Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Signs of Grace Giving

The Signs of Grace Giving

Elvis Iverson

The reformation of church economics has already begun, this is one of the main issues of the third reformation; this reformation has already begun as a lamb, soon will become a roaring lion, and then move fast as a horse.

Grace giving is biblical giving; grace giving is giving founded on a sound solid holy ground, grace giving has a sound foundation of biblical foundation. Grace giving is the will of God for giving in the church. Grace giving is a better way of giving, and grace giving is a tree of life in giving.

All believers are to give, and are to be faithful in giving. First and foremost God will provide you all your needs, He will take care of you no matter if you give or don’t give. First the Lord blesses you with financial blessings so that you can take care of yourself and your love ones, and enjoy life. Then if you give, and when you give He will bless you again, first He bless you with financial blessings, then it is up to you if to give or not to give. If you give He will bless you with more blessings. This is what I called a double portion blessing, first the Lord gives financial blessings to you, then He gives you free will to give willing, and if you give you are again blessed with more financial blessings.

With grace giving you are to first take care of your family before you give to a church. Then you are giving according to how much you prosper, if you prosper more, you then can give more. Besides, you are to purpose in your heart what you are to give. On one hand you are to give according to has you prosper, and at the same time give as your purpose in you heart. Giving from heart and giving in liberty will open you to hear the Holy Spirit in leading you in grace giving.

When you give you are to give willing and cheerful. Giving is to be done in faith, yes see the need, but give in faith, you are to give an act of worship, giving is a form of worship, and you are to give in grace.

We are to give, we cannot go without giving as we prosper, however there are certain times when a person only has money to take care of them self and their loves one. During those times you can pray for the Lord to give you grace and seed in order to give. The Lord understands you, and loves you. There is liberty and freedom in grace giving.

The Lord wants us to support those who feed us spiritual, He wants us to support the local fellowship where you belong, the Lord wants you to support apostles and prophets, the Lord wants you to support missionary work around the world, and the Lord wants us help those among the church in need, and to feed the poor, above all be led by the Holy Spirit, you may not have the grace and seed to give to all these things, etc. give only to those things that you have grace and seed to give to, and be led by the Holy Spirit.

There are seven signs of grace giving, if you believe and you are faithful in grace giving you will see all these signs of grace giving in your life. –(2 Cor. 8,10)

1. He provides seed and grace. If you don’t have seed to give, ask the Lord to give you seed so that you can give. In grace giving the Lord gives the seed first to you. If you ask Him, He will give you grace and seed. –(2 Cor. 9:10)
2. You will reap sparingly and reap bountifully. If you give in grace and seed, and you are faithful you will reap in finances. –(2 Cor. 9:6)
3. All grace, sufficiency, abounds in every good work. When you move in grace giving, giving in grace and seed, there will be grace in all areas of your life and you will abound in every good work that is the power of grace giving. –(2 Cor. 9:8)
4. You will abound in grace giving. If you pray for grace and seed, if you give in grace and seed, if you are faithful in grace giving you will abound in grace giving. –(2 Cor. 8:7)
5. Fruit that abounds to your account, a sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to God. Grace giving is an acceptable sacrifice, and it will abound to your account in the Third Heaven. –(Phil. 4:13-19)
6. Overcoming poverty and debt, financial suffering and financial lack. Grace giving has the power to set your free from debt and lack. –(2 Cor. 8:1-3)
7. Increase in the fruits of righteousness. When we give we are to give in faith, give in grace, give in worship, give with a willing heart, give with a cheerful heart, give as you purpose in your heart, and if we give in grace and seed, and if we are faithful to grace giving you will increase in the fruits of righteousness. –(2 Cor. 9:10)

Grace giving is not some new teaching it has been here since the beginning of the church, now we are seeing a restoration of grace giving in the New Apostolic Reformation. –(2 Cor. 9,10)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, July 27, 2007

Biblical Fellowship

Biblical Fellowship

Elvis Iverson

Many have believe that church life is coming to a local congregation on Sunday hearing worship and then hearing a sermon, and then going home, some will even go to Wednesday night or even Friday. This seemed to be like going to some movie theater, you pay your tithes you hear a good movie then go home. –(Jam. 1:21-27, 2:14-26)

In addition, it seem the congregation is more a Movie Theater then church life. Now every believer has a ministry, however, they are in the service of the upkeep of the Sunday service, the theater church life. Yes we need those who will assist on Sunday morning aiding with the corporate service. –(1 Pet. 4:10-11, 2:4-10)

Corporate service is the place for the apostles, prophets and teachers to minister to the new apostolic congregation, however this is only a part of biblical fellowship. –(1 Cor. 12:28, Acts 13:1-3)

We need the home cell, we need the home church, we need the cell group, and the cell church. This is where the beginning of biblical fellowship begins. The pastoral care and the pastoral ministry are in the home cells. Jesus works in small groups to build relationships, and we are too built relationship with God and with one another in small groups; small groups are the beginning of church life. –(Rom. 16:5)

Small groups is not only the place for the ministry of the pastor, it is the beginning place of the believers ministry. Biblical fellowship is building on our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ first and foremost, then to build relationship with follow believers in Christ. Meaning to love God then to love one another. –(Jn. 13:34-35)

We are to walk in the Light of Christ with one another, this is biblical fellowship, as we walk in the light of Christ, we are to believe for the blood of Jesus Christ to cleanses us from all sin; and biblical fellowship will aid you in your walk with Christ. –(1 Jn. 1:7, Jam. 5:13-18)

The early believers continued steadfastly in the teachings of the apostles, and fellowship, in eating together, and in prayer. This is biblical fellowship and if we have biblical fellowship we will see the fear of the Lord come upon every soul among us and around us, and many wonders and signs will come forth from the ministry of the apostles of today. –(Acts 2:42-43,46-47)

It is time to have church life, meaning a life of revival, a life of the supernatural, a life of walking and being led by the Holy Spirit, in the congregation, in the small groups, in the workplace, in our homes, and everyplace. Church life is not for Sunday only; it is for everyday of the week. –(Col. 3:16-17)

The theater church life is coming to an end, the congregation life is to be a center for equipping the saints for the work of the ministry, a place for ministries of the apostles, prophets, and teachers, a place for signs and wonders, and a place where the Holy Spirit outpours upon the believers, and the believers flow in prophecy, visions, signs, and the gifts of the Spirit, and the revival life. –(Acts 2:43, 1 Cor. 14:26-33)

The new apostolic congregation is the place for the gathering of the saints to hear the ministry of the apostles, Apostle Paul preach or teach about five hours, apostles would minister during long services, today we will see this in the new apostolic congregation. There will be no more half hour service, and no more one hour service, and there be no more 15 min. sermons, instead there will be teaching and preaching for hours at a time. –(Acts 20:7-12, Acts 14:1-7)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Church Around The World part four

The Church Around The World part four

Elvis Iverson
June 30, 2007

In a vision I see the roundtable meeting of the Seated Apostles and Seated prophets. I hear the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ saying I have call you all hear to hear my mind, and hear the heart of the Father. For you all will have one mind, which is the mind of Christ, and you will only have one heart, which is the heart of the Father.

The Holy Spirit then says to them, these things that I speak in these prophecies will begin to come to pass, and will continue to come to pass in this generation and then next generations. The signs of these prophetic words coming to pass will be the coming wealth; the signs of an apostle, revival, and the lion of reformation will be Release upon the church.

I see vision of the ocean of souls; The Holy Spirit says this ocean will fill with the activity of the Holy Spirit, I see a vision of ships coming across from city called the church. Built upon a great mountain called the Kingdom of God. These ships have come to gather the souls, these ships shall be full of these souls, and the times are coming for the great fishing of souls to begun.

I see a vision of an ocean of glory, the Holy Spirit says this is the coming glory, this is the coming acts of the Holy Spirit, this is the coming movements of the Holy Spirit, This is the coming revivals of the Holy Spirit, and I see gateway cities and these movements of the Holy Spirit are coming to footsteps of these gateway cities.

Now I see a vision of eagles and other like kind of birds flying above us, and I see great birds flying also above us. Then these birds fly over the ocean of souls and the ocean of glory, these birds then turn into water and poured into these two oceans.

I see from the footsteps of these gateway cities, came out from the two oceans men and women of God, these were the coming apostles that are coming to the gate cities, gateways cities, a certain set aside cities, and other divine cities.

I see these huge gates of these cities shut up, none goes in, and none goes out. I see these apostles with rods in there hands, call forth the believers that have an ear to hear, they come to gates of these cities, and open the gates to these apostles. It seems an anointing flows upon and among, and in the city as these gates open up to these apostles.

The Holy Spirit says to these apostles who are called to the gateway cities, and other cities around the world. I will open wide these gates for you; I will bring those who are called to labor with you by your side, and the apostolic anointing and apostolic grace will come upon these cities.

Those who have close these gates, I will close their gates, those who open these gates, and I will open their gates. I will bless these cities will open gates of the Kingdom of God.

I will bless these cities with open gates of:

The Gates of the Kingdom of God.

The Gates of the Forces of Wealth.

The Gates of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Gates of the Throne Room.

The Gates of the Holy Spirit.

The Gates of the Church.

The Gates of Winds of Heaven, Kingdom, and the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit says I will bless these cities with the city church, I will increase the church a 100fold, I will bring forth the 100fold anointing of growth and increase of the Church. I will rise up apostles and prophets, I will rise up a company of intercessors, I will rise up a marketplace army in these cities, and I will rise up marketplace apostles.

I see a vision of the church of these cities, the church is so huge, and that it seems that the church and the city are the same, that the city is in the church, and that the church is in the city.

This is a vision of the church around the world in the gateway cities of the world.

Then we hear the voice of the Father, He said He desires to pour out His love, mercy, goodness, and His plans upon the world, however He is waiting for His apostles and Prophets be set in their place all over the world, then this to begun.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Gospel Of Prosperity

The Gospel Of Prosperity

Elvis Iverson

Prosperity is God’s will? Is the gospel of prosperity an antichrist gospel? Is the gospel of prosperity a false teaching? However, the gospel of poverty is not God’s will, poverty is not from God, poverty is a curse, poverty is an evil spirit, and the gospel of poverty came from pagan religions, deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons instead, the gospel of prosperity comes from Israel. –(Eph. 2:11-13)

Poverty is a curse that can be broken, and poverty is an evil spirit that can be bound in the name of Jesus. Prosperity is God’s will; the will of the Lord is for every believer to have good success, financial freedom, financial independence, have a better life, and be a generosity, cheerful, and Spirit led giver. –(2 Cor. 9:7-8)

It the application of prosperity that is wrong, there needs to be a practical application of prosperity. The Lord gives me this term to give us a practical application of prosperity, which I call workplace prosperity. The Lord gives us grace and anointing to flow in the practical application of workplace prosperity. He helps us find opportunities, careers and jobs that are the joy of our heart, He give us grace and wisdom to become wise in stewardship, investments, and to abound generosity-cheerful-Spirit led giving; then to enjoy the labors of our hands in resting. –(Eccl. 5:19-20, 3:13)

Biblical prosperity comes through grace and anointing with godly contentment, learning to be abased; going without, and then learning to abound. Biblical prosperity is an application of prosperity for all believers in all nations. –(Phil. 4:11-13, 19)

Unfortunately, the world gives us wrong ideals of prosperity and wealth, and even the church gives us wrong ideals of prosperity and wealth. The wealthy and the millionaire goal is financial independence; they save first to have enough to make investments, building wealth to accumulate wealth over time, and they spent a lot of time financial planning, budgeting, and setting goals. They do not wear their luxury or drive their luxury, or live in their luxury, instead truly being wealthy in heart, family, investments, and philanthropic giving. Frugality translates into wealth, low consumption to high investments, and living in middle-class neighborhoods. These are the true ideals of prosperity and wealth. –(1 Tim. 6:17-19, Jam. 1:9-11, 2:1-13, Lk.18: 11-27)

The ministry of grace giving must be establish in the church, grace giving is biblical giving, grace giving has sound biblical foundation, and grace giving institution will bring freedom, liberty, willingness in giving, and allow a person to be led by the Holy Spirit in grace giving. Grace giving institution bring more financial
support for a church, and more reaping of blessings for the giver. –(2 Cor. 8, 9)

There is coming an outpouring of workplace prosperity upon all believers in all nations.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, July 20, 2007

Will Your City Ever Repent?

Will Your City Ever Repent?

Elvis Iverson

The Lord wants to bring revivals and social transformations to your city, you must believe this, that He has plans for your city, that He cares about your city, and the people who live in your city. You must renew your mind to what is the will of the Lord for your city. Revival can come to every nation, every city, and every place, social transformation can come to every nation, every city, and every place, and revival will come to every city and every nation. –(Isa. 61:4)

The question here is will your city ever repent? The next question to ask what kind of repentance does God want for your city? Let’s pray and ask the Lord, let’s make intercession for your city. –(Acts 11:21,24,26)

God does not want judgment for your city! Yes there is redemptive judgment that could come, however, if it comes it will come to open doors, and bring many to Christ, for redemptive judgment does not come to destroy a city. There is hope for your city in Christ; we need to believe and to pray for our city. –(Jonah 4:9-11)

You must begin the process of leading your city to repentance; this process will lead to progressive steps leading to repentance, revival and social transformation for your city. This is a work of patience; through faith and patience your city will come to true repentance. –(Heb. 6:12)

In Luke 19 11-27 it talks about not only the Kingdom of God coming in Jerusalem, instead the Kingdom of God coming to your city, we are to believe and establish the Kingdom of God in our cities.

We are to pray for blessings, prosperity and peace for our cities, if we seek and pray for these we will have these in our life in our city. –(Jer. 29:7)

We are to pray for the leaders of our city, spiritual leaders and government leaders, etc. we are to pray for all men, and all persons in authority, if we do this we will live a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. –(1 Tim. 2:1-8)

If we want our city to come to repentance we first as a church in our city must come to true repentance, then the Lord will begin to heal our cities. –(2 Chron. 7:14)

We need to have an union between the church and the believers in the marketplace, we can pray all we want, but it is those in the heart of the city, which is the marketplace, that will bring and lead the city to social transformation, this is why our cities need apostles, prophets, city church apostles, and marketplace apostles, if your going to see what God will bring to your city, you will need these kinds of spiritual leaders in your city. –(Isa. 1:28)

The congregations need to come into unity, unity is just one of the steps, But it is going from pastoral unity to apostolic unity, the congregations of your city needs apostolic unity, meaning city church apostles leading a city church network, and establishing a city church center for 24/7 prayer. –(Isa. 56:7)

The process of leading your city to repentance, revival and social transformation:

1. Believers from more then one congregation need to gather for intercessory prayer every week.
2. We then need to hear what the prophets are saying about our city, and then pray about them. Prayer and hearing the prophets are first steps to citywide repentance.
3. Spiritual Mapping.
4. Identificational repentance.
5. Prayer walking and prayer journeys.
6. The arising of city church apostles.
7. The beginning of city church networks.
8. The establishment of city church centers.
9. The ministry of believers in the workplace.
10. The ministry of marketplace apostles.
11. The ministry of apostles and prophets.
12. Revival first in the city church, then the city.

The process of leading your city to repentance, revival and social transformation could take years or more, even beyond your life. There is a need for Territory Commitment in your heart for your city. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in leading your city to repentance, revival and social transformation, for it is the will of God for your city and all cities around the world in every nation. –(Rev. 21:24, 22:2)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Church Around The World part three

The Church Around The World part three

Elvis Iverson
June 30, 2007

In a vision I see the roundtable meeting of the seated apostles and prophets, they begun to speak about vision of the church around the world. Every time they said something and agree by grace and by truth and Spirit there were angels sent forth from the Throne Room to the church around the world.

I see a vision of the Church around the world. I see a vision what the Church shall be, this vision is not just for one member in the Body, this vision is for all members in the Body, this vision is not of one group or ministry, this is a vision of the church.

Jesus said He will build the Church and the gates of hell cannot stand against her, and that the church will be built upon the Rock of the Kingdom of God, which is Jesus Christ, the beginning of the Kingdom of God. The Church is the city of God built upon the great mountain called the Kingdom of God. This is the vision of the Church around the world. –(Matt. 16:18-19)

The Church is the salt of the world, the church is the light of the world, and the church is the city set on a hill that cannot be hidden, the church is the lampstand to the nations of the world. –(Matt. 5:13-16)

The Lord will pour out His Holy Spirit upon the church in all nations around the world, in every city, and in every place. They shall be outpourings of prophecy, visions, and dreams upon the church; this is the vision of the church around the world. –(Acts 2:17-18)

These signs will follow the church around the world, healing the sick, casting out demons, raising the dead, walking in the gifts of the Spirit, and the power of God, this is a vision of the church around the world. –(MK. 16:17-18)

Jesus said the church will do greater works then He did on the earth, that in His name they will do greater works then He did in the four gospels. This is a vision of the church around the world. –(JN. 14:12-14)

It is the will of the Lord that the church lacks no gift or come short in no gift, this is a vision of the church in every city, in every nation, and the church around the world. –(1 Cor. 1:7)

The Church will come to the unity of the faith; this is a vision of the church around the world. –(Eph. 4:13)

The Church shall become a glorious church, full of glory, holy and without blemish; this is a vision of the church around the world. –(Eph. 5:27)

Jesus prayed a prophetic prayer, which is a prophecy about the church that the church will come into unity and oneness with God, and with one another. This is a vision of the church around the world. –(JN. 17)

Many nations shall come and say, come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, the Kingdom of God, to the house of the Lord, the church, and He will teach us His ways, for out of the church will come revelation. This is a vision of the church around the world. –(Micah 4:2, Isa. 2:3)

I will fill the church with glory, the glory of the latter church shall be greater than the former; in this place I will give peace. This is a vision of the church around the world. –(Hag. 2:7-9)

The Lord shall build up the church, and He shall appear in His glory, this is a vision of the church around the world. –(Psa. 102:16)

Isaiah 60 the vision of glory, wealth, is a vision of the church around the world.

The Lord want give this vision to hearts of His people in all nations and in all cities, for them to believe, and pray forth, and walk and run with this vision of the church around the world.

The Church has you know of will change, and the face of the church will change in one generation, and this is only the beginning, and God is moving in the Holy Spirit in all nations and all cities, He is moving by the Holy Spirit in the church around the world.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Wisdom and Prophecy

Wisdom and Prophecy

Elvis Iverson

I believe it is the will of the Lord Jesus Christ for all believers to prophecy, have visions and dreams. Prophecy, visions, and dreams are not for a few, or for a few groups, they are for the whole body of Christ. –(Acts 2:17-18)

There are those called into the prophetic gifts, those called in the prophetic gifts, should flow in the prophetic faithfully and with grace. Read and study all anointed teaching on prophecy, and the ministry of the prophet, seek out other prophetic people and begin to minister and prophecy together. –(1 Cor. 14:31)

The more you prophecy, the more you grow in prophecy. At the same time pray for the Lord to fill you with wisdom, that you walk in prophecy with the wisdom of God. –(Heb. 5:14)

When giving prophetic words give people free will don’t force them, give prophetic council with prophetic words in wisdom, and advice, do not use the prophetic gifting to tell them what to do with their life, etc. You are to lay the prophetic word before them allowing them to be prayerful, and see where the Lord wants them to go. Use prophecy to confirm what God has already said to them, but don’t use prophecy to tell them to go or they’re as if it is command from God. They are to pray and see if the Lord confirms the prophetic word. –(Rom. 8:14)

Those who give prophetic words are to give account of those words, yes it is grace, and we give them grace. If a person who gives prophetic words makes a mistake, they should be humbly and say they are sorry, we learn from our mistake. –(Heb. 5:14)

When you prophecy, test the prophecy, does it line up with the Word of God, nature of Christ, bear witness with the Holy Spirit, does it bring glory to Christ, what are the other prophetic people saying about what God says to you? Be open to other prophets and prophetic people. –(1 Cor. 14:29)

As you flow in prophetic gifting, you are to flow in wisdom, wisdom in how to apply the prophetic words the Lord give you. We should not give up on prophecy, but learn and grow in prophecy. –(1 Thess. 5:19-21)

Those who are mature in prophesy, we should seek their wisdom, and council, are show respect for what the Lord has giving them for the church. We must understand there is the gift of prophecy, prophetic gifting, prophets, mature prophets, and then there are apostles. We must know the order of the house, and submit to other prophets, mature prophets, and prophets are to submit to apostles and apostles are to hear them and care for them. –(1 Cor. 14:32)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, July 13, 2007

Prophetic Prayers in Intercession

Prophetic Prayers in Intercession

Elvis Iverson

Intercessors have a prophetic anointing in their prayer ministry unto the Lord, and you can have a prophetic anointing in your prayer life, for all shall prophesy. When you pray the Holy Spirit will lead by giving you prophecy, prophetic visions during your prayer time to apply in prayer and to see breakthrough. –(1 Cor. 14:31, Acts 2:17-18, Rom. 8:26-28)

Pray for a prophetic anointing for your prayer life, pray for prophetic intercession and prophetic prayers to be release in your prayer life. Your life could be filled with revelation, prophetic, visions, and insights. You begin by believing what I am saying, and pray for a prophetic anointing, the Spirit of Wisdom and the Spirit of revelation to be poured upon your prayer life. –(Eph. 1:17-18)

Jesus wants our prayer life to be supernatural; you are not called to be religious, you are called to be supernatural in the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ our Lord. The Holy Spirit will lead through the written Word, apply Word Revelation during your prayer time, and He will give you prophetic insights and visions during your prayer time. –(Matt. 22:29, Eph. 6:17-18)

The Holy Spirit will give you prophecy to speak forth over others, cities, and nations during your prayer time. What does the Holy Spirit wants you to prophecy and see visions during your prayer time, for the reason when God speaks there is widow open up in heaven, that you could use by faith to release through prayer: victory, change and revival over others, and you could see prayers come to pass and prophecy come to pass. –(Hab. 2:1)

In your prayer time, when praying ask the Holy Spirit to lead you during your prayer time, ask Him to give you visions and prophecy to speak forth over others, cities and nations, when you pray speak the vision and the prophecy forth, and then you pray about it to come to pass. –(1 Cor. 14:3, 1 Tim. 2:1)

You can apply prophetic words, and prophecies that the Lord give you before prayer, or giving over your life, or what you heard from others and from prophets. We are to war and do battle with prophecy, with prophetic words over our life, to see the will of God in our life. –(1 Tim. 1:18)

How to pray prophetically during your prayer time:

1. Pray, war, and battle the prophecies that you heard before your prayer time, meaning pray prophesy, and pray the prophetic words and visions giving to you during your prayer time.
2. Ask the Father in Jesus name for a prophetic anointing upon your prayer life.
3. Ask the Father in Jesus name for prophecies to be giving to you, visions, and revelations during your prayer time.
4. Pray for an outpouring of the Spirit of Wisdom and the Spirit of Revelation, and the Spirit of Prophecy upon your prayer life.
5. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you during your prayer time.
6. Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to teach you how to pray everyday.
7. Pray in the Spirit, for praying in the Spirit will release prophecy, visions and dreams to your life.
8. Kept those things secret that the Lord gives you about others, and the others things the Lord gives you, use wisdom in what to share with others.
9. Be faithful with the few things God gives you and then more will come.
10. Give thanksgiving to the Lord for prophetic insights that He gives you.
11. Allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you.
12. Allow the Lord to speak to you.

Do you believe that the Lord will use you prophetically in your prayer time, and do you believe that the Lord will give your prayer life a prophetic anointing? If you believe, if you ask in faith, you will have! –(1 Thess. 5:16-22)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Church Around The World part two

The Church Around The World part two

Elvis Iverson
June 8, 2007

In vision I see the roundtable meeting of the seated apostles and prophets. I see them in prayer, intercession, and supplication for the church, for the Kingdom and for the nations and cities around the world.

I see a vision of a seed that as already been planted. It has been planted in the hearts of apostles and prophets in the church around the world. I see from this seed roots grow forth in their hearts and in the hearts of many believers in Christ, I hear the voice of the Holy Spirit saying these are the company of believers who are called the faithful and the fruitful. From this seed grow the roots, and from this seed begun to come forth the new apostolic city church in many cities around the world, and then in all cities around the world. This is a great movement of movements of all time.

Now I see a vision of a greater seed, this is the seed of life to all other seeds and plants of God. This seed was planted by Christ in the hearts of the first fruits, now in this generation the last will be first, and the first will be last, will come a generation of a new first fruits of the seed that Christ planted. This is greater then all things, all movements, greater then the church and the world. This seed has been growing and increasing throughout the world since Christ planted this seed long ago in the hearts of the first fruits. What is this seed? This seed is the Kingdom of God.

I see a vision of a seed planted in believers around the world, this seed is the marketplace church, this seed is a forerunner for many social transformations that is coming upon many nations, many cities around the world, and this seed is a forerunner for a life of social transformation to always be, grow and increase.

I see a vision of a seed that has been planted, this seed is called the new apostolic church, and this seed will grow into a living vine, and will become many vines into one vine. This vine will connect around the seed of the new apostolic city church, seed of the marketplace church, and the seed of the Kingdom of God.

I see a vision of gates of praise being built all over the church around the world, and I see walls of salvation be built all over the church around the world.

I see vision of gates that begun to widening by the will of God, the acts of the Holy Spirit and prayers of the saints.

I see a gate widen over India. I see many, many, many, many, great numbers coming, coming, and coming to the Lord. It is like mighty rivers of souls coming into the church.

I see Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Maldives, Bangladesh, and Nepal. Begun to open wide to the gospel, I hear these words is this revival, then I hear the Holy Spirit say this is life.

I see a gate widen, widen more, widen even more over China. I see great huge numbers flowing into the church. I see so great numbers of souls, I rejoice then the Holy Spirit says see I hear your prayers.

I see Taiwan, Mongolia, Hong Kong, Macao, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Burma, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Brunei, and Papua New Guinea, These nations open to the gospel, and the freedom of the Spirit, I see great harvests of soul coming out of these nations, The Holy Spirit says I decided to take over these nations, and bring many to Christ, and raise up the church to new levels in Christ.

Then I hear these words from the Holy Spirit; this is only the beginning.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Coming of the Emerging City Church

The Coming of the Emerging City Church

Elvis Iverson

Do you know what is the City Church? Do you understand the City Church? Do you have a vision of the City Church? Can you see the City Church in the end times? Can you see the city church in your city? Many believers do not know what the city church is, and the body of Christ in your city is the city church! –(Acts, Rev. 1-4)

Every believer who is born again is a member of the Body of Christ, which is the church around the world, The body of Christ on the global level is the global church, the body of Christ in your nation is the national church, the body of Christ in your region is the regional church, and the body of Christ in your city is the city church. –(Eph. 4:4-6)

This is spiritual in each heart of the believer, and this is real around us through teaching, revelation, and application of city church government in our cities. The Lord has shown me over these years a prophetic vision of the city church now, in the future and in the end times. –(Prov. 29:18)

The Seven Comings of the Emerging City Church around the world in every city of every nation. –(Amos 3:7-8, Rev. 2:29)

1. Apostolic Unity: the city church will go from pastoral unity to apostolic unity.
2. Arising Apostolic City Church networking among the many city churches in many cities around the world.
3. The arising ministry of the apostolic city church. The apostolic city church will have there own ministry ministering to the city.
4. The arising apostolic city church will send out missionaries to other cities, nations and to other city churches in other cities.
5. Arising apostolic national church will arise.
6. Arising apostolic global church will arise.
7. The birthing of the fullness of the city church.

Jesus the Head of the Church and the Chief Apostle said He would build the church around the world, the church in every nation, and the church in every city. It is Jesus who will build the city church. Jesus will use His apostles to build with grace and revelation the city church, and the foundation of the city church is apostles and prophets with Jesus being the Chief Cornerstone. –(Eph. 2:19-22)

The Next level of City Church is apostolic unity; the Lord will rise up city church apostles, and among them there are set visionaries that will lead, and the Lord will raise up apostles and prophets in every city around the world. There will form an apostolic alliance among apostles of a city, they will form an apostolic city church horizontal network, and build an apostolic city church center. –(Isa. 60)

The Future of the City Church will network horizontal within a city, then network horizontal with other city church networks. The ministry of the city church will be the ministries that are called to minister to the whole city and city church, and the city church will begin to send out missionaries around the world, there will come the arising horizontal networking of the national church, and then there will come the arising horizontal network of the global church, and then the time will come for the birthing of the fullness of the city church. The mature city church will be out our minds; it is the end time church. The local congregations will outlive their purpose and be replaced with the mature city church, and those buildings will be places where the city church meets and fellowships. The center leadership of the mature city church will be the apostles, and the pastors will minister in small groups among the fellowship of a city church. –(Eph. 4:13, 5:27)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, July 06, 2007

Soaking Prayer

Soaking Prayer

Elvis Iverson

We are to purse and practice the presence of God, have a burning passion to seek God and to experience His presence and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. We can do this by the blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit in you, it is all done first by faith, believe that you can touch His presence and His presence can touch you. –(Col. 3:1-2)

Soaking prayer is a time of praying waiting upon the Lord and enjoying His presence. We go through all week long, and then there is time we want to set aside to experience God and His presence, the more you do this the more you want to do this, and the more your life and things around you will change. –(Hab. 2:1)

How does one soak in prayer? –

(Isa. 30:15, Isa. 64:1-5, Isa. 66:2)

1. Enter into the Throne Room through the Blood of Christ, believe in the blood of Christ, and enter into the rest of the Lord, and believe the Lord for His peace to come and fill your heart and mind beyond your understanding. As you enter by the Blood believe to feel His presence. The soaking time begins when you begin to sense His presence.
2. Wait upon the Lord, and be patience in waiting.
3. Play anointed prophetic and devotion prayer music in the background.
4. Minister to the Lord.
5. Allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you.
6. Believe the Lord to speak to you, say to the Lord speak for your servant hears you.
7. Believe for visions and prophecy.
8. Worship the Lord.
9. Allow His peace to minister to you.
10. Allow His presence to minister to you.
11. Don’t worry about anything during this time.
12. Ask the Lord to give you revelation from the Word, and believe for revelation to come.
13. Imagine the Throne Room, see it by faith, see the Throne of the Father, and the glory covering Him, and then see Jesus on His Throne right next to His Father. Then begin to worship the Lord, and believe Him to touch you with the experience of His presence.
14. Allow yourself to experience encounter with God.
15. Now read Holy Scriptures on His presence and glory, and believe them for yourself.
16. Now say to the Father, you love Him, now say to Lord Jesus Christ, you love Him, now say to the Holy Spirit, saying you love Him.
17. Allow the Lord to move upon you.
18. Believe for the manifestation of the Holy Spirit.
19. Seek the Lord in praying in the Holy Spirit.
20. Seek the Lord for His presence, to experience Him, ask for visions, and prophecy, ask for Word revelation, and ask for revival, and ask for His glory cloud to come.
21. Now say and pray holy, holy, holy, you are Lord.
22. Now wait and be quiet before the Lord, and sense the experience of His presence.
23. Reapply these steps over and over, but do it with grace, and liberty, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. Take a whole day of, you a whole after noon. Don’t set a time limited for God to manifest.
24. Ask the Lord to lead you by the Holy Spirit in soaking prayer.

It is the will of the Lord for us to experience Him, to experience His presence, to have visions, and prophecy, and to have the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We are to seek Him and ask Him for these experiences with Him, it is all about relationship. –(Col. 3:102)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Church Around The World part one

The Church Around The World part one

Elvis Iverson
June 3, 2007

The Holy Spirit is flowing a prophetic river of prayer through many intercessors around the world, this prophetic river of prayer is increasing and windows are opening over these faithful prayer warriors, and tastes of what is coming is coming upon them.

In a vision I see the roundtable meeting of seated apostles and prophets, I see them seeing revelations, visions, and prophecy, and then I see them praying making intercession, and supplication. I see a vision of the Godhead in their midst, the manifestation of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit is upon them, and among them, they are in fellowship with the Throne Room, and I see a vision of the Bride of Christ in the presence of the seated apostles and prophets.

I see a vision of the Church around the world; I see many clouds of glory, and of the Spirit over the church, I see many pillars of clouds and many pillars of fire. I see a huge and great cloud that will cover the whole church, and from this huge and great cloud will come rains, fires, rivers, anointings, blessings, and movements of God. I ask the Lord what is this huge and great cloud, and He said this is the anointing and grace of the open heaven over the whole church.

I see a vision of a greater company of prophets that will come forth, but they will love and hear the other prophets from other prophetic movements of the Holy Spirit.

I see vision into this holy company of prophets. I see vision of prophets who stand upon their watch post faithfully; these are like Habakkuk, Haggle, and Malachi. The next ones I see are like Daniel in governments. The third are like Samuel in reformation, the forth are like Agabus in networking, the fifth is signs prophets in signs and wonders, sixth is revival prophets in revival, and the seventh are is missionary prophets, that minister to the nations. All these prophets are one on the Lord.

Then I see a vision of a coming company of holy apostles that come forth, Abraham an apostle to nations, Joseph an apostle to the marketplace, Moses an apostle in reformation, Solomon an apostle in building the houses of the Lord, Ezra an apostle of the house of the Lord, and Nehemiah an apostle of the city, and the revival apostle, all these apostles had the signs of an apostles as an river of life. All these apostles are on in the Lord.

I see these two companies become one in fellowship, the prophets submit to the apostles, and the apostles hear the prophets. This is a foundational movement of the Spirit. The Lord wants to establish an international global foundation of the apostles and the prophets in the church around the world.

I see a vision of the church around the world: I see the church around the world as a city of light built upon a great mountain called the Kingdom of God. I see this city of God raise up in every city, in every nation, in glory, revival, in reformation, in signs and wonders, in revelation, in prophetic, in unity, in vision, and in anointing.

I see the gates of hell and the gates of kingdom of darkness begin to fall all over the world, those gates and doors of hell and the kingdom of darkness will no longer stand before the church.

I see a vision of certain nations that has stood against the church for years, will become a plain before the Lord, and these governments will become clay in the hands of the saints.

I see a vision of seven mountains before the church, and I see the Kingdom of God arise in the hearts of the saints in all nations, and I see the Kingdom of God become greater then these mountains, and these mountains become nothing before the Great Mountain called the Kingdom of God, and The Kingdom of God took over these functions, and these function became holy before the world, and the kings of the Kingdom rule over these mountains, and these kingdoms become the kingdoms of our Christ in the Kingdom of God, and these mountains became fruitful in the Lord.

Now I see a vision of the Church around the world; I see 12 likenesses coming to the church around the world. Likeness in reformation, likeness in revival, likeness in unity, likeness in prayer, likeness in the city church, likeness in the Kingdom, likeness in the apostolic, likeness in the prophetic, likeness in signs and wonders, likeness in harvest, likeness in worship, likeness in marketplace. These 12 likenesses are like banners of the Lord over the church around the world.

The Church around the world will arise and become great; there will be more growth, more increase, and more maturity then any other generation before this one. The church grows inside in maturity and the church grows outward an increase.

I see a vision of the church around the world, The Church shall become a moving rock of grace and supernatural, the world will become an river of anointing, that this moving rock can move upon, and I see ships on this and I see the church becoming like a rock and then hitting these ships, and all things on these ships was taking upon the moving rock.

I see a vision of the church like moving block of ice, not moving by the ocean of humanity, instead moving by the wind of the Holy Spirit, and any ship flowing upon the ocean of humanity will be hit by this block of ice and all things on these ships will belong to the church.

I see a vision of the church like a block of ice flowing by the winds of the Holy Spirit upon the ocean of humanity and this great block of ice begun to melt upon the ocean of humanity and the ocean of humanity begun to change the water of the ocean of humanity begun to change. The water from the block of ice filled the whole ocean of humanity.

I see a vision of the church is like a block of ice; this block of ice is filled with the water of life, and wine of revelation, and the blood of Christ. As this block of ice begin to melt into the ocean of humanity of the world begun to change under the pressures of the Presence of the Lord.

The Holy Spirit say the church around the world will change and never be the same, the church today, the church in the past, will not be the church that will come in this generation, the whole church will not be anything like the church today within a generation. If you seen this church today you will not be say it is a church in your mindset, but the Lord will say this is His church.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Monday, July 02, 2007

How To Break Curses

How To Break Curses

Elvis Iverson

There are generational curses, there are spoken curses, and there are witchcraft curses, Christian curses, unbelief curses, and partaking of curses. All these you are free, and you can be free, freedom in Christ is God’s will. –(Gal. 5:1)

Christ has redeem us from the curse of the law, you have authority in Christ to break all these curses in your life away, and instead of curse you impart a blessing, for Christ has already blessed you. –(Gal. 3:13)

How to break curses:

1. Believe that Christ has blessed you with all blessings.
2. Believe that Christ can protect you from all evil, demons, and curses.
3. Believe God’s will is blessing, for you to be blessed.
4. Repent of all sins.
5. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you in hidden sins that you need to repent of.
6. Do identificational repentance about sins ad curses of the generations of father and mother before you.
7. Forgive everyone.
8. Bless everyone.
9. Break all ungodly souls lies and ungodly covenants.
10. Ask the Father to set you free from all curses.
11. Ask the Father to send angels to minister and bring an end to all evil works against you.
12. Break all curses off you life, that think you have.
13. Break all spoken curses of your life, the self curses that you spoken over your own life, those who are in authority, and any one else.
14. Break all witchcraft curses off, ask the Father to send angels to stop them, pray for divine protection over you life, and believe that they can no loner hurt you.
15. Break all Christian curses off, forgive them, pray for them, bless them, pray for the Spirit of repentance come upon them, and that the Lord to protection you from them, and that they can no longer hurt you, pray for the Lord to keep them away from you, and send angels to take out the demons that working behind them.
16. Pray for revelation, and insight to know what to break and, how to pray.
17. Apply the Blood of Christ throughout your time of prayer.
18. Something, and many times you will need to fast, ask the Lord to led you in fasting for freedom.
19. Replace all curses with blessings.
20. Pray and believe for restoration.
21. After you break any curses, bind the demons behind, or working along with a curse, and cast them into hell. Pray for these areas to be filled the Spirit and grace, and pray for the doors to be closed and cover them in the blood of Christ.
22. Believe you are free and enter into the Freedom and liberty that is in Christ.

Generational curses come from sinful lifestyle of the generations that came before you, such as worship false gods, or witchcraft, you can break them off be praying and repenting of your sins, and doing identificational repentance, and then cast out the demons that have gain rights through those Generational curses. –(Jer. 32:18)

Spoken curses come from those in authority, such as you dad or mom, or a teacher in school, or a pastor. Or any one in a place of authority, also they can be words spoken over a certain amount of time against you, and there could be words that you spoken against yourself. First forgive them, and bless them, break those curses and then speak a blessing over your life. –(Prov. 18:21)

Witchcraft curses come from those who use demons led words, or hated for words against you, such as spells cast over you, those who walk in witchcraft don’t like those who are anointing, and all believers have an anointing from God in their lives. First forgive them, bless them, pray for the Lord to stop them, pray for them to come to know the Lord, ask the Lord to sent His angels to stop them and take out the demons behind them, and break those witchcraft curses, and bind the demons that come with them, cast them both into hell. Apply the blood of Christ over your life, believe in the power of the blood of Christ, and believe in God’s divine protection. –(Rev. 12:11)

Christian curses are Christians misled by speaking evil over an another brother, praying evil or bad things over a Christian, or even spiritual leaders praying evil things. Forgive them, pray for them, bless then, break their curses, break their prayers off you, apply the blood of Christ, asks the Lord to grant them repentance, and take out the demons behind them. –(Gal. 5:15)

Unbelief curses are when you believe things about your self, then apply them, and speak them over your life, it is like you made your own doctrine statement of unbelief curses over your life. Repent, break them off, believe the truth, have faith in God’s Word, and ask for restoration, and pray for blessings. –(Prov. 18:21)

Partaking of curses happens when you are a part of a group that is not acting according to the ways of the Scriptures, or can be a group that is under a curse. You must pray for wisdom in what to do, and pray and break those curses off your life. –(2 Cor. 6:14-7:1)

Above all you must believe you are free, and that you have freedom, that that Christ will protect you, and faith in the blood of Christ, and that you are blessed. –(Rom. 8:31-39)

Apart from that, poverty is not the will of the Lord for any believer; God wants every believer to be financial healthy, financial independence, have financial freedom, and financial success. Poverty is a curse, poverty is an evil spirit, and you can be free today. –(Phil. 4:19)

How to break the curses of poverty:

1. If you or your genealogy did any evil, or any evil belief against the nation of Israel or Jewish people. Repent and ask for forgiveness from the Lord.
2. If you mishandle or misuse money. Repent and ask for forgiveness from the Lord.
3. If you believe that not tithing today will bring curses you or it is a sin. Repent and ask for forgiveness from the Lord. Believe and apply grace giving.
4. Love of money or greed. Repent and ask for forgiveness from the Lord.
5. Religion that believes that poverty is of God, and that it is good. Repent and ask for forgiveness from the Lord.
6. You believe poverty is good. Repent and ask for forgiveness from the Lord.
7. If you or your genealogy took money from people. Repent and ask for forgiveness from the Lord.
8. If you worship false gods or religion, etc. Repent and ask for forgiveness from the Lord.
9. If you don’t aid the poor and suffering. Repent and ask for forgiveness from the Lord.
10. After you have Repent and ask for forgiveness from the Lord. Ask the Lord to show you, and led you, in breaking curses of poverty, and break those curses off, then likewise bind and cast out spirits of poverty, etc. Pray for restoration, and blessings, and honor the Lord with your finances.

The Lord wants us to be free up in our finances so that we can do His will more, He wants us to be bless for the reason we are His children, he wants us to be bless in finances so that we can live a better life, and he wants us to be bless in finances to aid the gospel and support the Kingdom of God. –(Gen. 22:14)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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