Saturday, October 28, 2006

Leviathan spirit

Leviathan spirit

Elvis Iverson

The spirit of Leviathan is a principality that attacks the new wine skins. This spirit does not attack the old wine skins, this spirit does not attack the leaders of old moves only the leaders of new moves. This is a spirit that comes to keep the church back from taking the ground that is needed to establish apostolic truth in the earth. The greatest force of this attacking spirit has been release in this time against the true apostles and prophets. This evil spirit attacks the ministries of freedom in the church. Christ’s will is to bring true freedom and liberty and the true apostolic movements is a move to bring a government of freedom, liberty and true order of the gifts. However, this evil spirit does not want freedom with the gifts. The truth is saints if you as a pastor or apostle do not create a realm in your church or network for freedom in the gifts and the fullness of the Holy Spirit will not come, and you are doing the will of the evil one.

In the Book of Job, the trial of Job was from the destructive nature of the spirits of behemoth and Leviathan; Satan does not do his own work he uses other spirits. He doers not like to be around the servants of God for the servant has the anointing. Job was a prophet, a marketplace prophet, and an elder; in addition he was one of the wealthiest persons in the know world at that time. Praise God that what Job went through was turn around as a witness of the true God in Job’s life.

In my personal life I have fight this spirit many times. And I am going through its attack right now as I speak. One thing that I am showing that to overcome this spirit is to be humble before God. However, I know that soon that breaker anointing will come forth and end these trials. This evil spirit attacks ministries and their leaders in many various trials in one big trial.

I remember when I was only a young minister and being faithful to another person’s ministry. I was ask to be apart of a prayer meeting in the city that meet two times week. They came together to see the city change. I was asked teach and help them in this task. Then at one of the meetings a pastor and one of his faithful lay ministers came to a meeting. As always in every meeting we pray for visiting pastors to show them honor. Well I pray for him and his lay minister. After that meeting this pastor and that lay minister said something was stir up within them. And from that day forth that pastor became my worst enemy in the whole city, here I did not know him, he didn’t know me. I was only a minister aiding another person’s ministry. I was not a pastor or well know minister. However, I found out that even before this time a person who helps this pastor establish his church said to him that I was a palm reader and my name was change from bob to Elvis. So you can see that the seeds were already planted. I even have never known that lady who said such evil lies about me. After a year I contacted him I ask him why is he doing this to me. He said I have been a pastor for nine years I have discernment, and I said you have no proof and my name was never bob, and I never was a palm reader. Unfortunately he never stopped his attack against me. He spoke his lies to his whole church, even in bible studies also to other ministers that didn’t even go to his church. He was saying Elvis is a palm reader, his name was bob, and he also worships Satan and is his servant. After some years of this kind of attacks, his members begun to come to me and deal with me. In addition, some of his members will say how can this be true of this anointed man of God, he has bless us so much. So his members begun to deal with their pastor even in bible studies, but this pastor never repent of his sins. This is just one of the trials I went through in Grand Forks in my training for my true destiny.

Why am I telling you this kind of story? To show how this evil spirit works. It does not care if you are a ministry or you know your call. Demons don’t play around. They too can sense the call on our lives. They will attack and try to destroy you from reaching your destiny. I remember once when crying out to God and asking why is this man attacking my ministry, and stopping people from giving to me through his lies. Then God give me Proverbs 6:16-19, 26:18-27. It was religious pride and the spirit of Leviathan working against my future and me. Moreover, I was in fellowship with anointed teacher in my hometown He then said I once was a minister in his group and we too have some trouble with him. He thinks his a mediator between God and man. In addition, his overseer has the same spirit. It is like the spirit that was upon Jim Joes, a superior, a spirit of superiority over God’s people.

Apart from that, there is a connection between this evil spirit and Egypt. This is the spirit that rule in Egypt and rule in the life of Pharaoh. Egypt is a symbol of what holds many Christians in a yoke of bondage to religious dead systems full of every evil spirit. This evil spirit is full of pride. The sin of pride is the beginning of sins. This spirit and those who obey will harden themselves against those who are the apostles of today. They will attack and stop the people of God from being free. However, God is greater and He will set us free from these evil spirits that are trying to hold us back from apostolic truth. If you stop apostolic truth, you stop the apostolic church, and if you stop the apostolic church you will stop the birthing of the kingdom church. Above this the gates of hell will not hinder the church or its true apostles and the Kingdom Of God from being establish in the Earth.

What should you to deal with such evil spirits? Stand on the Blood of Christ, Know who you are in Christ, examine yourselves, and deal with any sin in your life. Flow in revelation and the prophetic. Take hold ever day in prayer your true destiny. Pray for those who hurt you. Don’t take it personal. Forgive and bless those who do evil against you. Break all weak links. Establish yourself among faithful people and worthy people. This goes for leaders among you and leaders around you. This goes for leaders above you. We need to have worthy leaders outside of what we are doing that we can fellowship with and give account to. In addition, humble yourself and be clothed with humility. Pray for the Lord to end this trial, to stop these attacks, and stop the evil spirit, and for protection.

Copyright © 2004 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Friday, October 27, 2006

Kingdom of God

Kingdom of God

Elvis Iverson

God is all known, all-powerful and is everywhere. So is the kingdom of God is everywhere, where God is. The kingdom of heaven is where God rules over the kingdom of God from. God dwells in the hearts of those who have faith in Him. God comes to his people when they gathering together in his name.

In the beginning the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit created the heavens and the earth. Thus they created man in their image and likeness, they made male and female. God thus give man authority over the earth to rule on his behalf. However, man gives his authority over to Satan and the kingdom of darkness for reason of sin.

Nevertheless, In God’s mercy the Father sent His Son the Most High to redeem man to his image and likeness in Christ Jesus. Thus this begins the coming of kingdom of God in the earth. Thus this begins the progress and steps of the kingdom of God being established on earth through redeem man, the Holy Spirit and the future return of Christ.

In addition, through Christ dearth, buried, resurrection and his ascension to His holy throne in heaven at the right hand of the Father begun the beginning of the kingdom of God on Earth. Moreover, from rock of Christ, and the rock was Christ. From this rock grow the kingdom of God to all the nations of the world. Let us drink of this spiritual Rock, which is Christ, and let us follow the living water of the Holy Spirit that comes from this Rock. The living water is the Holy Spirit, and the Rock is Christ. –Dan. 2:34-35, 44-45.

In addition, the prophet Isaiah said by the Holy Spirit that unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulders: and His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgement and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this. –Isa. 9:6-7.

Moreover, Christ’s kingdom has come definitively through His ascension to the Father; is coming progressively through the increase outpourings of the Holy Spirit; and will come consummately at the glorious climax of history at the Second Coming of Christ. Therefore every one is truly born again of the Spirit is a true full citizen of the Kingdom of God.

Apart from that, the Church is the extended part of the kingdom of God on Earth. The Church is not the kingdom of God instead the ambassadors and the priesthood of the kingdom of God. Called to prepare the way of the coming King of Kings to Earth.

Copyright © 2004 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Dark Cloud Fellowship

Dark Cloud Fellowship

Elvis Iverson

In the Throne Room the most holy place where God the Father and God the Son dwells. God is surrounded with many clouds, which mean to us there are dimensions of fellowship, revelation, experiences, and glory that we can partake and enjoy, by the Blood of Christ.

Apart from that, God dwells in the third heaven, and dwells in the redeemed hearts, and whenever those who are redeemed gather together He is in their midst, and He dwells everywhere. Beside, the Father’s Throne is in the third heaven and our Lord Jesus Christ’s Throne is at His right hand, and the Holy Spirit’s Throne is in the our redeemed hearts.

Apart from that, there are more then one cloud, for the Word says clouds and darkness surround Him, for an example there is the pillar cloud by day and pillar of fire, resting or covering cloud, the glory cloud, the dark cloud, the great cloud with raging fire, flashing clouds, and the cloud in the form of a man’s hand. –See Psa.97: 2, 18:11, Ex. 13:21-23,33:7-11,34:5, Ex. 24:15-18, Lev. 40:34-38, 1 K. 8:10-13, 2 Chron. 5:13-14,6:1, 7:1-3, Ezek. 1,10, Isa. 60, Zech. 10:1, 1 K. 18:41-46.

Nevertheless, The Lord dwells in the Dark Cloud. The Lord hides himself in this dark cloud. The Lord seeks us that we might seek Him in this dark cloud. This dark cloud is in the Throne Room. Through out mankind there has been always a divine pull, pulling all of mankind both redeemed and those who don’t know Christ yet to the Dark Cloud. Those who don’t know Christ can’t see the kingdom or enter into the kingdom, and they can’t see or enter into the dark cloud without knowing first Jesus. It is only by the blood of Christ, which is the veil to enter into the Throne Room, the most holy place; therefore we enter the holiest by the blood of Jesus.

There is open revelation and communication to the believer, and then there is hidden manna that we must seek out in order to partake. Therefore there is open revelation, inner revelation and then there is hidden revelation. The hidden revelation is in the Dark Cloud where God dwells. This is called Dark Cloud Revelation. –See Isa. 45:15.

There are sufferings that come our way as we follow the Holy Spirit leading into the Dark Cloud. We cannot understand certain things without first the Holy Spirit and then without suffering. Beside, there are things that happen that we may not understand that only canned be understand by the Spirit. When trails and suffering comes our way and we choose to forgive those who hurt us and we choose not to be bitter then we are ready for the Dark Cloud Revelation, fellowship and to dwell with the Lord in this Dark Cloud. We will walk in the anointing and revelation that proceeds out from the Dark Cloud. –See Lam. 3:38, Job. 2:10, 45:5, Isa. 45:7.

However, if you don’t forgive and you choose bitterness you will not enter the Dark Cloud and there will be trails and suffering that keeps coming to get you to forgive and not to be bitter. Yes there will always be some kind of trails, etc. To love God we must love one another. To be right we must love God and love one another, and even love those who are not Christians.

In addition, we must be born of the Spirit to understand and receive that, which is of the Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit that reveals spirit to spirit. When Jesus said; “the words that I speak to you are spirit and, they are life”. We can be mistaken not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God. It is the Lord who opens our understanding that we might comprehend the Scriptures. We need to have the Sword of the Spirit, which is the rhema. The logos is the open revelation from God, and the rhema is the inner revelation from God, and then there is hidden revelation from God called Dark Cloud Revelation. Therefore we are being called to deep things to know and be with and apart with God. The deep calls unto deep by the Holy Spirit in us. –See Psa. 42:7, Jn. 6:63, Matt. 22:29, LK. 24:45, Eph. 6:17, 1 Cor. 2:6-16.

Moreover, there is the fellowship of the Dark Cloud those who have been partakers of suffering and have the dwelled with the Lord in the Dark Cloud. These people are servants of the Dark Cloud; these people are ministers of the Dark Cloud. Called to mister to the Lord in the Dark Cloud and to minister the revelation of the Dark Cloud to God’s people.

Beside, the Dark Cloud anointing is one of the Anointings that the Church will have in the end times. We need to know the end times Anointings for the church to grow and mature in them. Which one of them is the Dark Cloud Anointing that is the to the hiddeness of the Lord to His people.

Also, there is a certain kind of protection that comes to us if we dwell in the Dark Cloud with the Lord, which we began to partake the hiddeness of the Lord in our lives so we too are hidden as He is hidden.

Furthermore, we are being called and pulled by the Holy Spirit to the Throne Room and into the Dark Cloud. Sense the divine pulling of the Holy Spirit and began to obey by grace.

Copyright © 2004 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Values of the Heart

Values of the Heart

Elvis Iverson

The Kingdom of God is upside down to the ways of this world. The Kingdom of God may be in us, however we don’t have the kingdom in our minds or in our lives. The values of our heart will show that we are not living Kingdom living.

Upside down Kingdom:

“So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few are chosen”. We can see that in the Kingdom of God the last are first and the first are last. What a ideal that could change our lives to better the true Christian life. –See Matt. 20:16.

“Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. Wow if you want to be great you must be a servant first. This is not what we are hearing in the world. If you want kingdom life it begins in servant hood. –See Matt. 20:26.

“But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. “And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. The way of success is the way of humility. Where was the last time you heard this kind of teaching within the church walls? You can see why God is not showing up, we are not humble. –See Matt. 23:11-12.

For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. Wow once again God’s kingdom is built on those who are not wise, mighty, or noble. Our thinking must change into the ways of the Kingdom of God today. –See 1 Cor. 1:26-31.

“For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. Many are trying to save their lives, save their visions, save themselves however, if you gain Christ over all and you lose your life for Christ’s will you will gain your life. Many of us wonder why we don’t have the life of God in us. Yes if you are Born Again you have the life of God in you. Beside, do you have the life of God in your whole life? Why is this, we are loving our life more then Jesus and those around us. –See Matt. 16:25.

And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. In the Kingdom God wants our weakness not our strengths. God gives us the power of Christ if we have weakness. So where we have strength we have no power of Christ. You can’t build the church on your strength instead on your weaknesses. Wow our thinking must change. Our minds are enemies of God, and our sermons are from our human thinking is only of this world instead of the Kingdom of God. --See2 Cor. 12:9.

What may not be in this world however, we act like the world more then being like Christ and the Kingdom of God. The World is as Babylon a world that cannot overcome the coming times. What is the world you may ask? The world has rank first gold, then silver, precious stones and peals, fine linen, and purple, silk and scarlet, every kind of citron wood, every kind of object of ivory, every kind of object of most precious wood, bronze, iron, and marble; “and cinnamon and incense, fragrant oil and frankincense, wine and oil, fine flour and wheat, cattle and sheep, horses and chariots, and bodies and souls of men. This is what the world is the souls of men and their bodies are at the bottom of the ranking merchandise world. There is nothing wrong with gold etc. only if these things come before the souls of men and bodies of men. This is what has happen in the so-called modern day church. We must repent of having wrong values in our hearts. —See Rev. 18:12-13.

What do you love?

We are to love the Lord with all of heart, with all of mind, with all might. We are to love our wives or Husbands, we our to love our children, we are to love our brothers and sisters in Christ; we are to love those in the world.

However, today we do not love these things above. We may say we do love these things? Today we are loves of ourselves, lovers of money, and Lovers of pleasure rather then lovers of God. The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, and covetousness, is the sin of idolatry. This has become the life force of many who call themselves Christians.

The new trinity of many in the church today is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. Many say they love God only a few obey His word.

This ungodly trinity, which stands against the true Trinity, has made us to set up many idols in our hearts. Yes we have ask Jesus into our heart however we share our heart with many idols such as the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life. These have become three rivers that flow from our hearts to the world.

The idols in our hearts cause us to stumble into iniquity of not loving the lost and drying world. Our love ones do not believe in our witness for the reason we talk the gospel and at the same time the three evil rivers come out of us. These three rivers hinder many from the gates of salvation. Why do you say such things to us? If we don’t love God and keep His word, He will not come, dine and manifest Himself to us.

Our thoughts are full of the idols of our heart. How much thinking is not on the things of God or the things that matter? We live a life with things that does not matter. Do you feed the poor, do you love your brother in need, do you share the gospel with those around you, do you live the Christian life, and do you keep His Word? Our idolatry thoughts are incense before our Lord in Heaven.

“Because you say, “I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked!” –See Rev. 3:17. Christ wants your heart, mind and might again. It is time to repent and become in love with the Lord. It is time to be passionate lover of Christ; it is time to fear the Lord in everything we do. Let the love of God be in one hand and in the other the fear of the Lord.

It is time to come back to the love of Christ; it is time to repent of our sins. Clean our hearts before the living God. Walk the true Christian walk. Reach out to the world with the real gospel. It is time to come back to what realty matters. It is time for godly character and Christ likeness in the values of the heart.

Furthermore, “for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Do you have a heart for Christ? Do you have a heart for His Church? Do have a heart for His Word? Do you have a heart for the lost? Do you have a heart for your brothers and sisters in Christ? Do you have a heart for your family? Do you have a heart for those who are suffering? Do you have a heart for the poor and needy?

Copyright © 2004 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Friday, October 20, 2006

Hindering the Coming of Christ

Hindering the Coming of Christ

Elvis Iverson

There are many who become a hindrance to the coming of Christ. They have done this through their ignorant and arrogance ways. You may say how could any one stand in the way of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ? I am saying the same thing, but it is happening, and it is not a good place to be standing in the way of the Lord.

The Word says in Acts 3:19-21 that Jesus can’t return to earth until the restoration of the church is competed. You may not believe that? I may not believe this? It does not matter for this is the truth. That is why I can say without any question in my mind that Christ will not return before this Friday or today. There are promises that have to be fulfilled before he can return. Two of them is the one in Acts 3:19-21 and the other in Matthew 24:14 says this gospel of the kingdom will be preached to all nations as a witness to all nations, and then the end will come.

End time Bible Teachers may say others things that may overlook certain prophetic Scriptures that revel that Christ cannot come back if these are not fulfilled. I truly believe that the church in the end times will be a glorious church not a fallen away church.

Prophetic Scriptures that must be fulfilled before the coming of our Lord:

1. The compete restoration of the Church. Acts 3:19-21.

2. The completion of the great commission. Matt. 28:19-20.

3. The gospel of the kingdom preached to all nations. Matt. 24:14.

4. The restoration of Israel to the church. Rom. 11:11-25.

5. The church to become a glorious church. Eph. 5:27.

6. The Unity of the Faith. Eph. 4:13.

7. The replacement of principalities. Psa. 110:1.

Apart from that, what happens to those who stand in the way of his return? If you’re a believer and your standing in the way the Lord; he will give truth, grace and time to repent and change your ways. If you’re in the world the Lord will try to send his witnesses to you in order to change your ways. If ether does not repent the Lord will remove them.

In addition, there those are hindering the restoration of the church such as mislead ministers and believers the Lord will only allow this for a time. If they do not turn from their ways and repent of this evil, the Lord will remove them.

Moreover, if you are standing in the way of apostles, prophets, this coming reformation, etc. the Lord will remove you if you don’t repent. You are hindering the coming of Christ. The judgment of the Lord will come to meet you if you don’t forsake your evil ways.

Furthermore, we as Christians or ministers must do our part in hastening and preparing the way of the Lord, the coming of Christ. Every time you witness, preach, and pray for your city, etc. you are hastening the return of Christ.

Copyright © 2005 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Pure Life

Pure Life

Elvis Iverson

The Lord is calling us to a pure life. His will is for us to have clean hands and a pure heart. We can live a pure life by the Holy Spirit, through the Blood of Christ, faith in the Word of God and grace from Christ. We need understanding that you can be in a world of sin and evil and still live a true life for Christ. A life of consecration knows the truth and His grace in your life. –(See John 15:3)

A Christian can live a life without evil spirits, without sin this can happen and Christ has made the way for it. We were never made for sin instead for holiness with Christ. Now we are born of the Spirit, redeem and are new creations in Christ Jesus our Lord. –(See 2 Cor. 5:17)

Don’t allow a demon spirit to say that you can’t live without a sin or be free from an evil spirit. The Lord has made a way for you. It is by the Blood of Christ, by faith in the Word of God and by the Holy Spirit in your life. –(1 Jn. 3:8)

However, also you must be humble in mind and know that you can still sin, that you are not perfect. That you are not without sin, and darkness can be in your life just as the light of Christ can also be in you. The work that Christ has begun in you He will fulfill it. –(See 1 Jn. 1:5-10)

On the contrary, you can live a holy life in a world of sin and evil. What is holiness? Holiness is a true relationship with Christ; holiness is having faith in Christ for your sanctification. Holiness is knowing the truth and living the truth by the Spirit and grace. Holiness is by the blood of Christ not any work or deed of man. Holiness is when the Holy Spirit dwells inside of you by your faith in Christ. –(See Eph. 4:24)

In addition, when you give your life to Christ you receive the remission of sins and the Holy Spirit by faith in Christ’s blood, His work at the Cross and his resurrection. Now if you sin and will sin you need only to confess, repent, and ask for forgiveness. The Lord will forgive you for he has already forgiven you. He will lead you out of sin and give you power over that sin that keeps you in bondage. –(See 1 Jn. 1:9)

Moreover, we can live a life of holiness in this world of sin and evil with the Holy Spirit help. I do believe that we can and it is possible to live a holy life in today’s world. It only takes faith, the Holy Spirit and the blood of Christ. –(See 1 Pet. 1:15-16)

Beside, sin is sin on the other hand sin is sin instead each sin brings different troubles upon your life and your children and even those who came after them if you live a life of sin, if you repent you are set free from those troubles. Now sin is sin and homosexual, adultery, fornicators these are not greater then envy, pride, greed, lust, hate, unforgiving, and unloving all sin is sin. However, there is a false conservative mindsets going around in the church standing in judgment over those in certain types of sins such as those that you can see openly. –(See 1 Cor. 6:9-11)

However, the truth is those who are practicing open sins will came to know the Lord more easy then those who are practicing the sins of the heart, such as pride, envy, and greed these people don’t know their in sin, beside they too are practicing the sin of hypocrisy and religious sins. –(See Jn. 8:1-12)

Know the truth, pride is the beginning of all sins. It is the beginning of the sins of Sodom. Man can’t see his own pride. And humbly is a lost fruit of the Spirit that needs to be restored. What we think is humbly is not humbly it is pride. Pride is deceive for it covers your eyes from the real truth and hinders you from loving you follow brothers and sisters. Pride says I never did wrong, I never sin much, and I am a good person. –(See Ezekiel 16:49)

The Holy Spirit has giving us the power to lay aside these sins and grow in the Lord. We are to putt off the old man. We are to put to death the sins in our lives. We are to put of the sins in our life. We are not to let sin reign in our life. We are to reckon ourselves dead to sin. We are not to give our life to the instruments of unrighteousness, instead present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God, this is all by faith that we can be crucified with Christ and live a life with the risen Lord. –(See Rom. 6)

Christ has called us to sanctification and holiness by faith in the Word of God. There is sanctification when you are born of the Spirit, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit. Then there is on-going sanctification we are to possess our minds with patience and present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable, and transformed your mind by renewing your mind with the Word of God. –(See Rom. 12:1-2)

In addition, the elements of sanctification are the Blood of Christ, the Word of God, Faith, and the Holy Spirit. You have faith in the blood of Christ, which is written in the Word of God thus the Holy Spirit comes and sanctify you. –(See 1 Pet. 1:2)

Moreover, you believe in Jesus and His blood. You repent of your sins and invent Christ into your life. Once when you believe and repent you become a born again citizen of the Kingdom of God. You believe that Christ’s blood justified you and you have peace with God. Christ to the Father in Heaven declares you are righteous by the blood of Christ. Therefore the Holy Spirit comes into your life and cleans you from sin and you become a new person in Christ. –(See 2 Cor. 5:21)

Elements of sanctification:
1. The Blood of Christ: Heb. 13:12, 10:10.
2. The Word of God: Jn. 17:17.
3. Faith: 2 Thess. 2:13.
4. The Holy Spirit: Rom. 15:16, 1 Cor. 6:11.

If you believe that your sins are cleanse by the Blood of Christ by having faith in the Blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will come and set you free from your sins. –(See Heb. 9:14)

Apart from that, we are to love and forgive others. When the Holy Spirit came into your life and in you the love of God was pour out in your heart. We are to walk in love; we are to forgive all the time. This is one of the keys in living a godly life in Christ Jesus our Lord. –(See 1 Pet. 1:22)

In addition, the Lord has giving us grace and truth. Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ to us. Grace is not a reason to sin; it is a reason to overcome sin. Grace comes by the Spirit to aid us in overcoming sin and enduring temptation. Truth comes that we will no believe a lie or any lie. The Word of God is the truth. You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. We are growing in grace this is by growing in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. –(See Jn. 1:12,17)

Apart from that, is the ministry of deliverance; you have been giving the authority and power in the name of Jesus to cast demons spirits out of your life and shut those doors so they will not come back. You have the authority from your Lord Jesus to remove the plank from your own eye. Don’t let any demon for even a moment to lie to you that you can’t be set free or it will take years, the Holy Spirit is in your life and He wants you free. This is the will of God your sanctification and now you know how to possess your own vessel in sanctification and honor. –(See Matt. 7:3-5, 1 Thess. 4:3-4)

Furthermore, it is God who has called you to holiness; it is God who called you to be holy. If He called you to be holy and pure then He has giving you grace and the Holy Spirit to aid you in this call. –(See 1 Thess. 4:7)

Copyright © 2005 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Monday, October 16, 2006

Absalom spirit

Absalom spirit

Elvis Iverson

The Absalom spirit, Balaam spirit, Jezebel spirit, Cain spirit, Korah spirit, Athaliah spirit, Sennacherib spirit and the Queen of heaven are evil spirits that work against apostles, prophets and the moves of God. As you look through the Bible and see the kinds of evil people they can be used as symbols of evil spirit since evil spirits were working behind them. These are some of the main spirits that will fight the apostolic reformation. The Lord will take out these within these 40 years of time through this reformation.

1. Absalom spirit is a spirit that works under your care to overtake you and take your ministry from you.

2. Balaam spirit works through greed, false prophecy, and councils against you to take your rights from you.

3. Jezebel spirit is a spirit that works through control, witchcraft and fear to take away your blessings.

4. Cain spirit works through those who care for you through jealousies, envy, and to keep you from ministry.

5. Korah spirit works against you through disobedience against the vision and rebellion in attacking you.

6. Athaliah spirit is working against you just like Jezebel spirit; instead it is in power and control already.

7. Sennacherib spirit works against you through fear, unbelief, discouragement and intimidation to stop you from doing the will of God.

8. Queen of Haven is working against you through religion and religious spirits.

When you read the story of Absalom as in 2 Samuel 13-18. Today this is being used here as a symbol of a spirit called the Absalom spirit. You must know that first and foremost it is David who opens the door to this evil spirit to come against him. Likewise today you must find the doors and gates that we have open. We should not always point fingers at people. We need to judge ourselves first of all. Once when we do this we will begin to overcome this evil spirit.

The Absalom spirit works through envy, strife in order to bring divisions. First is the motive, which is envy, then it is the actions, which is strife, and then it is their fruits, which is divisions. A person under you in your care, who is gifted, skillful, and anointed, will rise under you. After placed in any position of authority it will begin to work against you. One thing to look for is they are carnal. –(1 Cor. 3:3)

In addition, in James 3:13-18 talks about the wisdom of God and the wisdom that is earthy, sensual, and demonic. Where there is envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. In one word this is the Absalom spirit at work.

Moreover, the Absalom spirit works against you through strife. Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins. –(Prov. 10:12) A wrathful man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger allays contention. –(Prov. 15:18) The beginning of strife is like releasing water; therefore stop contention before a quarrel starts. –(Prov. 17:14) Cast out the scoffer, and contention will leave; yes, strife and reproach will cease. –(Prov. 22:10) But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife. And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taking captive by him to do his will. –(2 Tim. 2:23-26) But avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and strivings about the law, for they are unprofitable and unless, reject, a divisive man after the first and second admonition, knowing that such a person is warped and sinning, being self-condemned. –(Tit 3:9-11)

Furthermore, do not put a contentions person in a position of authority. When you see strife stop it right away. Remove that person who walks in strife in a certain amount of time from among you.

Copyright © 2005 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Divine Rejection

Divine Rejection

Elvis Iverson

Jesus Christ our Lord is our perfect example of divine rejection. The Word says; “Behold I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation. –(Isa. 28:16)” Jesus Christ did this for the Body of Christ and he does this for each move that comes from him. Each true Move of God is adding to the growth and maturity of the body of Christ. There is restoration moves, reformation moves and revival moves all of these are lead from the Throne Room. In each move of God Jesus is a stone for the foundation, a tried stone, a precious stone, and a sure foundation. In 1 Peter 2:6-8 says; “therefore it is also contained in the Scripture, “behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious, and he who believers on Him will by no means be put to shame.” Therefore, to you who believe, He is precious; bit to those who are disobedient, “the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief cornerstone,” and a stone of stumbling and a Rock of offense.” They stumble, being disobedient to the Word, to which they also were appointed.” Jesus Christ was rejected and today he is still rejected, and through this divine rejection he has become the Chief cornerstone. I believe that each move of God that comes forth will have a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense.

Jesus Christ is leading the way before us from the beginning of the Church and throughout the history of the church. We are not greater then Jesus, if you want to be apart of any move of God you must be rejected. In those times rejoice that you are rejected. If you are rejected for the truth sake then you will be chosen to be apart of the coming great moves of God.

The old wineskins are not bad or evil; the old wines are not bad or evil. However, when the new wines and new wineskins come forth those who partake in the new say the new is better, and the same time through the old ways may not be open, some will be and some will obey. Then some will disobey and call you evil. They will call the new wine evil, and call the new wineskin evil. They will even call you a satan; if we don’t keep moving with God we will die without the life flow of the river of God. Then we will become dead works, and then we will persecute the new works and those that are birth of the Spirit. We are to forgive, love and give them time to obey that do not obey the calling of the new. If they do not obey, and if they call us evil, then the Lord in heaven will deal and judge them according to their words and actions toward the new. –(LK. 5:37-39)

I had a dream last night about the coming moves of God. I could see two classrooms, one, which is to end, and the other, which is to begin. These classrooms means moves of God. One was a class for babes. These was not babes in Christ, instead babes you are of the old and are not open to new. These babes had evil spirits around them trying to attack those who try to teach them the new or give them meat. We must be wise and move on to those who have a hearing ear. They who can hear the new ways we are to teach them, those that don’t hear we are to leave them behind and allow the Holy Spirit to minister to them. May be in time they will come to the new classroom of the Spirit.

The divine rejection is the Lord’s hand promotes us to new ways and new classrooms of the Spirit. In our hearing of the Holy Spirit and standing on the truth and the wine we will be rejected. This will in turn bring much blessing and promoting. Then in turn will birth a new company and new leaders. Let us now see other examples of the divine rejection.

The first example is the Ishmael, and the Isaac. One which old, of dead works, not according to the prophetic anointing and a work of the flesh. The other is of the new, is a new work, is according to the prophetic anointing and is a work of the Spirit. We can see that they will not mix, they will not be friends. They will have unity based on their father and so is it today. However, in their destiny they are apart. In the long run there will be blessings for both.

Then we come to Jacob and Esau, one was before and one came after. Jacob is the new move of God; there is favor and protection upon him. He will overcome all things, and he will overcome the Esau authority. The Lord has release the divine blessings and favor for a new move, and soon the new will be the head and other will have to follow the new. This is how it always been and will be. If Esau will submit to Israel then they will partake in their blessings and favor.

Then we come to Joseph, who is a sign to us today that the new move of God is not just a move, instead a reformation of all things. However the brothers of all past moves, and the body of Christ will reject the Joseph work of the Spirit. Thus the work of Joseph and then they will be great harvest among the nations, thus the brothers and the Body will come to bow their knee and be reformed. If you want the blessing of new you must bow your knee to the new. Every new move of God the old must bow their knee. The Lord is looking for humility from the old if there is pride he will deal with them. However, the Joseph must forgive and receive their brothers and give them provision with vision for them.

We see this in Samuel a type of a new move of God coming forth in the world they have more wisdom, more favor, more anointing, and more authority. The Eli move and their sons will be judge if they don’t repent then they willed be removing to make way for the new. We must reform to the new and receive the leaders of the new.

Now Saul is a type of old moves that will rise up to against the new move. So far we saw the Saul work at work among us. Their works will come to their end and David will come forth by grace not by his own will. However, the Jonathan people in between must make up their mind in which one to partake with. No longer you can partake with both.

Moving forth we see Paul a type of a new move of God. The apostles before him were not obeying their calling. The Lord in his will rise up a new apostle, and so shall the Lord do today. Paul was not very like and only few like him. In the beginning the apostles follow the apostolic doctrine but then they turn to the gospel of circumcision which Christ never teach this teaching. They no longer walk in the apostle’s doctrine. So the Lord raise up a new apostle with a new breed of apostles and apostolic people. Paul try to network and walk with them, he try to get these two moves of God to fellowship on common ground, instead the old move did not obey, and new move did obey. I hope that this does not happen today, and I know that the Lord will not allow this to happen, those who follow this old way will be dealt with. Nothing can stop us now. In those times he allows in order to teach the future generations of the church not to this. Peter is a type of those apostles in old wineskins and Paul is a type of those apostles in new wineskins.

Now again we can see that our perfect example is Christ. The old ways did not receive the John the Baptist or the Jesus move. One move was to prepare the way and the other move is was the reformation move. The Pharisees and Sadducees spirits are religious spirits sent by Satan to attack and kill the John the Baptist and Jesus move of God. These spirits are again moving through mislead servants and Christians to attack. They believe that they are right and are doing the will of the Lord. We must not allow these who attack to fellowship among us, instead to rebuke them and give time to repent. See they come among us to sow the seeds of evil spirits. It is time and we no longer listen, instead pray for them to be cut of. Let us learn from the examples in the Bible about the divine rejection.

Apart from that, with each move of Christ there are new leaders, the leaders of past moves do not listen to new leaders for the reason of pride. If the old leaders would submit to the new move of God then their wisdom would be receive. We have establish the zone of unity, which common ground let us keep coming and meeting together if we disagree, let us just come and love each other. If we are not obeying to truth, let us be open to love and in time we can speak truth with love. We must know there is the zone of unity and then there is the zone of reformation, let us know how to walk in both and how to partake with both. We are in a new day and time let us be meek and humble for we to can makes mistakes, and we make mistakes that we may learn from them and to teach others a more excellent ways.

Furthermore, in 2 Kings 13 tells us a story of a young man of God and old man of God; this story speaks much wisdom for us to apply today. We must obey the Holy Spirit and not the old man of God. If God said this then do that. If the old man of God brings a word that the Lord did not speak to you, yes respect and move on in obeying the Spirit. It is better to obey God today, instead of having old man of God’s favor. In time all things will be clear and all things that are of God’s will, will come together. The end will speak; trust the Lord in what He has said to you today. The Lord will give those who are likeminded who you can give account to, and he will give who those who listen and be apart of your life and ministry both leaders and people, just give it some time, and you will not be alone for long.

Copyright © 2005 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Friday, October 13, 2006

Four Historic Moves of God

Four Historic Moves of God

Elvis Iverson

Since the time When Jesus Christ our Lord ascended and is seated at the right of God the Father begun three great moves of God, the other move has been going on since Genesis. These are four great historic moves of God throughout history, their theatrical, and dramatic and drama of Heaven, and Earth.

These four historic moves of God will never have an end, will never be hindered, never be put out, these holy flames of fire can never be put out, and will never decrease, instead only increase.

Three of these moves of God will cover and fill the earth, will cover and fill ever nation and every city, and every people group on earth. Only one of these moves of God is in only one place, but it is in the hearts of many, and even in the hearts of believers everywhere.

Your purpose, destiny, plans, goals, and life are based around and through these four holy moves of God. Our life and happiness is depended upon these moves of God. Above all our purpose, destiny, plans, goals, life, happiness and peace is based upon our relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord.

All these four moves of God are based upon Holy Scriptures throughout the Bible, which is God’s Holy Word, and the Constitution of the Kingdom of God and the Church. We all need a revelation and a vision of these four moves of God.

Those four life changing and historic moves of God are the Body of Christ, the Kingdom of God, Israel, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

The first of these four moves of God is the Body of Christ. This move of God begun with Jesus Christ, and the Apostles of the Lamb, the body of Christ, which is the church is the Bride of Christ, the ambassadors of the Kingdom of God, and the Priesthood of the Kingdom of God.

What has been going on since the second reformation is the restoration of the priesthood and the priestly ministry, and priestly anointing of all believers in Christ, we are now coming to end of this restoration and we going into the beginning of restoration of the kingly anointing and the kingly ministry of the saints. We have already been through two reformations the first was with Jesus Christ, the Apostles of the Lamb and Apostle Paul and His Company. The Second Reformation was the Protestant reformation which begun the restoration of the priesthood, and now we have enter into the third reformation which is the reformation of the church, called the new apostolic reformation. This reformation will begin the beginning of end of restoration of the priesthood and beginning of restoration of kingly anointing in the church. The fourth reformation will be from the apostolic church to the Kingdom Church, which is the city church in every city of every nation on earth. The fifth reformation will be from the city church to the millennium reign of Christ and Saints.

The second of these four moves of God is the Kingdom of God; this historic move of God begun with Christ ascended and is seated at the right of God the Father. The Kingdom of God is in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. The Kingdom of God will come to all cities through the Holy Spirit and the saints. The Kingdom of God will fill the earth; will fill every city in every nation on earth.

The third historic move of God is the one that begun in Genesis with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This move of God was giving from God to Abraham and the Children of Jacob. This move of God is a revelation from God. The promise land will be filled with the move of Israel. From Jerusalem to all of Israel, this move of God will fill. First was the real of Israel, which became a nation, second is the spiritual part of Israel when all of Israel comes to know Christ. The move of Israel is in the hearts of Jewish people, who lives in Israel, the move of Israel is in the hearts of every Jewish person around the World, and the move of Israel is in the hearts of all believers in Christ around the world.

The fourth historic move of God has begun with Christ seated at the right hand of the Father, this move of the God is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all believers in Christ, upon Israel, and Jewish people, and upon all nations, all cities and all people groups. The move of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is through Him and His outpouring the Body of Christ grows, established and fills the earth, and the Kingdom of God comes, established and fills the earth, and Israel is establish and fills her land, and the hearts of Jewish people everywhere.

All these four historic moves of God are connected with each other and are depended on one another, and above all these three are depended on the forth one the move of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and above is depended upon the Lordship of Jesus and Christ and the heart love of the Father.

Furthermore, Jesus Christ ascended and is seated at the right of God the Father and from that time forth he rules and reigns over Earth from Heaven, and at His glorious return will rule and reign from earth over all the world, and heaven.

Copyright © 2006 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Pathway to Humiliation

Pathway to Humiliation

Elvis Iverson

There is a difference between humility and humiliation. Humility is from the Lord, the Lord wants you to be humble, and he resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. Humiliation is from the devil, demons, and man it comes to bring disgrace, embarrassment and shame. —(Jam. 4:6,10,1 Pet. 5:5-6)

Humility comes by two ways ether you humble yourself or the Lord will humble you. Humility is not listed as a fruit of the Spirit; instead self-control is a fruit of the Spirit. Prideful people do not walk in self-control when it comes to their words, actions, and to take a positions from another. Pride is a sin of the heart, an inward sin that makes it hard for you to see this sin and other sins. This sin comes with deception. This is sin is the beginning of sins. Man does not know his own pride. It is a work of the Holy Spirit that we can see our own pride; it is a work of the Holy Spirit that we can learn humility. Pride is an evil desire, and we put to death this evil desire, and we are to put on humility and meekness. –(Matt. 23:11-12)

The meekness of wisdom comes from the wisdom from above, and bitter envy, and self-seeking comes from earthly, sensual and demonic wisdom. So humility is a fruit of the wisdom of God in our lives. –(Jam. 3:13-18)

The Lord desires the sacrifices of a broken and contrite heart, he does not despise these; Humility is a work of the Holy Spirit in your life. Humility is a process every believer must go through. If we humble ourselves he will lift us up. –(Psa. 51:17, Jam. 4:10)

The human flesh is prideful; pride is in our sinful flesh. It is only by the Holy Spirit a person can be humble. We need the Holy Spirit to live a humble life. The power and glory that is coming upon the church and each one of us, it is only the Holy Spirit that can keep a man humble. Humility is a state of mind, is a right mindset. The Holy Spirit has to adjust the temperance in our minds and souls that we don’t take the glory for our self. The glory only belongs to Christ alone. The Lord takes all who are called to greatest in him into a time of temperament changing of mentality in order to endure the power of God in our lives.

However, there is a false humility that is much of the religious church. We think this is humility and that is prideful. You can be prideful with a little or with a lot. You can be prideful with no titles or with many titles. On the other hand you can have titles and a lot of stuff and be in very powerful positions and not be in pride at all.

Nevertheless, God humbles us with the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. This work of humility is a work of grace. Nebuchadnezzar was not a believer, this was not in the New Testament, and he was not born again, he was not a child of God. We need to interpret the Old Testament from the light of the New Testament. –(Dan. 4)

On the contrary, the Lord’s chastening, scourging and rebuking will first be done through anointed people and others that the Lord will place in our lives. Will there be any suffering? Yes there will suffering, instead not unto death, or any sickness. We can’t blame God for everything; instead we need to know what God is doing, so that we can repent. Above all this, we need to turn to God no matter what happens to us. The Lord is always with us and for us. It is Satan, demons, and man you brings ungodly suffering, etc–(Heb. 12:3-11)

Now patents we must be careful in how we raise our children and discipline them; for if we bring humiliation or humiliate them doing our correction. This will bring hurt, angry, and shame, etc. this will bring a backlash of disrespect, we must bring correction with proper respect, if you deal with them as dirt then others will do the same. This also goes for spiritual leaders and spiritual fathers. Above all this, the Lord and your Father in Heaven is better and know to do better. Your Heavenly Father will not humiliate you.

However, The Lord in his divine plan will allow times of humiliation to come. These are trials and tests to try us. If you can pass the test of humiliation then you can do anything. You must know that the Lord is in control of everything. This is why we must turn to the Lord always in all times. No matter what happens to us. Let us never become bitter or angry with the Lord. If we are, this means we lack understanding or we have opened a door to an evil spirit that is making us against our Lord; bitterness, angry, and rebellion and disobedience will only add to the problem, you must surrender to the divine process of the Lord.

Joseph was called by the Lord to save his people, and be a witness to the nations around him. However, Joseph went through a time of humiliation in being sold into slavery, being put into prison, and then being promoted by the Lord. It says until the time that his word came to pass; the word of the Lord tested him. This does mean that humiliation is from the Lord, for it is not. This means that the Word tested him if we would believe the word of the Lord. Joseph first had to go through years of humiliation before the fulfillment of the prophetic word over his life. –(Psa. 105:17-19)

Now above all this is our greatest example of humility and humiliation, which is our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus humbled himself and become obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. His humility was that he allowed them to take his life. The God the Father and Jesus our Lord allowed them to take his life. It is the Lord that gives his life. They could do nothing if the Lord did not allowed them to do so. Humility is not using your authority and power when you can, and when God says allow them to do so. Now the humiliations that came from the devil, demons, and mislead people, this was his time of humiliation that he allowed himself to go through. When he allowed them to hang him the cross, naked this was a great humiliation. We are not greater then he is, we are his servants, disciples and we are to follow his example, follow his step in humility and humiliation. –(Phil. 2:1-11)

Furthermore, humility is a work of grace and the Holly Spirit in our lives, and humiliation is a test that all believers must go through. If you can pass the test of humiliation you can do anything.

Copyright © 2005 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Sunday, October 08, 2006

A Prophetic Overview

A Prophetic Overview

Elvis Iverson
August 20, 2006

What the Holy Spirit was speaking since 1999 to 2006; He has been saying prepare, prepare, and prepare, this has been a time of preparation.

Prophetic words, and prophetic visions have come forth speaking of things to come, speaking of change, which some are still out of our reach. Much to say of them is speaking what we believe the Lord will do and that which He has giving revelation of what He will do. Which made most of us to enter into a time of waiting and prayer, where we feel content and happy waiting upon the Lord.

Teaching, revelation and ideals have come forth, that are for the planting of seeds of change, seeds of revival, seeds of reformation, seeds of reconstitution of the order of the church, seeds of social transformation. Which much have made us not useful for this modern day church; instead we only want what God has said. Ideals and the renewing of our hearts and minds, we sure have already gone through a reformation of heart and mind.

Those who have heard these ideals, teaching, prophetic words and have not changed their ways will become un-useful in the fulfillment and application of these words and teachings. They will have to wait at the feet of those whom heard and already were reformed in heart and mind for a season or more.

Those who have heard and apply, and become already renewed and reformed will be useful for the Master’s plan in the fulfilling and application of these plans. Although only in parts of teachings, revelation, prophetic was giving, those who believe in these parts that have believed and received will be granted to enjoy the rest.

However, those who don’t believe the teachings, prophesies, revelation, and ideals will only be allowed to partake in the first parts that has been already revealed, those parts that have been hidden will only be enjoyed by those who believe now. Many of those who don’t believe will live their life in those revealed parts and go to their grave without enjoying the other parts.

It is a judgment of faith, do you believe or do you believe not. That is how simple this all is, and this has always been the same throughout the history of the church and throughout the times before them. If you believe, you are judge to eat of the fruits, and if you believe not you are judge not to eat of the fruits. Thank God for His mercy, mercy triumphs over judgment.

If you can hear the Holy Spirit you will overcome, if you can hear the Holy Spirit you will believe. If you harden your heart and ears and refuse to hear and obey you will receive God’s chastening. If you heart has grown cold and you have become lukewarm you will not partake in His fullness to us. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land. Repentance is needed, the goodness and mercy of the Lord leads one to repentance. If you repent, if you humble yourself, you will eat what others have labors for, which you don’t believe for, and spoke against in your unbelief. If you repent and humble yourself, you will eat the fruits that others have believed for.

This time of preparation and prepare, a time of waiting, hearing, receiving from the Lord, a time of prayer, a time of personal reformation is coming to an end, we are at the end of this time. This time has also been a time of shaking, suffering, and sacrifices. This has been a time of testing of hearts. Now we have come to the end, those who have been faithful will receive their full rewards. What will mark the end of this time will be a full restoration in your life.

I speak grace, peace, healing, restoration, soundness, anointing, blessing, strength, revelation, revival, reconciliation, freedom, liberty and rest to the faithful.

There will come a remnant and forerunner group of these teachings, prophecies, visions, insights, and ideals. There will come a company of faith and revelation, there will come a generation of revival and reformation.

Your labors and faithfulness is not in vain in the Lord, He will not forget the work and labor of love; you will be rewarded, blessed, and honored.

Copyright © 2006 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Requirement is Relationship

Requirement is Relationship

Elvis Iverson

Own no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law. –(Romans 13:8)

We in Christ in the household of faith are not to own no one anything, meaning we are not to be lords, controlling, taskmasters, and spiritual debt collection agency. However, what is required is love.

The household of faith is to be a house of freedom and of willing hearts. The requirement is relationship. The day where we had false relationships with no meaning and no feeling is over. The day of having church without meaningful relationships is over.

If you want to be saved, you must have a true relationship with Christ, if you want to be apart of a church you must have relationship. If you want biblical fellowship there needs to be relationship. If you want the Christian life you must be in relationship.

There cannot be a church without relationships, there cannot be a network without relationships, there cannot be teamwork without relationships, there cannot be a ministry without relationships, and without relationships a vision cannot be run with those who read the vision.

If you want a spiritual faith, you must be a son, if you want to be a father, you need a son, if you want to be a leader, you need people behind you, if you want a leader, and you will need to be a follower. Everything needs a relationship in order to be something.

What is required is love, you can’t have love without relationship, and you can’t have relationship without love. All relationships with heartfelt connection are what Christ wants for us. We are not to be untouchables, but to be in touch with God and His people.

You can’t build a church, a network, and a movement without the requirement of love, without the requirement of relationship. We can’t go to the nations without the bridge working of divine connections into true meaningful relationships.

Sons are for strength, and fathers are for wisdom, and without relationship between both of them, the sons cannot have the wisdom of the fathers, and likewise the fathers cannot have the strength of the sons.

Copyright © 2005 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Trying Times of Unity

Trying Times of Unity

Elvis Iverson

Biblical Unity is God’s will for the Church. It is God’s will for churches in a city to have true unity. It is God’s will for Christians in a nation to have united bond of unity. In the future the church will have the unity of the Godhead, in the future the church will have the unity of the Spirit, and in the future the church will have the unity of the faith.

Nevertheless, we will come through trying times of unity, as we have been in past times. These times are to create an opening for a holy desire for biblical unity to be planted in our hearts.

I believe that we will again enter into one of the most trying times of unity in the history of the church, this has to happen in order to make the way for the unity that Christ wants in His body.

You must see the purposes why God allows strife and divisions to arise in the church; you must see why these trying times come. One way is to make room for the house that the Lord will build in the soon future.

You can even see in your own churches and companies how unity is tested again and again. In times when unity is tested you can see the hearts of the leaders and the people. After those times of testing there need to be restoration and healing, which comes through love, forgiveness, understanding and truth.

We must pray for wisdom and learn how to overcome these tests of unity and trying times of unity in order to have a better and more rich unity in the church.

Copyright © 2005 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Reformation, Revival, and Unity

Reformation, Revival, and Unity

Elvis Iverson

When reformation comes the community of the believers will be shaking, it will be trying times for unity. But again what kind of unity do we have, unity that can be shaking must be shaking so a more mature unity may come.

In reformation, we must teach that all those who are born again, are apart of the Body of Christ, and we should seek to fellowship with them and to love them. This must be retrained over and over in the coming moves of God, so that no walls of divisions arise between others and us in the church.

In reformation we must always give the right of fellowship to any believer or any minister in Christ, we must allow them to make up their own minds. We must keep the door open if they don’t agree with us give them time. Reformation must not be without the love of God for the church.

When revival comes, they will be those who try to control, attack or try to destroy a revival. We must forgive them, and not war in the flesh, our battle is spiritual and there are demons working behind those who are mislead against revival. At the same time we should not hold the people who are apart of those leaders who are the leading the attack. We should seek to fellowship, to love, and give the right hand of fellowship. So that in long run we don’t build new walls of divisions, instead plant seeds for unity and love.

There is unity that we can have that will not work in the favor of revival or city transformation. This is pastoral unity, this is the kind of unity that will always be shaking on certain levels, but this unity is needed on certain levels too. The unity that we need at the city level is apostolic unity; this kind of unity will lead to city transformation. Beside, when true city transformation comes, will then come true unity. We should always seek biblical unity in our cities and in the church.

Copyright © 2005 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved