Friday, October 30, 2009

Character and Integrity

Character and Integrity

Elvis Iverson

You don’t learn character from Bible colleges, etc, you grow in character and you become a person of character through patience and relationship with the Lord and with one another. One of prequalifications for spiritual leadership is character; the Lord wants us to become leaders of character and integrity. Character is first then good doctrine is second; sound character will lead to sound doctrine. You may know the Bible, you may be a good teacher, you may be very gifted, you may be anointed, and you may have good leadership skills but without sound character you cannot hold a leadership position. –(1 Tim. 3:1-13)

Integrity of your word, and integrity of walk and relationship is what the board of elders need from church to church, but we need must more, we need the integrity of the heart. You may have integrity of word, integrity of action, and integrity of relationship, but if you don’t have integrity of the heart, the Lord will know, and He will deal with your heart in His mercy. –(Psa. 7:8)

Yes you are not perfect, yes we are not called to be perfections, and you will not be 100% right on, you may not have all character, and you may not have all integrity, but if you have character of heart and integrity of heart you may enter into the eldership. –(Jam. 3:1,13-18)

Guidelines to maintain proper good character: Set priorities, family first, Jesus first, relax and rest times, cleansing times, accountable to mature apostles, Learn and apply wisdom, humble and meek heart to hear one another, relationship and fellowship with the city church, the body of Christ. –(Eccl. 4:9-12)

What happens if you fail in character: relationships with women, etc, handling money, and maintaining the liberty of the believers, you are to seek repentance and restoration from mature apostles, and take leave of ministry for a period of time, in submission and oversight of mature apostles. –(Gal. 6:1)

We grow in character through patience and relationship with the Lord and one another, and through fathering and mentoring from apostolic fathering apostles. This is why we need apostolic fathers to love, and care, mentoring is for a short period of time, and fathering is for a lifetime. –(1 Cor. 4:15)

What areas of your life that you are strong in character and then what areas that you are weak in character, knowing is half the battle, and there is grace to grow in character, for we learn when we fail, when we fall, we learn to get up again, and we learn character. –(Prov. 24:16, 28:13)

We need true character building fathering ministries and networks to come from the hearts of true apostles, and began to heal and lead in character and integrity in spiritual leadership. –(1 Sam. 22:1-2)

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, October 23, 2009

Pastors and Evangelists

Pastors and Evangelists

Elvis Iverson

The New Apostolic Church will arise in every city and in every nation; the New Apostolic City Church will rise in many cities, and New Apostolic Congregations will arise in many cities throughout the world. –(Eph. 2:19-22)

The New Apostolic Congregation is a network of churches in your house with a center for the equipping of the saints. The center is the place for the ministry of the apostle, prophet, and teacher; the home church is the place for ministry of the pastor and evangelist. –(1 Cor. 12:28, Eph. 4:11, 1 Cor. 14:26)

The pastor ministry is in the home church; he or she provides pastoral care, and the evangelist connects with a home church to bring in the lost and then disciple them. –(Rom. 16:3-16, Acts 8:4-5)

The word pastor is only listed once in the Bible, the word evangelist is only listed three times in the Bible. Pastors are not the senior elders of a congregation, they are not the head of a congregation, they are not the visionary leader of a congregation, they are not the main ministry of the center, there ministry is not in the center, instead it is in the home, Pastors are not full time ministers, evangelists are not of the ministry of the center, they are not full time ministry, they are to work with the home church. –(Eph. 4:11, Acts 21:8, 2 Tim. 4:5)

In the home church the pastor or pastors provide pastoral care, they flow in the continuity of the church in the house, and the continuity of the one another ministry, they maintain the unity and continuity of the group, they work in the cooperation of the group, and they do coordinate the home church meetings, and host them, and they are coordinators of the group. But correspondence and communication with the whole group; Pastors will work as a team, with one leading them in the home church among them, and the pastors will be in fellowship and correspondence and communication with other pastors in other home churches, and they will willing submit to the oversight of the congregation elders. –(Acts 2:40-47)

An Evangelist will fellowship in one home church, and then work with at least six other home churches with correspondences with pastors and in connection with elders oversight, Evangelists will work together and be in fellowship, correspondence and communication with other Evangelists they will lead the lost to Christ, and they will be leaders of soul winners among the home churches, and they will plant the new born in Christ in a home church and disciple them. –(Prov. 11:30)

Evangelists will train and equip believers in how to win souls, plant them in a home church, and how to disciple the newborn. Pastors will train and equip beilevers in pastoral care and home church fellowship; both the pastors and evangelists will equip the believers in home church planting. Pastors are to train and mentor new pastors, and evangelists are to train and mentor new evangelists. –(Eph. 4:11-12)

Pastors and Evangelists are not full time ministry that has careers; there personal support to live on comes from their own strength, but from time to time the believers should honor them with gifts, etc for the labor of love they do. Pastors and Evangelists are to be ordained as ministers. –(1 Cor. 16:13-18)

Half of the ministers will not be in full time ministry, instead they will have a career that supports them and pays their personal and living costs, then most of the rest of ministers will have support from alternative financial support, only a very few will have full support for their living costs and personal costs, etc. Itinerant apostolic workers will have the full financial support that they need, most of these will be full time in ministry, and will not have a support of their own, so the financial support of the church is being free up to support more the itinerant apostolic workers. –(1 Cor. 9:1-18)

A congregation is a network of home churches; the eldership of the congregation is apostles, prophets, and teachers, among the elders cabinet, one of the apostles will be appoint to oversee the home church network, and among the council of elders there will be a leading apostle, the senior elder. –(1 Cor. 12:28, Acts 13:1-3)

How to plant churches in the Home:

1. An apostle first prays, plants a home church with already season believers, then trains pastors and evangelists, before moving forth the apostle calls a prophet to come for prophecy and ministry, an apostle does not move forth without a word from a prophet, then releases the new pastors and evangelists, and begins to plant new home churches, and then begins to setup the center.
2. Pastors and evangelists in a city already apart of a home church network, goes forth planting home churches together.
3. Pastors and evangelists are lead to another city under elders oversight to plant new homes churches.
4. Season members in a city already apart of a home church network, go forth together to plant another home church.
5. Members in another city, outside of a home church network wants to connect with a home church network, a new apostolic congregation, and then comes together to form a home church, etc.
6. Members sent from a new apostolic congregation to plant a home church that will lead to more homes churches and a new congregation.
7. The planting of home churches need to be under elders council’s oversight and apostolic oversight.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, October 16, 2009

Continuity of Organism

Continuity of Organism

Elvis Iverson

We have already enter into reformation, to the degree of reformation is the degree of revival that will come, this reformation is laying the foundation for revival, many revivals, lasting revivals, radical revivals, extreme revivals, massive revivals, visitation revivals, and resting revivals, and the revival life, the church will never be without revival never again, there will never be a time without revival, never again, the life of the church will be revival, the life of the believer will be revival. –(Ezek. 48:35)

We have already begun in the first degree of reformation, the first degree of reformation is the degree of the lamb, and reformation is already coming as a lamb, then it will turn into a lion, and then run fast as a horse, and then fly supernaturally as an eagle, and then become like army of reformation. –(Heb. 9:10)

This is the third reformation, the new apostolic reformation, this is the reformation of the whole church, this is called the great reformation of the church, and this reformation will be radical, extreme, and massive. –(Heb. 12:25-29)

There needs to be a wineskin of lasting, resting, massive revival that can contain revival, and that revival can overflow upon cities and nations around the world. The church will become full of revivals, and the glory of the Lord and then overflow upon cities and nations around the world, and the world will begin to be filled with revivals and the glory of the Lord, the day will come that the church will be filled with revival and glory, and then the earth will be filled with revival and glory. –(LK. 5:36-39)

Reformation is laying the foundation for revival, social transformation and harvest. The ministry that the Lord gives me is a ministry of reformation, revival, social transformation and harvest. There are other kinds of divine movements, such as renew, restoration and then awaking, the greatest of these three is awaking, however revival is greater then all of these, and reformation is greater then restoration, and social transformation is greater then revival, for social reformation is both revival and reformation, and harvest follows reformation, revival, and social transformation. –(Acts 3:19-21)

The revelation of the City Church is be giving in this hour, there is only one city church in each city; there is only one church in a city, with many congregations. There are stages of maturity of the city church; the last stage is the mature city church, which is the unity of the faith and the end time church in the end times. Right now we are in the transition from the pastoral city church to the apostolic city church. –(Matt. 16:18-19)

It is the New Apostolic City Church that can contain the habitational revival, resting revival. The New Apostolic City church is a Horizontal Network of congregations and New Apostolic Congregations. Lead by territorial apostles and city church apostles who lead and coordinate the apostles and congregation’s senor leaders on a horizontal level. The New Apostolic City church has a New Apostolic City Church Center, a place for prayer, prophetic expression, and worship; this center is the place for resting revival to fill the city. –(Ezek. 40:1-48, Rev. 21:2,10,18)

The New Apostolic Congregation is a network of the church in the homes, with a center gathering place for fathering, mentoring, training and equipping. The leadership of a new apostolic congregation is a team of mature apostles, prophets, and teachers with a senior elder, who is an apostle that leads with vision and coordination. The leadership of the church in the home is pastors and evangelists who lead the church in the home with the coordination and community of the believers. –(1 Cor. 12:28, 14:26)

The Church in the home is first before the center, this is the place for community, this is the place where believers minister to one another, prophecy to one another, pray for one another, teach one another, and love one another. The Church in the Home is the 1 Cor. 14:26 home church.

The center of a new apostolic congregation, is the 1 Cor. 12:28 center or the APT center, this is the place for the ministry of apostles, prophets and teachers.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, October 09, 2009

How To Bring Reformation, Revival, Social Transformation and Harvest

How To Bring Reformation, Revival, Social Transformation and Harvest

Elvis Iverson

I have a vision for reformation, revival, social transformation, and harvest. What is reformation, reformation is being reformed to the Image of Christ, what is revival, revival is the manifestation of the glory of the Lord first in the church, then to overflow into the nations and cities around the world, what is social transformation? Reformation of nations, and cities, to transform cities and nations to the image of Christ, social transformation is both revival and reformation, not reformation of the church, instead reformation of the world. Harvest comes with reformation, harvest comes with revival, and harvest comes with social transformation, and then there is harvest alone. Harvest is a supernatural grace of harvest coming upon certain areas, cities and nations, an increase adding to the church. –(Acts 3:19-21)

How to bring reformation:

The Lord will move upon certain young leaders, giving them the heart for reformation and vision for reformation. Reformation truth with come with grace and love, the reformation ideals will come from revelation of God’s will for the church. Not one reformer will have the whole picture, only in part, the reformers will come together to seek a common ground, and then a holy agreement in reformation truth. Then plant the seeds of reformation in the hearts of many, they will pray much for those seeds of reformation, reformation is a work of patience. They lay the groundwork for the beginning of the reformation, and then in time the reformation will take shape and form and flow as fire into the church to bring reformation to the masses. –(Heb. 9:10)

Reformation work of patience, the truth must be said in love with grace, first we have common ground of all believers, and we must seek unity based upon this common ground, then the leaders of the reformation must come together to agree on reformation truths, and at the same time be open to one another. –(1 Cor. 1:10)

There must be much prayer along with reformation teaching and reformation preaching, and we must humble ourselves with such reformation revelation coming forth from the heart of Christ. –(1 Pet. 3:15)

The reformation truths will go through the time of test, all things must be tested with the Word of God, and time, and to see the outcome and the fruits of the work of reformation, and make changes to flow in reformation grace. –(1 Cor. 3:1-17)

How to bring revival:

Revival comes through much prayer, first one person may pray for revival, this is not a prayer for revival, instead they pray faithfully for revival, and then there comes the group of people that come together to pray for revival. It will take much prayer to pray for revival and to flow in revival, and to keep revival. –(2 Chron. 7:14)

We need to pray for revivalists, if we want revival, revival begins with revivalists, but revival must go beyond the revivalist. In a revival, there will need to be other revivalists raise up, revival cannot remain with one revivalist, it must be with revivalists, and then to the masses, and then beyond. There is coming a day when there will be revival without the revivalists! –(Matt. 4:19)

After much prayer for revival, there needs to be a prophet to come and minister and prophecy the will of the Lord. –(Amos 3:7-8)

Revival needs a dwelling place, if we want to have revival we need a dwelling place for revival, and we must have the leadership and the revelation for a dwelling place for revival. –(Eph. 2:19-22)

If we want to have revival, we need the revelation of revival; we need revelation of revival to be ready to receive the coming revivals, we first must receive the revelation of revival, in order to receive revival manifestations. –(Rom. 10:17)

How to bring social transformation:

We need a vision of social transformation? Social transformation comes by the work of the ministry in the workplace through the work of patience, and it could come supernatural, or come both ways, But ether way one will lead to the other. –(Rev. 11:15)

The believers must be raise up and release into the work of the ministry in the workplace, believers must move with grace and vision in all areas of the workplace, establishing the Lordship of Christ, and bring wisdom and changes to the workplace according to the Kingdom of God. –(Matt. 28:18-20)

Social transformation comes through the kings of the Kingdom, apostles are called to rise up the ministry of the kings of the Kingdom, and then release them into the workplace. –(Acts 6:1-8)

Increase of the Kingdom in other words is social transformation; the Kingdom of God will increase through the outpourings of the Holy Spirit, the hearts of the believers, the ministry of the kings of the Kingdom. –(Isa. 9:6-7)

In addition, the Lord will heal the nations through revival, social transformation, the increase of the Kingdom of God, and the ministry of wealth. –(Rev. 22:2)

Moreover, the city church must arise to new apostolic city church; there is a need for city church apostles to build city church networks and city church centers that will be places for much prayer. –(Rev. 1-4)

We need marketplace apostles, as we have church apostles, we need to rise up marketplace church apostles, and both the church apostles and the marketplace church apostles are to network together. –(Isa. 60)

The ministry of wealth is to be birth and raise up in the hearts of believers in the workplace, and the church in the workplace, the ministry of wealth is one of ministries of social transformation, it is through restoration of blessings, and wealth that social transformation will come. –(Prov. 13:22)

How to bring harvest:

Harvest comes through much prayer, and the ministry of the apostle. The congregations and the city church must be form to be ready for harvest. The believers need to be equipped for the work of the ministry, and the church in the workplace needs to establish and connected to the church. –(Matt. 9:37-38, 2 Tim. 4:5)

There needs to be apostolic evangelism, but harvest can go beyond the ministry of evangelism, if we pray, and align ourselves we can see an open heaven, there needs to be an open heaven, and if we open the doors to each congregation to one another, there needs to be unity for harvest to come. All congregations may not come into unity, and all congregations may not be used to bring revival, only those who can come together in unity. –(Isa. 24:10, Rev. 21:25)

When the supernatural grace of harvest comes upon a city, you don’t need to have evangelism, or witness, just open your heart, just open the doors of your congregation, and souls will begin to seek out believers, and seek out congregations with the Word and the Spirit. –(Zech. 8:23)


Reformation begins with apostles and prophets, revival begins with apostles and prophets, social transformation begins with apostles and prophets, and harvest begins with apostles and prophets, for apostles and prophets are foundational ministry, as these things begin with them, these things must move beyond them to the masses, and to every believer. –(Eph. 2:20)

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, October 02, 2009

Unfolding Visions of the City Church

Unfolding Visions of the City Church

Elvis Iverson

The Revelation of the City Church is being giving in parts throughout the world, that there is only one church in each city, that church is the city church. However, there are still many city churches that are still in pastoral unity, the Holy Spirit is leading us to apostolic unity. –(Rev. 1-4)

Write the Revelation and Vision of the City Church Down:

In a city, in two cities, or three, those cities that have people who have an ear to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying, that that can follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in wisdom and revelation. –(Heb. 11:10,16)

The foundation of the city church is the apostles and the prophets, the Head of the City Church is Christ, and the Head of the whole Church, in each city there’s only one city church, with many congregations, and the each congregation is a network of home churches. –(Eph. 2:19-22)

In a city, can see this vision of faith and hope, God will begin to sent an apostle to this city, some city near you, this apostle through the test of time, arise by grace, and the anointing of the Lord in supernatural power. A new path is made, apostles do not follow that path that others follow instead they make a new one, so others may walk upon the new paths of the supernatural grace and supernatural power. –(Isa. 62:10)

In this city, a city near you, this apostle by grace and patience prepares a new path, a new way after the patterns of the Third Heaven, then other apostles begin to obey the call coming to this city, a city near you, or maybe your city. A prophet, or a few prophets, long time before the coming of the apostles, give prophetic words about revival, about the coming apostles, about the destiny is this city, some city, or a city near you, or your city; Prophets prophesy destiny, apostles impart affirmation of destiny, and prophets have the ministry of prophesying prophetic destiny, and apostles have the ministry of affirmation of prophetic destiny. –(Isa. 61:4, 58:12)

Then other apostles begin to come to this city of destiny, and some apostles come together in revelation faith, and faith vision, and they pray for unity, revival, change, and reformation, and social transformation, and after awhile they become one in heart and one in vision, and the vision of arising new apostolic city church begins to unfold before their very eyes. They become an apostolic roundtable of city church unity. –(Prov. 29:18)

During this time the favor and supernatural grace comes upon the work of apostles in the city, and new apostolic congregations begin to be birth and arise, they become huge, each congregation being a network of the church in the home, and New Apostolic Networks Arise, and others kinds of apostolic ministry is birth. –(1 Cor. 12:4-7)

During this time a river of signs, wonders and mighty deeds begin to flow throughout the city church and the church beginning from the hearts of arising apostles. –(2 Cor. 12:12)

Then from the apostolic roundtable of the city church unity, the blue prints of the new apostolic city church is laid out, and they begin to raise up city church apostles, apostles of the city church, and a city church network begins to arise among the new apostolic congregations throughout the city and the other congregations that enter into the new wineskin of the new apostolic city church. –(Eph. 2:19-22)

New City Church Center is built, and this is a center place for the ministries that minister to the city, and is a center for 24/7 prayers, and 24/7 worship, and 24/7 prophetic watches. Every three months the networks of the New Apostolic City Church will come together for worship, prayer, and ministry. –(Isa. 56:7)

The Revival Presence begin to rest upon the New City Church Center beginning the first day it was built, and apostolic and prophetic revivalists are raise up by the Spirit and they begin to minister, and the New Apostolic City Church Center is a center for resting revival, and a gate for revival to flow from throughout the city and the church of the city. –(Eph. 2:19-22)

Remember revival is not coming to a church, instead to the city church, to the church around the world, and then to every city, and to every nation, and above all, to every believer in Christ. –(Eph. 5:27,18,26)

Massive changes come, a massive harvest of souls comes, and social transformation begins. –(Heb. 2:4)

As the City Church Apostles arise, books are written about the city church, and the seeds of the city church are planted in the church around the world, and many cities begin to flow in the revelation of the city church.

The New Apostolic City Church begins to arise in many cities, and then in time all cities, and as the city church grows unto new levels of maturity and growth the day will come when the city church comes to the mature city church.

The Mature City Church is the End Time Church, the Mature City Church is the Unity of the Faith, and the Mature City Church is the Glorious Church, the church full of Glory. –(Eph. 4:13)

See the congregations will become so fat with souls, so fat with revival, so fat with mercy that the congregations will become other gathering places for the city church, and the whole city church fellowships in homes throughout a city, and the center leadership over the whole city church is apostles, prophets, and teachers. See the City Church in the Book of Acts was only the beginning, it was not the mature or prefect church, but in the end times a more mature, a more prefect city church like the city church in the Book of Acts will arise, there will be the mature city church.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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