(Psa. 133)

You have your congregation, and I have my congregation, but when that day is over it is love the never fails, when the day is almost over it is love that never fails. –(1 Cor. 1:10)

You may have your teaching; you may have your doctrine, but if we don’t understand the common ground, and that we are to speak the truth in love, and that when the day is over it is love that never fails. –(Matt. 15:3)

You have your congregation, your company, your movements, but do you see the body of Christ, or are you the judge of God, today it seems there are those who have been appointed by hate and religion to judge and attack one another, is it a Christian religion attacking another Christian religion? Where is the pure and undefiled religion? We need to respect the Spirit of Truth, and the parts of truth, and the Knowledge of the Scriptures in each believer, in ever move of God, and when the day is over it is love that never fails. –(Jam. 1:19-27)

When that day is over it is love that never fails, when the day is almost over it is love that never fails. You need to see your part in the Body of Christ, and then see other parts in the Body of Christ, then hear one another, minister to one another, and love one another, if we are out of love, we are out of the will of God, it is grace first then truth, it is grace and truth, it is Spirit first then truth, it is Spirit and Truth, we are to speak the Truth with love. We are to minister in meekness and humility, with truth. When the day is over it is love that never fails. –(Eph. 4:25-32)

Yes we are to build on truth, faith, but if we don’t build on love the Lord and love one another we are out of the will of God. How are we to build a community of unity in the church from city to city from nation to nation, the church will come to the unity of the faith, and this is the will of God, if your faith is against the unity of the faith, then what kind of faith do you have, if you faith is without love, then what kind of faith do you have? When the day is over it is love that never fails. –(Eph. 4:13-14)

If prophecy is without love, what kind of prophecy do we have, if tongues are without love what kind of tongues do we have, if knowledge is without love what kind of knowledge do you have. It is Grace and Truth, It Spirit and Truth, it is Spirit and Life, It is truth with love, and it is faith and love, when the day is over it is love that never fails. –(1 Cor. 13:8)

You must see the Body of Christ, you must see the City Church, you must see the regional church, you must see the national church, and you must see the global church! If your doctrine cannot see them, then what kind of doctrine do you have, you have half truths, and unhealthy doctrine! –(2 Tim. 4:3-4)

You must be apart of the Body of Christ, you must partake in other groups, ministries, moves of God, that you don’t understand or believe in, if Jesus Christ is there Lord, and then you should show love and be open to partake with them. –(Acts 3:19-21)

Within your own congregation, don’t appoint an elder, or minister that does not know how to flow with others, that don’t know how to work with others, that don’t know have to walk in unity within your own congregation, and walk in unity with other congregations, and the city church, and the body of Christ. –(Eph. 4:1-6, Eph. 3:14-21)

Yes we must walk in truth, yes we must follow the leading of the Lord, yes we must flow with the river of the Lord, but we also must walk in unity and love, for when the day is over it is love that never fails. –(Eph. 4:13-15)

You can preach truth, you can teach your knowledge, but be humble and meek, to see that others parts of truth, and see the common ground of all believers in Christ, and hear what the Lord is doing in them, for when the day is over it is love that will never fail. –(Eph. 4:1-6)

Practices patience and longsuffering to those who have little or no faith for unity and love, allow the Holy Spirit to work on them, plant the seeds of unity and love in one another, and build the city church. –(2 Cor. 10:3)

Love never fails, pray for the City Church to arise in every city, pray for the Unity of the Faith to arise in every city, pray for oneness to come in the church in every city, and pray for the common ground to be establish, and pray for revival to come to every city. –(Jn. 17)

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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