Saturday, December 30, 2006

Unity in Ephesians

Unity in Ephesians

Elvis Iverson

In the Church at Ephesus is an example for us to follow today. From Acts 19, to the Book of Ephesians, to 1 and 2 Timothy, and Revelation chapter 2, we can learn much about this church. Apostle Paul laid the foundation of this church; Apostle Timothy and the Apostle John were some of the overseers of this church.

In the Book of Ephesians, you can see this epistle is about Church Government, God's order, and unity. We can see the unity of the Spirit and the unity of the faith, and we can see the prophetic words that the church will come into the unity of the faith and that the church will become a glorious church, a church full of glory before Christ returns. This also shows that they already had the unity of the Spirit, and this means that we today can walk in unity, instead of just in the prophetic fulfillment of unity that is coming in the future and the end times. -(Eph. 4:3,13, 5:27)

Here Paul talks about the oneness that should be among all believers; this oneness is Christ's oneness. Let us see the characteristics of Christ's oneness; one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father of us all. So you see the seven characteristics of Christ's oneness. -(Eph. 4:4-6)

Unity will come through much reconciliation brought through the working of the Holy Spirit in our hearts and among us, and around us. You can see the seven reconciliation's in the Epistle of Ephesians; I call this the sevenfold reconciliation!

Strongholds of Darkness are weaken and more easy to bring down the strongholds of spiritual darkness when there is true reconciliation in the city and in the church. It seem that darkness has more power when there is divisions and less power when there is reconciliation. Paul identifies six social gaps that needed to be bridged before the church can confront the rulers of the darkness over a city. However, for the church to do effective warfare, it first must take care of these gaps, and from these we get six reconciliation's and I've added another one, first we should work on the church and then the city. -(Ref: "Anointed for Business" by Ed Silvoso)

The sevenfold reconciliation are; "first reconciliation between you and the Lord, or between us and the Lord. Then other six follow this one; Second reconciliation is ethnic reconciliation -(Eph. 2:13-22),third reconciliation is denominational reconciliation -(Eph. 3:16-21), fourth reconciliation is ministerial reconciliation -(Eph.4:1-6), fifth reconciliation is gender reconciliation -(Eph.5:21-33), sixth reconciliation is generational reconciliation -(Eph.6:1-4, and the seventh reconciliation is marketplace reconciliation -(Eph. 6:5-9).

Furthermore, on the personal level, if your brother hurts you, forgive him and seek reconciliation. Let us not walk in hate, unforgiveness, and bitterness, instead let us walk in love. When you look at the Epistle of Ephesians you can see word love through this epistle. In one word or the other unity is love. -(Eph. 5:2)

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The Goal is the City Church

The Goal is the City Church

Elvis Iverson

The two main signs of the end time church will be that the church will walk in unity and in glory. When the church comes into this threefold unity the city church will come forth. The goal of true unity is the city church.

We cannot see the fullness of unity without the city church. It says till we all come to the unity of the faith, saying in other words until we come to the city church. Unity in other words is the rebirthing of a greater city church then the one we had in the beginning.

We have now come to the beginning of end of the restoration of the church and we are coming to the fullness of the restoration bring pour out upon the church. The church will be a restored church and a glorious church as the days begun in the end times.

At the end of restoration of the church will come a great and holy reformation of the church, a reformation of all things in the church will come. The Lord will burn up all things that are not of his word, nature, will and order, and those things that are will be put through the fire to become more pure. The groups that remain after this holy reformation will have Christ oneness among them and between them. For by our love the world will know that we are His disciples if we love one another. -(Jn. 13:34-35)

As this oneness grows and this unity grows to a certain point that the city church can be birth again. This city church will be greater and more mature then city church in the Bible.
Now we must see the city church of today and begin to be connected to the city church. Yes we are connect through being Born of the Spirit, but now let us are connected through relationship, and from this let us go from pastoral unity to apostolic unity. Thus we begin the maturing and the arising of the city church of now, and the one that is arising, and the one to come, and in the future and in the end times.

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First Steps to the Coming Unity

First Steps to the Coming Unity

Elvis Iverson

The first steps to the coming threefold unity is to begin helping each church leader and each member in the body of Christ to begin to apply and follow these first steps to unity and the steps to the coming unity, the coming threefold unity.

We need to see the common ground, the common faith that all believers born of the Spirit have and we need to see those things we have in common. And begun to build in relationship and in vision with one another.

We must teach on the truth of the church and the body of Christ, teach about the truths of biblical unity so that we have a heart for Christian unity.

Teach and learn to love, establish relationships and fellowship with other believers in other Christian groups in your city and beyond.

Teach on the truths of the city church, and see the city church of today and begun to flow in the city church in your city today and see the arising and maturing of the city church in the future and the end times.

Let the elders, leaders of the churches come together on common ground, and common vision working together on a city level. Go from pastoral unity to apostolic unity; see the need for city church leading leadership of city apostles.

Let the churches come together for prayer, worship, meetings, and winning of souls and mercy works in their city.

There may be little fruits and little unity, but little is better then nothing, and from the little will come more in time. Above all be lead in the unity of churches of the city and the city church, the Lord will lead and guide you, be patience it could take a life time of work, and even beyond your life pass down to others to continue the labor for true unity in the church.

Copyright © 2005 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Unity of the Godhead

Unity of the Godhead

Elvis Iverson

Jesus prayed, and prophecy the coming unity that come upon the body of Christ. This unity is the will of Christ and of the Father. When Jesus prayed in John 17 he prayed for unity, this unity is the same unity that the Godhead has, the unity between the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit we will have this kind of unity. This unity is Christ oneness in us and between each one of us. Now only that will unity, we will also have glory.

Before you understand the unity of the Godhead, you must understand that the church is the Bride of Christ and that the church is bring made ready for Himself to receive her at His return.
Understanding the unity of the Godhead is to understand that we are born of the Spirit into the bride of Christ that will be in the divine holy connection through the Holy Spirit and the holy marriage between Jesus Christ and the bride of Christ. Thus the church will have connection and relationship with the Godhead. -(Col. 2:2-3)

God the Father sent the Holy Spirit to find a bride for His Son Jesus Christ our Lord. He not only found the bride of Christ, He is making her ready for the day of the holy wedding feast and when Christ comes to receive him to himself. -(Gen. 24)

The church will come into this oneness and this unity between the Godhead members before the church begins to walk in the fullness of glory on the earth before the return of Christ. The church will walk in unity and in glory for a time before the return of Christ in the end times.

Copyright © 2005 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Unity of the Faith

Unity of the Faith

Elvis Iverson

The day will come that church will be in the unity of the faith. Jesus Christ will not return until that church comes into the unity of the faith, and true unity. We must understand that the unity of the faith is not talking about the unity of doctrine or of the earthly mind; instead it is talking about the unity of maturely and unity of the heart. -(Eph. 4:13)

It says till will all come to the unity of the faith! We will come to the unity of the faith; this unity will come by the full restoration of the church and the maturing of the church. Smart bible teachers and end time bible teachers seem to overlook or misapply certain prophetic prophecy about the church that has to come to pass before Christ comes for His bride, which is the church.
The unity of the faith is; the knowledge of the Son of God, a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. One sign that we have come to this maturely in the church is that we are no longer are like children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting.

There is good and healthy doctrine that has been misapply by trickery, cunning craftiness of men that come long after that leader was raise up to bring a holy move to bless and restore the church; each level of restoration throughout the history of the restoration of the church has been met by divisions in the church. On one hand those in other works do not receive the moves of God and then they're those who come after a leader of a move of God to bring divisions. These are all religious spirits at work in the church to hinder the restoration process of the church. Both those in other works and those in the new works follow after the leader is dead are men of trickery, cunning craftiness and deceitful plotting men. -(Eph. 4:14)

But now the time has come for us in the beginning of end of the restoration of the church and the time of fullness of the restoration of the church comes a great holy reformation of all things in the church unto the image of Christ.

This is reformation of the speaking the truth in love that we may grow in all things into Him who is the Head of the Church -Christ. -(Eph. 4:15)

One sign that will mark the end of restoration of the church is that we will come into the unity of the faith. The unity of the faith is the knowledge of the Son of God, the unity of the faith is a prefect man or a mature man, the church will be a mature church, and the unity of the faith is the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

The unity of the faith will be manifested in the rebirthing of the city church. The city church is the perfect church. This prophecy here will be fulfilled in the arising city church.

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Unity of the Spirit

Unity of the Spirit

Elvis Iverson

The unity of the Spirit will come to the body of Christ from city to city; we will see the unity of the Spirit flowing and witness among us. The Unity of the Spirit is the church being full of the Holy Spirit and the gifts, and every gift in their function and set place in a divine order in Christ. -(Eph. 4:3)

One-way was can understand the working of the God is in the diversity of spiritual gifts in the one body of Christ. From the gifts of Christ to the Gifts of the Father and then to the gifts of the Spirit all working together in relationship to the Godhead and one another in Christ. -(1 Cor. 12:4-6)

The will of Christ for the church is that the church lacks no spiritual gifts, lacks no gifts giving from the Godhead for the church. We are not to come short or to lack in any gift; therefore the church is to be full of the gifts, of the fruits of the Spirit and of the Holy Spirit in the fullness of God and of Christ. -(1 Cor. 1:7)

Let Christ dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with the fullness of God. -(Eph. 3:17-19)

You must know the gifts giving to you, your functions, and your set places in the body of Christ and to know you're level of growth and maturely. Then to know those around you to see the gifts in them, their functions and their set places and to know how to relate and minister to one another in love and edification.

We are now coming to the end of restoration of the fivefold ministry and coming in the fullness of the fivefold ministries of Christ, the gifts of the grace of Christ and the ascension gifts. There main purpose is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. This will begin the coming of the unity of the Spirit. -(Eph. 4:11)

We are coming to the end of the restoration of the ministry of the apostle and to the fullness of the ministry of the apostle, then the fivefold ministry will begin to form together into a divine order among themselves to fulfill the purpose of equipping the saints for the work of the ministry so that the body of Christ can be edify. True unity will not come until the saints are equip and release for the work of the ministry thus the church will begun to come into such edifying that will bring the coming threefold unity upon the body of Christ. -(Eph. 4:12-13)

There come a liberty and the liberty of the Spirit into the church for the freedom and moving of the gifts of the Spirit. Every believer will walk in the gifts of the Spirit; every believer will have the gift of prophecy. The house of the Lord will be build around the moving of the gifts of the Spirit, that the church may excel, that the church may have edification. -(1 Cor. 12:7-11)

No more we will have the one-man ministry, instead we will have an oneness among the ministry of priesthood of believers every one will walk in their functions and their place in the body of Christ. They will know their ministries in the gifts of the Father. -(Rom. 12:3-8)

Unity is first unity with the Godhead then unity with one another and this is through the Spirit and through the gifts ministering to one another in love in the unity of the Spirit.

Copyright © 2005 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Monday, December 25, 2006

Coming Threefold Unity

Coming Threefold Unity

Elvis Iverson

Jesus Christ prayed for the church, His bride to have unity, true unity, which is Christ oneness in the body of Christ. This was not just a prayer, it was a prophetic prayer, and it was a prophetic word about the end time church. We must believe in the words of Jesus, we must believe in His prophetic words about the church.

This unity He prophecy is biblical unity, for unity in the body of Christ is biblical. We must see that unity is biblical and have a desire for unity. If you look in the Bible and if look in the book of Acts we can see Biblical unity.
I am not talking of the unity of religion; religion is of human nature without God, the church is not a religion; the church is apart of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God. The unity that I am talking about is the unity of the church; this unity is of the Holy Ghost and is of the supernatural.

Can we have unity, can we have biblical unity, and can we have true unity in the body of Christ, yes we can by the work of grace, faith and of the Holy Spirit.

We must have a vision for Christian unity, which is kingdom unity for the church is the priesthood of the kingdom of God, and the church is apart of the kingdom of God. It is the spirit of the Antichrist that does not want the church to be in true unity, and it is the Spirit of God that wants and wills for the church to be in true unity.

False apostles, false prophets, and false teachers do not want the church to be in true unity. They attack the unity that Christ spoke of long ago. Those who hinder the true unity of the church, hinder the return of Christ, therefore they reap judgment for themselves, for God will not allow the prophetic times to be hinder.

The church will have true unity and walk in true unity before the return of Christ. Christ will not return for His bride unless She is in unity. The Lord is coming for a united Bride made ready and waiting for Him through faith and good deeds.

In the last days the church in the end time will be a church in unity and a church full of glory, a glorious church. The Church in the end times will be the church marked with unity and with glory. These are the two signs of end time church, unity and glory.

This unity that is coming is threefold, it is threefold unity; which is the unity of the Spirit, the unity of the faith, and the unity of the Godhead.

The unity of the Spirit is when the church is full of all gifts and everyone is walking in their functions and set places of ministry, and that there is divine order between each of them. -(Eph. 4:3)

The unity of the faith is the maturity of the church, which is the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. -(Eph. 4:13)

The unity of the Godhead is the same unity that is between each of the three Godhead members. We will have the unity that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit has, we will have too. -(Jn. 17:20-23)

Can we believe for such unity to come in the church? Well Jesus believes and He is the one who said this kind of unity will come in the church. Therefore let us believe for such unity to come in the future and to come now.

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From Unity Comes The City Church

From Unity Comes The City Church

Elvis Iverson

The Holy Spirit has been speaking to me about unity since 1997 and in 1999 I begun a online global ministry and fellowship called City Church International, and begin to teach about unity in the church, then the day came when the Holy Spirit give me revelation about the City Church.

In Ephesians 4:13-15 reveals that the church will come into unity before the Church is ready to receive Christ in His return. This unity is a restoration of the city church that once was in
beginning. Yes the church in acts was not a perfect or a mature church; they did have principles that the church needs today in order to become the church in the future and the church full of glory and the end time church. They did have the apostles and prophets, gifts of the Spirit, city church, the power of the Holy Spirit, a team of elders, and the believer's ministry, etc. The city Church in the future will be more mature and more prefect City Church. The perfect church is the city church.

The foundations of the city church is the apostles and prophets, we need apostles and prophets to be the foundation of the city church today. The city church is a habitation of God in the Spirit. The city church is a home for habitation revival and the resting glory of God. -(Eph. 2:19-22)

The Holy Spirit speaks unto the ears of the city church, instead of a local church. We must hear the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking unto the city church more then speaking unto our own local churches. -(Eph. 2:29)

Jesus said that He would build His church; this church that He is talking about is the city church. The City Church is the house that the Lord will build, and city church is his house not mans house. -(Matt. 16:18)

Unless the Lord builds the house, our labor will be in vain, unless the Lord guards the city, our watchmen stay awake in vain. We must have His vision for the city church, His vision for our city, we need to partner with Him, and follow His lead in building His house, which is the city church. -(Psa 127:1)

Apostles and believers went planting not local churches; instead they planted city churches in each city. Today we have to see the vision of the city church, the vision of our city church and then begin to build the city church in our city.

We are to pray for unity in the Body of Christ in the city, this unity will open the doors for the anointing to come upon the city church of our city, and this anointing will release rivers and rains of blessings upon our city church. -(Psa. 133)

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Build The City Church

Build The City Church

Elvis Iverson

Scriptures that have been applied to the local church are speaking about the city church. The Lord wills rebirth the vision of the city church. The city church will grow and grow with its authority being lead by apostles.

We will see more and more city church apostles arising forming alliances among churches and ministries within a city. We will see city church networks coming forth within our cities. We will see city church centers, places of gathering for believers of a city. This will go on for some years and mature.

We someday soon will see a rebirth of the city church of Acts. However, this city church will be better and greater then the city church in acts. The fist days of the church in Acts was not days of the maturity, instead we may be living in the time when we take steps toward that day of the maturity will come upon us.

City Apostles will begin forth with them visions for their city and for the church of the city. We will see two flows coming together. The city, which is the marketplace and the church working together. The Lord will rise up a team of apostles who are called to be apart of a city church network. Yes there are other apostles; I am speaking today about the apostles of the city. Yes other apostles will serve on their city church council.

There will be marketplace apostles who will be called to become city apostles and there will be marketplace apostles that will be joined to city church network to create a network among business and workplace ministers and Christians.

There will be revival in many cities and the city church centers will be build to hold revival, and equipping, and city church gathering meetings.

Now not only we will see the city church apostles arise, we also will see a rebirth of prophets of the city. Yes there are household prophets and other prophets. Then there are the prophets called to the city. The city church prophets will create a city church school of the prophets for a city prophetic company to gathering being under the city church apostolic authority.

Moreover, we will see worship and intercession 24/7 at these city church centers. Now only that the prophetic anointing will flow 24/7 at these centers. Beside, these centers will be used to feed the poor of city and take care of those in the church that are in need.

Every servant of the Lord needs to have some kind of sight in seeing the vision of the city church. If you help build the city church, which the Lord builds with the apostles and prophets the Lord will help you. If you help build what He is building - the city church - the "increase of His government" will come to you, too.

However, this must be a work of the Spirit not a work of human wisdom. The city Church is the church that the Lord wills ultimate build before His return to the earth. The city church is the End Time Church. The Kingdom Church is made up of city churches around the world. This is all in the last days.

Nevertheless, God will use the local church today. The local church is what holds restoration and present truth. We need much more maturity for the future city church. The coming city church will be better then today's city church, which we have now, and the future city church will be much, betters then the coming city church.

Furthermore, in order to have lasting change and to keep that transformation we will need the coming city church, today's city church is too weak. We need city church apostles; prophets of the coming city church to change are territories and keep the ground that we take for the Kingdom.

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From The Local Church To The City Church

From The Local Church To The City Church

Elvis Iverson

The Vision and ideal of the City Church is not the local churches in a city coming together although right now they are apart of the body of Christ and are today the church of the city. To those who are apostles when you build, you must build in wisdom of what is coming. If what your build is in disagreement with what Christ is building or what the church shall be in the future Christ will burn up your works. If you build according to Christ's blue prints and what Christ is building, and what Christ shall build then your works will be added to His works.

Today we are applying blueprints to the local church or networks that is for the city church. The local church is not the perfect will of God instead, the city Church is the perfect will of God.

Networks are not the mature will of God instead, the city church is. The local church is not the prefect church; instead the city church is the perfect church.

However, we must mature and grow in Christ one by one and as a body to the day that the city church can become the main force of church life. So the local church is needed until it's purpose has been fulfilled. Networks are needed until its purpose has been fulfilled. Therefore do not say this or that is the perfect will of God. The purpose of a local church is to hold restoration truth. The purpose of a network is to establish and mature restoration truth in the local church.

Moreover, the city church will come in time and maybe in our time. The Apostolic Church will birth the Kingdom Church. The Kingdom Church is the city church throughout the world in every city in every nation.

Furthermore, see, hear and understand the revelation of the city church and begin to plant the seeds of the coming city church into hearts of Christians everywhere.

Copyright © 2004 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Friday, December 22, 2006

Unity of the Faith of City Church

Unity of the Faith of City Church

Elvis Iverson

Corporate destiny of the church is a glorious church, holy church, and united church, a church with oneness with Israel, a city church and a kingdom church. Every one in the body of Christ must fulfill his or her part in this corporate destiny. You should not only see your destiny instead see the big picture. You can’t fulfill the fullness of your destiny without warring with the body of Christ for her own destiny.

It is time to see the big picture of the destiny of the church. Some of us only see parts of this destiny. Some of us don’t believe in this destiny. Some of us see only the picture of our own little groups in Christ destiny.

Apart from that, the apostolic church has been birth and is in its beginning days although they are on their first waves. This holy and great reformation has only begun. It is not a reformation of any group. It is a reformation of the whole of Christianity and the body of Christ.

This reformation is the pure fire of God burning what ever is not of God’s Word, nature, will and order burn up. Those things are of His Word, nature; will and order will be put through the fire to become pure and to bear more fruit. This is a time of holy judgement upon the church; this is being manifest through this holy and great reformation. After the fulfillment of this reformation the groups that remain will have Christ’s oneness among them. It is not that there will be one group; it is that there will be Christ’s oneness among the groups in Christ.

The unity of the Spirit will come and mature to the fullness of this unity. The unity of the Godhead will come and mature to the fullness of this unity. The unity of the faith will come and mature to the fullness of this unity.

The unity of the Spirit is the order of Christ in the Church among the gifts. –1 Cor. 12:4-6. The Unity of the Godhead is the same unity that is between the Godhead. –Jn. 17. The Unity of the Faith is the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. –Eph. 4:13.

The Unity of the faith will come to its fullness and maturity and through this unity the city church will be birth. The City Church will begin to come forth in every city, in every nation around the world. Every thing that was not perfect before the city church will be added to the ministries of the city church and regional churches.

You can’t fulfill the unity of the faith without the true city church. The unity of the faith can’t come it its fullness without the birthing of the city church. We can’t go beyond the unity of the faith without the city church.

The city church is the mature church of the body of Christ. We then come into the fullness of Christ and the fullness of God.

Thus the Lord will give unto the church power over all nations and He will give her the rod of iron to rule over them. Thus the kingdom church is birth. The kingdom church is composed of city churches and regional churches throughout the world.

Copyright © 2004 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Maturing City Church

Maturing City Church

Elvis Iverson

What we call having church will change as we know of it. What we think of being a Christian will change. What we think is God’s will and order will change. It is that we must change according to his plan instead of trying to change his ways to fit our mindsets.

The local church fulfills an importation role at this moment in the church. Its purpose is to keep the truth that is being restored until the rest of the body is ready for this wine. On the contrary, the local church is not God’s perfect or mature will for the body of Christ. God’s mature way for the Body of Christ is the city church.

Local Church buildings will become meeting places, centers for equipping, training the saints and centers for apostolic ministries of the city church. Apostolic networks will become financial, resources arms and carryout special operations for the body of Christ.

The city church will become the center of Christian activity in the body of Christ. The foundation of the church will be build from the city church, which are the apostles and the prophets. The city church is the habitation of God in the Spirit.

There will be apostles and apostolic teams going forth to plant not local churches instead city churches. The vision of the Body of Christ will change. Our eyes will be open to the real will of God for his church. Apostles will see this through the Holy Spirit and begin to lead the way toward a mature church.

The Holy Spirit is speaking to his church through his holy apostles and prophets of today about the destiny of the church, what the church will become, and the church in the end times. The vision of the Church is being reveal to this time of the church.

What the Holy Spirit is speaking today may take years upon years and even most of what is being reveal may not happen in our lifetime. On the other hand it may come to pass very fast. In all these things coming will take time to grow and mature into. However, we need to know what is ahead of us so we can stay on tack by his grace. When the Spirit gives truth, He gives us grace to apply and walk in a truth and He gives us time to mature and obey a truth.

What is going to happen in our time is the rooting out and pulling down, then to destroy and to throw down. If this is competed in our time then we will have the building and the planting. However, this all could happen within a short time. We need to learn and know what the Holy Spirit is doing. God may be speaking such things, and we have to wait for His timely to walk in the prophetic and revelation that is coming forth.

One thing that is sure for our time is this is the beginning days of the apostolic church. This is the beginning of the third reformation of the church. This is the beginning of the end of the restoration times of the church.

Furthermore, the Body of Christ shall become a glorious church, a holy church, a mature church, and a united church. The Body of Christ will be composed of city churches and regional churches through the world.

Copyright © 2004 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

City Church Networks

City Church Networks

Elvis Iverson

What is about to come forth is greater then me or you, and the step toward the city church will begin. One major step toward the city church is city church networks. There can be more then one city church network within a giving city, however they must connect to each other.

The outward networking is sign of the inward networking through the body of Christ. City church networks are form on common ground, and a common vision for the city, and the church of the city. A city church network has a set vision with set visionary leading toward the ways of God for the city. This set vision is a corporate vision with corporate anointing for the city church.

A city church network will focus on ministries that impact the whole church of the city and the city church. Such as feeding the poor and wining the city to Christ. In addition, it will focus on prayer and intercession, and it will have continued prayer meetings for the city. A city church network is form through apostolic unity. Unity is not an end in itself instead it is an importation step toward other God giving goals.

Pastoral unity cannot bring us beyond a certain point in order to see out cities change for Christ. Only through apostolic unity we can step toward the other goals. Although, the city can be transform without unity after this is done unity will come. No matter what happen unity is a step that every city church must take to reach the God giving goals for you city and the church of the city.

What is the leadership of a city church network?

First and foremost it is a plurality of leadership. In addition, there is a set visionary, a set man. He or she is an apostle, a territorial apostle. There can be more then one territorial apostle working within a city church network. There can be more then one apostle apart of a city church network. Moreover, there is a set visionary an apostolic coordinator of the city church network and the plurality of its leadership.

Apostles are the gatekeepers of the city and the prophets are the watchmen of the city, meaning territorial prophets. Territorial apostles have past the test of territorial commitment before then can arise to the vision of the city. Territorial apostles will come from ether the pools of megachurch pastors, parachurch leaders, or marketplace apostles. On the contrary, there can be more then one city church network and there could be more then one-city apostle. Instead each city church network needs to connect to the vision of the church of the city.

Furthermore, the unity of the faith will come to the body of Christ. The city church will emerge forth and mature unlit the body of Christ is composed of city churches and regional churches throughout the world in every nation on earth.

Copyright © 2004 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Friday, December 15, 2006

Passion Of The Christ

Passion Of The Christ

Elvis Iverson

Christ die for the World. Christ suffering for every nation, for every people group. The Father sowed his only Son into the World in order to reap the harvest of humanity. The only way to come to the Father, the only way to have true salvation is through Jesus Christ the Son of God. Our gospel is a bloody gospel. It is through Jesus holy blood we can have our sin forgiven.
Who hath believed our report? And to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed? –Isa. 53:1.
To you believe in the Christ the living God? To you believe that Christ is the true Son of God? To you believe that Jesus Christ is holy and without sin, and through his suffering on the cross you can be saved? Do you believe that Jesus Christ lived and die, and then rose from the dead to set you free from sin and hell?

For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath neither form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. –Isa. 53:2.

It is God who loves this whole world. Sent his only Son into this world to die for us. That whomever believes will have everlasting life. Jesus came the way of his Father’s plan. Jesus came not in his own will or might but by the will of the Father and might of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is the only way there is no other way.

He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. –Isa. 53:3.

Jesus was despised for you. Here is God in the flesh allowing him to be despised by men. Why did you go through all of this? In order to save those who despised him. Men the same men whom God made in his holy image rejected him. Jesus becomes a person of sorrow and grief when he didn’t have to do that, but he did it for you and me. We never esteem the true one and God in the flesh.

Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. –Isa. 53:4-5.

Jesus willing borne our griefs on the cross. He carried our sorrows to the cross. Yet we esteemed him stricken and smitted by God and afflicted. We point our fingers at Christ and say you have sin that is why you must suffering. NO! We have sin that is why he suffered for us. He was wounded for our transgressions, it was our sins, and we say that we are without sin; we say we don’t believe in sin. We say we don’t have to repent of our sins to be a Christian. He was bruised for our iniquities, our life style of sin when we say it is not sin. We have peace with God through the chastisement upon Christ at the cross. He took stripes for us that we would be healed. How could anyone say that the suffering of Christ did not happen?

All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. –Isa. 53:6.

Many of us and most of us walk in our own ways. We walk in ways of the teaching of men. We walk in the ways that we say is right. We have gone our own ways. However, Christ has laid on him all of our iniquity. HE made the way that we can come back to Him.

He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken. And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. –Isa. 53:7-9.

He allowed himself to be oppressed and affected on the way to the cross. He did not open his month to those who said he had sin. He allows himself to be the lamb led to the slaughter. He was number with the transgressions when he know not sin. There was no deceit at all in his holy month.

Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand. He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities. Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors. –Isa. 53:10-12.

It was the will of God for Christ to suffer. He did the will of his father through his willing suffering on the cross. It was God that said bruise my Son for your sins. Put grief upon My son for your grief. However, Christ laid his life down willing for the the sins of mankind to be wash in his holy blood.

Furthermore, whom do you see gathering around the cross? You do you see standing against this holy gathering? Those who gather are friends of Christ. Those who don’t gather pray for them to repent of their evil ways. If you don’t know Christ as your Lord pray this prayer with me today; “Jesus save me and forgive me. I believe that you are the Son of God. I believe that you suffered, and die for me. I believe you rose again for me. I ask you to come into my life. Help me to live for you all the days of my life, amen.”

Many are gathering around the cross. There are some who are standing against this holy gathering of the cross of Christ. There are some who don’t believe in what Christ did for us. There are some who don’t like to see the suffering of Christ. There are some for certain reasons don’t like this holy gathering.

The word says if Christ were lifted up he will drew all men. This is what is happen. Many, many from many Christian groups are coming to this holy gathering of the cross of Christ. Many, many people groups and many nations are coming to this holy gathering of the cross. –Jn. 12:32.
However, there are those who say they are Christians. They are those who say they are teachers of the Bible. They have come to teach against the Christ and his word. They may be called priest, teacher, and even pastor. They are not the servants of Christ instead they are the servants of satan.

Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? Do you believe in the sinless birth of Christ? Do you believe that Jesus was born of a virgin? Do you believe that Jesus live a sinless life? Do you believe in the deity of Christ? Do you believe that Christ has no beginning and no end, and that he came to the earth and become flesh for us? Do you believe that Christ suffered for you? Do you believe that Christ rose from the dead? If you don’t believe in these and you call yourself a Christian, you are not, and you are going to hell.

Those who don’t believe in the doctrine of Christ and those who don’t abide in this doctrine you are not to receive them or to bless them. If a pastor, or a priest, or a teacher does not believe in the doctrine of Christ do not hear them, do not keep fellowship with them. Yes we are to reach out to those in the world. However, those who say they are Christians who are teaching against this doctrine watch out for them. –2 Jn. 7-11.

The Holy Spirit is renewing the essentials of the Christian faith through this holy gathering of the cross of Christ. This is our common ground that all true Christians can build their love upon for each other. Those who don’t believe in these essentials are not true Christians. –Jude 1:3.
The doctrine of Christ is the life and word of Christ, it is the gospel that the apostles of the lamb preach and teach in their days. As it is written in the Holy Bible it is our foundation of faith. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Jesus Christ is the son of man. The Holy Spirit united his deity with humanity, the Word become flesh. Jesus is begotten of God the Father. Jesus was born by a woman who was a virgin. It was the seed of God planted by the Holy Spirit in a virgin woman. Jesus lived a sinless life. Jesus preached, teaches, and healed the sick. Miracles were a very vital part of his ministry. Jesus cast out many demons through his ministry on earth. He finished and brought to a close with his death on the cross. His blood was shed to wash away our sins. His blood was shed to purchased our redemption. Jesus die and was buried in a tomb. He went to hell, and defected the devil and his cohorts, he then preached to the spirits in prison. After this was done our Lord was resurrected from the dead. He ascended into heaven. How do we know that he rose from the dead? There is an empty tomb. There are eyewitnesses. There is the personal testimony of Christ. There is the testimony of the Holy Spirit.

What is Christ doing now? He is at the right hand of the Father. He is ministering as our High Priest, Mediator, Intercessor, Advocate, and the Lord our Shepherd. We are to wait patiently for his return. Our faith and hope is grounded in this important truth. Jesus Christ will come back; this will be his second coming. This is the visible return of Christ with his saints and angels.
Do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savor? If not and you would like to give you life over to him today pray this pray with me? Lord Jesus be my Lord and be my Savor. I am a sinner and I have walk in a sinful life. I ask you to forgive me and set me free. I ask that you will come into my Life. I believe in you and I believe that you rose from the dead. I believe you are coming soon. I ask you to help me to obey you for the rest of my life.

If you are a Christian and are living in sin or have backside from the truth pray with me. Lord Jesus restore me and love me freely. Heal me from my sins. Forgive me of my sins. I return to you and help me to walk in the Word, and to obey the Holy Spirit.

Furthermore, this is a time to gather at the Holy Cross of Christ. This is a time to remember what Christ did for us and that he is coming back soon. Take the time to worship Him and Thank Him everyday.

Who murder Christ? Was it our sins? Was it Rome? Was it the Jews? No! No! No! For God so love this world that he give his son that we might believe in him and have everlasting life. In addition, it was Jesus you laid his life down for us. No one could do any harm to him, only if he allowed it.

Jesus Christ was the Lamb of God sent to take away our sins. Jesus took our sin to the cross. The cross was the altar of redemption for mankind. It was through Christ laying his own life down willing that we can be saved through his blood.

Jesus Christ made himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in the appearance as a man, He humbled himself and become obedient to the point of death, even the death of the Cross. It was Jesus Christ who laid his life down. It was Jesus Christ who made himself of no reputation; it was Jesus Christ who took on a form of a bondservant. It was Jesus Christ who came in the likeness of men. It was Jesus Christ who was found in the appearance as a man. It was Jesus Christ who humbled himself to redeem man. It was Jesus Christ who was obedient to the point of death. It was Jesus who laid his life down through the death of the cross. –Phil. 2:5-11.

It was Jesus Christ who came to do the will of his father. God so loves this world that he sent his Son to suffer and to the death of the cross. Jesus Christ prays not his own will be done but His Father’s will be done. The will of the Father was to redeem you back to him.

If those who were servants in Christ suffering and death of the cross know that were crucified the Lord of glory they will not have done this. This was hidden from there eyes. So they will not be able to stop God’s holy work the death of the Cross. –1 Cor. 2:6-8.

Our sins did not murder Christ, instead it was Christ who came to take away our sins and set us free from them through his willing death of the cross. It was not Rome who murders Jesus Christ, instead they were doing God’s will, and they were servants of the Father’s holy work the death of the cross. It was not the Jews who murder Christ; instead it was through their high priest that Christ could redeem not only his people, but also the world to Christ.

The Gospel of Christ Jesus is a Jewish gospel. Our Christian faith is a Jewish faith. Our Bible is a Jewish Bible. Christ is a Jew, the twelve apostles are Jews, and Apostle Paul was also a Jew. We are to love those whom God use to bring Christ to us. Let us love the Jewish people for in the future Christ will restore them to Himself and bring a union between the church and Israel.
Do you know Jesus Christ has your Lord and Savior? If you would like to come to know him today pray this prayer with me: Lord Jesus I believe that you are the Son of God, I believe that you die for me. I believe that you rose from the dead for me. I believe you are coming back again for me. Forgive me of my sins, and come into to my life. Help me to live for you all the days of my life.

Furthermore, we as Christians need understand and those in the World that no one murder Christ. It is that Christ gives his life for us. It is that Christ obeys the will of his Father.
We are to remember Jesus Christ’s death at the cross, the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and the His second coming. This foundation and through the truth that we are saved through him is the simplicity that is in Christ. There is a pure and undefiled religion, which is based upon the essentials of the Christian faith.

This pure and undefiled religion is not of any one Christian group in Christ; instead it is the body of Christ. Many Christian groups in Christ oneness. These essentials are the foundation for Christian unity. The building blocks of unity are the essentials, vision, Holy Spirit, apostles, prayer, worship, and a true relationship with Christ.

Apart from that, the foundation of our faith and hope rest upon one truth, which is the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Anyone who is a teacher, priest or a pastor that does not teach this truth you are not to listen to them. Those who say they are Christians and don’t believe in this truth they are lies.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a fact. No one can ever disprove this undeniable truth. Ever one who try to disprove this fact in history they them self came to the revelation of the Truth.
However, those who don’t believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and teach against this foundational truth they have evil spirits working behind them. We as true Christians are too diligent contend earnestly for the faith. –Jude 3.

Christ die for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He was seen by Cephas, then by the twelve. After that He was seen by over five hundred brethren at once, of whom the greater part remain to the present, but some have fallen asleep. After that He seen by James, then by all the apostles. Then last of all He was seen by me also; as by one born out of due time. –1 Cor. 15:3-8.
Do you see what I see here in First Corinthians 15:3-8 the words according to the Scriptures. The Bible is God’s Word. In the Old Testament there are prophetic words about Jesus that when Jesus came to Earth he fulfilled them all. As you read the four gospels in the New Testament you will read the story of Christ it is all-true!

Who are the witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus Christ? They are Cephas, the twelve apostles of the Lamb; they are the five hundred brethren, then James the Elder, and all the other apostles, and after all those Jesus appeared to Apostle Paul.

Apart from that, what are the application and significance of the death, buried and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ? Because he lives, we live, because he was raised from the dead, we will be raised from the dead, The Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is made available to quicken our mortal bodies, the power that raised Jesus from the dead is available to believers to exercise over the devil, through water baptism we identify ourselves with Christ and testify that we are raised to newness of life and are seeking heavenly things, We can patiently wait for His return, and our faith and hope is grounded in this important truth.

Moreover, the second coming of Christ is a fact, is a truth, if you called yourself a Christian and don’t believe in his return you are evil and the Spirit of God in not in you. We will see many signs before his coming. Jesus first coming was as a child and his second coming will be in glory. This return will be a visible return of Christ with his saints and his angels. The Word says; “for the Son of Man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels. –Matt. 16:27.

Apart from that, the Holy Spirit is ministering to you as you read and hear this sermon today. If you don’t know Jesus has your Lord and savior pray with me today. Lord Jesus I come to you and I ask you to forgive me of my sins and I ask you to set me free from sin and the devil. I repent of my sins and ask you to wash them away with your holy blood. I ask you to come into my life today. I ask you to be Lord over my life and I ask you to help me to obey your Word the bible for the rest of my life amen.

Furthermore, This is a time to gathering around the holy cross of Christ. This is the time to remember what Christ did for us. This is the time for us who have been living a sinful life to return to Christ and repent and sin no more. This is the time for those who do not know Christ yet to come to know him. This is a time for unity in the Body of Christ.

Copyright © 2004 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Arising City Church

Arising City Church

Elvis Iverson

The City Church is greater then any one movement of God. The City Church is greater then any one apostle. The City Church is greater then any one network. The City Church is greater then any one local church. The City Church is greater then any one mega church.

We are entering into beginning of the restoration of the city church. In the first days of the church in the Acts Church there was true apostolic authority, apostles and prophets was the foundation, there was the power of God in signs and wonders, and there was the saints ministry, and there was the city church on the contrary, the acts church was not a mature church. We need to learn from the Acts Church and then more on. We are called to go from the acts church to the glorious church. Some people say there is no perfect church this is a lie, the word-perfect means mature and before Jesus comes back their will be a mature church. We are living in the days of beginning of maturity of the church.

One of greatest events in our history will be the emerging city church. What are the steps to the arising city church? How will the city church come forth in the body of Christ?

1. Pastoral unity and pastoral associations this is one of the beginning step toward the city church. Although this is mercy-motivated, relational, politically correct. Compromising, polite, and peaceful. However, there are hidden costs in pastoral unity. It is more peacekeeping then peacemaker. Certain types of pastors or apostles do not fit in with this group; they are vision-driven pastors, task-oriented pastors and parachurch leaders, influential minority leaders, pastors of dynamic, growing megachurches, charismatic pastors, and apostles.
Pastors are not gatekeepers; apostles are gatekeepers, and territorial prophets are watchmen of the city. Pastoral unity can’t bring lasting change to a city. Apostolic unity can begin the lasting changes that the city needs. Although unity is not needed for city transformation. Unity can be an end in itself, and your city will never be transformed if that happens. Unity will come after transformation. Unity is a step that everyone must step to in order to reach other God giving goals.

2. Apostolic unity and city church networks. Apostolic unity is for city church; pastoral unity is for the local church. Apostolic unity is task-oriented, visionary, aggressive, uncompromising, warlike, and often abrasive. City Church networks are form through the leadership of territorial apostles who are city apostles. They will come with a set vision for they are visionaries of the city. There can be more then one city church network. There can be more then one-city apostle in a giving city. There can be more then one city apostle and other kings of apostles apart of a city church network. Plurality of leadership is the leadership of the city church network. Moreover, these city church networks must connect.

3. Unity of the faith: Jesus prayed that we will all be one in Christ. This oneness is coming in the future of the church. The unity of the faith shall come to its fullness in the body of Christ and in the city church. From this unity the city church will begun to move forth in its fullness.

Apart from that, we are living in last days of the restoration times of the church. What has begun is this great reformation of all of the church and Christianity. Everything that is not of his word, nature, will and order will be burn up in the fires of this reformation. Everything that is of his word, nature, will and order will be put through the fires of reformation to become pure and to bear more good fruits. The groups that remain will have Christ’s oneness among them.

4. City Churches as in beginning of the church shall arise in every city in every nation around the world. The Body of Christ will be composed of city churches and regional church throughout the world.

Furthermore, the apostolic church will begin reformation of all things to the image of Christ. The unity of the faith will come and the city church will begin to come in its fullness. The Apostolic Church will then give birth to the Kingdom Church, which is composed of city churches and regional churches. The Kingdom Church will proclaim the kingdom of God, manifestation of the kingdom of God, and carryout spiritual warfare and prepare the world for the second coming of Christ.

Copyright © 2004 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Friday, December 08, 2006

Restoration of the City Church

Restoration of the City Church

Elvis Iverson

What is coming before end of this restoration of all things to the church and this holy and great reformation of the church is the restoration of the city church. The City Church will become he main heart of every city in the world. The local church or group of churches will not be equal to the coming city church. The city church is greater and bigger then any one apostle or one local church. It is bigger then any one movements. It is many moves of the Spirit at one time within many local churches throughout the Body of Christ in every nation on earth to bring forth the city church.

All wineskins that do not connected to one another will be cleanses from the body of Christ. There will no longer be putting new wine into old wine skins, there will no longer be putting a piece of new garment on an old one. There will only be apostolic networks, local churches, city church networks, and the city church.

In the first days of the church, the first apostolic age and the first reformation of the church there were only city churches and regional churches. The names of city churches were; the church of Antioch, the church of Caesarea, the church of Cenchrea, the church of Corinth, the church of Ephesus, the church of Jerusalem, the church of Laodicea, the church of Pergamum, the church of Philadelphia, the church of Sardis, the church of Smyrna, the church of Thessalonica, and the church of Thyatira. The churches of regions were; the church of Asia, the church of Cilicia, the church of the Gentiles, and the church of Galatia.

On the contrary, the church in the beginning was not a mature church. One thing they did have was true apostolic authority, signs, wonders and the city church. We are living in the days of beginning of the maturating of the church. We must move on from acts church to a glorious church.

Will the local church be no more? I believe that the local church will remain an importation part of the body of Christ for a time. Will apostolic networks be no more? I believe that they will serve a greater purpose and for right now they are to carry out the role of networking the church together. There are three main networks came forth. On is a vertical networks; the other is a horizontal networks and the last which is like this second one only based with a city, the city church network. There can be more then one city church network within a giving city.
However, as the city church matures and the regional church matures the apostolic networks will come to an end. Their purpose is only to fulfill the action of networking the church together. Those networks that don’t obey the call of networking the body together will be cut off from the church. The networks that obey this call will be added to the church. Local churches will to come to an end and be added to the church too.

The Apostolic Church is to reform to whole church into apostolic church and mature the city church and regional church. Once when they are mature the apostolic church will give birth to the kingdom church. The kingdom church is city churches and regional churches throughout the world.

The unity of the faith cannot be mature or come to its fullness without the city church. Therefore through this great reformation of the church every thing that is not of His order, will, word, or nature will be burn up. In addition, those things that are of His order, will, word and nature will be put through the fire in order to become pure and bear more fruit. The churches and groups that remain will have Christ oneness among them. There will not be one group instead many groups in Christ. The unity of the Spirit will come, the unity of the Godhead will come, the unity of the faith will come and be fulfilled; from that day forth this unity will mature and the city churches, and regional churches will mature and come more into authority.

The Apostolic Church will birth the kingdom church. The Kingdom Church will prepare the world for the second coming of Christ. The kingdom church is made up of city churches and regional churches through the world.

Copyright © 2004 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Friday, December 01, 2006

Belief in the End Times

Belief in the End Times

Elvis Iverson

The End times are earmarks of the beginning of new days and new times. The end of the world is the beginning of the new world. Our beliefs in the end times are changing so that we don't miss God today, in the future and in the end times.

The main absolute of the End times is the return of Jesus Christ. From this absolute we are to begun any teaching on the end times. And beyond that we are walk in truth, Spirit, grace and peace.

We are coming from views of old mindsets on the end times to visionary views of the end times that will bring much faith and hope for our future, end times and today.

· The Church in the End time. The church shall be in the end times. · The Church in the end times will be a glorious church. · The Church in the end times will not be an apostasy church. · The Church in the end times will be a church fully restored. · There will be true unity in the Church.· The Church in the end times will be the city church. · The earth will be filling with the glory of the Lord. · The nations will go through healings through revival. · There will be great outpourings of the Holy Spirit all the time. · There will be great outpouring of visions, dreams and prophecy. · There will be signs, wonders, mighty deeds, healings, miracles, raising the dead, and transported by the Holy Spirit, in the demonstration and of the power of the Holy Spirit. · There will be great harvests of souls, people groups, cities and nations all the time.· There will be city transformations and nation transformations. · Nations will be saved and Cities will be saved. · There will be mighty marketplace, business, governmental, and workplace Christian armies.· Kings will arise in the church to bring health and healing to cities, nations and the world.

Will there be darkness and deep darkness? Will there be tribulation and many tribulations? Will there be persecution and suffering? Yes these will all be there and these are here even now and in past times. However, there will be the glory of God and glorious Church, revival and revivals, overcoming and victories, blessings and wealth, divine protection and divine peace, revelation and great light in the end times.

The darkness, deep darkness, gloominess, and thick darkness that is already here, and in the past, in the future and in the end times; it is that only in the end times and even now and future that this darkness is being push out and removed that it manifests more in those times and in end time there will be great spiritual warfare, and the spiritual warfare now will increase as the light of Christ in us and in the world increases to decrease the darkness in this world.

Copyright © 2005 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved