Thursday, August 20, 2015

Dealing with your Mountains

Dealing with your Mountains Elvis Iverson It is time to deal with your mountains. To believe and move them away from your life. It is time for breakthrough. I believe the breakthrough anointing is here today. I know you have faith to see your mountains move. 1.Speak to your mountains. –(Mk. 11:23-24, Matt. 17:20) 2.Shout grace, grace to your mountains. –(Zech. 4:6-7) 3.Pray for God to send His Kingdom to consume all those mountains. –(Dan. 2:34-35,44-45) 4.Possess your mountains. –(Rev. 11:15) 5.Walk over your mountains. –(Hab. 3:19) 6.Prophesy to your mountains. –(Micah 6:2, Ezek. 36:1) 7.Pray for the presence of the Lord to come and to move your mountains. –(Hab. 3:10, Judges 5:5) 8.Pray for the Lord to contend with your mountains. –(Micah 6:1) 9.Pray for the hand of the Lord to come and move your mountains. –(Job 28:9, Jer. 51:25) 10.Pray for the Lord to make you thresh your mountains. –(Isa. 41:15) One day I looked through the Word to fine words about moving your mountains, and these are what I found for you, I know it was the leading of the Lord, as you apply and believe you too will see mountains moved. Pray them with faith, and pray them with praise, and pray them as if your mountains were already moved out of your way. Pray them with praying in the Spirit. Ask the Lord to speak to your mountains, ask Him to give you a prophecy that you can speak over your mountains. Be faithful in faith and pray with boldness and you will see your mountains moved. Now let us begin together in prayer: Father we come together in faith to speak to those mountains, we have the faith and we come with boldness to speak to these mountains. We thank you for you have set us free and already moved them away and they are no more. We praise you for your presence is here to melt them away. We speak in the name of Jesus mountains be moved, be uprooted, roll away from us. We speak to these mountains be gone, be no more, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Prophecy for you: The Lord is here, now point your fingers by faith and say mountains be gone, I see an angel come and roll your mountains away. Freedom is coming to you right now, yes you are free. I feel the breaking anointing is here: If you are sick, etc. Go anoint those areas by faith right now, as you do I believe the touch of God is here to heal and you are being healed today. If you have debts: Lay your hands upon your bills: As you do you will feel a heat, then see by faith that you are free from debts. As you do, the Lord is sending an angel to set you free from debts. Begin to praise the Lord for breakthrough! Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Maturing the Wine of the Gospel of Grace

Maturing the Wine of the Gospel of Grace Elvis Iverson March 22, 2014 I see a vision of a great covering hovering cloud over the whole land, it seems to cover the whole earth, then I see coming down from the third heaven a chariot of fire and in the chariot was Elijah, Enoch, John, Paul, Moses, eight others, then I seen Maharishi of MT. Kailash, and Sadu Sundar Singu, and some others, they drink the wine of prophetic bliss, Our Lord Jesus was with them. Maharishi said to me are going get and come with us for a ride, and say yes, the moment I got in I was full with holy intoxication, and peace of God and loved of God. In vision I see this bottomless Glass of Wine this wine is the grace message and I see this glass overflow upon the church in many nations and overflowing upon many cities and many nations. I see from this wine came intoxication of the Spirit that will not leave, and I see many holy drunk parties all over the church all over the earth, and as they drink and drop wine upon the land, the land is healed, as they drink they are healed, as they drink there family is healed, as they drink there life is healed, as they drink there career is healed, as they drink their neighborhoods are healed as they drink their communities are healed, as they drink their cities are healed, and as they drink there nations are healed. I see from this Glass of Wine come rivers of awakening to the church around the earth and around the world. I see the church arise as cities of light in many cities and many nations. From this Glass of wine came rivers of signs and wonders that went throughout the church and the earth, and from this wine came healing rivers that minister healing to the land, cities, nations, and the earth. The wine of grace message shall mature and overflow and flood the church. The apostolic and prophetic movements shall unite with the Grace Message, and there shall be union of grace and fellowship and from this union there shall be an outpouring of signs and wonders. From this grace message will come an awakening to the body of Christ, it is the encounter of grace that shall awake the church to begin to see the wonders of His love. Copyright © 2014 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Curse you are not

Curse you are not Elvis Iverson In this article you will learn that you can be free and be bless, the Lord has made the way, He has paid the price for you, His Blood and the Cross has set you free from all curses, now you must apply and break those curses off you, and receive the blessings of the Lord. God has set you free from a certain fearful expectation of judgment by the Blood of Christ, and blessed you with an expectation of hope in Christ Jesus our Lord. The Lord will no chasten you, instead He will teach you the written Word of God, You cannot and no longer reap mistakes that you have done in the past, this is taking about giving not sowing evil and reaping bad stuff. God will only give you goodness and mercy. You are no longer laboring under generational curses for Christ took them to the Cross. –(Heb. 10:27,23, Gal. 6:7-9, Lam. 3:65, Matt. 27:34, Jn. 19:28-30) A curse will not come without a cause, The Lord today has set you free from the cause and the curse, now you are to apply the deliverance and receive freedom. –(Prov. 26:2) You are free from curse of curse of Malachi 2:2, Rev. 22:3,2, Mal. 3:8-9, Gen. 3:14,17) 1. Breaking curse prayer: Father you have set me free from the curse of Malachi 2:2. In the Name of Jesus I break and renounce, and release myself from curse of Malachi 2:2 and declare and release blessings over my life. You are free from the curses of Deuteronomy 28, in Jesus Christ and the Cross and the Blood of Christ you are free from curses of the Law. Instead you have blessings of Deuteronomy 28 in Christ Jesus our Lord. –(Deut. 28, Gal.3: 13-4) 2. Breaking curse prayer: Father you have set me free from the curses of Deuteronomy 28. In the Name of Jesus I break and renounce, and release myself from curses of Deuteronomy 28 and declare and release blessings of Deuteronomy 28 over my life. You are free from all generational curses in Christ Jesus; you need not to fear them any more. Instead you are to release the generational blessings upon your seed and yourself. –(Ex. 20:5-6, Jer. 32:18, Lam. 3:65,5:7, Jn. 19:8-30) 3. Breaking curse prayer: Father you have set me free from all generational curses. In the Name of Jesus I break and renounce, and release myself from all generational curses and declare and release all generational blessings over my life. In the Blood of Christ you are free and protected from all word curses that come from any one. Instead the Word of God blesses you. –(Prov. 18:21, Rev. 12:10-11) 4. Breaking curse prayer: Father you have set me free from all word curses. In the Name of Jesus I break and renounce, and release myself from all word curses and declare and release word blessings over my life. You are free from judgments and condemnation of man and religion, and the curses that come from those judgments. –(Col. 2:14,Jn. 8:1-8, Rom. 8:1, Isa. 54:17) 5. Breaking curse prayer: Father you have set me free from curses of judgment and condemnation of man and religion. In the Name of Jesus I break and renounce, and release myself from all curses of judgments and condemnation of man and religion and declare and release blessings over my life. The Father has set you free and you are protected by the blood of Christ from prayer craft, and evil prayers. –(Gal. 5:15, Isa. 54:17) 6. Breaking curse prayer: Father you have set me free from all prayer craft and evil prayers and their curses. In the Name of Jesus I break and renounce, and release myself from all prayer craft and evil prayers and their curses and declare and release blessings over my life. Witchcraft and witchcraft curses you are free from and protected by the Blood of Christ. –(Num. 23:19,20,21,23, Rev. 12:10-11, Isa. 54:17) 7. Breaking curse prayer: Father you have set me free from all witchcraft and witchcraft curses. In the Name of Jesus I break and renounce, and release myself from all witchcraft and witchcraft curses and declare and release blessings over my life. In Christ Jesus you are free from the curse of flesh reap corruption, and you will only reap blessings. –(Gal. 6:7-9, Heb. 10:27,23) 8. Breaking curse prayer: Father you have set me free from the curse of flesh reap corruption. In the Name of Jesus I break and renounce, and release myself from the curse of flesh reap corruption and declare and release blessings over my life. In Christ you are free from the curse of the ground, and the ground is now a blessings. –(Gen. 3:17, Rev. 22:3) 9. Breaking curse prayer: Father you have set me free from the curse of the ground. In the Name of Jesus I break and renounce, and release myself from the curse of the ground and declare and release blessings over my life. In Christ you are free from the curse of judge not, that you be not judge. –(Matt. 7:1-2, Rom. 8:1) 10. Breaking curse prayer: Father you have set me free from the curse of judge not, that you be not judge. In the Name of Jesus I break and renounce, and release myself from the curse of judge not, that you be not judge and declare and release blessings over my life. In Christ you are free from that you fear has come upon you curse. Not only God has set you free from frees and you are free from those things you fear. –(Job 3:25, 2 Tim. 1:7, Rom. 8:15, Heb. 2:14-15) 11. Breaking curse prayer: Father you have set me free from that you fear has come upon you curse. In the Name of Jesus I break and renounce, and release myself from that you fear has come upon you curse and release blessings over my life. In Jesus Christ, and the Blood of Christ are set free from the curse of tithe. You are free in Christ from the curse with the curse of the tithe. –(Mal. 3:8-10, Heb. 10:27,23, Eph. 1:3) 12. Breaking curse prayer: Father you have set me free from the curse with the curse of the tithe. In the Name of Jesus I break and renounce, and release myself from the curse with the curse of the tithe and release blessings over my life. When you ask the Lord into your heart, you receive forgiveness of all your sins, and the Lord will not remember your sins. All your sins past, now and tomorrow was all forgiving once and for all at the Cross and when you give your life to Christ, He forgive all your sins, and I mean all your sins, and He will not recall or remember none of them, I mean all of them. –(Heb. 8:12, 10:17-18,10-14,Rom. 4:5-8,Acts 13:38-39) Our Father in Heaven does no punish us if we sin, instead He only teaches us the fear of the Lord. –(Psa. 130:3-4) Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Matriarchs of the Church

Matriarchs of the Church Elvis Iverson March 23, 2014 I see a vision of a great covering hovering cloud over the whole land, it seems to cover the whole earth, then I see coming down from the third heaven a chariot of fire and in the chariot was Elijah, Enoch, John, Paul, Moses, eight others, then I seen Maharishi of MT. Kailash, and Sadu Sundar Singu, and some others, they drink the wine of prophetic bliss, Our Lord Jesus was with them. Maharishi said to me are going get and come with us for a ride, and say yes, the moment I got in I was full with holy intoxication, and peace of God and loved of God. In a vision I see centers all over the earth, I hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit say these are the matriarchs of the church. I see from these centers coming rivers of home churches, rivers of churches, rivers of missionaries, rivers of a new kind of leadership, and rivers of networks. I see over each of these matriarch centers was covering angels that stood watch over each matriarch centers, each matriarch center had an covering angel standing watch over each center. Then there was one covering angel standing over all the matriarch centers. Then I see covering anointing come from the third heaven, this covering anointing cover each of the matriarch centers and cover the all the matriarch centers. There was a covering anointing over each matriarch center and then there was one covering anointing over all the matriarch centers. Then each of these matriarch centers has a seated apostle, and then I see over all the matriarch centers were a seated apostle. Then I see an apostolic and prophetic team minister to each of these matriarch centers, and many will gather at these centers to hear the team minister. Each of these matriarch centers had their own team that will go out and minister too. These matriarch centers were revival centers, soaking centers, prayer centers, training centers, apostolic centers, and missionary centers. Then I hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit say arise matriarch centers, arise matriarch centers, arise apostles of the matriarch centers, arise apostles of the matriarch centers, and I speak grace, grace, I shout grace, grace. Copyright © 2014 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Continue Outpouring of Signs and Wonders

Continue Outpouring of Signs and Wonders Elvis Iverson March 22, 2014 I see a vision of a great covering hovering cloud over the whole land, it seems to cover the whole earth, then I see coming down from the third heaven a chariot of fire and in the chariot was Elijah, Enoch, John, Paul, Moses, eight others, then I seen Maharishi of MT. Kailash, and Sadu Sundar Singu, and some others, they drink the wine of prophetic bliss, Our Lord Jesus was with them. Maharishi said to me are going get and come with us for a ride, and say yes, the moment I got in I was full with holy intoxication, and peace of God and loved of God. In a vision I see this covering huge cloud covering the whole church around the world, and from this cloud came hovering clouds that hover over certain communities of churches and certain cities around the world. Then I see from hearts of apostles and heart of prophets signs and wonders begin to flow from there, and then I see from hearts of many believers signs and wonders begun to flow like rivers, and where there is the unity of Word and Spirit there will come mighty rivers of signs and wonders. I see an outpouring of angelic hosts upon these rivers of signs and wonders, and I hear a song they sing let the outpouring of signs and wonders continue for Jesus reigns over the earth and His mercy endures forever. I see angels now come toward us to show the wonders of God’s love to His children. These angels look drunk and happy and I could hear songs in the background, and I could feel the joy of the Lord and intoxication of the Spirit, the peace of God, and medicine of God’s love. The first river of signs and wonders are healings and miracles, deliverances, raising the dead. The second river of signs and wonders are unusual miracles and manifestations, the third is prophetic manifestation, fourth is the gifts of Spirit, fifth is the bliss gifts of God, sixth is great signs and great wonders, seventh is the signs of the apostles, and eighth is raising the dead. These rivers of signs and wonders will flow throughout the body of Christ back and forth and with each wave will come even greater wave of signs and wonders, and then even great waves of signs and wonders, these waves will keep coming. Each wave will be continue, then with each wave will come a greater wave of that wave, but that wave will continue and the greater wave will continue, and there is more greater waves, each wave will continue, for all these waves are rivers. Then I see a river in the Third Heaven, this river is the fountain head of all these rivers of signs and wonders, an angel that stands next to this river said would you like a drink of this river, I said back to the angel yes I would like a drink, so that this angel took a glass and put into the river and then give me this glass and wink at me, its a bottomless glass have fun and enjoy. Copyright © 2014 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Create a Fire Wall

Create a Fire Wall Elvis Iverson If you want to live in the peace of God, and if you want to live in God’s divine protection, in this teaching you will learn how to create a supernatural firewall around you and your love ones. –(Zech. 2:5) First of all fear not, learn not to fear, ask the Lord to give you deliverance and healing from all fear. Fear is not from God; Fear is a demon that you are to cast out. Second worry not, learn not to worry, don’t live in worry, and begin walking away from worry. More as you learn not to worry the more you will have peace of mind. –(Matt. 6:34) You have the gift of righteousness; you are the righteousness of God in Christ. There is nothing against you! You are saved by grace, you live the Christian life by grace, and your salvation is of grace. You must believe these two things so you can walk in Divine Protection. Believe in God’s love, God love you, you are love much by God, you are created in His love, God is love and God love you. Always believe that God loves you. Learn to enter into rest, enter into rest now, and enter into rest everyday, live in the rest of the Lord. When you came to Christ, you enter into rest, now enter into rest. Fill your mind with the peace of God, learn to dwell in the peace of God, and to keep yourself in the peace of God. Jesus Christ is your High Priests, when the Father sees you, He see Christ, everything that Christ is you are in Him, Christ is next to the Father, you are next to that Father, Christ has pleased the Father, therefore you have peace from warfare. Christ’s mind is stayed and set on the Father, therefore you have perfect peace. You must believe in the power of the Blood of Christ. The Blood of Christ always cleanse you, and His Blood always covers you, this means always. No demon, no evil can touch you, when you are under the Blood of Christ, and you are under the Blood of Christ always. There is angelic protection place around you and your love ones, you must trust and believe that God has place angels around you to protect you. Most of all believe in God’s Divine Protection. His protection is a promise, and we are to trust and rest in the promise of His protection. –(Psa. 91) Now let me give you some advice: Keep you heart open to God, walk in love, always forgive others, control your tongue, always rejoice and be thankful, live in thankfulness. Believe, have faith and trust the Lord for His protection, and walk in wisdom. How to create a wall of fire around you: Draw the Blood of Christ around you. Pray for a wall of fire to be place around you. Pray for a wall of angels to be place around you. Pray for the Lord to give His angels charge over you. Pray for a wall of favor to be place around you. Pray for Divine Protection. Now put your trust in the Lord. Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Birth of the apostolic centers and the new day of the home church

Birth of the apostolic centers and the new day of the home church Elvis Iverson March 22, 2014 I see a vision of a great covering hovering cloud over the whole land, it seems to cover the whole earth, then I see coming down from the third heaven a chariot of fire and in the chariot was Elijah, Enoch, John, Paul, Moses, eight others, then I seen Maharishi of MT. Kailash, and Sadu Sundar Singu, and some others, they drink the wine of prophetic bliss, Our Lord Jesus was with them. Maharishi said to me are going get and come with us for a ride, and say yes, the moment I got in I was full with holy intoxication, and peace of God and loved of God. I see huge great angel come down from the Third Heaven with special clay and give it to apostles in many nations. It was the same clay; the angel said this is the body of Church. Then I see a cup of wine that each apostle had to drink in other to have the special clay, and we all drink the same cup of wine, the angel said this is the new wine. The angels said these apostles may not know each other, but there is kinder heart and connection between each of them, yes they may not know each other but they may know some of them someday, but there will be a unity among them that they will not understand. Then I see prophets and these prophets come and minister to these apostles, and many doors open to these apostles. Then the angel said let me show you the coming apostles of the next wave. The apostles and prophets of the pathfinders. The apostles and prophets of the pioneers. The apostles and prophets of reformation. The apostles and prophets of the apostolic centers. The apostles and prophets of the new apostolic wineskins. The apostles and prophets of missionary movements. The apostles and prophets of harvest. The apostles and prophets of the workplace. The apostles and prophets of the city church. The apostles and prophets of the houses of wisdom. The apostles and prophets of the rivers of signs and wonders. The apostles and prophets of revival. Then the angel said look; I see the oil of the Spirit coming this is many opens doors, I see the fire of the Spirit this is to enter into this doors, then I see the water of the Spirit this is for freshness and life. Then I see the wind of the Spirit this is for growth and increase. Then I see the wine of the Spirit this is soaking presence of God and the rest of His presence. Then the angels said the oil of the Spirit is being poured out for signs and wonders, for favor, for open doors, for breakthroughs. The fire of the Spirit is for authority and power and protection, and guideless. The water of the Spirit is for life, restoration, healing, fruitfulness, successfulness, prosperity. The wind of the Spirit is for grow and increase and harvests. The wine of the Spirit is for happiness, intoxication, revival, soaking presence, enjoyment, and rest. Then the angel said look and see and I see the winds of the Spirit coming across the church around the earth and I see many massive numbers of home churches coming forth, and home church apostles, and I see massive souls coming into the church. Then the angel said look now what do you see and I see a seat in a valley of milk and honey, and he said be seated and rest in the presence of God, then I seat and I see angels coming out of the third heaven going to many cities and many nations and bring many things to my feet. Then I see this whole valley filled will great numbers of people, companies, communities, networks, and centers. Then angel said look now and see, and I see apostolic centers arise all over the earth and I see each center has an open door that does not close, and from these centers coming rivers of God, rivers of signs and wonders, rivers of spiritual leaders, rivers of home churches, and rivers of waves of the Spirit. Then the angel said look and see, then I look and see an apostolic center with many buildings, and I see a cloud that hovers over day and night, and I see many angels camp there and around them, and I see the rain of the Spirit will not end. Then the angel said now look and see and I look and see. I see seven nations and I see many nations and I see a door to these nations open, and people coming into this door and people going out to this door, and this door will not shut. Then the angel said look and see and I see huge massive gathering in India, Philippines, America and other nations, I see the ministry of the masses, I see mass healings, mass miracles, mass deliverances, mass raising the dead and mass harvests. Then the angel said look and see, and I see media door open, I see publication door open, I see mass media and mass publication. I see new day and new time for media and publication and I see apostles and prophets release what God give them to the church and the nations. Then the angel said look and see I see worship angels and see music media and publication doors open and see waves of worship cover the church and the earth. Then the angel said look and see, and I see a house and family in that house, I see wall of fire and wall of angels around this house and this family, I see feasts of goodness and mercy. This is God’s will for all believing families. Then the angel took me to a great house and the house filled with the peace of God, intoxication, soaking presence, the rest of His presence, and the love of God. The angel said to me welcome home, then the angel return to the third Heaven, I could feel such peace and rest and relaxing. Copyright © 2014 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

The Sound of the Silver Trumpets

The Sound of the Silver Trumpets Elvis Iverson July 24, 2013 In a vision I see a unity come among prophets and they gather together to blow a silver trumpet, then I see a unity come among apostles and they gather together to blow a silver trumpet, and the prophets and apostles blow the silver trumpets together. There is a certain group of apostles and prophets that are silver trumpet ministers, and soon they shall come into unity and gather and blow the silver trumpets together in unity. I see a vision of Enoch and John again in the Third Heaven, Enoch say they are the same as apostles and prophets of the Seven Watchers, for the apostles and prophets of the silver trumpets are the apostles and prophets of silver trumpets, John say there is only a certain number, but that number will not be known. I hear the sound the silver trumpets: reformation, reformation, reformation, I see arrows of fire shoot into many church building all over the earth, I see three waves of reformation coming, the first wave is revelation, the second wave is rest, and the third wave is love. I hear the sound the silver trumpets: reformation, reformation, reformation, and I see swords of the Spirit and a host of angels, I see three waves of reformation come, and the fourth wave is holy drunkenness, the fifth wave is holy fire, and the sixth wave is an outpouring of home churches. I hear the sound the silver trumpets: reformation, reformation, reformation, and I see the seventh wave which are apostles and prophets, and signs and wonders. These seven waves of reformation come over and over unlit the apostolic church arose above all, and all were cleanse away, and the whole church were a mighty outpourings of home churches that no one could number or govern, only Christ has the only head of the church could govern His church. Then I see revival before this reformation, revival during this reformation, revival between each seventh wave of reformation, and revival after the complete work of the third reformation. These revivals were revivals, and after there came many revivals. Copyright © 2013 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Cleanses From Warfare

Cleanses From Warfare Elvis Iverson We are to have an understanding of spiritual warfare and the application, was we are to have sound teaching on spiritual warfare, There is a time for warfare and there is a time for rest, we are only to war in the rest of the Lord. Life is not spiritual warfare; life is entering into the rest of the Lord. There is a place for spiritual warfare and we must keep it in place, but rest of the Lord is to all over us and all around us, in us and upon us, this is the beginning of the life of God. –(Prov. 3:13-20) The Christian life is not spiritual warfare, is not suffering, is not hard times, and yes there will be suffering! But you must ask the Lord where is the warfare coming from, and how do I deal with it, and how to I bring it to an end. It is God’s will to bring suffering and warfare to an end. The Christian life is a life of rest, joy, peace and the Life of God. We must posses and reach forth in patience and due season we will reap the life of God. –(Prov. 16:7) You are to cast off and cleanse yourself from spiritual warfare, and enter into the rest of the Lord. Pray that the Lord will give you peace from all spiritual warfare and suffering. It is God’s will for us to have a life of peace. –(Isa. 9:6-7) You are to cast off and cleanse yourself from second heaven revelation, many Christians are moving in this kind of revelation, it is time to close the widow on this heaven, and open the door to Third Heaven Revelation. There is second heaven revelation and there is third heaven revelation. Third Heaven Revelation comes from Word in the Throne Room. Second Heaven Revelation is spiritual warfare, demons, false prophecy, and fear. Yes we are called to do spiritual warfare and deliverance, I personally have cast out many demons, and war many battles, but we are to avoid second heaven revelation. There is warfare that a believer may do in second heaven revelation; we are to do warfare only in Third Heaven Revelation. The Lord has been speaking to me for over the past two years about a cleansing from spiritual warfare and second heaven revelation that all believers must go through and pass through, for we are to enter into the rest of the Lord and enjoy the peace of the Kingdom of God and the peace of God, and the life of God. The Lord is speaking peace, peace to your hearts, to your homes, to your churches, to you workplace, and to your life. He wants you to have a life of the peace of God. We as believers are no longer to fear instead we are to trust the Lord, yes just trust the Lord, put your hopes and dreams in Christ alone, and believe His Divine Protection. We are to believe that the Lord will protect us from all things. Then we are to enter into rest and a river of peace. You are to believe in the power of the Blood of Christ, and enter into rest. Put your faith back into Christ, no longer put faith in your fears, instead believe that God will always protect you and believe in the power of the Blood of Christ. You are to believe that God is good, and that He is good to you, believe for His goodness, His will is for you to have a life of goodness and mercy, this is for all believers in Christ. You got to know the truth, know the truth, for the truth shall set you free. Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved