Sunday, March 25, 2007

New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Elvis Iverson

We have believed and prayed for new beginnings. God is the God of new beginnings, Jesus is the Lord of New Beginning and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of New Beginnings. Every person can have a new beginning and a fresh start In Christ. –(Hab. 3:2)

When you come to know Christ you become a new creation; old things have pass away and all things have become new, this is a fresh start in Christ. When you confess your sins, Jesus is faithful and to forgive you of your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. This is a new beginning, a fresh start in Christ. –(2 Cor. 5:17, 1 Jn. 1:9)

When we have done wrong to others in Christ, when they have done wrong to us, etc. we can believe for forgiveness and healing to come between, and begin to love again. There could be a new beginning if we believe in God. –(Matt. 5:23-24)

Jesus Christ is our Jubilee; in Him we can have the year of Jubilee, many people have a lot of financial debts when we have not been good stewards, we can cry out to our Lord In Heaven and our heavenly father, breakthroughs will come, and we will be lead out of debt by the Holy Spirit. God will give us a new beginning, a fresh start in Christ. –(Lev. 25:12)

Every morning can be a new beginning in Christ. When we come to the Throne for grace and mercy, mercy is giving to us that we can have a new beginning, mercy is apply to our lives that we can have a new beginning for His mercies are new every morning, and the Lord has made every day, we can rejoice in the Lord every day. –(Lam. 3:22-23, Heb. 4:16)

The Bible talks about in the end times there will be a new heaven and a new earth, this is a new beginning for the earth that will come when Jesus returns to Earth. The end times are the beginning days of new beginnings; the end of the world is a new beginning. –(Rev. 21:1-2)

Today the Apostles have been restored to the church, and the church has entered into a new beginning, a fresh start; this is a new day for the church, this is a new beginning for the church. We have entered into the new apostolic age, a new beginning for the church. The restoration of apostles earmarks the days of new beginnings for the Church. –(Matt. 20:16)

The Bible says that the Lord says; “Behold I will do a new thing, and new things I declare.” This is the proof that the will of the Lord is new things, new days, new beginnings, and fresh starts. Eight is the number of new beginnings; seven is the number of completeness, we have entered into the time of the works of completeness and we have come to the time of new beginnings. We are not to despise the day of small things; instead we are to be patient in prayer and vision. –(Isa. 43:18-19, 42:9, Zech. 4:10, Eccl. 7:8)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Emerging City Church part seven

Emerging City Church part seven

Elvis Iverson
March 25, 2007

The Holy Spirit says come now and I will show you things to come, these things will come to many around the world, for they are a restoration from the Father from the Third Heaven. Now I see a vision of certain prophets and apostles that have not yet arising in the church, The Holy Spirit says these are the ones that will lay the foundation of the city church, I am rising up a company that will lay the foundation of the city church. I see angels watching over them, guarding them, aiding them, and ministering to them, the Holy Spirit says these angels are to care for them; these angels are called the city church angels. There is an angel over each city, and there is an angel over each city church, and there is an angel over each congregation, these angels that you see caring for these apostles and prophets are the angels that are set over the task of raising the city church to a new levels.

Now I see a vision of a city, I see apostles arise in this city, I see certain apostles unite in vision and mission, establish a city church network or a territorial network, and establish a city church center where revivalists and reformers minister, etc. where 24/7 prayer, worship and prophetic watch.

Then apostles in others cities were doing the same, not all city church networks, city church centers are the same however, they begun to teach and learn from one another, and a horizontal network was establish between them and the city churches.

Others begin to come and learn of the teaching of the city church and application of the city church however, each city church was not like the other, and each city church had their own characteristics that set them apart from others but, there came an practical unity among them with vision, anointing, and prayer.

From the next level of city church came from their patience, obedience, revelation, vision, revival, intercession and prayer came forth city church movements that went on for years upon years, when one movement would end another would begin.

I see a vision of seven movements of the city church, although there are more, within each of these seven movements are other movements that will come. The whole ideal of church will change, the whole ideal of unity will change, and the whole ideal of missions will change, and I see many books written from generation to generation on the city church.

The next level of city church will come, which is apostolic unity and from there the city church will grow and mature unlit the day that the apostolic church gives birth to the mature city church, the end time church.

The Seven movements of the city church will be birth today, but they will manifested in future times at their appointed time. The first city church movement is apostolic unity, the second is networking, the third is ministry, the fourth is missions, and the fifth is national church arising, the sixth is global church arising, and the seventh is the birthing of the fullness of the city church.

The Holy Spirit says, can you believe, can you have faith, for these things that I have said will come to pass today, in the future and the end times.

I see a vision of spiritual battlefield medicine arising in cities around the world, I see these battlefield medicine are apart of the emerging city church, these battlefield medicine are for the intercessors, warriors, and for spiritual battles and war over our cities.

The emerging city church is arising in our cities however, first the city church must arising in our hearts, receive now the faith, hope, vision and revelation of the city church into your hearts and begin to pray.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Day of Apostles and Prophets

The Day of Apostles and Prophets

Elvis Iverson

This is the day of the apostles and prophets, the Lord has restored the prophets, and the He has restore the Apostles, now He is rising up the saints for the work of the Ministry, and He is raising up the saints for the workplace. –(Eph. 2:20)

We have entered into a new apostolic age, which shall be greater then the first apostolic age of the Church. Soon will have outpouring of the Spirit that will be greater then the outpouring in the Book of Acts. –(Hosea 6:1-3)

In addition, we have enter into the new apostolic reformation of the Church this is the third reformation of the church, this is a reformation of the whole church; this is a reformation of all things in the church. –(Heb. 9:10)

This reformation will become a massive reformation, the reformation has begun like a lamb soon will become like a lion and then we will become like a horse. –(Heb. 9:10)

The Apostolic Church will grow until all things in this church have been Baptist into the fires of reformation. The Apostolic Church will become the greatest church in the Body of Christ and all things will be reform to the apostolic church. –(Heb. 12:25-29)

We are going to the next transition of the city church; we are going to the next level and growth of the city church, where the city church apostles will lead the city church, and there will be city church alliances and city church networks, and city church centers; these centers will be centers for 24/7 prayer, worship and prophetic watch. –(Eph. 2:19-22)

In addition, the Lord is establishing the church in the workplace; He is rising up marketplace apostles and even marketplace prophets. He will build a bridge between the church and the marketplace and then there will come a continuing transfer of wealth to the church and blessings to the marketplace. –(Isa. 60)

Massive reformation will come to the whole church in every nation and in every city, revivals, and lasting revivals, will come to the church and to the world, habitational revival will rest upon the city church, and social transformations will come upon the city and nations from the church in the marketplace. –(Prov. 29:18)

We have come to the beginning of the end of the restoration of the priesthood and we are beginning to enter into the restoration of the kings of the Kingdom of God under our Lord Jesus Christ. –(Acts 3:19-21)

We must pray to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying through the apostles and prophets. There will come an outpouring of prayer upon the church; this will lead to an outpouring of Word revelation, this will lead to an outpouring of prophecy, visions, dreams and prophetic revelation, this will lead to an outpouring of signs, gifts of the Spirit and the power of God upon the church. –(Rev. 2:29)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Emerging City Church part six

Emerging City Church part six

Elvis Iverson
March 18, 2007

Do you hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to the church? Do you hear what the Prophets are saying to the church? Do you hear what the Apostles are saying to the church? The Apostolic Church arising, the next level of city church is upon us, a massive reformation has already begun, the many revivals are coming, and the church in the workplace is arising.

The Hearing Ear was giving to the Church, however those who have an ear let them hear, I am looking for the obedience ear, an ear that will hear and obey. I will fully restore the hearing ear, and I will bring restoration of the Seeing Eye. As you have seen the Hearing Ear restored now you shall witness the restoration of the Seeing Eye for the LORD has made both of them.

Come now to the vision of the mature city church, the church of the end times; a vision of a great rock that has enter into the beginning of its fullness, upon this great rock is built the city of God. There are twelve gates that are guarded by holy angels; more then a few are guarding these gates.

I see some prophets standing outside of these gates. The Holy Spirit says these are prophets to the nations, in the end times there will be prophets; like Enoch that will minister to the whole world, and the world will seek them out, these prophets will minister in teams and companies and be lead by senior prophets.

Now I entered into these gates that are before me. I see apostles and prophets meeting in side of each of the twelve gates. The Holy Spirit says these are the judges and counselors of the city church in every city. They will speak unto one another and speak to those who gather at the gates of the city church. The Holy Spirit says there will always be huge apostolic and prophetic gatherings at the gates of the city church.

Now a prophet came up to me, he says the Nehemiah anointing has been release they will minister, heal, restore the cities that the city church dwells in, and the Ezra anointing is the anointing that will begin building the city church in ever city around the world.

The Twelve gates are; first the gate you enter into is the gate of revelation, the second gate is the gate of reformation, the third gate is the gate of revival, the fourth gate is the gate of social transformation, the fifth gate is the gate of harvest, the six gate is the gate of wealth, the seven gate is the gate of the Apostles, the eight gate is the gate of time, the ninth gate is the gate of demonstration, tenth gate is the gate of the prophets, and the eleventh gate is the gate of restoration, and the twelve gate is the gate of the kings of the Kingdom.

Now I see a prophet coming up to me, he says Abraham seek for a city whose marker is God, this city is the city church, this is the house of the Lord that Jesus will build, and gates of hell cannot stand against this house. The vision of the city church is being release in the earth, and there will be those like Abraham that will begin to seek after the house of the Lord, and they will lead others to find such a house.

As I walked through the city of God, I saw a vision of the ministry of Joseph as a network of mercy and compassion covering the whole world. I see a vision of kings of this world seeking the apostles and prophets, and I see a vision of Christian world leaders arising in the earth, as national leaders, city leaders, and even global leaders, leading the earth into restoration, blessings, and prayer.

I see the Holy Spirit hovering over many nations, and revival falls upon those nations every day, every mouth, and every year, this has been going on for some time.

As I move around the city of God, the city of God is full of the fruits of the Spirit, full of the gifts of the Spirit, full of the manifestations of the Holy Spirit, full of revival, full of glory, and full of revelation.

Now I see a huge building that has no doors, only doorways. I walked into this huge building, and I can see massive numbers of believers all over the earth praying day and night, and a certain number of them; a holy company prayers day and night, and this is their ministry. I look above them as they were praying and I see angelic host filling this huge building, I see strong angels, and angelic Visitations all over this building. I see visions of nations, cities, and people groups; I see spiritual battles being warred. I see Holy Spirit visitation coming upon all.

Now I see another building however, this building is invisible, and can only see this building through the eyes of my heart and by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. This building is a house of worship, I entered into this house of worship and I hear prophetic worship, and I see a river of prophetic worship flowing throughout this house. I hear worship for hours upon hours, I see many youth here worshiping and loving God.

Now I see another house, the house of the apostles, I entered into this house I am seeing many apostles fellowshipping day and night, there is a strong connection coming in the apostolic and strong relationship that will be in liberty and freedom in Christ.

Now I enter into a huge house, greater then the house of the apostles, this house was so great and mighty that I could not tell where the beginning and end of this house was; this is the house of the kings of the Kingdom. These are the kings that the Lord raised around the world to rein on earth. They will reign in this time, in the future, and in the end times. The Holy Spirit says they are entering into the beginning of the fullness of their time in the end of the age.

Now I come to a round building that goes up into the air, I entered into this building and I see prophets all over, and they are some standing on the ground and some standing in the air. This whole building is full with prophetic anointing, the river of the prophetic is flowing mighty through the prophets, and they have clear words, words from the Lord, words that come to pass.

Now I come to another building, this is the house of wealth, I enter into this house, this house is great, for it goes throughout the church around the world. It is full of wealth finances, and resources; and I see this building filled with angels and blessings.

Now I was taking from this city above this city and above this great mountain in a vision. I see a river of healing waters flow from this great rock unto all cities and nations around the world, I see honey flow like river from this great rock to all cities and nations, and I see the river of divine healing flow from this great rock to all cities and nations of the world, and now I see the river of revelation flow from this great rock to the cities and nations around the world.

Now I see vision of trees of life and I see the river of life flow from the Throne into all cities churches, into the city church in every nation around the world. The leaves are for the healing of the nations and the fruits are blessings for the saints.

Furthermore, I see a vision of a spiritual granary that will arise in every city; this spiritual granary is apart of the city church that the Lord is raising up. He will build and rise up spiritual granaries in all cities where the city church dwells.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

Kingdom Come and Build the Church

Kingdom Come and Build the Church

Elvis Iverson

Our Lord Jesus Christ is building two houses; He is Building His Kingdom throughout the World first in our hearts, second He is increasing His Kingdom throughout the Earth, and He is building His Church through out hearts and in our world today. –(1 Chron. 17:11-14, Isa. 9:6-7)

In the Book of Acts was the beginning days of the Church, then after a time there came a great apostasy, a great falling away, although this was a set back, and lead us away from the purpose of the Kingdom of God and the church become out of lineament with the purpose and vision of the Kingdom of God. However, the progress during this time was a working of the Spirit and lessons, etc. that we have learn not to be religious. After a time, there came a new time and we were free from the apostasy times, and we enter into times of restoration, in our day today the church has now come to a place to come into lineament with the Kingdom of God. In our time there will be more growth and increase of the Kingdom of God then any other time in history and from our time the Kingdom of God will grow more and more then any other time in history. During our time as the Kingdom of God increase throughout the world, the church will grow and increase more then any other time in history, and from our time the church will grow and increase more then any other time in history. The Church is apart of the Kingdom of God, The Kingdom of God is greater then the Church, and the Church is the heart of the Kingdom of God. –(Isa. 9:6-9, Hosea 6:1-3, Acts 3:19-21)

What is the Purpose of the Church; The Church is the Priesthood of the Kingdom of God, the ambassadors of the Kingdom of God, and the Bride of Christ. The Church limited to this threefold purpose. This is why the five ministries of the Grace of Christ are to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. To move forth in the church you must be a priest. Every believer has a priestly ministry, and the five ministries of grace are commission to equip them for the priestly ministry. –(Eph. 4:11-12)

The Church is the city of God built upon the Kingdom of God, The Rock of Christ is the rock that was cut out of the Third Heaven and released upon the earth through Jesus’ death, burial, and His resurrection from the dead, and when He ascended to His Throne at the right of the Father and was seated upon His Throne begun the beginning of the Kingdom of God on earth. The Rock of Christ is the Kingdom of God that grows throughout the world and in our hearts, and upon this great mountain the city of God is built, which is the Church. –(Matt. 16:18-19, Dan. 2:34-35,44-45)

The Kingdom of God has already begun and has already came, now the Kingdom grows throughout the earth through the outpourings of the Holy Spirit, the ministry of the kings of the Kingdom, and in our hearts. The growth of the Kingdom is a progress and the Kingdom growth in process steps leading up to the fullness of the Kingdom of God, which is the return of Christ. –(Isa. 9:6-7, Dan. 2:34-35,44-45)

Jesus already reigns on earth from heaven, and when He returns He will reign over heaven from earth. Since Jesus seated at the Father’s right hand, begun His reign in Earth and in Heaven. –(Eph. 1:20-23, Col. 1:16-18, Phil. 2:5-11)

Our Lord Jesus said; upon this rock I will build my church, upon the Rock of Christ which the foundation of the Kingdom of God, the Rock of Christ is the Kingdom of God, Jesus is building His Church upon the Kingdom of God, as we come back into lineament with the Kingdom of God, and His vision for the Kingdom, the keys of the Kingdom of heaven will be giving to the church again. Yes we have the keys, but we need to come back into lineament with the Kingdom to use the keys. –(Matt. 16:18-19)

The Church in the end times will be a greater church and more glorious church, The Church will have the fullness of the glory of God in the end times, the Church will be full of glory, the church will be a glorious church in the end times. In addition, The Kingdom of God in the end time will enter into the beginning of the fullness of the Kingdom of God, The End times is the beginning of the fullness of the Kingdom of God. –(Prov. 28:18)

Apart fro that, the Church has been going through times of restoration, we have been going through a time of restoration of the priesthood, now we have enter in the beginning of the end of the restoration of the priesthood and we have enter into the beginning of the restoration of the kings of the Kingdom. –(1 Pet. 2:5,9, Rev. 1:5-6, 5:9-10)

To move in the Church you need to be raised up as a priest, and to move in the Kingdom you need be raised up as a king. Yes you are both priest and king in Christ Jesus, however a priest must be raised up to be a priest, and a kings must be raised up to be a king. –(Rev. 1:5-6, 5:9-10)

Apostles are called to rise up the kings for the Kingdom, The Church is limited by their purpose, however the Kingdom of God is not limited for the Kingdom of God is in your heart and is every where, and you will be one of the kings in the Kingdom, each king must know their sphere of reigning in the Kingdom. –(Acts 6:1-8, Rev. 11:15, Rev. 5:10)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Emerging City Church part five

Emerging City Church part five

Elvis Iverson
March 11, 2007

The Spirit of revival is coming to all in Christ, the Spirit of reformation is coming to all in Christ and the Spirit of social transformation is coming to all cities where the City Church is emerging to the next level. The will of Christ is revival, reformation, and social transformation.

I see the Pillar of Fire come to the city church in all cities and to all congregations; this is reformation that is coming. I see the Pillar of Cloud coming to the city church in all cities and to all congregations this is revival however, is I see a resting fire coming upon the city church in all cities, and I see a resting revival coming upon the city church in all cities.

The winds of change, the winds of the Kingdom of God, the winds of heaven, the winds of the Holy Spirit and the forces of wealth are coming to the city church and your city.

I see John the Baptist in the streets of our cities saying come down and become Baptist in revival and reformation, and I see the Spirit of Jesus arising upon the congregations of the city church and the city church in all cities. I see the house of the Lord arising in all cities.

The gate of the city where be the seated place of authority of apostles and prophets, territorial apostles, city church apostles, and workplace apostles, and the city church center. I see angelic hosts being poured upon all cities.

Where the emerging city church is, meaning where the congregations come into the vision and order of the city church, those cities will grow and increase and become greater and more blessed then other cities, those cities that don’t open there hearts to the city church, and those congregations that don’t come into the order of the city church, those cities will decrease. New Major Cities and Gateways Cities are about to be birth by the power and grace of the city church. The markets will flow and wealth will flow into these cities, and through these cities and from these cities.

The winds of reformation, the winds of revival, and the winds of social transformation, and the winds of harvest are coming to the city church in all cities. Apostolic unity will come as a crown of vision and revelation upon the city church.

The winds of reformation are coming to the city church in your city. Winds of reformation will root out all things in the church in your city that are not of God, the winds of reformation will pull down all things that are in the church in your city that are not of God, the winds of reformation will destroy those things that stand in the way of Spirit, the way of the Kingdom, the way of the apostle, the way of the prophet, the way of the city church, the winds of reformation will throw down all things that are in false authority, those things that the Holy Spirit has not built, and those things that are against the city church, and are not of God, the winds of reformation will build the city church, and all things that come into order with the city church, and the winds of reformation will plant the city church, things in the city church, new things, new seed, and things of God.

Can you see or hear these things that coming? Where have you been? Are you on your watch post? What have you done with your time? Now the Lord is coming, the city church is coming, the Kingdom of God is coming, the marketplace church is coming, the apostles are coming, the prophets are coming, the marketplace apostles are coming, revivals are coming, reformation, is coming, social transformations are coming, and harvests are coming! Can your city be saved? Can your nation be saved? That is the will of Christ!

The Holy Spirit will raise and build spiritual aqueducts for the city church in your city. He is building a spiritual aqueduct for the city church in your city. Your city church will no longer come short or lack in aqueducts.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Ministry of Milk and Meat

The Ministry of Milk and Meat

Elvis Iverson

The Holy Spirit is speaking to the congregations in all cities in all nations about the ministry of the Word, which is the Ministry of Milk and Meat, and which is the ministry to the lambs and sheep. –(Eph. 5:25-27, Acts 6:2,4)

In many congregations we hear only milk teaching, there is spiritual hunger for meat. Milk is for babes and children; meat is for the young and fathers. Milk is for growing in Christ and learning how to live as a Christian, meat is for ministry, warfare, and the overcoming life. I had a dream once that I see people seated at a table, with only meat, I was the person who was giving them the meat, and that the Lord has called me to the ministry of the meat of the Word. –(1 Cor. 3:1-2, Heb. 5:12-14, 1 Pet. 2:2, 1 Jn. 2:12-14)

There are times we are to minister milk to the congregation, and there are times we are to minister meat to the congregation. Their need to be a balance diet in your congregation, and with both milk and meat there need to be an application, and environment for the application; the application of the Holy Scriptures is one of the ways to social transformation. Along with the application of the Word, there needs to be an application of the Holy Spirit, power, and manifestation, which means we are to teach the power of God too. –(Jam. 1:21-27, 2:14-26)

You are to feed the lambs first with the milk of the Word, then give them a little meat, and you are to feed the sheep with more meat and then give them some milk beside, we are to give them the drink of the Spirit to both lamb and sheep. –(Jn. 21:15-19)

Babes are to be disciple, when a person comes to know Christ they are to go through discipleship. Then children are to be train up in the milk of the Word. Young warriors are to be mentored into their gifts and calling. We are to minister more meat to the young warriors. Meat is for the warrior in Christ. Young warriors are to become skillful in meat, and then the mature believer is giving the most sold food. –(Matt. 28:19-20, Col. 2:6-10)

We are to feed the Word to the church in milk and meat, and we are kept both lamps and sheep fed. Then there are times that we must minister the Word to equip the saints in the application of the Word and the application of the Spirit in power. –(Eph. 4:12)

It is time for our congregations to be sound and healthy in the Word, in the lifestyle, in the order, and in the Spirit. We need a team of elders, more then just one minister ministering in the congregation. We need the five grace government gifts ministering in order, vision, and Spirit being lead by a senior elder who is an apostle, above all under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. –(Tit. 2:1)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Reconstruction of the Church part Five

Reconstruction of the Church part Five

Elvis Iverson

In this third reformation a greater outreach will be establish that will lead to the fulfillment of the great commission and massive social transformation. Among the congregations within a city is a greater outreach that only few can see this outreach, this outreach is the key to change our world. It is the key to the fulfillment of the great commission and massive social transformation; this outreach is called the workplace. –(Rev. 11:15)

The width of the Church is the Marketplace Church, the length of the church is the apostolic church, the depth of the church is the Koinonia Church, and the height of the church is the City Church. –(Eph. 3:14-21)

The outreach of the City Church is the workplace, is the church in the workplace. This is why there must be alliance between church apostles and marketplace apostles, or you can say workplace apostles, along with prophets. The leadership of the City Church is city apostles and among them are marketplace apostles that have been called to be city church apostles. –(Prov. 29:18)

The purpose of the Church is to be the bride of Christ, ambassadors of the Kingdom of God, and the Priesthood of the Kingdom of God, the church is the city built on the Great Mountain that is filling the whole earth, which is the Kingdom of God. The Church is limited within their giving purpose however the Kingdom of God is growing everywhere, is in your hearts, and is manifested through you. To move in the purposes of the Church you must be a priest, and to move in the Kingdom you must be a king. –(1 Pet. 2:5,9, Rev. 1:6, 5:10)

The five grace ministries of Christ are to equip the saints for the work the ministry, which is the priestly ministry of the church. The Apostles, both church apostles and marketplace apostles are to raise up believers to their calling in the Kingdom as kings. –(Eph. 4:12, Acts 6:1-8)

The Kingdom of God will come in Jerusalem, in Israel, in all cities and in all nations; this is a progress leading up to the return of Christ. The Kingdom of God has already came and begun to fill the earth since the day Jesus seated on His Throne right next to His Father. The Kingdom of God grows throughout the world in every nation and in every city, and the Kingdom of God will fill the whole earth. –(LK. 19:11-27, Dan. 2:34-35,44-45)

The End Times is a time of the glorious Church, fullness of the City Church, and beginning of the fullness of the Kingdom of God. These reasons are why the outreach of your congregation and the church of your city is the workplace. It is through the workplace the Kingdom of God will fill the Earth, As the Kingdom of God fills the Earth the Church will grow and increase more, but the Kingdom of God will be greater then the church. The Church is the heart of the Kingdom of God, and the believers in the workplace are the ones who will manifest the Kingdom of God and bring social transformation. –(Hab. 2:2-3)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Emerging City Church part four

Emerging City Church part four

Elvis Iverson
March 4, 2007

In a vision I see the revelation of Jesus Christ our Lord, He is holding a diamond in His hand, He says this is the Kingdom of God. Now He is holding a ruby in His hand, He says this is the church, and now He is holding an emerald in His hand, He says this is the world, for I love the world.

Now I see the city church in every city coming together carrying precious stones to a build upon holy ground, an altar and house was built around the altar. I hear Jesus Christ says I will build my church, I will build my city church, and I will build my Kingdom.

From this place the Throne of God will rested upon the earth, and from the Throne of God, a river when out throughout the city, touching all congregations, and from this river came revival, reformation, and social transformation. This river went out from the city, to other cities, and rivers came from the city church from other cities to this city. The river flows to the nation that the city was in, and other rivers from cities churches flow to this nation, and likewise this river flowed to those nations. I hear these words, this is the glory of God, and this is the beginning of the healing of the nations.

The Holy Spirit says I want to make your city a bethel city, and I want to make your city church an altar and a house called El Bethel, and this is the will of the Lord for all cities in every nation. I see in this bethel city angels ascending and descending upon this altar and house called EL Bethel.

Now I see a golden anointing from this house covering the ground of the city, I hear these words; this is the anointing of kings, the ground is being made holy for them to walk and minister upon.

The outreach of the city church is the marketplace church. The Lord is rising up a church in the workplace to bring social transformation to the city; the will of the Lord for your city is social transformation. Social transformation will come through the city church, and the church in the workplace.

I see now within many cities and within all cities a crown being giving from the Third Heave resting upon the church in the workplace. This is the kingly anointing for the workplace. I see a company of marketplace apostles arise in cities and nations around the world, they are not limited by the economy around them, for they based their success on the economy of the Third Heaven, and their faith in the Lord.

Now I see a robe of anointing is cast upon the believers in the workplace. This is the anointing of favor and prosperity giving to the saints of the Most High in the workplace, for they are the kings of the kingdom.

Now I see the storehouses being filled with finances and resources. The City Church is at the gate of the city, and the storehouse is connected to the city church. The Holy Spirit says the storehouses will be filled and become fat in these days and for future times and all times. He says; I will lay wealth and blessings in the storehouses for my purposes only.

The resting glory will come upon the city church, the church will become full of revivals and glory, and then the revivals will overflow unto cities and nations for healing, which is the healing of the nations. We must go from the glory of the Lord that manifested to the glory that belongs to the Lord only. His glory will manifested to us as a gift, however we are to give Him glory, through honor, praise, worship, humility, and honoring the Lord through being responsible and accountable with the finances, wealth, and resources that will be giving for the purposes of the Kingdom and the church.

Holy Spirit will rise up universities in all cities as part of the city church. The day has come when all believers are to be equipped and train in all things in God, and this goes for all believers. The revelation that is coming is for all believers not just a few, not just for a few congregations, instead these spiritual universities will manifested through an outpouring of revelation upon all believers in the city. This is why the Holy Spirit will establish a spiritual university in your city.

These visions and prophetic prophecies of the emerging city church is only the beginning of blessings, anointings, graces, and mercies to all generations of church, generational blessings are being established in our days for the future generations of church.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Wealth and Favor

Wealth and Favor

Elvis Iverson
March 4, 2007

In a vision I see the angel of the finances standing in a doorway. He says, I have been waiting for this day to come, and now it has come for you. This is the door of destiny and favor for you, and this is your life. I see in his right favor and in his lift hand wealth. He says; these are for you, for the will of the Lord for you is favor and wealth.

I see a company of workplace apostles and he says to them, I have come to give you favor and wealth for the purposes of the Kingdom of God and for the social transformation of the world.

I see a company of wealthy business kings and he says to them, I have come to give you favor and wealth for the purposes of the kingdom of God, and for the social transformation of the world.

I see a company of economic kings and he says to them, I have come to give you favor and wealth for the purposes of the kingdom of God, and for the social transformation of the world.

I see a company of Christian businesspersons and he says, I have come to give you favor and wealth for the purposes of the kingdom of God, and for the social transformation of the world.

I see a company of kings of the Kingdom, this company is the greatest number of all, and it is beyond numbers. He says; I have come to give you favor and wealth for the purposes of the kingdom of God, and for the social transformation of the world.

I see a company of apostles and prophets, he says; I have come to give you favor and wealth for the purposes of the Church, city church, Kingdom of God, and for the social transformation of the world.

He says the time has now come for this release of the will of the Lord, and the release of the sovereignty of the Lord. I come now by His order to give you favor and wealth, now honor Him with this favor and wealth that He has giving to you.

I see an outpouring of angelic hosts upon these companies; I see waves of finances, wealth, along with them I see waves of blessings and waves of angles and grace to harness these waves for the church and the Kingdom.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Saturday, March 03, 2007

Understanding Workplace Apostles

Understanding Workplace Apostles

Elvis Iverson

The Holy Spirit is rising up a company of workplace apostles who will bring breakthroughs in the workplace for the Kingdom of God. They are giving anointing and grace to be apostles in the workplace. The church is the house of the Lord, and we are the temples of the Lord. Apart of that house is the church in the workplace; the ministry is not just one day of service, it is seven days, and do we worship God one day and then don’t worship Him the other six days? –(Isa. 1:26)

When you study and understand the ministry of the apostles in the church, and if some of them are place in the workplace, with the same gift of an apostle, but there ministry is in the workplace, they are workplace apostles. –(Jer. 29:7)

Marketplace apostles will connected and minister along side of church apostles. The Apostle Paul is a type of apostle who oversees congregations and church ministers; instead Apostle Luke is a type of apostle who ministers in the workplace; is one greater then the other? No! Only Jesus is the greater one. Does marketplace apostles need to be accountable to other apostles or an apostle? Yes! –(Rom. 1:5)

Jesus calls a workplace Apostle, and giving the gift of an apostle, having apostolic lifestyle, and the signs of an apostle; but his or her ministry is in the marketplace church or the church in the workplace. –(Matt. 9:9-13)

Workplace Apostles will be used in releasing social transformation. Church apostles bring revival and reformation, and marketplace apostles bring social transformation to a city, etc. –(Matt. 5:13-16)

Workplace apostles along with church apostles will rise up kings for the Kingdom. Workplace apostles are both apostles and kings in Christ, and all believers are both priest and king. Church apostles open the release of workplace apostles in the workplace. Church apostles release both kings and workplace apostles, along with the ministry of the prophets. The spiritual gifts are giving for both use in the church and use in the kingdom. Church apostles are called to minister from the church; instead marketplace apostles are called to minister from the kingdom. The marketplace apostle is an apostle and a king in the workplace, a church apostle is only a king in the kingdom, and instead the church apostle is an apostle and priest in the church. The marketplace apostle is only a priest. The Workplace Apostle is a leading king among kings in the workplace, and the church apostle is a leading priest among the church. —(Acts 6:1-8)

As the Paul apostles are established, they will open the gates for the Luke apostles to come forth from the church and to the ministry of the workplace. –(Acts 9:15)

Marketplace apostles will be gifted and anointed with wealth and favor in the workplace. They will help the church to learn how to call forth wealth, etc from around the world. Church apostles have this anointing to call forth wealth, but marketplace apostles will have greater favor in the workplace. –(Isa. 45:1-4)

Joseph is a type of workplace apostle. The life of Joseph can show us an example of how a workplace apostle is trained and raised up, and what kind of ministry they will have in the workplace. –(Rom. 15:4)

There are some workplace apostles who are church apostles too. This could happen and we will see this too among us. We must learn how to see those who are apostles, for they are the gatekeepers. –(1 Thess. 5:12-13)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Restoration of the Word of Knowledge

Restoration of the Word of Knowledge

Elvis Iverson

One of the revelational gifts of the Spirit is the Word of Knowledge. The Word of Knowledge is a word about the past to heal the heart, or confirm a thing, or conform that you are from God, and it is an action word, a now word that bring power, breakthrough and the demonstration of the Holy Spirit. –(1 Cor. 12:7,11,8)

When moving in the Word of Knowledge or any other revelational, utterance or prophetic gifting one must use wisdom, discretion. You may see things or hear things that you are not to say about a person you are ministering to, or you are not to tell another person about what the Holy Spirit has shown you about any person. –(Heb. 5:14)

The Word of Knowledge flows with other gifts such as the demonstration gifts of the Holy Spirit. Power is now, a Word of Knowledge release the power to perform the task at hand. –(1 Cor. 12:7-11)

The Word of Knowledge could be used in speaking a word that heal the sick and cast out demons, even ministering to a whole group at once, one word can heal all and set all free. –(Matt. 8:16-17)

One time a brother in Christ call me on the phone asking me to pray for him to fine a job, I prayed and then a Word of Knowledge was giving and the next morning they obeyed it, and brought him to two places, and then he didn’t see the word come pass yet, but waited then later that day the word came to pass. Praise Jesus! –(Jam. 2:14-26)

One time I was ministering to a person who was sick. I then was giving a Word of Knowledge, speaking a word than they were healed. Praise Jesus! –(Psa. 107:20)

Another time I was ministering to a person who was being attack by evil spirits, I prayed and a Word of knowledge came, I spoke this word to this person who was suffering, in a few days there came extreme deliverance not by me, instead by an act of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit came upon this person at home, and demons begun to be cast out by the working of the Holy Spirit. Praise Jesus! –(Matt. 17:20)

The Gifts of the Spirit are keys to minister to others and us. The Holy Spirit gives each one and at least each believer should have one of these gifts. These are anointings and graces that you could walk in all the time or at any time, and at the leading of the Holy Spirit, they don’t just come and go, when the Holy Spirit gives you a gift, its there to say for the glory of Christ. You are to pray for the Gifts of the Spirit to be in your life and your church. –(1 Pet. 4:10-11)

The Gifts of the Spirit are manifestation of power; there are the revelational gifts, utterances gifts, and the demonstration gifts. Revelational gifts are the Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, and gift of discernment. Utterances gifts are the gift of prophecy, divers kinds of tongues, and interpretation of tongues. Demonstration gifts are the gift of faith, gifts of Healing, and working of miracles. –(1 Cor. 12:1,4-11,31,14:1,12)

We are not to come short or lacking in no spiritual gift or gift, meaning you church is not to lack in any of the gifts that are giving, and spiritual gifts, meaning the city church of your city is not to go without any gift or spiritual gift, and this is the will of Christ for the church. –(1 Cor. 1:7

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Raise The Dead

Raise The Dead

Elvis Iverson

Healing the sick, working of miracles, casting out demons, and raising the dead will become common among believers. This is called the common power of God. Signs, gifts of the Spirit and the power of God are going to be poured out upon the church. –(MK. 16:17-18)

In the Holy Scriptures raising the dead was performed. From Elijah, Elisha, Jesus Christ, the apostles of the Lamb, Apostle Peter, and Apostle Paul, and through history and even today. –(1 Kings 17:17-24, 2 Kings 4:8-37, LK. 7:11-17, Matt. 10:1,7-8, Acts 9:36-43, Acts 20:7-12)

Do you believe that the dead can rise in the name of Jesus? You should believe for soon this would become common, even right now as I am speaking the dead are arising through the hands of believers in nations around the world. Soon there will be an outpouring of signs, healings, miracles, and raining the dead, and these things will become common to hear and to do in the name of Jesus and through the power of the Holy Spirit that is upon you. –(1 Cor. 2:4-5)

There is a special anointing be imparted into certain members in the church that will move in a ministry of raising the dead along with there ministry of signs and wonders. Apostles and prophets will raise the dead too! –(1 Cor. 12:4-7)

There will be an outpouring and manifestation of the Spirit upon the church beginning in certain places where many numbers will be raining from the dead through the hands of believers. –(Prov. 29:18)

Any believer with faith could raise the dead in the name of Jesus Christ. It only takes faith and the church again will have faith to heal, cast out demons, perform miracles, and even raise the dead. –(2 Tim. 3:5)

The demonstration gifts of the Spirit will become common, and the Gift of Faith will be used to raise the dead along with the working of miracles and the revelational gift of the Word of Knowledge. –(1 Cor. 12:7,11,10,9,8)

Those with a Word of Knowledge will speak to the dead raise and they will come alive. Above this at the name of Jesus we will command the dead to arise and it will happen; for an example pointing your finger at a dead person commanding the person’s spirit to return to their body and to come alive again in the name of Jesus! –(JN. 14:12-14)

There will be healing services, signs and wonders services, and even raising the dead service where many will arise from the dead. Yes we will see many arise from the dead during supernatural meetings. I had prophecy once that I foresee a great numbers rising from the dead numbering about an army. –(Heb. 2:4)

Jesus said we would do greater works then He done during His ministry on earth. He said the church would do greater works then He. He said you, as a believer will do greater works then He. Do you believe what Jesus had said? –(JN. 14:12-14)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Holy Spirit Transportation

Holy Spirit Transportation

Elvis Iverson

The day is coming when apostles and prophets will anoint and be giving grace to travel to nations around the world through the transportation of the Holy Spirit. Evangelists and missionary teams will travel by the Holy Spirit to nations around the world. Many believers will be brought into this anointing and manifestation in the Holy Spirit, and any believer in Christ can supernatural jump travel by the Holy Spirit to any nations and city around the world. –(Prov. 29:18)

Enoch, Elijah, and Philip travel supernatural by the Holy Spirit. These three are the foundation to the manifestation of supernatural jump travel by the Holy Spirit. It is an anointing and it is a grace giving to certain believers to travel supernatural by the Holy Spirit, this is traveling with your whole being. This can happen when this anointing is giving to a person, this can happen if by the will of the Holy Spirit, meaning there is some who could travel at will for the purpose of missionary work, and there are some who can travel by the act and will of the Holy Spirit. –(Gen. 5:23-24, Heb. 11:5, 2 Kings 2, Acts 8:39-40)

This anointing and grace will be giving at first to a few, it will be teach and impart into others, and others will learn to have faith in this anointing and grace, then from a few to the many, and apart from that, there will be a manifestation upon more then many that will happen, which this will happen as an act of the Holy Spirit. –(1 Cor. 1:7, Rom. 1:11)

In addition, supernatural jump travel will be experience by a team, and they can even take with them tools and Bibles to other nations through the Holy Spirit. –(Matt. 18:18-20)

The Bible says there will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and this has been happening since the beginning of the Church, along with this outpouring there will be prophecy, visions and dreams coming upon all believers. Supernatural jump travel can happen through seeing a vision, which opens a door from one place to another place around the world, this means your whole being will step from one place to the next. –(Acts 2:17-18)

The revelation gifts such as the Word of Knowledge can open a door of the supernatural so that you can step from one place to the next place. The World of Knowledge could go along with the Gift of Faith. –(1 Cor. 12:7,11,8,9)

Why supernatural jump travel? Reasons for supernatural jump travel are missionary work, witness, and ministering signs and wonders in other nations around the world. –(MK. 16:15-18)

The faith levels of the church will increase and mature that supernatural jump travel will only need sample faith to transport from one nation to a nation around the world. The key of supernatural jump travel is about to be release to the church. –(Heb. 11:5,1,6, Matt. 17:20, LK. 17:1-6, Matt. 16:19)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Coming Visions of Unity

The Coming Visions of Unity

Elvis Iverson
March 1, 2007

The Holy Spirit is saying come up here to the great mountain of the Kingdom, and to the City of God, which is the Church. Can you see the two angels or more, with huge long swords moving in all areas from the north, south, east and west, these are the angels that stand guard day and night at the gates of the city of God.

The Holy Spirit said to the angles let them pass, and we entered into the city. Can you see the Holy Spirit? He is a mighty great wind and mighty great fire. Wow what a vision!

We enter into the city of God, and enter into the realm of visions, revelations, encounters of the God. Can you see Paul the apostle? He says it is time for the church to enter into the realm of visions, revelations and encounters, and never to leave again, faith for the supernatural in the Holy Spirit; you will live in both realms and never be without this realm. This realm is protected by those angels are the gate of the city of God.

The Holy Spirit comes before us in a form of a man of light, fire, glory, and water and wind altogether. He says; “I have brought you here to see that church, will have this realm and never to be without it. Then we see a river pass by, that had a beginning and an end, and it is like this river is a living being. The Holy Spirit says that is only one of the rivers that been release, and that is an angel. Some things are manifested in the earth as a river, etc, this angel river begin to wrap around us a few times to form a new environment around us.

Then the Holy Spirit says now I want to show you the visions of unity for the church.

I could see unity come upon a church of a nation. Unity begun to arise, I see apostles united in vision and revival. I see city church networks and city church centers, and the glory and fire visiting, and resting. There seem no end to the moves of God, revivals, outpourings of the Holy Spirit, and church growth.

Now I see unity coming upon a church of a nation. Certain groups or movements begin to have their eyes open, new leadership came forth, and vision. Unity came as a fire in the night. New freedom came for believers in this nation. I see within certain cities Christians from certain groups and others Christians walking, crying, praying, and singing, and at certain gathering points in a city where servants ministering and teachings, this whole thing was a feast of celebration that will happen every year, it is a celebration of freedom of the church. Then in each of these cities were centers of prayer and worship, and around these centers throughout the city were huge churches.

Now I see unity coming upon a group of national churches, sample faith, along with revival came forth and unity came to every place in these nations. The banners that I see were all banners of common bond and a new birth of church and wineskins came forth, however from this sample faith and revival came holy changes and radical, supernatural wineskins with new wines.

Now I see unity coming upon a group of national churches in nations. I see reformation, deliverance, the removing of barriers and walls; the face of the church change in these nations; then I seen flags of unity fly all over these nations, and I see liquid revival fill these nations and national churches.

Now I see unity coming upon another group of churches of nations, I see massive changes to the governments of these nations, it’s like they never seen it coming. Massive souls being brought to the Lord all over, huge meetings with signs and wonders, huge churches growing and coming forth like in a few moments of time. I see huge gatherings in center places within these cities. I see city church apostles lead with grace and freedom. Revivals all over the places, it looks very out of the order, those not under the Spirit could not understand.

Now I see unity coming upon a church of a nation; I see the city church grows very huge and huge center built for the purpose of the city church. Huge numbers are saved, most the city is saved, and revival seems to never end, revival-overwhelming most of the time. There are many huge churches in this city.

Now I see unity coming upon a church of nation; revival falls upon this nation like rain. Revival has freedom to rain and reign. New churches are birth. Huge worship meetings, believers in cities gather in unity, apostolic leaders lead in grace and vision. It seem there was never any division in the church.

The Holy Spirit says therefore these visions are in future, and in your hearts, be blessed, for blessings will flow from these visions in your life, grace will flow, supernatural power will flow, breakthroughs will flow in your life.

An angel of warning stands before me, saying those who hear the revelation in another city will prosper, those who do not will not prosper, there prosperity will be taking away from them, and giving to those who hear, and those who hear will increase, and those who don’t hear will decrease, and be no more.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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