Friday, August 28, 2009

Unfolding Visions of Harvest

Unfolding Visions of Harvest

Elvis Iverson

Waves of Harvest are coming to the church around the world, massive harvests of souls are coming, the Lord will add to the Church every day in great numbers in coming soon days. –(Matt. 9:37-38, 13:39, Acts 2:47,41, 4:4, 5:14, 11:21, 24, Jam. 5:7, 2 Pet. 3:9, Rev. 5:9-10)

In a city near you, you maybe your city, new apostolic congregations and New Apostolic Networks will arise and New Apostles City Church Networks and the New Apostolic City Church Center will be built.

There will come a supernatural harvest grace upon the city, the Lord will begin adding souls to the church, not for the reason we are witnesses for Christ, instead for reason our heart is before the Throne in the Throne Room in the Third Heaven. The number of souls being added to the church every day will increase, first we will see 20 souls being added to each congregation, then we will see 30 to 60 souls being added to each congregation, then 100 souls being added to each congregation every day. Then every three months 1000 souls are added to each congregation, and in time the congregations will become fat with souls.

Apostles of harvest are ministering in huge meetings in many nations around the world, we see signs, wonders, and mighty deeds, many souls are won to the Lord, great numbers are won to the Lord, and massive numbers are won to the Lord, then I see some apostles by faith lead one millionaire souls in each nation they visited.

Now see by faith a city near you, or maybe your city, a city church revival center arise, the Revival Presence begins to come, and rest upon the center, much prayer, and life of a faithful company of praying people, taking turns praying day and night, and faithful ministry of apostles and prophets, then in this city church revival center a place of open heaven, revival fire comes and from this place revival flows throughout the city, and a massive harvest of souls happen, in a short time most of the city is won to the Lord.

In a nation near you, or maybe your nation, see by faith an open air meeting, an apostle or prophet ministering, and at first many souls coming, then the spot light is place upon the open air meeting and a whole nation can hear the speaking of the anointed words of an apostle or a prophet, and then more, and more come to know the Lord, then revival falls, a holy wind, the winds of the Holy Spirit fill the meeting place, go throughout city where the meeting is happening, and throughout the nation, massive numbers and massive changes happen in a short time, it is a supernatural grace of harvest coming upon a city then upon a whole nation, even if a person or people don’t hear the sermon, they come to know the Lord for ministry of the Holy Spirit is pouring out over the whole nation.

Now see by faith a nation in the near time, where a conference, then a huge open meeting, a ministry of an apostle or two or a team of apostles and prophets, 1000 people are raised from the dead, miracles, signs, wonders, and apostolic and prophetic preaching and teaching, a supernatural grace of harvest comes upon the special meetings of the Spirit, and even those who didn’t come, even those in blocks away, even those throughout a city that don’t even come, many, upon many are saved, giving their lives to the Lord, massive numbers come to know the Lord, and revival comes in the meeting, and moves like fire and grace to hearts across a nation, where many, upon many come to know the Lord, and massive numbers come to know the Lord, and massive numbers come to know the Lord.

See by faith an outpouring of angelic hosts, an outpouring of angels of revival, and angels of harvest, and many coming to know the Lord, an outpouring of angels that gather is coming to bring harvest of souls in many cities.

By faith is a nation, maybe your nation, a supernatural grace of harvest come across a nation, and the Lord brings to add in each city 100 souls every day to the church, then in time, the Lord begins to add 1000 souls in each city every month, then after awhile the Lord begins to add great numbers to the Church every year.

By faith now see a supernatural grace of harvest comes upon the church around the world and whole earth, and great numbers in each nation is won to the Lord every month and every year, for many years to come.

See by faith believers living throughout a city, or your city, then see ten sinners coming every week coming up to a believer saying take me to your God, not for the reason the believer witness of Christ, instead for the reason of favor and anointing from the Holy Spirit upon the believer. –(Zech. 8:23)

Now in faith see this not only as a time, instead the life of the church always. This is not a prophetic prophecy; this is a visionary ideal of faith to see the image of harvest that the Lord wants us to have, and pray forth.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, August 21, 2009

The Revelation of Hell and Heaven

The Revelation of Hell and Heaven

Elvis Iverson

The angels in the Throne Room are the seraphim worship angels and the cherubim angels that guard the presence of the Lord, and then there are the seven angels and the archangels, angelic hosts, thrones, dominions, principalities, powers, might, and then there are guarding angles. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord of Hosts, Lord of Sabaoth. –(Col. 1:16, Jam. 5:4)

There two angels that are named in the Bible, which is Michael and Gabriel. Michael is an archangel; he is one of the leading angels in angelic army of the Lord of Host. Gabriel is more the spokesmen angel that comes with the very prophetic word from the Throne, and in certain times in History. –(Jude 9, Dan. 9,10, 12)

Satan is the prince of darkness and leader of the fallen angels and demons. Satan also is called Lucifer the anointed cherub, he wanted to be like the Most High, and was cast down, he led a third of the angels with him, those were cast down too, they are called fallen angels, then there are demons, that enter into sinful man to do evil works of sin. –(Ezek. 28:12-19, Isa. 14:12-17)

Satan is not all-powerful, he is an angel, God created him, he is limited in what he can do, God is not limited, and God is all-powerful. Satan cannot read you mind, angels cannot read your mind, and only God can read your mind. –(Gen. 1:1, Col. 16-18)

God did not create evil, evil came from the pride of Satan, and the pride of man, Man has a free will, they eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, God is Good, His good is above all men’s good, His good is not the good of the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God is pure and Holy! Evil is not the opposed of God’s goodness or holiness, Evil is of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, there are no opposite of God. –(Gen. 3, Rev. 21,22)

Satan is not the enemy of God, God has no enemies, Satan is the enemy of angels and man, Satan is never the god of the earth, and he is only the god of this world system, at the Cross of Christ, satan lose the war, we already have victory, since that great day the kingdom of darkness is decreasing, and the Kingdom of Light is increases. –(Ezek. 21:27, Col. 2:14-15)

God made hell for demons, fallen angels and satan, not for man, when the first man sin, all men are now born under sin, unless they become born again, all those who don’t know Christ will go to hell when they die. Hell is made up of Hades, Lake of Fire, bottomless pit, Sheol, and Abraham’s bosom, although Abraham’s bosom no longer in Hell. Hell is real! —(LK 16:19-31)

God made Heaven, Heaven is made for God and His Holy Angels, and reborn man stays in Heaven until Christ returns to Earth, yes man can go ether to Heaven or to earth after the Return of Christ, but the earth was made for man. Only those who are Born Again can go to Heaven! Heaven is Real! Heaven is named the Third Heaven. The Third Heaven is made up of The Throne Room, Paradise, and Mount Zion, Heavenly Jerusalem, an innumerable company of angels, the general assembly and the church of the first born, the Temple of God, New Jerusalem, a sea of glass, like crystal. –(2 Cor. 12:2,4)

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Vision of Hell and Vision of the Third Heaven

Vision of Hell and Vision of the Third Heaven

Elvis Iverson


Vision of Hell

Elvis Iverson
September 29, 2008


These prophetic visions are a series of prophetic messages called eternal visions, they are of eternal nature, future, beyond the end times, even today, some are symbols, some are as they say, but all of the meanings of truth and life for every believer to receive the imparted prophetic vision with grace and truth.

Vision of Hell:

I see a vision and the Spirit of the Lord say come now I will show you Hell. Do not fear Hell instead fear God!

I see the gates of hell, the angels of the Lord are guarding the gates of Hell to keep the demons in Hell. Hell was made for demons, fallen angels, it is not their home, and hell is a prison for demons and those who do not know Christ.

There is division of angels giving command over hell it is called hell duty. Hell is very real indeed, if you don’t know Christ give your life to Him and serve Him the entire days of your life.

Hell is filled with many pits of fire; this fire is so hot and at the same time so cold. Very hot, very cold. Now I see a vision of angel blowing a trumpet, he says this trumpet is blowing all the time; it is the words spoken to all who are in the prison of hell. What are these words? He says these words are the four gospels.

I then seen a huge pit with many pits, I seen an angel standing guard over this huge pit. He says this pit is for those who heard the gospel and never repented of their sins.

Now I seen another Hugh pit of many pits, what is this pit I ask an angel who was guarding this pit. These are all those who have the blood of the saints upon their hands.

Now I see another huge pit of many pits, then the angel standing watch over this pit said this is the pit for those who have the blood of Jews upon their hands.

Yes there were many more huge pits of many pits with angels standing guard over them.

Now an angel brought to the gate of Hell and I see many coming into Hell.

First I saw many who said they were Christians, but did not know Christ and were not Born Again.

Second I saw many coming from the nation of India, then an angel said soon this will change the number coming from India will decrease, and so there will be great decreases of people from India going to hell.

Third I saw many going from hell from Africa, but it all begin to change and very little numbers were going to hell from Africa.

Fourth I saw many people from the Middle East going to hell, an angel said it would take some time to change this report. Much suffering will have to happen and much changes will have to happen, if the saints will pray more, then the time of change will come.

Sixth I see many from China going to hell, then I seen many changes happen in China, so there were fewer and fewer numbers going to hell from China.

Seventh I see many from Europe going to hell, an angel said the plans have already been set to change this.

Eight I see many from America going to Hell, then holy changes came, then an angel said to me soon much change will happen and then the day will come very soon and only a few amount will go to hell from America.

Now an angel came and said this is why the children of God must pray for harvests of souls all over the world.

Now I see a tunnel going downer into hell, I see other kinds of pits and I see more angels guarding these pits. I seen another angel blowing a trumpet all the times, the angel said this trumpet blows the visions of the Presence of the Lord, the Third Heaven, and the sins that these demons and fallen angels have committed.

This tunnel led to more tunnels of deep fire that brings great suffering to demons and fallen angels.

I see pits of demons, and pits of fallen angels, and I see much suffering coming to them day and night.

Now an angel said demons and fallen angels will have much, great, deep suffering and pain in hell.

Now I see a vision of many demons being cast into hell, and I see fallen angels being cast into hell.

An angel then said to me the times are coming that great numbers of demons will be cast into hell. There number will increase, and increase, huge massive numbers will be cast into hell, and that is just the beginning.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved


Vision of the Third Heaven

Elvis Iverson
July 5, 2008


These prophetic visions are a series of prophetic messages called eternal visions, they are of eternal nature, future, beyond the end times, even today, some are symbols, some are as they say, but all of the meanings of truth and life for every believer to receive the imparted prophetic vision with grace and truth.

Vision of the Third Heaven:

In a vision I see Heaven, the Third Heaven. Heaven is a realm of glory where God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit reign from over the whole earth, and all things. This is the Kingdom of Heaven, where God rules over all things from, heaven is real, only those who are born of the Spirit may enter into, Heaven is a place where those who are Born Again go to after they have pass away, God made Heaven for Himself, and He made the Earth for man, after the resurrection of the dead and the Return of Christ, believers in heaven will return to the earth, for this is God’s will for man, however man will be free to visit and enjoy heaven at any time, they will be able to travel from earth to heaven anytime they want to visit, there home will be earth.

Those who are born again, born of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit dwells in them, for this reason their hearts are the Throne Room, and at the same place the Throne Room is in the Third Heaven these are same Throne Room, for man is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. However, heaven is a real place, and those who are born again will live in heaven after they die, until the return of Christ.

I see before me a gate into heaven, I see walls all around heaven. These is an angel standing at each gate, outside this gate is a map sign post of heaven, there are planets in heaven, heaven increasing every day, heaven is very huge that can fit anything into heaven. The gates of heaven are open and they never shut day or night.

I walk pass this gate into heaven I see streets of gold, with names like joy, praise, hope, and love. I see a fellowship center, where many people coming every day to fellowship and talk about the things of the Lord, I walk up to this table of fellowship, I see a great spiritual leader in history comes up to me, he is one of the reformers in the church history, and then I see apostle Paul, they begun to share about progress work of the church in the earth.

Now I see Abraham and a man of God in history who was an apostle of faith, they came up to me and share about the hall of faith, and brought me there, based on Hebrews 11: Hall of Faith. I went into the Hall of Faith and they share more about faith.

Now Apostle John, and four men of God came up, who were leaders of Divine Healing in Church History, they tool me to a house, a great house of healing, and they share with me about healing and I can see body parts ready to come to earth.

Now Solomon and a three great man of God, who were leaders of prayer, came by and brought me to a garden of wisdom. Share with me the application of wisdom.

David and a wonderful worship leader came by and they took me to a place where I see many worshipers and worship leaders worshiping the Lord and writing songs.

Moses and two great men of God came by, one of them was a writer and the other was a great faith preacher and healer, and they took me to a great liberty of books. I seen books that were already written, and I then seen many books that were not written yet. Moses said revelation would increase, and the more revelation increase, the more revelation will increase.

Then I see the crystal sea, I could walk upon this water, and I could swim in this water, and I could dance upon this water, and I danced for hours upon the crystal sea.

I see mansions, many mansions, and streets filled with mansions on each side, and now I look and see John the Baptist, and Elijah, and fire revivalists in church history and they share with me about the coming revivals that are coming, and how they are a whole new thing that the Lord is doing in the Church.

Now I came to a great house, this is the house of intercessions, and I enter into this house, and I see the prayers of believers being gathering into bowls of mercy, and I see clouds coming by and filling with the water that comes from these bowls of grace and mercy, then the clouds will go and rain upon the earth, an outpouring of prayer fulfillment.

Now I come to another great house, the house of prophecy, as I entered into this great house, I could see the prophecies beige gather together from all over the earth, by angels, then come through this great house of prophecy, into this process of anointing, then release upon angels to come to pass in the earth, this is outpouring of prophetic fulfillment.

After all these things, an angel comes to me, saying come now with me to the Palace of the Throne Room. I see outside a river of life flows forth to the church around the world, and see on ether side trees of life, and now I enter into the Palace, I hear sounds of worship, prayer, prophecy, council within this grand Palace of glory, I came to the center of the Palace, and see the Throne Room, I see the seraphim worshiping the Lord day and night, and I see the cherubim standing guard.

I see the Seven Lamps of fire burning before the Throne of the Father and the Christ, the Seven Lamps of Fire is the Throne of the Holy Spirit. The Father’s Throne is the Throne of Mercy, and Christ’s Throne is the Throne of Grace, and the Throne of the Holy Spirit is in our hearts, it is the Throne of Love, The Holy Spirit’s Throne is the Seven Lamps of Fire and the Throne of Love, they are the same thing, the Throne Room in Heaven and the Throne Room in your heart are the same placed, The Throne Room in Heaven is real, Heaven is a real place.

Now I see the Throne of Christ, Christ is seated at the Right Hand of the Father, He prays for us and makes intercession for us; He is our Chief Apostle, High Priest, Intercessor, Mediator, Advocate, and Great Shepherd of the Sheep.

Wow, I see the Throne of God the Father, there is light, glory upon and around Him; He says I release my love upon the earth, and I have already release my faith and hope, now I will release the fullness of the Gifts of the Spirit, and the Seven Spirits of God.

Wow, I then have a vision as I am before the Father and the Christ, I have a vision of the Eyes of the Father, I don’t see His face, but I see His Eyes, and there is an impartation that comes forth from His eyes, and enters into my eyes as I look into His eyes and as He looks into my eyes.

The Father says the day will come that all the sons of God will stand before me, and I will show them my face, but that is an appointed day in time, and no man knows that day or hour.

Furthermore, I hear these words; the fullness of the Spirit, Fullness of Christ and the fullness of the Father will come into the heart of the believer and the whole church, in the time of the fullness of glory.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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River of New Anointing

River of New Anointing

Elvis Iverson
May 31, 2009

I stand at my watch post waiting, soaking in the presence of the Lord, I waited upon the Lord seated with Christ, In a vision; I soaked in the presence of the Lord for many days, that I lost time. I became full of so much peace, I became full of so much love, and I became full of so much joy, that I want into prophetic ecstasy for many days.

I see a vision of three angels, saying we have been sent to you to open the way to the river of new anointing. First we would like it that you would feast with us, then I seen more angels come and feast with us.

I see a vision of a fountain of wine, I came up to this fountain of wine, and every step I took became heavy with glory. That I had to get on my knees for rest of the way, but I enter into rest on the way of the rest to a fountain of wine, I would see others on there knees on there way to the same fountain.

Each step I made on my knees, I would thank the Lord, Praise the Lord, and worship the Lord. These steps on my knees were kind of hard, but when I remember His grace it was easy and I could feel His love burning in my heart.

When I got to this fountain of wine I begin to drink with my hands, I would even put my head into the fountain and drink, and then I just got into the fountain and soaked into the wine.

Then I see a vision of angels coming and I see a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire, and one of the angels said we would like it that you come into the chariot, and then we went up into a whirlwind.

Moreover, I was now at the river of new anointing, the Holy Spirit said now drink away of this river and follow the path of the river always, and stay near and built near the river of new anointing.

How do you say near the river of new anointing? By the Blood of Christ, by grace, by prayer, by rest, by, faith, and by revelation, by love.

Besides, I see Elijah, and Elisha, then Elijah said when ever you see me, you will see Elijah, but if you see me without Elisha, don’t listen to that Elijah.

I see Moses and Joshua, Paul, Samuel, Nehemiah, John, James the elder, Peter, Joseph, Abraham, and Enoch, and Melichizedek, Elijah and Elisha. Then they said we are a sign of the near future.

The Holy Spirit then said, New Wines, New Wineskins, New Anointings, New Blessings, New Days, New Beginnings are waiting for you, to enter into.

Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, August 14, 2009

Waiting Upon The Lord In His Presence

Waiting Upon The Lord In His Presence

Elvis Iverson
May 31, 2009

I stand at my watch post waiting, soaking in the presence of the Lord, I waited upon the Lord seated with Christ, In a vision; I soaked in the presence of the Lord for many days, that I lost time. I became full of so much peace, I became full of so much love, and I became full of so much joy, that I want into prophetic ecstasy for many days.

The intoxication of the Holy Spirit came in my heart so much that I felt like I died and went to the Third Heaven.

I see a vision a river of intoxication pour from the heart of God into the hearts of many believers. Great peace, great love, great joy were the fruits of the Spirit that came forth in this holy river.

I cam into revelations and visions from the Lord. Each revelation and vision that came brought great healing and great restoration, and filled my heart with purpose and hope.

I then see a vision of a holy river, the river of prophetic ecstasy flow from the Throne of the Lord in the hearts of many believers into the meetings of many believers, it was like a flood of the Spirit, and from this flood came floods of the Spirit.

Then in a vision, the Spirit of Ecstasy came upon me, I then seen rivers of revelations and rivers of visions, great foods of the Spirit, revivals all over the world, trances and raptures flowed upon my heart that I could not handle it all, so I prayed for grace and mercy.

I see a vision of great flood of wine and fire, with flowing wine was before me, He said I am the Holy Spirit in vision speaking to your heart. I will break all walls of man, I will open all flood gates, I will flood all houses, I will burn all cities, I will make drunk all saints, I will bring restoration and healing to all.

I see a vision of our Lord Jesus Christ before me, saying I say I will rise up the city of God, I will rise up the city church, I will bring reformation, I will bring revival, I will bring social transformation, I will bring harvest, I will increase my church, I will increase my Kingdom.

I see a vision of great light and great fire, and I see the great being before me, saying I am the Father of Light. I am love, and I am peace, and I am joy, I will bring restoration and healing to the all believers, to the Church, to all cities, to all nations, to all people groups, to the whole earth.

I see a vision of Gabriel saying worship the Lord only! I have come to say within a decade the Lord will do many things, within your generation the Lord will do many things; within your time the Lord will do many things.

I see a vision of Michael the archangel saying I do not give messages, I receive commands from the Lord of Host, and then I give those commands, and then I war. I have come to say to you, I am at war over all the prophetic promises for this decade, generation, and time.

After those visions, I worship the Lord and thank the Lord, and prayed for restoration and healing to come to all believers and the church around the world.

Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Door of the Apostolic

The Door of the Apostolic

Elvis Iverson

There are those around the earth, the Lord is speaking to your heart at this time, do you see this vision, a vision of a hidden door, that vision is the door of the apostolic, it is time for you to prayerfully and gracefully enter into this door of apostolic grace. Soon this door will be revealed to the masses and many great numbers will come running, and this door will widen and become a great door of opportunity and grace. –(Zech. 4:7)

What is the apostolic? It is not government, yes it begins with government that is only apart of the beginning, and yes it is wineskins, yes that is only apart of the beginning, it is not the leadership of apostles, yes that is apart of the beginning, then what is the apostolic, it is grace, new wine, power, signs wonders, opening doors and gates to the nations, it is the outreach sending anointing to win the masses and change the hearts of many. In a word the apostolic is evangelism reborn in signs and wonders in the hearts of believers around the earth. It is every believer is a missionary in their city, in their own nation, and the world is their playground. –(Matt. 28:18-20)

You can have an apostolic anointing for your life and ministry! Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Chief Apostle and Head of the Church, and from Him the apostolic anointing flows upon the apostles and all believers around the world. This is anointing of favor, for opportunities, the apostolic anointing opens doors and gates to cities, nations, communities, people groups, and opens hearts around you, and gives you favor with the lost, and gives you protection and provision to do apostolic ministry of the believer. The apostolic anointing is a key anointing to open hearts, and bring breakthrough in ministry, to break new grounds for Christ and His Kingdom. The apostolic anointing is the sending anointing, not only that apostles are sent, also believers and sent forth too. –(Heb. 3:1)

There is the apostolic ministry of the apostles, and then there is the apostolic ministry of the believers, you must see that every believer is called and is sent to give witness of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit; you must see that every believer has an apostolic ministry. –(Acts 11:19-30)

What is massing in the church is the sending anointing; it’s the apostolic anointing to move forth, to take ground, and to be fruitful and successful in witness and ministry for the glory of Christ and the increase of the Kingdom. –(Acts 13:1-4)

What does the Church need to be apostolic?

We need to give the leadership of the church over to the apostles.
The foundation of the Church must be apostles, and prophets.
We need new wineskins with new wines.
We need new apostolic congregations to be raised up.
We need the church in the home to be restore, the beginning of true biblical fellowship.
We need to create a place for the liberty of the Gifts of the Spirit.
The Saints need to be equipped and release into ministry.
We need to establish the church in the workplace.
We need to build the new apostolic city church and the city church.
We need to rise up new apostolic networks.
We need to pray for the apostolic anointing to be release upon all believers in Christ.
We need signs and wonders to flow like rivers of the Spirit.

Why to we need to release the apostolic anointing, in order to opening new doors, and new gates for the increase of the Kingdom of God. –(Acts 16:18-19)

The Kingdom of God will increase beginning with apostles, the apostolic anointing, the ministry of the kings, and the hearts of the believers, social transformations, and the outpourings of the Holy Spirit. –(Acts 2:17-18, 3:19-21)

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Pray for Love and Peace for all Believers

Pray for Love and Peace for all Believers

Elvis Iverson

Heavenly Father we come boldly to the Throne Room of God, in the Third Heaven, by faith we receive the Presence, Light, and Truth of the Father, by faith we see our Lord Jesus Christ at the Right Hand of Father making intercession for us, and by faith we see the seven lamps of burning fire which is the Throne of the Holy Spirit. Father you are on the Throne of Mercy we ask you for mercy, Lord Jesus you are on the Throne of grace we ask you for grace, Holy Spirit you are on the Throne of love we ask you for love. Father led us by the Holy Spirit in praying apostolic and prophetic prayers for the Body of Christ.

Father we pray for all believers in Christ in the church around the world, we pray for all believers in all places, we pray for all believers in all cities, we pray for all believers in all regions, we pray for all believers in all nations, we pray for all believers globally, and throughout the world, around the world, and we pray for all believers in Christ, and we pray for the city church in all cities, the regional church in all regions, the national church in all nations, and the global church globally, and we pray for the church in all places, and we pray for the church in all people groups, and we pray for the church around the world.

Father we pray for love and peace for all believers in Christ in the church around the world, we pray for all believers in all places, we pray for all believers in all cities, we pray for all believers in all regions, we pray for all believers in all nations, we pray for all believers globally, and throughout the world, around the world, and we pray for all believers in Christ, and we pray for the city church in all cities, the regional church in all regions, the national church in all nations, and the global church globally, and we pray for the church in all places, and we pray for the church in all people groups, and we pray for the church around the world.

Father we pray for great love and Great Peace for all believers in Christ in the church around the world, we pray for all believers in all places, we pray for all believers in all cities, we pray for all believers in all regions, we pray for all believers in all nations, we pray for all believers globally, and throughout the world, around the world, and we pray for all believers in Christ, and we pray for the city church in all cities, the regional church in all regions, the national church in all nations, and the global church globally, and we pray for the church in all places, and we pray for the church in all people groups, and we pray for the church around the world.

Father we pray for love, peace and unity for all believers in Christ in the church around the world, we pray for all believers in all places, we pray for all believers in all cities, we pray for all believers in all regions, we pray for all believers in all nations, we pray for all believers globally, and throughout the world, around the world, and we pray for all believers in Christ, and we pray for the city church in all cities, the regional church in all regions, the national church in all nations, and the global church globally, and we pray for the church in all places, and we pray for the church in all people groups, and we pray for the church around the world.

Father we pray for great unity for all believers in Christ in the church around the world, we pray for all believers in all places, we pray for all believers in all cities, we pray for all believers in all regions, we pray for all believers in all nations, we pray for all believers globally, and throughout the world, around the world, and we pray for all believers in Christ, and we pray for the city church in all cities, the regional church in all regions, the national church in all nations, and the global church globally, and we pray for the church in all places, and we pray for the church in all people groups, and we pray for the church around the world.

Father we pray for healing love, and healing peace for all believers in Christ in the church around the world, we pray for all believers in all places, we pray for all believers in all cities, we pray for all believers in all regions, we pray for all believers in all nations, we pray for all believers globally, and throughout the world, around the world, and we pray for all believers in Christ, and we pray for the city church in all cities, the regional church in all regions, the national church in all nations, and the global church globally, and we pray for the church in all places, and we pray for the church in all people groups, and we pray for the church around the world.

Father we pray for love and Peace!
Father we pray for love and Peace!
Father we pray for love and Peace!
Father we pray for love and Peace!
Father we pray for love and Peace!
Father we pray for love and Peace!
Father we pray for love and Peace!

Father we pray for the peace of God to surpasses all understanding and we pray for the peace of God to guard the hearts and minds through Christ Jesus, we pray this for all believers in Christ in the church around the world, we pray for all believers in all places, we pray for all believers in all cities, we pray for all believers in all regions, we pray for all believers in all nations, we pray for all believers globally, and throughout the world, around the world, and we pray for all believers in Christ, and we pray for the city church in all cities, the regional church in all regions, the national church in all nations, and the global church globally, and we pray for the church in all places, and we pray for the church in all people groups, and we pray for the church around the world.

Father we pray for the love of Christ which passes knowledge, and we pray for us to know this love of Christ which passes knowledge, and we pray for the fullness of God, and we pray fill us with the fullness of God, we pray this for all believers in Christ in the church around the world, we pray for all believers in all places, we pray for all believers in all cities, we pray for all believers in all regions, we pray for all believers in all nations, we pray for all believers globally, and throughout the world, around the world, and we pray for all believers in Christ, and we pray for the city church in all cities, the regional church in all regions, the national church in all nations, and the global church globally, and we pray for the church in all places, and we pray for the church in all people groups, and we pray for the church around the world.

Father we pray for great peace, rivers of the peace of God, floods of the peace of God, waves of the peace of God, outpourings of the peace of God, revivals of the peace of God, revelations of the peace of God, breakthroughs of the peace of God for all believers in Christ in the church around the world, we pray for all believers in all places, we pray for all believers in all cities, we pray for all believers in all regions, we pray for all believers in all nations, we pray for all believers globally, and throughout the world, around the world, and we pray for all believers in Christ, and we pray for the city church in all cities, the regional church in all regions, the national church in all nations, and the global church globally, and we pray for the church in all places, and we pray for the church in all people groups, and we pray for the church around the world.

Father we pray for great love, rivers of love, floods of love, waves of love, outpourings of love, revivals of love, revelations of love, breakthroughs of love for all believers in Christ in the church around the world, we pray for all believers in all places, we pray for all believers in all cities, we pray for all believers in all regions, we pray for all believers in all nations, we pray for all believers globally, and throughout the world, around the world, and we pray for all believers in Christ, and we pray for the city church in all cities, the regional church in all regions, the national church in all nations, and the global church globally, and we pray for the church in all places, and we pray for the church in all people groups, and we pray for the church around the world.

Father we pray for healing love, and healing peace for all believers in Christ in the church around the world, we pray for all believers in all places, we pray for all believers in all cities, we pray for all believers in all regions, we pray for all believers in all nations, we pray for all believers globally, and throughout the world, around the world, and we pray for all believers in Christ, and we pray for the city church in all cities, the regional church in all regions, the national church in all nations, and the global church globally, and we pray for the church in all places, and we pray for the church in all people groups, and we pray for the church around the world.

Father we pray for love and Peace!

We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen

Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, August 07, 2009

The Divine Testing

The Divine Testing

Elvis Iverson
May 31, 2009

I stand at my watch post waiting, soaking in the presence of the Lord, I see a vision of the Lord standing before me, He begin to speak and from His words came healing and restoration and blessings.

I see a vision of an outdoor meeting, I see apostles come from all over the earth to seat with the Chief Apostle our Lord Jesus Christ; this meeting went on for many days and from this meeting came many meetings all over the earth. Now the Lord says I will test your hearts and your works. Then those who said the words grace, grace did not fall, but those who did not say the words grace, grace fall, they were only a few. Then those few went there way in sorrow and tears, then the Lord turn and looked at those who were still among the meeting saying what will you do, then most of the apostles went after those few who have fallen and brought restoration and healing. Then the Lord looked at the few who stay behind, saying what have you done, then those few who stayed behind fall in grace, however the Lord said I love you, and I forgive you, be now restored.

I see a vision of a high mountain, I see prophets from all over the earth gather here to seat with the Lord. The Lord spoke many words and many were touch. I see from these meetings, many meeting came forth all over the earth. Then the Lord said I will test your hearts and your words, then most of the prophets said the words mercy, mercy, those who did not say those words fall and went there own way in repentance and tears, then the Lord said to those still among Him, what will you do, the most of the prophets went after those who have fallen to begin restoration and healing, then the Lord look at those few who stayed behind, saying what have you done. Then those prophets fall from mercy, but the Lord said to them I love you and I forgive you, then they were restored.

I see a vision of a great city, and I see a company gathering from all over the earth to come together for a meeting with the Lord. This meeting went on for days, and from this meeting there came forth many meetings all over the earth. Then the Lord said I will tests your hearts and your life. Then many said the words love, love, and those who did not fall, and went away crying, then the Lord said to the rest what will you do, then many went after them and brought restoration and healing, then the Lord looked at those who stayed behind saying what have you done, then they fall from grace, however the Lord said I love you and I forgive you then they were restored.

Apart from that, I see a continue love feast going on throughout the church around the world.

I then see love feasts happening in all cities and nations all over the world.

I see love feasts revivals happening in the church all over the world.

Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Age of the Apostle

The Age of the Apostle

Elvis Iverson

The last will be first and the first last; the apostles were in the beginning and apostles will be in the end, they lead first in the beginning, and they will lead first in the beginning of new days. Jesus Christ first called apostles, apostles were the first leaders of the Church, and apostles today will be the leaders of the church, the leadership of the church rest up apostles. –(Matt. 20:16)

Apostles are the first leaders of the church, they are called to lead the church first, and they are first to lead. Apostles and prophets are the foundation of the church in every generation, the church is lead by apostles and prophets, and the elders of the church are apostles, prophets and teachers. –(1 Cor. 12:28)

The church needs apostolic vision; they need to have the revelation of apostles and there role in the church. Without apostles the church will never move forth, without apostles and prophets we will never see true reformation or lasting change. –(Prov. 29:18)

Prophets are call to guide the church with prophetic vision, and the apostle are called to lead the church with apostolic vision, apostles are to hear what the Spirit is saying to the church, and then speak forth, we need to hear what apostles and prophets are saying, for Christ is speaking to us through them for the whole church, and the world. –(Rev. 2:29)

In the beginning of the church was the first apostolic age; you can read it throughout the New Testament, this is the second apostolic age. We will see the signs of an apostle, signs, wonders and mighty deeds, and great waves of the Spirit, and even more. –(Hosea. 6:3, Joel 2:23-27, Hag. 2:6-9)

The age of the first fruits was in the beginning of the church; the age of hope was in the apostasy times, the age of new birth was the time of the second reformation of the church. Now we have come to the new apostolic age, the age of the apostle, and after this will come the age of the glorious church, and then the age of new beginnings, and the age of peace. –(Heb. 6:1-2)

The Lord showed me waves of the apostolic, the first wave is already coming, and the second wave will be the wave of apostles with signs and wonders. –(Acts 2:43, 4:33)

The Lord showed me five apostolic generations: The Abraham generation, the Isaac generation, the Jacob generation, the Joseph generation, and the Ephraim generation. –(EX. 20:5-6)

In addition, this is the new apostolic reformation, which is called the Third Reformation of the Church, The first reformation was in the beginning of the church, the second reformation was in the beginning of the age of new birth, and the fourth reformation will be from the apostolic church to the end time church, the mature city church, and the fifth reformation is from the Kingdom church to the eternal. –(Heb. 9:10)

The Lord showed me the Third reformation, already begun as a lamb, soon would become a lion, then a horse, and then an eagle and then an army. I believe we are beginning to enter into the second stage of reformation; reformation comes as a lion. –(Prov. 28:1)

This is the age of the apostle, what are some of the God giving tasks giving to the apostles of this age, the age of the apostle?

1. Massive reformation to the church, the whole church. 2. Lay the foundations for lasting revivals. 3. Establish the New Apostolic Church. 4. Plant new apostolic congregations. 5. Lay the foundation of apostles and prophets. 6. Raise up the New Apostolic City Church. 7. Raise up the City Church. 8. Establish the church in the workplace, rise up the kings of the Kingdom. 9. Equipping the saints for the work of the ministry. 10. Father and mentor apostles. 11. Release the revelation of the Kingdom of God. 12. Ministering of signs, wonders and mighty deeds. 13. Restore the glory of the Lord and revivals. 14. Restoration of all things. 15. Social Transformation. 16. Mature the church, to become a glorious church, and to bring the church to the unity of the faith. 17. To bring an oneness between the church and Israel. 18. Restoration of fathers. 19. Restore the threefold eldership apostles, prophets and teachers. 20. To build the House the Lord. 21. Increase the Kingdom of God. 22. Harvest of souls, increase the Church. 23. Release the wealth of the Wicked. 24. That the Church will lack nothing.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Pray for All Believers in Christ

Pray for All Believers in Christ

Elvis Iverson

Heavenly Father we come boldly to the Throne Room of God, in the Third Heaven, by faith we receive the Presence, Light, and Truth of the Father, by faith we see our Lord Jesus Christ at the Right Hand of Father making intercession for us, and by faith we see the seven lamps of burning fire which is the Throne of the Holy Spirit. Father you are on the Throne of Mercy we ask you for mercy, Lord Jesus you are on the Throne of grace we ask you for grace, Holy Spirit you are on the Throne of love we ask you for love. Father led us by the Holy Spirit in praying apostolic and prophetic prayers for the Body of Christ.

Father we pray for all believers in Christ in the church around the world, we pray for all believers in all places, we pray for all believers in all cities, we pray for all believers in all regions, we pray for all believers in all nations, we pray for all believers globally, and throughout the world, around the world, and we pray for all believers in Christ.

Father we pray for divine healing and divine health for all believers.

Father we pray for deliverance and freedom for all believers.

Father we pray for full restoration, double restoration, and seven restorations for all believers.

Father we pray for inner healing and sound mental health for all believers.

Father we pray for grace and mercy for all believers.

Father we pray for rest and peace for all believers.

Father we pray for the release of the fire of God in all believers.

Father we pray for the renewing of the Minds of all believers.

Father we pray for personal revivals for all believers.

Father we pray for personal reformation for all believers.

Father we pray for an outpouring of prophecy, visions, and dreams upon all believers.

Father we pray for an outpouring of signs, gifts of the Spirit, and the power of God for all believers.

Father we pray for the fullness of the Spirit for all believers.

Father we pray for wisdom and revelation for all believers.

Father we pray for the knowledge of the Word of God (Bible) to fill all believers.

Father we pray for divine safety and protection for all believers.

Father we pray for blessings and favor for all believers.

Father we pray for the love of God to fill all believers.

Father we pray for an outpouring of angelic hosts upon all believers.

Father we pray for the prosperity and financial blessings for all believers.

Father we pray for enlargement and increase for all believers.

Father we pray for holy living for all believers.

Father we pray for the Christian witness of all believers.

Father we pray for spiritual growth for all believers.

Father we pray for the joy levels to arise in all believers, we pray for the intoxication of the Holy Spirit to flood all believers, we pray for all believers to be drunk with the Holy Spirit and New Wine, we pray for all believers to be full of revelation, we pray for restoration for all believers, we pray for revival life for all believers, we pray for unity to come to the hearts of all believers, and we pray for all the loves ones of all believers to come to know the Lord. Father we pray for all believers to be fruitful, to bear much fruit in all things, and we pray for all believers to overflow in blessings. Father we pray for rivers of blessings to come to all believers, we pray for rivers of blessings to seek out all believers, and we pray for rivers of blessing to overtake all believers in Christ.

We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen

Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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