Friday, February 27, 2009

Faith for Revival

Faith for Revival

Elvis Iverson

Revival will become away of life for the believer and for the church, the Lord is restoring revival to the church, and we will never again be without revival. You may pray for revival, it is revivals that are coming, not one, instead many revivals, and many revivals, to the degree of reformation we have reach pass, it the degree of revival we will have, reformation is laying a foundations for revivals and lasting revivals. –(Acts 3:19-21)

We have study revival for years, we have study past revivals for years, building our faith up for revivals, places revival on our mind and in our heart and birthing a prayer for revival. –(1 Cor. 3:6-10)

Revival that is coming, is not like the other revivals we have read about, and there is a big between the pages of studying revival then having revival, and the revivals that is going to happen today is not the same, the Lord is doing a new thing. –(LK. 5:33-39)

It is amazing those who have study revival and teach revival, don’t understand revival; you need knowledge with revelation, and with supernatural visions from the Holy Spirit. –(Eph. 1:17-18)

They say there is a revival every 50 years in America, however that time is over, revival that is coming, I means revivals is nothing like we have ever known and study; America will have many revivals. –(Isa. 64:1-5)

Those revivals came in the pass without the foundation of apostles and prophets, and the revivals that are coming will have foundation based on apostles and prophets. Apostles and prophets are the foundation of the church, apostles and prophets are laying the foundations for reformation, and reformation is laying the foundations for revivals, and lasting revivals. –(Eph. 2:19-22)

We are beginning to enter into a new apostolic age of revival, the church will never again be without revival, there be revival there and revival here, when one revival begins to end another will begin, there will never be any time between revivals, revival will give birth to revival, we will go from revival to revival, from glory to glory. –(2 Cor. 3:17-18)

Do we need to always repent, or have repentance to bring revival? There is repentance that brings revival, and repentance is a key to revival, John the Baptist preaches repentance and revival never came, however the church in the upper room was in unity, and then revival came. The truth is the will of the Father is for the church never to be without revival. –(Acts 2:16-18)

It is amazing those who are knowledgeable about revival, don’t understand revival, you need a revelation of revival. Those who have prayed for revival and teach revival are now attacking revival, that is why we need the heart revival first, and all believers can have revival in their heart. –(Rev. 3:20-22, 4:1)

How do you bring revival? That is a good question however; the question should be is how do we practice and contain revival, and let revival flow from our hearts? That is the question that we need to answerer! –(Jam. 1:5)

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Pray for Repentance and Revival around the World

Pray for Repentance and Revival around the World

Elvis Iverson

Heavenly Father we come boldly to the Throne Room of God, in the Third Heaven, by faith we receive the Presence, Light, and Truth of the Father, by faith we see our Lord Jesus Christ at the Right Hand of Father making intercession for us, and by faith we see the seven lamps of burning fire which is the Throne of the Holy Spirit. Father you are on the Throne of Mercy we ask you for mercy, Lord Jesus you are on the Throne of grace we ask you for grace, Holy Spirit you are on the Throne of love we ask you for love. Father led us by the Holy Spirit in praying apostolic and prophetic prayers for the Body of Christ.

Father we pray for the increase of the Kingdom of God, we pray for great increases of the Kingdom of God in our generation, and in our time, we pray for the Kingdom of God to increase in every city, every region, every nation, and globally around the world.

Father we pray for the increase of the church, we pray for great increases, massive increases of the church to come in our generation, to come in our time, and to come in our decade.

Father raise up and establish the Church as the City of God in all cities, all nations, all regions, all places, all people groups, and globally around the world.

Father we pray for an outpouring of times of refreshing and times of restoration of all things from the Presence of the Lord upon the church around the world and the whole earth, every city and every nation, every people group, and every place.

Father we prayer for rivers to flow from the Church and the City of God, rivers of repentance, rivers of refreshing, rivers of restoration, rivers of healing, rivers of revival, rivers of harvest, rivers of social transformation, and rivers of blessings to flow to all cities, all regions, al nations, all people groups, all places and globally around the world.

Father we pray for times of repentance, times of refreshing, and times of restoration of all things, and outpourings of the Presence of the Lord to come upon all cities, all regions, all places, all nations, all people groups, and globally.

Father we pray for massive repentance, great repentance, extreme repentance, continue repentance, and lasting repentance to come to all cities, all regions, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for the spirit of repentance to come upon all cities, all regions, all people groups, all places, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for rivers of repentance to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for repentance revivals and a revivals of repentance to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father send repentance!
Father send repentance!
Father send repentance!
Father send repentance!
Father send repentance!
Father send repentance!
Father send repentance!

Father we pray for revivals, many revivals, massive revivals, great revivals, continue revivals, lasting revivals to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for rivers of revivals to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for outpourings of revivals to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for the Spirit of revival to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for repentance and revivals to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for the Spirit of repentance and the Spirit of revival to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father send revivals!
Father send revivals!
Father send revivals!
Father send revivals!
Father send revivals!
Father send revivals!
Father send revivals!

Father we pray for restoration to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for restoration of all things to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for great restoration, massive restoration to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for rivers of restoration to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for the Spirit of restoration to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for repentance, revivals, and restoration to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for the Spirit of repentance, the Spirit of revivals, and the Spirit of restoration to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father send restoration!
Father send restoration!
Father send restoration!
Father send restoration!
Father send restoration!
Father send restoration!
Father send restoration!

Father send refreshing to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for great refreshing, and massive refreshing, rivers of refreshing, continue refreshing, lasting refreshing, waves of refreshing, and the Spirit of refreshing to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for repentance, revivals, restoration, and refreshing to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for the Spirit of repentance, the Spirit of revival, the Spirit of restoration, and the Spirit of refreshing to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father send refreshing!
Father send refreshing!
Father send refreshing!
Father send refreshing!
Father send refreshing!
Father send refreshing!
Father send refreshing!

Father we pray for the Presence of the Lord to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for rivers of the Presence of the Lord to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for rains of the Presence of the Lord to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for outpourings of the Presence of the Lord to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father send the Presence of the Lord!
Father send the Presence of the Lord!
Father send the Presence of the Lord!
Father send the Presence of the Lord!
Father send the Presence of the Lord!
Father send the Presence of the Lord!
Father send the Presence of the Lord!

Father we prayer for rivers to flow from the Church and the City of God, rivers of repentance, rivers of refreshing, rivers of restoration, rivers of healing, rivers of revival, rivers of harvest, rivers of social transformation, and rivers of blessings to flow to all cities, all regions, al nations, all people groups, all places and globally around the world.

Father we pray for revival to come to whole body of Christ in every nation, in every city around the world. We pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and we pray for an outpouring of prophecy, visions, and dreams, and we pray for an outpouring of signs and wonders upon your church. Father pour upon us an apostolic anointing from heaven. As it was in the book of Acts let it be in today’s church. Fill your church with glory and power. Father we ask you to pour upon us a prophetic anointing and pour upon us the outpourings of the Holy Spirit upon your church. Father we ask you to pour out upon the body of Christ the Spirit of Grace and the Spirit of Supplication. Father we ask you to pour out upon the church the Spirit of Wisdom and the Spirit of Revelation. Father we ask pour out the Spirit of Faith, The Spirit of Love, the Spirit of Prophecy, the Spirit of Grace, the Spirit of Supplication, the Spirit of Glory, the Spirit of burning, the spirit of Wisdom and the Spirit of Revelation. Father We pray for an outpouring of signs and wonders, healing and miracles, deliverance and breakthroughs, and outpouring of angelic hosts upon us and upon the church around the world in every nation, in every city, and in every place. Father we pray let the pure river of unity flow upon every city church in every nation around the world. We pray let the pure river of unity flow upon every national church around the world. We pray let the pure river of unity flow upon the global church around the world.

Father we pray now let the healing anointing flow upon the body of Christ, let the sick be healed for the glory of Christ, and let the river of healing begin to flow around the world touching every place, and to flow upon the church, every member in Christ. Father we pray for a pure river of unity to flow upon your church, and we pray let a river of healing flow upon your church. Father we pray for showers of blessings, spiritual breakthroughs, revivals, provisions, and grace upon every member in the body of Christ.

I sense holy clouds forming over cities around the world, these are clouds of the Holy Spirit; we ask for rain in the time of rain. It is time for the rain of the Holy Spirit. As these clouds begin to pour upon the cities around the world, they begin to rain the waters of unity upon the church. Father raise the flood levels of the Holy Spirit in the church around the world. Raise the flood levels of the Holy Spirit in the cities around the world. Father we pray let unity come to the church in every city, let unity come to the church around the world. Father open the gates of the Holy Spirit, open the gates of revivals, open the gates of healings, miracles, signs and wonders, open the gates of blessings, open the gates of mercy, and open the gates of love and unity. Father we pray for waves of unity to come to the church around the world. Father we pray for waves of unity to come to the church in the nations around the world. Father we pray for waves of unity to come to the church in every city around the world. Father we pray for waves of unity to come to every believer’s heart around the world, oneness in our love for one another, becoming one in love with every believer around the world.

We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Revelation of Revival

Revelation of Revival

Elvis Iverson

We are entering into the new apostolic age of revival, some may not understand what revival is, revival is not what has already happen, instead revival is what is coming; revival is the Glory of the Lord.

There are many revivals coming, the church will never again be without revival, in order to prepare for the coming revivals and to receive these coming revivals you need the revelation of revival, and each believer needs a revelation of revival for their lives. We have enter into anew season of revelation, this season is a season of revelation of revival; the Lord wants the church to have the revelation of revival. –(Eph. 1:17-18)

How to prepare and how to open your heart to receive the revelation of revival? The love of Christ passes knowledge, and the peace of God surpasses all understand, and so is the revelation of revival, if you have the love of Christ that passes knowledge and if you have the peace of God that surpasses all understand, the doors of your heart then will be open to receive the revelation of revival. It is those who receive the revelation of revival that shall partake in the coming revivals. –(Eph. 3:19, Phil. 4:7)

We are to pray in the Spirit, we are to pray for the outpouring of the Spirit of revelation, and ask the Lord to release the revelation of revival. When we are before the Lord for hours at a times, and praying in the Spirit, revelation fills our hearts and then come upon the beaches of our renew minds. –(1 Cor. 14:2)

I have prophecies for some years about revival, I have seen with the eyes of the Spirit the future of the Church, even the church in the end times, and I have seen the coming revivals that are already beginning to come. From prophecy about revival, the Lord took me to revelation of revival, the Word of God came alive and the Holy Spirit teach me about revival in the Word of God.

First things first, we need the revelation of revival, and each believe needs a revelation of revival, in order to enter into the gates and open door of revival you need the revelation of revival. –(Rev. 21:15, 21, Zech. 4:4-5, 10)

Revivals are coming first to the city of God, which is the Church and the city church in every city, once when the church is filled with revivals, and then revivals will overflow upon our cities and nations around the earth. But first we need the revelation of revival. –(Rev. 21:15-17)

The Lord has appointed apostles and prophets to lay the foundations for reformation, and reformation is laying the foundations for lasting revivals. Apostles and Prophets are revival ministry to the Church! –(Zech. 4:14, Eph. 2:20, Heb. 9:10)

I had a vision of an angel named the angel of awakening; he said he has been sent to release the capstone revival, the capstone revival is the restoration of revival, and is to prepare the way for other revivals to come, the capstone revival has already begun. –(Zech. 4:1, Rev. 21:15, 17)

Ephesians 2:19-22 is the application of revival: We go form prophesies to revelation, and from revelation to application of revival.

The will of the Lord is for the church to never be without revival, this was always God’s will for the church, and we are now coming to the time when the church will never again be without revival. –(Acts 2:17-18)

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Pray For The Increase of The Church

Pray For The Increase of The Church

Elvis Iverson

Heavenly Father we come boldly to the Throne Room of God, in the Third Heaven, by faith we receive the Presence, Light, and Truth of the Father, by faith we see our Lord Jesus Christ at the Right Hand of Father making intercession for us, and by faith we see the seven lamps of burning fire which is the Throne of the Holy Spirit. Father you are on the Throne of Mercy we ask you for mercy, Lord Jesus you are on the Throne of grace we ask you for grace, Holy Spirit you are on the Throne of love we ask you for love. Father led us by the Holy Spirit in praying apostolic and prophetic prayers for the Body of Christ.

Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of revival to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of reformation to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of grace to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of supplication to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of wisdom to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of revelation to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of prophecy to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of glory to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of burning to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of might to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of faith to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of love to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world.

Father raise up the city church in every city of every nation around the world, Father raise up the regional church in every region in every nation around the world, Father raise up the national church in every nation around the world, Father raise up the global church globally around the world. Father raise up the new apostolic church city church in every city around the world, Father raise up the New Apostolic Church in every city, every region, every nation and globally, Father raise up the New Apostolic Congregation in every city of every nation around the world, Father raise up new apostolic networks in every city, every nation and globally around the world.

Father we pray for rivers of joy, rivers of being drunk in the Spirit, rivers of being filled with the Spirit, and rivers of the intoxication of the Holy Spirit to flow from the heats of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world.

Father we pray for reformation, great reformation, and massive reformation to come to the church around the world. We pray for the church to be filled with revivals, we pray for many revivals, great revivals, lasting revivals, continue revivals, and resting revivals to come to the church in every city, every nation, and globally. We pray for revival, revivals, and many revivals to come to all cities, all nations and globally. Father we pray for social transformation, waves of social transformation, many social transformations, great social transformation, massive social transformation, continue social transformation to come to all cities, all nations and globally. Father we pray for harvest of souls, many harvest of souls, continue harvest of souls, great harvest of souls, extreme harvest of souls, massive harvest of souls to come to all cities and all nations and globally.

Father we pray for the increase of the Kingdom of God, we pray for great increases of the Kingdom of God in our generation, and in our time, we pray for the Kingdom of God to increase in every city, every region, every nation, and globally around the world.

Father we pray establish the bridges of wealth from the world to the church, let rivers of wealth, continue rivers of wealth flow into the church. Establish the church in the workplace, rise up the marketplace church in every city and every nation and globally. Build bridges between the church and the marketplace church. Father we pray for marketplace revival to come upon the church in the workplace and upon the marketplace in all cities, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for the equipping of all saints in the church in all cities, all regions, all nations and globally. Father raise up and establish the priests of the Kingdom of God in the church in all cities, all regions, all nations and globally. Father we pray rise up and establish the kings of the Kingdom of God in all cities and all nations and globally.

Father raise up your saints, your believers and kings of the Kingdom to possess the seven mountains of society, arts and entertainment, business, education, family, government, media, and religion in all cities, all regions, all places, all nations and globally.

Father raise up and establish the Church as the City of God in all cities, all nations, all regions, all places, all people groups, and globally around the world.

Father raise up and establish apostles and prophets in the church in all cities, all regions, all places, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for all believers in Christ, the city church in all cities, the regional church in all regions, the national church in all nations and the global church globally, and the church around the world. We pray for outpourings of prophecy, visions, dreams, signs, wonders, mighty deeds, healings, miracles, deliverance, freedom, liberty, and restoration, progression, inner healing, and restoration, breakthroughs, angelic hosts, unity, peace, rest, grace, apostolic grace, mercy, love, goodness, wealth, blessings, joy, prayer fulfillment, and prophetic fulfillment.

Father we pray for 1000 fold return, thousand generations fold return to come to all believers in Christ and the church around the world.

Father we pray for the increase of the church, we pray for great increases, massive increases of the church to come in our generation, to come in our time, and to come in our decade.

We pray for great increases of the Church!
We pray for massive increases of the Church!
We pray for continue increases of the Church!

Father increase the Church!
Father increase the Church!
Father increase the Church!
Father increase the Church!
Father increase the Church!
Father increase the Church!
Father increase the Church!

Father we pray raise up maturity in all believers and in the church around the world, Father raise up the church to be a mature church in the church around the world, Raise up the mature church!

Father raise up a holy church, let rivers of holiness come to the church around the world, and raise up a holy church in the church around the world.

Father raise up an unity church, let the church come into unity, we pray for the unity of the church, raise up the unity church in the church around the world.

Father raise up a glorious church, let the church become a glorious church, full of glory and full of revivals, we pray raise up the glorious church in the church around the world.

Father we pray for the church around the world, to become a mature church, a holy church, a unity church, and a glorious church.

Father we pray for the increase of the church, we pray for great increases, massive increases of the church to come in our generation, to come in our time, and to come in our decade.

We pray for great increases of the Church!
We pray for massive increases of the Church!
We pray continue increases of the Church!

Father increase the Church!

We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Theology of Revival

Theology of Revival

Elvis Iverson

We need a revelation of revival to enter into the coming revivals. So much of revivals in the past yes they have giving us faith for revival, but will not be anything like the revivals that are coming, those times in the past were pre-new apostolic age of revival days, one word the Holy Spirit give me is the new apostolic age of revival. –(Acts 2:17-18)

The teachings and the past theology of revival are incomplete, is only a part of the council of God on revival, today we will have a much more in depth revelation of revival. This revelation of revival is coming will revalorize revival teaching. –(1 Cor. 2:4-5,9-10,13)

We need the revelation of revival. Then we need new wineskins that can contain, flow, apply, and overflow revival. The old wineskins cannot hold the coming revivals. The new wineskins new wines, if there are new wineskins with new wines, there will come the wines of revival. –(LK. 5:36-39, Acts 2:13)

There is the oil of revival, there is the fire of revival, there is the wind of revival, there is the water of revival, and then there is the wine of revival. The oil of revival brings anointing for all revivals, the fire of revival brings the cleansing of revival, the wind of revival carries revival to other places, is the movement of revival, the water of revival is the healing and restoration of revival, and the wine of revival is the communion and fellowship of revival, and the beginning of fullness of revival. –(Acts 2:2,3,13)

There is revivals that come on the corporate level, these are revivals for the whole, these revivals are corporate revivals, then there is personal revival, and every believer is to have personal revival, the life of the church will be revival, and the life of the believer will be revival. –(Psa. 133, Isa. 6:1-8)

This is a short article, introduction to the theology of revival, the revelation of revival, more are to follow. During the article called what is revival, an angel stood behind me, and during this article I seen a vision of our Lord Jesus covered with fire, and He said to me, He is setting the church free from demons that are against revival. Some of them are unbelief, fear, religion, witchcraft, and pride, I believe right now the Lord is setting you free from these demons that are against revival in your life, and church, receive by grace deliverance, and let revival fire come now. –(LK. 24:32, MK. 16:14, LK. 24:45)

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Pray for The Increase of The Kingdom of God

Pray for The Increase of The Kingdom of God

Elvis Iverson

Heavenly Father we come boldly to the Throne Room of God, in the Third Heaven, by faith we receive the Presence, Light, and Truth of the Father, by faith we see our Lord Jesus Christ at the Right Hand of Father making intercession for us, and by faith we see the seven lamps of burning fire which is the Throne of the Holy Spirit. Father you are on the Throne of Mercy we ask you for mercy, Lord Jesus you are on the Throne of grace we ask you for grace, Holy Spirit you are on the Throne of love we ask you for love. Father led us by the Holy Spirit in praying apostolic and prophetic prayers for the Body of Christ.

We pray for an outpouring of angelic hosts upon the church around the world. We pray for outpouring of reformation, revival, social Transformation, and harvest upon the Church around the world. We pray for outpouring of mercy and grace upon the Church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of the goodness and mercy of the Lord upon the church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of the Spirit of prayer and the Spirit of fasting upon the Church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of healing and restoration upon the church around the world. We pray for an outpouring revelation and visions, and prophecy, and dreams upon the church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of signs and wonders upon the church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of breakthroughs upon the church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of prophetic fulfillment and an outpouring of prayer fulfillment upon the church around the world.

Father raise up the city church in every city of every nation around the world, Father raise up the regional church in every region in every nation around the world, Father raise up the national church in every nation around the world, Father raise up the global church globally around the world.

Father raise up the new apostolic church city church in every city around the world, Father raise up the New Apostolic Church in every city, every region, every nation and globally, Father raise up the New Apostolic Congregation in every city of every nation around the world. Father raise up new apostolic networks in every city, every nation and globally around the world.

Father we pray for an outpouring of times of refreshing and times of restoration of all things from the Presence of the Lord upon the church around the world and the whole earth, every city and every nation, every people group, and every place.

Father we pray for the increase of the Kingdom of God, we pray for great increases of the Kingdom of God in our generation, and in our time, we pray for the Kingdom of God to increase in every city, every region, every nation, and globally around the world.

Father we pray for outpourings of the Holy Spirit to increased of the Kingdom of God. We pray for the Kingdom of God to flow like a river from the hearts of all believers in Christ. We pray for kings and priests of the Kingdom to increase and rise up in all cities, all regions, all nations, all places and throughout the earth, and globally. We pray for many, massive, great, lasting, continues Social Transformation to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all nations, and all people groups and globally around the world. We pray for the healing of the nations to come to all nations.

Father raise up and establish the Church as the City of God in all cities, all nations, all regions, all places, all people groups, and globally around the world.

Father we prayer for rivers to flow from the Church and the City of God, rivers of repentance, rivers of refreshing, rivers of restoration, rivers of healing, rivers of revival, rivers of harvest, rivers of social transformation, and rivers of blessings to flow to all cities, all regions, al nations, all people groups, all places and globally around the world.

Father we pray for healing and to heal all nations through revivals, social transformations, and the increases of the Kingdom of God.

Father establish and raise up, and increase the Kingdom of God in all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations, and globally around the world.

Father increase the Kingdom of God!
Father increase the Kingdom of God!
Father increase the Kingdom of God!
Father increase the Kingdom of God!
Father increase the Kingdom of God!
Father increase the Kingdom of God!
Father increase the Kingdom of God!

Father we ask you to give us the pearl of great price, which is the revelation of the Kingdom of God, Release the revelation of the Kingdom of God in the hearts of all believers in Christ, and upon the Church around the world.

We pray for the Kingdom of God to come in power, signs and wonders, deliverance, righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit in all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations, and globally around the world.

Father heal all nations and all cities through revival, social transformation, ministry of wealth, and the kings of the Kingdom, and increase of the Kingdom of God.

Father we pray establish the bridges of wealth from the world to the church, let rivers of wealth, continue rivers of wealth flow into the church. Establish the church in the workplace, rise up the marketplace church in every city and every nation and globally. Build bridges between the church and the marketplace church. Father we pray for marketplace revival to come upon the church in the workplace and upon the marketplace in all cities, all nations and globally.

Father raise up the church as the priesthood of the Kingdom of God, rise up numbers that cannot be number of holy priests of the Kingdom of God. Rise up the church as the city of God in every city and every nation, and globally. Father raise up kings of the Kingdom of God, rivers of kings of the Kingdom, mighty armies of kings of the Kingdom in every city, every nation and globally.

Father raise the joy levels of all believers, make the church always drunk in the Holy Spirit, release the intoxication of the Holy Spirit in all the hearts of believers and upon the church around the world. Father Release Rivers of sozo salvation in the hearts of all believers and upon the church around the world.

We Pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, February 06, 2009

Visions of Social Transformation

Visions of Social Transformation

Elvis Iverson

These are the beginning days of social transformation, the foundations are being lay for revivals and social transformations, in this holy reformation the foundations are being laid for revivals and social transformations; these foundations are being laid by apostles and prophets. The revival life is coming to the believers and the church, and social transformation life is coming to the kings of the Kingdom and the world around them. –(Isa. 9:6-7)

We will see from a few cities to many cities and then all cities, then a few nations, then many nations and then all nations, we will see social transformations, many waves of social transformations, and massive social transformation coming. –(2 Chron. 7:14)

See the vision of social transformation: I see a city near you, or in your city, where the arising new apostolic city church arise in your city, and the fires of revivals rest up the city church, and the city church center, and revivals begin to fall upon the church of the city, and upon the city. The marketplace church is raise up and a bridge is built between the church and the marketplace, and kings of the Kingdom begin to be raise up, and they begin to minister to the city; and after a season the waves of social transformation begins to come upon your city, wave after wave of divine change and divine transformations begin to happen, and this is only the beginning. –(Ezek. 47:1-12)

See the vision of social transformation: in a city near you or your city, the kings begin to minister, the believers begin to pray, and the church begins to walk in revival life, and the Lord begins to heal the city, and the spirit of poverty is broken off the church, then off the city, and wealth and prosperity begins to flow upon the city church, and then overflows upon the city, poverty begins to decrease and prosperity begins to increase, the day will come when there is no poverty within the city, every person has a job, every person is ether middle class and upper class, and there is not walls between them. –(Rev. 22:2)

See the vision of social transformation: among the city church in a city near you or your city, the prayers of the saints, and the kings minister to the city, revivals falls, and the rivers of social transformation begin to flow and the crime rates drop, and the jails become empty, the youth and teenagers live pure lives, and become faithful youth, the blessings of the Lord flow upon the city and among the city church, marriages are successful and healed, the people groups fellowship and become friends with one another. –(Rev. 11:15)

See the vision of social transformation: the kings minister to the city, and the rivers of social transformation flows in the city, and the rains of social transformation rain upon the city, harvest comes upon the city, many are saved, masses are won to Christ, the holiness of God fill the city, the local government and public schools system s are changed by the Spirit, and there is no walls between the church and the city, and there is no walls between government and the city, each has there purpose and place, but both flow with the will of the Lord in the Word of God. –(Acts 17:6,Acts 8:8)

See the vision of social transformation: revivals fall upon the city church and is alive with the life of the Spirit, the apostles minister; the believers do the work of the ministry, the congregations become full, and the home churches increase and filled the church and fill the city around them, coffee houses become places of fellowship and loving one another in Christ, healing comes and the sick are healed, demons are cast out, the city become a city without sickness, and a demon free zone, and the rivers of social transformation flows throughout the city. –(Mal. 4:2-3)

See the vision of social transformation: waves of social transformation comes upon these cities, waves after waves, and massive social transformation comes too, then social transformation comes to other cities, and many cities and then the whole nation enters into social transformation, and social transformation goes from city to city, from nation to nation, wave after waves of social transformation. –(Rev. 21:24)

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