Thursday, May 28, 2015

Meeting in the Cloud

Meeting in the Cloud Elvis Iverson July 24, 2013 In a vision I am in the Third Heaven, I see a cloud hover over an area in the northern part of the Third Heaven, I walk over there and was there in a few minutes but yet it was a long away getting there. I see a table there under an open building, I see Enoch, John, Moses, Elijah and others. Enoch says there will come a group like me that will fly and jump from one place to the next at will, they will walk in the gifts of the Spirit, and they will walk in the bliss gifts of God, this is the will of God. Then there will come a company that walk in all the gifts of the Spirit and the bliss gifts of God, and then there will come a generation that will walk in all the gifts of the Spirit and the bliss gifts of God, and then there will come a generation that the whole church will walk in all the gifts of the Spirit, and in the bliss gifts of God. Then John says if you believe now you can walk in all the gifts of the Spirit and the bliss gifts of God. Moses says reformation will come in a great way across the whole church, and from that many revivals and the all the gifts of the Spirit and signs and wonders shall flow like many rivers all the time. Then Elijah says if you believe and have receive this reformation in your heart and renew your mind, you can have revivals and all the gifts of the Spirit, and signs and wonders shall flow like many rivers all the time, you can have this now. Now I see a Sadhu Sundar Singh and Maharishi of Mt. Kailash say we are not dead, we pray and minister by the Spirit in the earth until a certain time, we have not die, and there are other like us in other parts of the earth. The day will come that we will come out and minister to India and nations around her and many shall be saved. We are your friend, then I see an arrow inside of me, I say why is this arrow inside of me, it was place there by a mislead prophet, we shall now remove this arrow, and you shall move forth in your holy calling. Then I see this arrow gone and I am healed. Then I see a vision of the future, I see seven prophets who will minister for a decade, these ministers are prophets of the bliss gifts of God, they will come together to minister for a decade. Then I see gifts on the floor around us, I hear Maharishi say the Father has blessed us, let us gather them and impart and plant them in the church. We went to India first giving imparting and planting of these gifts, then we went to America to impart these gifts, and then to Europe, then Maharishi look at me and said one more place we go to impart these gifts, the Philippines and we impart gifts there, Maharishi said he has visit this place in the Spirit many times. Now we were back in the Third Heaven at this table under this open building, then Enoch say you never left, then others came up from earth, and we all were seated and eat and fellowship. Elijah say this place is the gathering of the bliss fellowship. Copyright © 2013 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Sit Walk Stand

Sit Walk Stand Elvis Iverson In the book of Ephesians you see an outline for the every day Christian, you see a progress of words leading Christians in a path of fruitfulness and blessings. It is important for each believer to study the book of Ephesians. Three key topics cover the whole story and path of the Christian life. These words are sit, walk, and stand. We are to be seated in Christ, for you to grow and to overcome, and even to begin to live the life that Christ wants of you, you need to first be seated next to Him in faith in the Third Heaven Throne Room. We are saved by grace, and we live by grace, we must believe what Christ has already done for us, and all things are ours and all blessings are ours in Christ, we only need to enter into rest. As long as you remain seated in Christ and in the rest of the Lord you will see the blessings of the Lord begin to flow as rivers of the Spirit continually. –(Eph. 2:6) After you are seated in Christ, and faith in His grace, entered into rest, then you begin your walk as a believer; this is walk of grace, faith, and love. –(Eph. 4:1) After you are first seated, second learn the application of the Word of God, live everyday for Christ, walk the walk of faith, walk the walk of love, walk the walk of peace. Then third you learn to stand. –(Eph. 6:11) Learn to stand on the promise of God, learn to stand in faith, learn to stand in rest, learn to stand fast. Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Sins of America

Sins of America Elvis Iverson God loves America, God bless America, America is in the heart of God, God’s purpose for America still stands, God has not giving up on America. He will cover her with great mercy and fill her will many revivals. America may be at a crossroads, but that does not change His plans for America. God hears the so many prayers that have been prayed over the years for America. America is to be an example for what God will do to other nations, meaning His goodness. Today I will try to list the sins of America so that there might be identificational repentance to add to the river of intercessory prayer, that the gates of revival may open wide over America. The Lord will bring social transformation to many cities and all of America, we will begin to see this within a few years from now, some of it has already begun, and we will see many revivals come to America. Almost all cities in America will be touch with revival. There will be a great harvest of souls that will become a continue river of harvest throughout all of America. The Sins of America: 1. Sins of Racism: Every person in Americas needs to come together from gathering place to gathering place and flow in identificational repentance and ask for forgiveness of the so many sins of Racism. –(1 Jn. 4:20) 2. Sins of covenant breaking: We have broken many covenants with the first nation people; we must repent and pray for restoration and healing. –(Mal. 2:14-16) 3. Sins of sexual immorality: Where do we begin with this one, we need much cleansing and healing from these sins. 4. Sins of Abortion: these sins are attacking upon generations that the Lord had so much plans for, this is pure evil, and pure murder. 5. Sins departing from God: We have removed prayer from our schools, God from the everyday life, and so on. What must we do! 1. Identificational repentance. 2. Repentance of your ones of the five that you have commit, and partake in with others. 3. Ask the Lord to heal you. 4. Pray for the healing of America. 5. Pray prayers for America. Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Time of the Rainbow

Time of the Rainbow Elvis Iverson August 13, 2012 I see a vision of rivers of supernatural manifestations coming from the Throne Room in the Third Heaven; I see a vision of rivers of supernatural manifestations flowing of from hearts of many believers from around the earth. I hear prophetic prayers coming from nations around the earth; I see apostolic prayers coming forth from nations around the earth. I see a vision of a company for believers; the number will grow and grow, and increase until it is five million this company is in two groups the first group are ministers around the age of 30 coming with signs and wonders, and planting home churches in many cities, and teaching and preaching with holy fire and holy rain. The second group are ministers around the age 60 to 65, they come forth teaching and ministering healing, walking in divine healing, they too plant many home churches and minister in signs and wonders. Now I see a company of 72 men and women they are called apostles coming with signs and wonders, Word Revelation, revival and reformation and harvest. Ministering in Fire, Water, Wine, Oil, and Wind of the Spirit. They plant apostolic networks and many home churches all over the earth. From this group came a small group of apostles and prophets join them, this small group was apostles of glory and power, timeless apostles, their number was 26. Now I see a group come forth they are prophets, called soaking prophets, they come with rain and the ministry of the cloud and of the fire. Now I see a big company, a global company of children, teenagers, and young adult, seeking God and praying, prophecies, worship, witnesses, and soaking in God. I see a massive number of prayer companies rise in many nations, greater then we see now, and worshipers join them, and prophets join them, and apostles join them, and over these gatherings are clouds of the presence of God. I see a group of apostles and prophets come forth to bring reformation and repentance, this group was not a big group, and was not a small group, but they were only a certain number. I see a company of many marketplace kings come forth into much wealth to minister to the first groups and companies. They were just beginning, for the day will come that great wealth will flow throughout the church. Now I see massive outpourings of angelic hosts upon the church, upon the earth, upon the world, upon groups of nations, upon cities, and upon these groups and companies. Copyright © 2012 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Time for Divine Apostolic Building

Time for Divine Apostolic Building Elvis Iverson August 15, 2012 I see a vision of Texas and Florida; I see pillars of clouds and pillars of fires, I see rain, rivers and floods of the Spirit, I see waves of the presence of God coming from everywhere you look. I see the archangel of healing come down, and standing next to him is an angel who will speak on his behalf; Let the apostles of the new apostolic wineskins arise and build!!! Let the new apostolic wineskins arise, increase, and mature!!! Let the outpouring of the new apostolic wines begin, fill, full, overflow and flood the new apostolic wineskins!!! I see upon these new wineskins rivers of new wine overflowing weekly and monthly!!! I see rivers of healing, I see rivers of miracles, I see rivers of signs and wonders, and I see rivers of supernatural manifestations, I see rivers of the gifts of the Spirit, and rivers of the bliss gifts of the Spirit. These rivers flow and become great and overflowing. I see rivers of great signs and great wonders flowing throughout the church globally!!!! I see rivers of healing and restoration coming upon cities, regions, nation, and globally. I see rivers of wealth, great wealth, massive wealth, extreme wealth flowing throughout the church globally. Then I hear the sound of a holy trumpet in the Third Heaven before the Throne Room and the church, from among the Seven Watchers I hear the sound of the trumpet of divine change. I see the outpouring of the Spirit of wisdom upon the church from city to city, nation to nation and globally. Copyright © 2012 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Seven Sins Against the Holy Spirit

Seven Sins Against the Holy Spirit Elvis Iverson We must become and learn and pray to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. We must lead to hear the Voice of God, by Being faithful to the Word of God, God will never say anything against His Word, Pray in the Spirit, Pray faithfully, Enter into rest, Have faith to hear, and Waiting upon the Lord. We must learn how to be led by the Holy Spirit. How to be led by the Spirit: Learn to become sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Learn to practice the presence of the Lord. Follow the presence of the Lord. Learn to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. Be a person of prayer. Soaking in the Presence of the Lord. Praying in the Spirit. Ask the Lord to teach you how to be led. Learn to hear the inward voice. Learn to hear the voice of your conscience. Learn to hear the still small voice. Learn how to apply dreams. Pray for visions, flow in visions, apply visions. Spiritual vision is a vision that you see with your heart. Open vision you see with your eyes. Learn to flow in Trances, etc. If you like these articles visit our web sites! Now we come to the sins against the Holy Spirit, although the topic is called the seven sins against the Holy Spirit. I have found nine sins. 1. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. –(Matt. 1:31-32) 2. Lying against the Holy Spirit. –(Acts 5:1-11) 3. Trying to buy the gift. –(Acts 8:14-25:, 9-13) 4. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit. –(Eph. 4:30) 5. Do not quench the Spirit. –(1 Thess. 5:19) 6. Giving rest to My Spirit. –(Zech. 6:8) 7. refusing to hear and refusing the Holy Spirit. –(Zech. 7:12) 8. rebelled against and grieved the Holy Spirit. –(Isa. 63:10) 9. Seek council from other sources. –(Isa. 30:1) Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Thursday, May 07, 2015

Positive Church Experience

Positive Church Experience Elvis Iverson We are in a holy reformation, these are the days of reformation, reformation is on the heart of God, and reformation must first come to the church, before social transformation can come to the earth, cities and nations around the world. As reformation comes to the church, revival will follow reformation. As reformation comes to the church revival will come to the nations, as reformation comes to the church social transformation will come to cities and nations, as reformation comes to the church revival will follow reformation and come to the church and then revival will come to cities and nations, revival will come to cities and nations, social transformation will come to cities and nations, and revival will come before and follow social transformation. And before and after and during each revival, social transformation, and the holy reformation harvest will come. Beyond this God’s will is for restoration of all things beginning with the church, then all cities and all nations, and then Israel, and even more beyond the restoration of all things. My Mission purpose is reformation, revival, social transformation, and healing of the nations, restoration of many generations, restoration of all things, harvest, and Throne Room Experience, demonstration of power, and the unity of the faith, Restoration of Israel, and the Eternal Purpose. Visit our web sites to read more articles! It is time to bring restoration and healing to the church, that every believer can have a positive church experience! To have congregations of love and fellowship. Positive Church Experience Number One: Discipleship, that babes in Christ, and young believers can go through proper discipleship so that they can grow proper and mature in Christ and stand as Christians in all times. –(Matt. 28:19-20) Every believer to be rooted and built up in Him, and establish in the faith, as you have been taught, and abounding in it, with thanksgiving. –(Col. 2:6-7) The Christian Life begins with: 1. Received Christ Jesus the Lord. 2. So walk in Him. 3. Establish in the faith. 4. Rooted in Him. 5. Built up in Him. 6. Abounding in it. 7. With thanksgiving. 8. As you have been taught. These eight steps are the beginning of a Christian life, if babes in Christ and Young Christians don’t have these eight steps down, it will take longer for them to walk in victory, live an overcoming life, enjoy the more abundantly life, and mature as a believer. 1. Walk in Victory: live the victory of the Christ. 2. Overcoming Life: overcome all things. 3. Enjoy the Abundantly life: Flow in all the blessings of the Lord. 4. Mature as a Believer: grow, become strong, being fruitful and a role model for others to follow. Positive Church Experience Number Two: Equipping of the saints, believers are to do the work of the ministry, the five ministers of Christ are to prepare and equipped the believers and empower and release them into ministry. All believers are priest, the ministries of grace are to release and empower them to be functional priests in Christ. –(Eph. 4:12, 1 Pet. 2:5,9) Positive Church Experience Number Three: Biblical Fellowship, the fellowship of believers in the church in the homes, home fellowship and the one another ministry, praying for one another, ministering to one another, sharing with one another, fellowship and loving one another, and flowing in worship. –(1 Cor. 14:26) Positive Church Experience Number Four: Building you on the love of God, and the love of one another, first to love God and then second to love one another. Experience the love of God, and experience the love of believers. –(Matt. 22:37-39) Positive Church Experience Number Five: Experience the Kingdom of God beginning with righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, and the power of God, and liberty of Christ and of the Spirit, and going from glory to glory. –(Rom. 14:17, 1 Cor. 4:20, 2 Cor. 3:17) Positive Church Experience Number Six: the experience of each one flowing in revelation, teaching, gifts of the Spirit, prophecy, that all will have edification, exhortation, and comfort and that the church will have edification and excel. –(1 Cor. 14:26, 12, 3) Positive Church Experience Number Seven: the experience of growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. –(2 Pet. 3:18) Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Mercy and Obedience

Mercy and Obedience Elvis Iverson Our Lord Jesus Christ desire mercy and not sacrifices. The Lord wants us to walk in His mercy, to live in His mercy, and show mercy to others, not to live a life of religion and sacrifice of religion. –(Matt. 9:13, 12:7) When are we going to learn that mercy triumphs over judgment? That judgment is without mercy, when are we going to stop living in judgment, and begin to live in mercy. –(Jam. 2:13) When are we going to learn that obedience is better then sacrifice, when are we going to stop living the life of religion and the life of sacrifice of religion. God wants us to live the life of obedience! Obedience is better! –(1 Sam. 15:22-23) Let us begin today living the life of mercy and the life of obedience. This is what the Christian life is all about, living in mercy and living in obedience. What are the fruits of the life of mercy? It is better then a life of ungodly sacrifice. What are the blessings of the life of mercy? It is better then a life of ungodly sacrifice. What are the rewards of the life of mercy? It is better then a life of ungodly sacrifice. What is the fellowship of the life of mercy? It is better then a life of ungodly sacrifice. What is a day in the life of mercy? It is better then a life of ungodly sacrifice. What are the fruits of the life of obedience? It is better then a life of ungodly sacrifice. What are the blessings of the life of obedience? It is better then a life of ungodly sacrifice. What are the rewards of the life of obedience? It is better then a life of ungodly sacrifice. What is the fellowship of the life of obedience? It is better then a life of ungodly sacrifice. What is a day in the life of obedience? It is better then a life of ungodly sacrifice. If we live the life of religion, sacrifice, and judgment what will be the fruits, what will be the blessings, what will be the rewards, what will be the fellowship, and what will be a day in that kind of life. We already know this, we already have this, and we are living it everyday! It is time for a big change! It is time to be awakening to His mercy and love. It is time to discover a better way! It is time to live the life we always wanted, not just to try, instead to live the life of blessings, good fruits, good rewards, good fellowship and good days. It is time to see and enter into the life of Mercy. We can go from crying out for mercy, to shorting with joy the words mercy! It is time to see and enter into the life of obedience! What a blessing, what blessings we will enjoy, and what fellowship we will drink of in the life of obedience? It’s up to you and me, I know what I am going to do, I hear the truth and I am free, and have made up my mind, and my heart says yes to the Lord and His life of mercy and life of obedience. Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Time for Corporate Revelation and Personal Revelation

Time for Corporate Revelation and Personal Revelation Elvis Iverson August 15, 2012 Then I hear the sound of a holy trumpet in the Third Heaven before the Throne Room and the church, from among the Seven Watchers I hear the sound of the trumpet of the open door. I see the outpouring of the Spirit of knowledge upon the earth. Then I hear the sound of a holy trumpet in the Third Heaven before the Throne Room and the church, from among the Seven Watchers I hear the sound of the trumpet of creativity. I see the outpouring of the Fear of the LORD upon the earth. The archangel of revelation comes down to the earth, and angel standing next to him says it is the time of the open door!!! I see the door of church open wide! I see the door to all nations open wide! I see the door to all cities open wide! I see the door to all people groups open wide! The archangel of resurrection come down to earth, angel standing next to him saying it is time for great rivers, great waves, great floods of signs and wonders and massive people being raise from dead all over the earth. Then the archangel of resurrection points to India, and anointing is pour upon India, the archangel of resurrection points at Mexico and anointing is pour upon Mexico, and south America, central America. The archangel of resurrection points at Africa and anointing is pour upon Africa, and then he points at America and anointing is pour upon America. Then the archangel of resurrection points at me and anointing is pouring upon me, and then the archangel of resurrection points at you and anointing is pour upon you. I see a vision of the proclamation watchers stand before the Lord and the Church, blowing their trumpets. I see the vision of waves of the gospel of grace go throughout the earth, I see many waves of the gospel of grace going toward many cities and many nations. I see waves of the gospel of salvation to many nations; I see great waves of the gospel of salvation going to many nations. I see waves of the gospel of power and demonstration go toward many cities and many nation, I see great waves of the gospel of power and demonstration come to many cities and many nations. I see waves of apostolic teaching and apostolic preaching go to many cities and many nations, I see great waves of apostolic teaching and apostolic preaching go to many cities and many nations. I see a vision of the power watchers stand before the Lord and the Church, blowing their trumpets. I see massive floods and massive rivers of signs and wonders, gifts of the Spirit, Bliss gifts of God, anointing, rising the dead, healing, and miracles come to the church in every city and in every nation. I see a vision of the justice watchers stand before the Lord and the Church, blowing their trumpets. I see massive covering powerful great rivers of freedom, liberty, and breakthrough coming to the church in many cities and in many nations. I see a vision of the seven watchers saying glory to Christ, glorify Christ, and Let Christ be glorify throughout the church, Israel and the earth. The Seven Watchers Blow their trumpet on the Day of Atonement. Then the three groups of watchers in the seven watchers each group blow at one of the three main feasts of the Lord. Every time the prophets prophesy on the Day of Atonement, an anointing is pour out upon the Joel Army. Copyright © 2012 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved