Monday, March 28, 2011

Apostolic Kings Arise

Apostolic Kings Arise

Elvis Iverson
December 16, 2010

I see many come to a holy house of wine to seat at the feet of holy apostles. I see the seated apostles could see that in each of these believers was a king at heart. I see as they teach, and give wisdom, and meat of the Word. The kings begin to come forth, no longer were they only kings at heart, and they were true kings of Christ. I see the church apostles and workplace apostles become one in vision, and connection was build from the church to the marketplace, and rivers of wealth came in from all over the earth. I see a vision of seven kings who are successful leaving the workplace for the service the house of wine in making money work for them. I see within the house of wine a network of marketplace believers, and workplace kings.

I see five kings that came from nothing become billionaires within five years with the wealth creation anointing then give 73 percent of their income to the house of wine every month. They were making billions every year.

I see a company of believers rise up in the wealth creation anointing; these were 500 believers all become millionaires within two years.

Then I see a vision for ten kings that become billionaires within as few years, giving most of their income to the work of the Lord.

I see a vision of 1000 believers rise up with the wealth creation anointing becoming millionaires within a few years.

Now I see a great number flowing in the wealth creation anointing, and I see many believers in all areas of the workplace walk forth in the kingly anointing. I see many leaders of society rise and give glory among us in the house of wine.

I see rivers of great wreath flow into the work of the Lord; I see extreme rivers of wealth flowing in the work of the Lord every month. I then see millions and billions coming into the ministry every month.

I see healing of the city, the healing of land in the city full of light. I see the wealth creation anointing, the kingly anointing, healing wealth anointing, freedom of wealth anointing, go to the nations around the world. Then I see an angel say this is only the beginning for the Lord will bless the hands of all believers with wealth creation anointing.

Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Come Patriarch Be Our Guest

Come Patriarch Be Our Guest

Elvis Iverson
December 11, 2010

In a vision I see a sky full of clouds. I hear the prophetic seed go around the world, I hear the revelation seed go around the earth, now I see clouds all over the earth, an angel says those clouds are hovering over these many lands, God will come through for His people, God will come through big time, and God will not be late, and God will make up for all our loss and sufferings. A feast of great goodness and great mercy, great peace, great happiness, great rest, great blessings shall I give to all those who have believe and waited upon me, for such as a time as this.

I see a set visionary seated upon a hill of peace, I see many, upon many gatherings all over the earth seated at his feet and hear the words that come forth, I see many angels standing around this love feast.

I see a river that will flow as fast as the wind around the earth; this is the river of Word Revelation, I see healing, divine healing, restoration, blessings, breakthroughs come forth from this holy river.

Now I see signs of an apostle covering the earth, I see these signs, wonders, and mighty deeds. I see networks of love feasts throughout the earth. I see huge meetings of apostolic doctrine. I see huge meetings of signs of the apostles; I see huge meetings of salvation. I see greats numbers flow like river into the church all over the earth. I see outpourings of angels. I see generations of the faithful and blessed come forth; continue on the work of the patriarch.

I see many come with many gifts to lie at feet of the group of the patriarch, I see the blessing come forth from hands of the group of the patriarch. I see lands giving, and buildings giving to built the holy campgrounds of the patriarch.

I see the nine gifts of the Spirit flow as a river from the group of the patriarch, I see the bliss gifts of God flow as continue river of bliss from the hands of the patriarch. I see the healing, deliverance, raising the dead in massive amounts. I see the seven Spirits of God come in the holy meetings of the group of the patriarch; I see the power to get wealth flow as ten rivers of the Spirit around the earth. I see Ecstatic and ecstasy flow among many and upon the group of the patriarch. Then I see an angel saying this is only the beginning, for God had planned all things well and bless, for this is His will.

Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Home Church Love Feasts

Home Church Love Feasts

Elvis Iverson
December 18, 2010

I see a vision of home churches all over America, and I see a vision of home churches all over the earth. I see many angelic hosts going to each home church; they could visit every home church every day. Now I see a covering angel over each network of home churches, and I see a covering angel over was nation of home churches, and I see a covering angel over the global outpouring of home churches network of networks.

Now I see a vision of many home churches in many cities around the world. I see a river of grace, anointing, revelation go through each of these home churches.

I see a home church; I see a group of believers meeting in their home. Praying and following the presence of the Lord, this is faithful believers in the home. I see the presence of the Lord coming down every time they gather in the home.

I see a home church, I see believers coming together in the home, I see many praying, fasting, soaking, practice the presence of the Lord, then an outpouring came with such force, and out of this came 10,000 home churches.

Now I see a home church, believers gather in faithful and holy ground, and I see such soul witness, and signs and wonders, among the home churches, that there was two new home churches birth every week for five years.

I see a home church, believers come their faithfully week after week. I see them prophecy, share visions, and tell their dreams. I see the gifts of the Spirit flow among them. I see others who are not apart coming to hear and be bless and minister too. Not one word fall to the ground, all was 100% percent from God. They grow in the prophetic and the gifts of the Spirit, that they were a holy power house.

I see a vision of a home church that has holy soaking revival for ten years, and all the other homes churches around it had the manifestation presence of the Lord, and open visions., ecstasy, and ecstatic touch from God.

I see a home church where people gather together in unity, and Word, that signs and wonders came, and out of this home church came 100 home churches.

I see a home church that enter into rest, great peace came, signs and wonders, the outpouring of a weight of the presence of the Lord came, and out of this home church came a 1000 home churches.

Now an angel says this is happening, and going to happen in nations around the world, not a few, instead many nations, for God is the God of increase.

Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Monday, March 07, 2011

What is Wrong with the Church

What is Wrong with the Church

Elvis Iverson

We have now coming to the time of reformation of the church of all things, this is the third reformation of the church, this is the whole reformation of the church, this is the great reformation of the church, the Lord commands reformation to all the church, and apostles and prophets are laying the foundation for reformation and reformation is laying the foundation for lasting revivals.

What is wrong with the Church? When I say what is wrong with the church, it is time to see through the eyes of the Holy Spirit in grace, love, Spirit, faith, and truth.

There are no apostles and no prophets, apostles and prophets are the foundation, if you don’t have apostles and prophets you don’t have foundation, it is apostles and prophets who are to lead the church through the Holy Spirit. –(Eph. 2:20, 1 Cor. 12:28)

Many churches do not have any gifts of the Spirit, churches are to be full of the gifts of the Spirit, every believer has a spiritual gift, and every believer is to flow in one of the gifts of the Spirit. Teachers teach on the gifts but there is no application, there is no liberty for the Gifts of the Spirit. –(1 Cor. 12)

No power of God, many believers don’t even walk in the power of God, and many churches don’t even flow in the power of God, even those churches who believe in the power of God in today don’t have an application and don’t flow in the power of God! –(MK. 16:17-18, 2 Tim. 3:5)

No believers in ministry, many believers had not been giving room to minister, and they don’t even have a ministry, where is the believer’s ministry, every believer is to know their gifts and have a ministry. –(Eph. 4:12, 1 Pet. 2:5,9)

No kings in the house of the Lord, many churches are not training kings, believers are called to be priests and they are called to be kings; it is time to raise up kings to change our cities. –(Rev. 1:6, 5:10)

Not enough unity in the church, is there unity among the believers in your city, is there unity among the spiritual leaders among the churches in your city? –(Eph. 4:13)

There is no vision of the City Church in many cities among the churches. There is only one church in each city, that church is called the city church, do you see the city church arising in your city? –(1 Cor. 1:2)

They’re too much of the old wineskins and not enough of the new wineskins in the church. –(LK. 5:36-39)

No biblical elders in the churches, congregation is to have biblical elders, which are apostles, prophets and teachers. –(1 Cor. 12:28, Acts 13:1-3)

No financial freedom in the church, the church needs to learn and crossover and make the changes to the freedom of grace giving. –(2 Cor. 8,9)

No relationship, or home church, relationship building begins in the church in your home, the home church is the beginning of biblical fellowship. –(Acts 2:46)

No discipleship and no maturity in the church, we need to establish a plan to disciple new believers, and then establish a pathway to maturity in the church. –(Heb. 5:12-14)

No vision of the future of the church, we need revelation teaching of the future of the church and the church in the end times. –(Eph. 5:27)

There needs to be a restoration and understanding and application of the Sabbath, the feasts of the Lord and the Torah. –(Col. 2:16)

No vision for Israel, the church needs a vision of the future of Israel. –(Rom. 9, 11, 10:1)

No revelation of the Kingdom of God. We need the revelation and understanding of the truth of the Kingdom of God and an application of the Kingdom of God. –(LK. 17:21)

No deliverance ministry in the church, believers need to go through deliverance, they need to know how to cast out demons, and we need to begin casting out demons, not letting them live in comfort among us. –(MK. 16:17-18)

There is no such thing as the one-man rule, there is no such thing has the senior pastor, pastors do not lead the church, we need biblical elders, and apostles. –(3 Jn 9-12, 1 Cor. 12:28)

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Group that shall not die

The Group that shall not die

Elvis Iverson
December 16, 2010

I see a vision of the faithful company out of them came a group that shall not die, that shall not see death. This is a group of Enoch. That walks with God. They flow in ecstasy of Christ, and they flow in the Bliss fellowship of God. I see a river of holy trances and raptures flowing through them from the Throne Room. They are full of holy wine, and they are drunk with holy wine. They flow in the deep prophetic river; they flow in prophetic union with God. I see flight of the Spirit among them, I see they are glowing like light, I can see some of them walking through walls, I see bilocation miracles and bilocation meetings of the Holy Ghost. I see holy levitation in there meetings, I see Holy Transportation among many.

Now I see Holy Intoxication meetings, at many times no one can minister only the Lord, I see many times we will see with our own eyes angels walking around, and we will see our Lord Jesus Christ with our own eyes. We will soak for many hours. I see meetings where there is group holy ecstasy. I see meeting fill with holy ecstatic throughout the gathering. I see meetings where the speaker levitation for hours as he speaks. I see these Holy Intoxication meetings go on for eight years every week.

Now I see some that came to stop, or to mock. I see angels take out their sword and kill some, others are giving over to open visions of hell. The Fear of God will fill the church in these holy days.

I see meeting where the Holy Spirit will speak to the whole gathering, and all will hear Him speak.

I see meetings where believers have bilocation, and Holy Transportation in this meeting throughout the building and in meetings like this around the world.

I see meeting where great glory come, many open visions, and many open visions of heaven.

I see meetings where one will prophecy in ecstasy for hours to the whole group. I see meetings where two will prophecy in ecstasy for hours to the whole group. I see meetings where five will prophecy in ecstasy for hours to the whole group. I see meetings where seven will prophecy in ecstasy for hours to the whole group..

I see meetings of Word Revelation, teaching for hours with outpourings of holy wine. I hear an angel says this will happen in many cities. It is only a beginning of deep things of the Spirit.

Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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