Friday, August 29, 2008

Huldah the Prophet

Huldah the Prophet

Elvis Iverson

Huldah the prophetess, a prophet of the Lord, civil leaders would come to her to inquire unto the Lord; she minister unto the Lord and the people, she had a prophetic ministry and she also teach the Word, and was a leader of a prophetic community, a school of the prophets, where she trained and shepherded prophets. –(2 K. 22:12-20, 2 Chron. 34:22)

Women who are called to be prophets can be prophets; women called to be apostles can be apostles. I like to call women who are prophets, a prophet instead of a prophetess, since some used the word prophetess to down grade women prophets. –(Eph. 4:11,7)

Women who are called can be leaders of movements, leaders of churches, leaders of a church, leaders of training center, and women can be in leadership too. –(Rom. 12:4,5)

There are women called into business, women can be business leaders, can be leaders in the marketplace, and can be stateswomen if they are called and led by the Lord. –(Judges 4,5, Prov. 31:10-31)

In third world nations and other parts of the world were women are look down and not taking care of, the Lord will raise up women in business, government, and the church to be leaders of change and blessings. –(Prov. 29:18)

There will be women apostles and women prophets who will lead the church along side of men apostles and men prophets, Women are called to ministry and some are called to leadership, and likewise men are called to ministry and some are called to leadership. –(Rom. 16:7)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Character matches Calling

Character matches Calling

Clara Iverson

Some of us have been going around circles and still have not learnt the very lesson God tried to teach you years ago. Some have been circling around the city of Jericho for more than seven days and still have not gotten any breakthrough. Some are still eating manna in the wilderness when you should be eating the produce from the land of Canaan. The time has come that we must learn quicker. Cry out for the revelation of grace and by this grace, we can mature and grow faster.

There are some types of deception that hinder us to go back to the book of Proverbs. We thought this is an easiest book in the bible and we thought we do not need to read that again. God is so pleased with Solomon because He asked for WISDOM. We all need to cry out for the seven pillars of wisdom. These seven pillars of wisdom lay the foundation of our lives. You can have high calling or great gifts and talents. If you do not have wisdom, sooner or later, you will fall. When the rains descend, the floods come and the wind blows and beats on you, you will fall and great is its fall. (Matthew 7:26) As a matter of fact, you should be able to avoid most troubles if you would have applied wisdom in those areas. Therefore, because of His great love, God cannot release you to your destiny yet, not until you receive and develop wisdom in those areas He has been teaching you.

We all know there were great revivalists God used in history. Later on, because of certain character flaw, they fell severely and caused many to stumble. Then, revival left that city. Those who have ears, let him hear. The revelation of grace is coming to us in which we are able to mature faster than our age. Some should be feeding meat to many and yet they are still surviving on milk. There are young apostles and prophets who are planting churches in their early twenty’s. There are politicians, senators or presidents who step in their office in their thirty’s. Time is running out. There is no more time for God to retrain and re-equip you again. We should have learnt everything God wants us to learn. We should go and change the world, reform society and make history. Harvest time is here. When tones of fish are swimming in, we should be ready to teach them, shepherd them and mentor them. We should set a godly example for them. You cannot wait until that time. That will be too late.

Let us leave our stubbornness. Obey God now. Learn from every lesson. Avoid repeating the same trial. Mature swiftly. When our characters finally match with our callings, God will entrust us with our destiny.

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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Friday, August 22, 2008

Healing Presence

Healing Presence

Elvis Iverson

When we come together the Lord is among us, besides the Lord is in us always, since we were born of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit comes, the presence of the Lord is the healing presence, this is why we must learn to flow and be led by the Holy Spirit, and this is why we must learn to honor the Holy Spirit and His manifestation, and His works, and we must learn to practice the presence of the Lord. –(Jn. 7:37-38)

When I say we must, I am not giving you a command, I am saying if you want to see the manifestation of the glory of the Lord! –(Isa. 55:1-3)

If we learn, grow; become more applicable to the Holy Spirit, He will flow more freely among us. We need to create an environment for the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, freedom, and liberty for revival, healing, signs, and gifts of the Spirit, prophecy and manifestations. This liberty is created by revelation from the Word of God, and the leading of the Holy Spirit. This is the order of the Church, the order of the Spirit, and an order grows with revelation, leading of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Scriptures. –(1 Cor. 14:26-33)

When the cloud of the Holy Spirit comes upon a gathering, any one in the place will be healed, will be touch, will have visions, and will experience the freshness of the Lord. Yes the Lord is in us, and comes among us when we come together, however, only when He manifest then there will be healings, signs, and visions will happen. The more we open our hearts and be willing to apply and flow with the Holy Spirit, the more the rivers of manifestation will come. –(1 Thess. 5:16-22)

When the presence of the Lord manifest, their will healing, there will be signs, there will be revivals, there will be visions, and there will be souls added to the church. –(LK. 5:17)

Desire and pray for the healing presence of the Lord to come, Welcome the Lord and the healing presence of the Lord, built an environment for the healing presence. Guard the healing presence, and allow the Lord to open you heart and minister to you. –(Isa. 54:1-5)

When the presence of the Lord comes among us, open your ears, open your hearts, and receive the ministry of the presence of the Lord, allow the Lord to minister to you through His presence. –(Isa. 66:1-2)

Begin in your personal life, in your personal time in prayer, then begin in the fellowship of the saints, together entering in, and opening the doors for the presence of the Lord to come and minister to you and the gathering of the saints. When He comes, when the presence of the Lord comes forget about your day, last week, your cares, your time, your daily plans, and just seat and fall under the ministry of the presence of the Lord. –(Col. 3:1-4)

The healing presence is within you, upon you, among you, and the healing presence comes among us when we come together, in the healing presence you can be healed restore, blessed, changed, and touch, and if you apply and flow in the healing presence you will never be sick, and you will overcome and go through any kind of sickness that is moving among the community outside of the community of faith. –(Ex. 15:22-27)

Believe in healing, believe that the will of the Lord is for the believer never to be sick, believe that the will of the Lord is to heal all believers from any kind of sickness. Believe it is the will of the Lord to those outside of the community of faith to be healed as a witness that Jesus is real. Sickness is never the will of the Lord, instead healing and health is the will of the Lord. –(Isa. 53:4-5)

Laying hands on the sick, the prayer of faith, to the gift of faith, gifts of healing, working of miracles to the healing ministry, and then to the healing presence of the Lord. –(1 Cor. 12:7,9,10, MK. 16:17-18, Jam. 5:14-15, LK. 5:17)

The healing presence of the Lord is coming!

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Revelation of Perfect Faith

The Revelation of Perfect Faith

Clara Iverson

Not many have the revelation of perfect faith. Perfect faith is God kind of faith. It is mountain-moving faith. If you have perfect faith, your prayer will be answered instantly. Not many can move mountains. Only those who grasp the revelation of perfect faith.

All these time, God is doing a WORK in you. He is removing all the doubt and unbelief and He is filling those areas with perfect faith. You thought you have faith and you thought you are praying with faith. Actually, you are praying with little faith or imperfect faith. You can scream or yell and act like you are full of faith. But, God is omniscient and He can tell whether you received the revelation of perfect faith yet or not.

The symptoms of imperfect faith are as follows. Sometimes you feel sad or self-pity or think that God does not love you. Or you think you are not worthy for a miracle. Or you do not think good things can come to you. Or one moment you are standing on the promise, another moment you are double-minded and start to doubt God and second-guess yourself. Or you are inconsistent---One moment you decide to trust God wholeheartedly and another second you give up and never accomplish your goal.

The signs of perfect faith are as follows. Your mind is full of hope and your heart swells with joy, REGARDLESS OF THE MANIFECTATION OF THE PROMISE. Even if you pray today and nothing happens, you will not doubt the very promise God has given you. You will act like God love you and He is for you. You will act like you are precious and worthy of good things coming to you. You will not get jealous when someone have something you do not have yet. Because you trust in your God with all your heart. This kind of faith is well pleasing unto God. If you walk in this kind of perfect faith, any minute your promise will come to pass. In any second, that mountain will explode out of your way.

The Bible said we walk by faith, NOT BY SIGNT. Holy Spirit is doing this work in us in which we will no longer be bothered by what you see, hear or feel temporarily. Someone can say something negative to you and you will remain solid, stable, and unshakable. You stand on the promise and know deeply in your spirit, in any second the promise will manifest. When you walk in this realm which transcends physical limitation, ALL THINGS BECOME POSSIBLE. That is why Sarah could conceive at the age of 90. When the natural cannot do it, God can do the supernatural.

The Bible said very clearly without faith, we cannot please God. I do not deny the cases in which miracles happen out of God’s sovereign will, regardless of the level of faith you have. But we must admit the fact that God DOES respond to perfect faith. Jesus could not do many miracles because of their unbelief. Jesus one time shut the door from people of unbelief and only allowed his beloved disciples to stay in the room, so the room was filled with faith only, before he performed any miracles. The lady’s touch was a touch of perfect faith and instantly power came from Jesus body and healed her bleeding condition.

Every one of us received certain promises of God. Some people received their promises earlier. Why? They had the revelation of perfect faith and they MIXED THEIR PROMISES WITH FAITH. Of course, God may allow a waiting process. Despite the waiting process, some still receive the promises faster than others do, because they mix their promises with faith. Their hearts and minds are perfectly stable and their eyes fix on the promises with undivided attention. God is well pleased and the promises must come to pass. That is the principle throughout the whole bible—of how faith unlocks the promises of God. Enoch could walk in such perfect faith and pleased God to such an extent that God had to take him away without tasting death. We all have the same nature like Elijah. If the patriarchs could please God like that, we can also be one of those faith giants in the hall of faith.

Let us pray for the Spirit of revelation to open our hearts and understand the revelation of PERFECT FAITH.

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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Friday, August 15, 2008

The Genesis of Acts

The Genesis of Acts

Elvis Iverson

Genesis chapter one and two is God’s prefect will for all believers in Christ, and for all peoples around the world, that come to know Christ. In Jesus Christ our Lord we can have the restoration and progression of God’s prefect will that we see in the beginning of the world. –(Gen. 1,2)

The Torah is the foundation of the Bible, and the foundation of the whole world, and the four Gospels are the renew and restoration of the Torah, for Christ is the revelation of the Torah to all peoples, for in Christ all can apply the Torah with grace with the aid of the Hoy Spirit. –(Matt. 5:17-20)

Acts chapter two verses one through four, is God’s prefect will for the Church, we are to live and flow in the river of Acts 2:1-4, this is the will of the Lord for all generations of the church. The Life of the Spirit and of the Power of God is the will of God for all believers in Christ throughout all time. We are to have Acts 2:1-4 every day, every month, every year, we are not to live life outside of Acts 2:1-4, this is the will of God, this is the prefect will of God for the Church. –(Acts 2:1-4)

Genesis one and two is the perfect will of the Lord for all believers in Christ, and Acts two verses one through four is God’s perfect will for the church and all believers, we see in both beginnings, the beginning of the world, and the beginning of the church, God’s prefect will for all believers in Christ. –(Gen. 1, 2, Acts 2:1-4)

Jesus Christ our Lord is the foundation for the prefect will of God based in Genesis one and two, and Acts two verses one through four; The Torah and the Four Gospels are written upon our hearts by the Holy Spirit and all Holy Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation, the constitution of the Kingdom of God, is written upon our hearts, the Torah and Gospels are one in Christ through the Holy Spirit who dwells in our hearts through faith. In Christ the Torah and the Gospels are one and the same, for it is the beginning of the world, and the beginning of the church. –(Ezek. 36:25-28)

From our reborn hearts where the Word is written upon our hearts, where the Kingdom of God is in us, and where the Holy Spirit dwells by faith comes rivers of the Spirit, rivers of life, and rivers of the power of God, and rivers of God’s prefect will for the Church and the world. –(LK. 17:21, Jn. 7:37-38)

We are to pray for the Kingdom of God to be established, we are to pray for the Prefect will of God of Genesis one and two to be establish in our lives and the church, and the world, and we are to pray for the prefect will of God of Acts Two verses one through four to be establish in the church, our lives and the world. We are to pray for revivals, healing of the nations, and social transformation to come to cities and nations around the world, We are pray for revivals for the Church, and the World, we are to pray for reformation for the Church, we are to pray for harvest of the world for the church, and we are to pray for social transformation for the world. –(Matt. 6:9-13)

We are to pray for Israel for the Torah and Gospels were first giving to them, in order to bless them, that through them, all nations will be blessed, and through the teaching of the Word, faith has come to many around the world, beginning in Israel with the Jewish believers, the first members of the church. –(Rom. 10:1)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Sound Emotion

Sound Emotion

Clara Iverson

Women, God loves you. You are very unique and special. You are fearfully wonderfully made, marvelous is God’s work. Women are tender in nature. You are sensitive to people and are understanding. On the contrary, men are more logical and analytic. Most importantly, men and women complement each other. Men need women’s tender side while women need to be balanced with men’s rational side.

According to I Tim2:13 Adam was formed first, then Eve. Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.
Emotion is the good side of women. This emotion is created by God and it is supposed to be very constructive. When women are filled with godly emotion, see how the body of Christ will be touched. Sometimes when the presence of God is strong, Holy Spirit will touch us with holy weeping. Or when a woman sees a person in need, she may release tears of compassion. That is holy and godly. Because of that holy weeping, people will sense healing touch. This is very constructive and meaningful.

But there is another kind of crying. That is negative and destructive. This kind of sorrow will produce death. That is self-pity crying. Because of this emotional side of women, the serpent tends to attack them with lies of self-pity or unworthiness. This emotional side of women is very vulnerable area. It may not be weakness. But the devil takes advantage and attacks this area all the time. Once you give in to the first temptation of poor me mindset, other self-destructive emotions will all creep in. Feelings of self-hatred, depression, hopeless etc…..The list will go on and on….until you are saturated with unbelief. Once the stronghold of unbelief is built in you, you will wonder why your prayers are not answered!!

According to 2 Cor 7:10, godly sorrow leads to repentance while sorrow of the world produces death. Holy Spirit lives inside of us. If we will humble ourselves and allow the blood of Jesus to cleanse us from the filthiness of the flesh and spirit, we will perfect our emotion in holiness and the fear of God. (2 Cor 7:1) If we will focus our mind on the simplicity of Christ, our emotion will be chaste like virgin to Christ. (2 Cor 11:1-3) All our pessimism had been crucified with Christ, it’s no longer I who live, but Christ’ emotion dwells in me. (Gal 2:20) We are able to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit---self-control. We don’t need to be the victim of self-pity crying. God has given you a way of escape. He is faithful and you are able to walk in redeemed emotion, which is the godly emotion of faith, hope, love, peace and joy. (1 Cor 10:13)

Women, God is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. (2 Cor 4:17) God is turning our corrupt emotion into holy emotion of Himself. God wants our emotion to speak for Him. Christ wants our emotion to shine for the lost. If we are crying bitterly like everyone else in the world, who will have HOPE? He wants us to be lighthouse in the midst of storm and darkness. He wants us to move in holy laughter when everyone is sad and sorrowful. He wants us to flow in compassion and mercy when people in the world are mean and selfish. Women, by the blood of Jesus, we become redeemed Eve---a vessel of compassion and mercy. Even our countenance speaks for God. When they look at our face, they start to understand the feminine side of God, which is full of love, compassion and mercy. After all, women, you are made in the image and likeness of El Shaddai---the affectionate One who nourish us. Our mind, our face, our emotion, even our body gestures are reflecting the likeness of God. As we continue in faith, love, holiness with self-control, we will enjoy the holy emotions God deposited in us. We will enjoy the transformation of the Holy Spirit and all the fruits of the Holy Spirit!

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Angelic Times

Angelic Times

Elvis Iverson
August 10, 2008

I see a vision of a band of angels sent to America, the church in America, and in nations and cities around the world, and the church around the world.

The first angel I see is the angel of the threshing floors, this angel is sent to those who don’t receive the works and messages of the other angels in this band of angels. This angel is ether sent before these other angels or after them.

The second angel is the angel of awakening, he comes to open gates and doors to revivals and moves of God, and to awake God’s people to the will of God and the voice of the Holy Spirit, he comes with supernatural grace to be giving to those who awake so that they can walk with God in power and revival.

The third angel is the angel of supernatural signs and wonder; he comes to pour out such a degree of supernatural signs and wonders that no one can question these signs and wonders.

The fourth angel is the angel that brings an outpouring of prophecy, visions and dreams in such a way and in such wonder that people are change, and no one can question that they are from God, or that they are real.

The fifth angel is the angel of reformation, he comes to release and bring reformation to the point that major changes manifest and unfold.

The sixth angel is the angel that comes to pour out revivals, he comes with grace and revival, and that these revivals cannot be stop or hinder, they are overpowering and overflowing.

The seventh angel is the angel that comes with an outpouring of social transformations that continue to increase and grow to mature strength and wisdom.

The eighth angel is the angel that brings mass harvest, he release supernatural rivers and supernatural graces to harvest mass numbers, and much power comes with these releases.

The ninth angel is the angel that will bring waves of wealth into the church for the church and the Kingdom, will bring the rivers of wealth, flowing wealth to do the work of the Lord.

The tenth angel is the angel that will bring extreme favor to the church.

The eleventh angel is the angel that will bring restoration and healing to cities and regions, and nations.

The twelfth angel is the angel that is called the angel of the apostles; he will bring with him the raising, release, increase, growth, success, and fruitfulness of the ministry and the apostles.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Angel of Awakening Coming to a City near you

Angel of Awakening Coming to a City near you

Elvis Iverson
August 3, 2008

The angel of awakening, the awakening angel is coming to Omaha Nebraska USA, this is just the beginning, for the Lord will send the awakening angel to other cities and other nations, for this is the will of the Father. The Lord will send working angels ahead of the awakening angel, to prepare and build a dwelling place for the Lord of revival.

The first harvest is beginning, this is the first harvest for America in this holy new day, however there will be a second harvest that will bring in massive numbers, almost tuning the whole nation to God. What the Lord is doing in America is an example what He will do in many nations.

The fear of the Lord will come upon America, and spread across America, America will fill with great fear of the Lord. This will be a sign of many good things to come.

The Lord will fill America with the signs of the apostles, and the Lord will fill America with signs and wonders, this is a signs and wonders outpouring.

The Lord in His grace and Wisdom, by the Holy Spirit rising up new wineskins, and now the wine of revival will begin to pour and fill the new wineskins.

The Lord will heal this generation; He will give restoration and healing to all generation, in this generation of mercy. He will heal the church in America, He will heal America, and He will heal the cities of America.

The awakening time has come, the awakening revival has begun, and the Spirit of Awakening will sweep and spread across America, and cities and nations around the world.

Many souls will be saved in these few years, and the new wineskins shall arise in many cities and become full and overflowing with new wines, and the new wine of revival. However the second harvest will be greater, massive numbers, huge masses, and great numbers will be won.

I see a vision of an overflow cup of wine, this is the new wine of awakening, this is the awakening wine, it is now time to drink of the awakening wine, it is now time for each on of us to drink of the awakening wine, it is time to pour this wine upon the church.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, August 08, 2008

Praying for your Vision

Praying for your Vision

Elvis Iverson

God gives vision to certain men or women of God both in the Church and the workplace. Vision comes by revelation, and revelation comes by relationship. A vision not only about your life, instead about the church, and a people, a city; vision in not for one person, instead for the many, although the vision is giving to a set visionary to write down the vision so that other may read, apply and walk with the vision. –(Hab. 2:2-3)

Yes everyone is to have a vision for their life, a purpose, and plans, and these are to come through revelation by relationship. There is vision that is not just for one person; on the other hand all vision giving is not just for you. –(Col. 1:9-11)

We still need visionaries, visionary ideals, and visionary leaders. The church cannot move forth without visionary leadership, Visionary leadership that comes from revelation. Although we must pray over our vision, we must pray many years, pray in understanding and pray in the Spirit. –(Prov. 29:18, 1 Sam. 3:1)

How do you pray for your vision?

1. Write down your vision.
Study the Word, and add teaching to your vision.
Pray for more revelation of your vision.
Pray for wisdom in how to apply your vision.
Pray that you become the person who will walk in the fulfillment of the vision.
Pray for the means and the ways.
Pray for a forerunner group to be rise up to help you establish the ministry of your vision.
Pray for anointings and gifts to aid you in your vision.
Pray for protection over your vision.
Pray for times and seasons of your vision.
Pray for prophetic fulfillment, and prayer fulfillment.
Pray for the Lord to rise up all things for the fulfilling and fulfillment of your vision.
Pray to walk, run, and ride with your vision; walk by faith, run by faith, and ride by faith in the Spirit.
Pray for more vision and more revelation.
Worship Jesus; make Him the center of your vision and heart.
Surrender and allow the Lord to fulfill your vision.

When the Lord gives you a vision, you are called to a life of being patience; it is through faith and patience that your vision will come alive and come to pass. First we walk with the vision by faith, then run with the vision by faith, then ride upon the Spirit with our vision. –(Heb. 6:12,11:1)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The dynasty of Abraham and Sarah

The dynasty of Abraham and Sarah

Clara Iverson

Some of you are chosen by God to start a new dynasty, just like Abraham and Sarah. The whole Jewish nation began with Abraham and Sarah. In Matthew 1:2,16, Abraham begot Isaac, Isaac begot Jacob, and Jacob begot Judah…….from the tribe of Judah came Jesus who was called Christ. Because of the obedience of Abraham and Sarah, our Savior was able to come to this earth.

Abraham and Sarah did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief (Romans 4:21). They rested their faith on the promise of God, on the vision of those numerous stars and sand on the seashore. So from one man who was as good as dead, came the whole Jewish nation. He became the founding patriarch of the Israelites.

Some of you have this spirit of pioneer, which is the spirit of the apostolic, to adventure, and to break ground. You are chosen to create history. Kings and queens will come forth from your bloodline. That’s why your life is so unique. You found yourself different from your peers. You always look to a better country and a better city. Then one day, God called you out and you left your parents and your hometown. You even became foreigner for a long time. Deep inside your heart you knew this promise---a better promise, a better hope and a better covenant. Yes, you were like Columbus, who discovered the New World. You knew great nations will come forth from you just because of your act of faith, adventure and obedience.

Therefore, you should never compare yourself with anyone else. You are special. You have no idea how great you are! You have no idea how great your descendants will become! So, don’t lose heart! Meditate on the vision. Touch the promise. Feel the vision. Handle the vision. If you can see the vision with your eyes of faith, they will become yours. God is not a man who can lie. His promise is yes and amen. Say yes to the vision. Say amen to it. The vision will speak! The appointed time is coming. (Hab 2:3) How can it tarry any longer? How can Father close His heart of mercy towards you? How much more will our Father who is in heaven gives good gifts to those who ask Him? After all, it’s His vision! It cannot go to the ground and return to Him void. His words must come to pass and accomplish what please Him. (Isa 55:11) Is there anything too hard for Him? (Jer 32:27)

In the meantime, how can we honor God? BELIEVE in the vision as if it had already manifested in the physical realm! We don’t need to touch Jesus’ scar in order to believe He was already resurrected. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.( Jn 20:27) Yes, He is teaching us FAITH. Touch the unseen! Handle the promise. Start to say thank you God. Thank you for the vision. Saying thank you is a sign of FAITH. As you say thank you to God, you shall receive it. When God said, let there be light, instantly there is light. God just need to call your vision out, instantly your vision manifests. Waiting can be long. But when Kairo moment comes, heart desires will suddenly come to pass and it’s tree of life. And it’s happy ever after!!

Let’s look to the faith of Abraham and Sarah! Let’s learn from them and we shall see the reward of being pioneers. We shall see the reward of all these waiting. Your waiting is not in vain! You shall marvel at this great purpose He brought forth from you. Amen.

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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Friday, August 01, 2008

Reformation Spectrum

Reformation Spectrum

Elvis Iverson

The fires of reformation will be outpoured around the world upon the church, this is the day of great reformation in the church, and there is no comparing with the last reformation, this is the third reformation of the Church, the reformation of the whole church, and the reformation of all things in the church. This reformation will lay the foundation for revivals, many revivals, revival movements, lasting revivals, massive revivals, and resting revivals and the revival life. –(Heb. 12:25-29)

The Lord is bring connections together throughout the church He is establishing apostolic spectrums, prophetic spectrums, revival spectrums, healing spectrums, deliverance spectrums, and reformation spectrums, etc. these spectrums are not just for sharing of information, instead for fellowship and relationship. –(Acts 15:5)

The Lord has shown me that He is rising up a company around the world for reformers; this company is not a huge company it is a company of a certain number, however the Lord shown me that He is raising up a revivalists company that is more then the company of reformers. –(Rev. 4,5)

The company of reformers will not agree on every thing, however those things that they agree upon the church will be built upon. In addition, these reformers will have the Spirit of reformation, a river and anointing from the Holy Spirit. They will seek to grow in relationship and fellowship with each reformer, and with one another in the fires of reformation. –(Matt. 3:8-12)

The Spirit of Reformation is truth, grace, love, meekness, and patience. The Spirit of Reformation is not hate, is not pride, is not forceful, is not controlling, is not legalism, and is not religious. –(Jn. 1:14,16,17, Eph. 4:15, Col. 4:6, 1 Pet. 3:15)

The Lord will establish a reformation spectrum between the reformers; this spectrum is a connection of community, continuity, continuum, composition, communication of reformation truth and vision with relationship building and on going fellowship in grace, truth, love and humility. –(Matt. 19:28)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Angel of Awaking

Angel of Awaking

Elvis Iverson
June 21, 2008

In a vision I see a cloud filled my place, and smoke fills my home, and then I seen a angel appear in the cloud, and he comes up to me, and begins to speak, the first thing he says is grace, grace to you.

I am the angel of awaking, I have come to release the Capstone revival, and the beginning of all revivals, and this is a new day of revivals, the church need revelation to have revival. I speak grace, grace.

I have been to Lakeland Florida; I soon will go to other places in America and awaking revival, then I will go to other places around the world and awaking revival. I speak grace, grace.

I have come to awaking revival in your heart; I have come to awaking revival in the hearts of the believers. I speak grace, grace.

This is the beginning of the coming revivals; this is the beginning of great revivals. The Lord will fill the church full of revivals. I speak grace, grace.

Now I see a vision of America, I see a building arise, and I see the glory cloud enter into this building, the glory cloud came in, and no one could minister, only the cloud of glory could minister, this was the ministry of the Lord, this is revival beyond the revivalists. The angel of Awaking then said this will happen in America and other nations, I speak grace, grace.

Now the angel of awaking had a gift in his hands, he says this is revival, revival is a gift from God, and it is a free gift. I have come from the Father in the Third Heaven to bring you His gift for you and the church. I speak grace, grace.

The angel of awaking says this is only the beginning, the beginning of revival will be long, and so have patience and with grace you will flow in revival to revival. I speak grace, grace.

Now he says you will go from glory to glory, revival to revival, grace to grace, I speak glory, glory, I speak revival, revival, and I speak grace, grace.

Revival is the work of the Holy Spirit, revival is the will of God, revival is the Heart of the Father, and revival will flow like grace to your hearts around the world. I speak grace, grace.

He says the Lord hears the prayers for America, now hear comes the beginning of an outpouring of prayer fulfillment, and now begin an outpouring of prophetic fulfillment. I speak grace, grace.

Then the angel of awaking looked to east and to west and to the north and to the south and pointed his fingers, and said revival will come to the east and to the west and to the north and to the south. I speak grace, grace.

He says the Lord speaks in Revival, He speaks in His glory, when the glory cloud comes the Lord speaks, watch revival, watch revivals, for the Lord is speaking through them to the church, to you, and the world, hear the Lord says, and take heed, for the Lord says can you hear, he who has an ear hear what the Holy Spirit is saying through revival, for the Lord will speak through revival. I speak grace, grace.

The angel of awaking says watch revival, watch the capstone revival, watch revival around the world, for when revival comes the church moves forth, and the Lord moves forth, move with the Lord, follow the Lord, hear and see the leading of the Lord through revival. I speak grace, grace.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Come to the Father

Come to the Father

Clara Iverson

Some of us are regretting of bad choices we made in the past. You wish you never made those mistakes. Now, you have to bear the consequence of those mistakes. Yes, according to Deut 28, there is a consequence of disobedience. Everyone is responsible of his or her own actions. We now learn the holy fear of God. He allowed this great army of swarming locust, crawling locust, consuming locust and chewing locust. He allowed so we will learn and gain wisdom from our mistakes.

Behold, I have good news for you. RESTORATION is coming to you. As you respond to the call of repentance (Joel 2:12), turning to Him with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning. Remember, He is always gracious, and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness. He promises to relent from doing harm to you.

Year 2008 is a year of new beginning. Instead of shame, you shall receive double portion of blessings and double portion of honor. God is speaking loud to our ears: MY PEOPLE SHALL NEVER BE PUT TO SHAME. God is coming to remove reproach and shame from you. Don’t be like the prodigal son in Luke 15. He thinks he is not worthy to receive blessings. Yes, he made mistakes and suffered from his disobedience. But look at his father. He is waiting on his son everyday. Father knew us more than we know ourselves. He already knew we would fall. He knew all the wrong choices and past mistakes. But He is not condemning you. He wants to put a new garment on you; put a ring on your finger and cook a big meal for you. Touch on Father’s compassion, my beloved. Know His heart. He has forgiven you. So, leave your shameful feeling and live like a child of God. The spirit of adoption in us cry out: Abba Father. Father has adopted you and He has forgotten your past. So, come in and enjoy the new wine and oil. (Joel 2:19)

Hosea 6:1-3 He is coming to us like the latter and former rain. These are times of refreshing that comes from the presence of the Lord. He had received your repentance. He had accepted your contrite heart. Now, He heals. Now, He binds us up. Now, He revives up. Now, He raises us up.(Hosea 6:2) This is the third day. This is the resurrection day----to be resurrected from your troubles.

Rom 8:28 Everything indeed happened for a reason—even our bad choices. God is able to turn our mistakes into refined gold. God is transforming you, so you can become a better person---a vessel of great honor. All things worked together for those who loved Him, for those who are called according to His purpose.

So, beloved of God, open wide your heart. Open wide your hands. Receive Father’s love, blessings, prosperity and RESTORATION.

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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