Friday, May 30, 2008

Praying prayers for the Apostolic Church

Praying prayers for the Apostolic Church

Elvis Iverson

In the New Testament you see the prayers of the apostles, which we call apostolic prayers. These were prayers prayed for the church and the city church, as you pray them over your life you will see divine changes begin to form in your life. –(Phil. 1:4, Col. 1:9)

The Holy Spirit will give apostles today apostolic prayers to pray over the church and city church; these praying prayers articles are in the natural of apostolic prayer. I believe as you pray these prayers your life will change. –(Heb. 11:1)

The apostolic church is the church of the third reformation that has arises; the whole church will become an apostolic church within our time. We must hear what Holy Spirit is saying and begin to pray them forth, that we can partake in these movements of the Holy Spirit in our life. –(Heb. 12:25-29)

Apostolic Prayer is praying prayers for the body of Christ, the city church, the Kingdom of God, and all believers in the church. Apostolic prayer is visionary, revelational, even prophetic in nature, and it prayer that overflows upon the many, instead of the few. –(Eph. 1:15-16)

Praying prayers for the Apostolic Church:

1. Pray for the apostolic church to arise in every city and in every nation.
2. Pray for apostles to arise in every city, and every nation.
3. Pray for prophets to arise in every city and in every nation.
4. Pray for an outpouring of the signs of an apostle for the arising apostles.
5. Pray for the signs of the apostles to arise and be established in every city and every nation.
6. Pray for apostolic ministries, churches, networks, and spheres to arise and be established in all cities and nations.
7. Pray for apostolic vision for the church.
8. Pray for apostolic unity for the church.
9. Pray for apostolic reformation, massive reformation, and reformation to come to the whole church in everyday city, in every nation, and in every place.
10. Pray for freedom and liberty for all apostles in Christ.
11. Pray for apostolic provision for all apostles.
12. Pray for the foundation of apostles and prophets to be established in the church around the world in every nation, in every city, and in every place.
13. Pray for unity, relationship, and networking among all apostles.
14. Pray for true and whole connecting of apostles to prophets, and prophets to apostles.
15. Pray for all false apostles and false prophets to be stopped, uprooted and come to repentance.
16. Pray for an outpouring of angelic hosts to aid apostles.
17. Pray for divine protection for all apostles.
18. Pray for prosperity and success of all apostles.
19. Pray for recognition and affirmation for all apostles.
20. Pray for apostolic fathers for apostles.
21. Pray for maturity and growth for all apostles.
22. Pray for sons and daughters of the apostles to arise and grow in the apostolic.

If today is the day of reformation, the third reformation, and the second apostolic age, and that apostles are the gate keeps of the church, do you think you should pray more for the reformation, apostolic church, and the apostles of today? –(1 Tim. 2:1-2)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, May 23, 2008

Praying prayers for all believers

Praying prayers for all believers

Elvis Iverson

Every person who is born of the Spirit is a member of the Body of Christ. The Church is around the world in every nation, every city, and every place; you must see the church on a global level, national level, and city level. There are many groups, many companies, many ministries, many congregations and many members in the Body of Christ. –(Eph. 4:4-6)

There is only one global church, there is only one national church in all nations, and there is only one city church in every city, one city church in each city with many congregations. We must see every member, and see the needs of every member, and we must see God’s will for every member. –(1 Pet. 4:7-8)

When you look through the New Testament you can see prayers that are prayed for all members within a city church, and even prayers for all members; you are to pray for all members in the city church of your city, and we are to pray for all members in the body of Christ in all places, etc. –(Eph. 6:18)

Praying prayers for all believers:

1. Pray for divine healing and divine health for all believers.
2. Pray for deliverance and freedom for all believers.
3. Pray for full restoration, double restoration, and seven restorations for all believers.
4. Pray for inner healing and sound mental health for all believers.
5. Pray for grace and mercy for all believers.
6. Pray for rest and peace for all believers.
7. Pray for the release of the fire of God in all believers.
8. Pray for the renewing of the Minds of all believers.
9. Pray for personal revivals for all believers.
10. Pray for personal reformation for all believers.
11. Pray for an outpouring of prophecy, visions, and dreams upon all believers.
12. Pray for an outpouring of signs, gifts of the Spirit, and the power of God for all believers.
13. Pray for the fullness of the Spirit for all believers.
14. Pray for wisdom and revelation for all believers.
15. Pray for the knowledge of the Word of God (Bible) to fill all believers.
16. Pray for divine safety and protection for all believers.
17. Pray for blessings and favor for all believers.
18. Pray the love of God to fill all believers.
19. Pray for an outpouring of angelic hosts upon all believers.
20. Pray for the prosperity and financial blessings for all believers.
21. Pray for enlargement and increase for all believers.
22. Pray for holy living for all believers.
23. Pray for the Christian witness of all believers.
24. Pray for spiritual growth for all believers.

When you begin to pray more for others, you will see your life change, you will become a person full of the love of God, and you will see your prayers life grow. –(Jn. 17:15-26)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, May 16, 2008

Praying prayers for the Workplace

Praying prayers for the Workplace

Elvis Iverson

The Lord is establishing and building the church in the workplace. This is called the Monday Church. God wants to bring social transformation to our cities; this will come through believers in the workplace. –(Eph. 6:5-9, Col. 3:22-25,4:1)

The Lord is building a bridge between the church and the workplace. Blessings are coming from the church to the workplace and the wealth of the wicked is flowing in from the workplace to the church. As this bridge is built each part is needed for this transfers of wealth to happen, and social transformation to come to our cities. –(Prov. 13:22, Isa. 60:5)

The believers are not in the workplace for the purpose to bring finances to the church; instead they are in the workplace for ministry, favor, and social transformation for our cities and nations. –(Jn. 4:35)

When you think of the secular world, you must think of the Kingdom realm. The church is just a city; instead the Kingdom is the whole world. We are not only priests; instead we are also kings of the Kingdom. –(Isa. 9:6-7, Rev. 1:6,Rev. 5:10)

Praying prayers for the Workplace:

1. Pray for the Church in the workplace to be established in all cities and nations around the world.
2. Pray for global workplace army of believers to be rising up in every city, in every nation and around the world.
3. Pray for workplace apostles to rise up in every nation, and every city around the world.
4. Pray for a bridge to be built between the workplace and the church for blessings, wealth, and social transformation.
5. Pray for the workplace apostles to network with the church apostles.
6. Pray for the wealth of the wicked to flow as lasting and continuing rivers of wealth into the church.
7. Pray for social transformations to come to our cities, nations and the world.
8. Pray for great favor and influence to come to all believers in the workplace.
9. Pray for the Lord to rise up wealthy business Christians in every city, every nation and the world.
10. Pray for revival for all believers in the workplace.

The Lord wants to change our cities, first He must change the hearts of our cities, and the heart of the city is the marketplace. The church must be reformed, and the church in the workplace must be established, raises up, and built. –(Prov. 29:18)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, May 09, 2008

Process of Inner Healing

Process of Inner Healing

Elvis Iverson

There is a time to heal, a time to build up, a time to embrace, a time to love, and a time of peace. Inner Healing is the will of the Lord. To heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, to open the prison to those who are bond, to comfort all who mourn, to give them beauty for ashes, oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise, and these are the will of the Lord. –(Eccl 3:1-8,Isa 61:1-3)

The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart and saves such as have a contrite heart. This is what the Lord wants the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit and a broken and a contrite heart, these the Lord will not despise. There is the way that the Lord breaks a person, this is a work of the Spirit, then there is the way that mislead persons are used to break a person, which is not the will of the Lord. –(Psa. 34:18,51:17)

Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, hope deferred makes the heart sick, and by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken, these believers are in need of inner healing that comes from faith, prayer and the Holy Spirit. –(Prov. 12:25, 13:12, 15:13,17:22)

Just as the Lord is your healer for your body, He is the healer of your mind, which is your soul. His will is to heal your soul. –(Psa. 41:4)

Deliverance is freedom from demons, curses, and iniquities; inner healing is restoration that comes after Deliverance. When there is Deliverance there needs to be the follow up and ongoing of inner healing. However, inner healing should not take long, the Lord wants us to deal with the things in our heart and then move forth in His plans and purposes for us. –(MK. 1:21-28, LK. 4:18, Matt. 4:16, Acts 10:38)

There are steps to begin the process of inner healing, if you are real to God and others, these steps will work. We pray for the Father to send the Holy Spirit to give you power for the process of inner healing, and we pray for healing love to flood in your life as you are hearing or reading this message in the name of Jesus we pray amen. –(LK. 17:1-6)

First steps to begin the process of Inner Healing:

1. The step of grace: We need to understand grace, and ask the Lord for grace, and enter into rest, and believe for His grace to work in our lives. –(Jn. 1:14,16-17)
2. The step of truth: The Word is the truth, we must be willing and be open to face the truth, the sword of the Word of God, if you want inner healing, you need to dare to see things in the light of the Scriptures, the Truth will set you free. –(Jn. 8:31-32)
3. The step of forgiveness: if you want inner healing, you must begin to forgive, forgive by faith first, and submit your feeling, etc to be healed, cleanse, and renewed. –(Matt 18:6-9)
4. The step of being filled with the Holy Spirit: You may have already been Baptist in the Holy Spirit, but there is always times of refilling, and we are to be full of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will lead us to restoration, healing love, inner healing, truth, hope, and forgiveness. –(Rom. 5:5)
5. The step of love: we are to love again, the Holy Spirit will pour our love and healing love in your heart, this will release inner healing into your life, but first you must have hope. –(Rom. 5:5)
6. The step of hope: If you want inner healing and restoration you need to reestablish hope in your life, hope for today, tomorrow, and in your future. If you have hope then life will come, and then love will be poured into your heart, and inner healing will come. –(Prov. 13:12)
7. The step of praise: Once you have hope, you are to enter into praise, praise the Lord, fill your life with praises unto the Lord, praise the Lord every time your heart hurts with pain. –(Psa. 41:5,11)
8. The step of joy: The LORD is the strength of your life, and the joy of the Lord is your strength, and He will give you the oil of joy. The Lord wants to bring restoration of joy to you, and it is time for you to get your joy back. Have hope again, praise the Lord, the love of God fills your heart, and joy returns, thus begins inner healing. If you want inner healing you need hope, then you need to praise the Lord, then your heart will filled with love, joy and a merry heart, for a merry heart does good like medicine. –(Prov. 15:13,17:22)

Practical Application:

Begin by asking for grace, hear and face the Truth with the Sword of the Word, pray the Word, repent and ask for forgiveness for not obeying the Scriptures, now forgive others by faith, submit your feeling, etc. to the Lord and pray for them to be healed, renewed, and cleanse, Pray for the Father to fill these areas with the Holy Spirit, pray for more the Holy Spirit in your life, ask the Holy Spirit to lead you through inner healing, begin to have hope, hope again, rebuild your hope, then begin to praise the Lord, praise the Lord, praise the Lord, and now believe and ask for an outpouring of love, and healing love, and that you can by grace and the Holy Spirit love again. Then believe and pray for an overflow of the oil of joy to come into your life, believe for a merry heart, furthermore believe and prayer for inner healing and restoration to come.

These are the beginning steps to begin the process of inner healing, however focus on loving the Lord, and loving one another, and keep Jesus as the center.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Saturday, May 03, 2008

The Day of Outpouring

The Day of Outpouring

Elvis Iverson
May 3, 2008

This is the day of outpouring, this is the day of revival, and this is the beginning days of revival and revivals. This revival is a fountainhead of revivals, is revival that prepares the way for other revivals to follow. This revival is a foundation of other revivals that come, the day has come that we will go from glory to glory, revival to revival and there will never be a moment without revival.

This is revival of divine healing, a revival of signs and wonders; this is a revival of anointing, and this is a revival of the power of God.

Restoration of signs and wonders has begun; the church will be covered with signs and wonders. This is a revival of anointing that church will be covered with rivers of the anointing. This revival is a restoration of revival!

What will follow this revival will be holiness and unity. Holiness will come by grace and of the heart, and unity of love, and unity of relationship will come.

The revival will become radical and extreme a foretaste of the radical extreme revivals that are coming. The Starters will not be able to content the revival, a group of leaders will arise with revival anointing, and revivals fires will spread to other cities and places, and become radical and extreme, however, it is not revivalists who will be able to content the revival instead it will be the community of believers. Revival Revelation and revival teaching will be birth from hearts of leaders, and plant the seeds of revival in the hearts of many, and open the hearts of many for revival.

The Holy Spirit says the restoration of oil, restoration of fire, the restoration of wind, restoration of water, and restoration of wine is still coming, these revivals are still come, the restoration of the glory of the Lord is still coming, however, this revival is to prepare and break up the foundations of the fountains of revival!

The Holy Spirit says revival will come, massive revivals will come, lasting revivals will come, extreme revivals will come, resting revivals will come, and the revival life. The life of the church will be revival, the life of the believer will be revival, and the church will never again be without revival, for the Will of the Lord is for the church to always have revival!

The Holy Spirit says, not one revival, instead many revivals, there will not be just one, instead many, and then upon many revivals, for the church shall be filled with revivals, and revivals will overflow unto cities and nations around the church, and the church will always be filled and full and overflowing with revivals!

The Holy Spirit says, the degree of reformation is the degree of revival; this reformation will lay the foundation for lasting revivals, for many revivals, for massive revivals, for resting revivals, and the revival life!

The Holy Spirit says, this reformation is the reformation of the whole church, this is the reformation of the whole history of the church, this is a massive reformation, this is the great reformation, and this is the Third Reformation of the Church, which is called the New Apostolic Reformation!

The Holy Spirit says, reformation, revival, social transformation, and harvest will come, massive great reformation, many massive lasting revivals will come, many massive social transformations come, many massive great lasting harvests will come, and this day of reformation, this the day of revival, this is the day of social transformation and this is the day of harvest!

The Lord will give revelation of the wineskins of revival that will content and release the overflowing of revival, and this comes through reformation. New wineskins for revival, glory, gifts of the Spirit, believer’s ministry, and unity. It is not just reformation, it is reformation + revival, it is not just reformation it is reformation + harvest, Reformation + revival = social transformation, social transformation = harvest and revival, revival = social transformation, for reformation, revival, social transformation and harvest comes together as a banner of worship.

The Holy Spirit says, revival will come to every city, to every nation, and to every place, revival will come to every people group, and revival will come to every believer!

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Changes are Coming

Changes are Coming

Elvis Iverson
May 3, 2008

The winds of the Holy Spirit are coming, the winds of the Kingdom of God are coming, and the winds of change are coming to cities and nations around the world.

We have entered into the beginning of the years of change. The Winds of change will come to many cities and many nations. The Most High is behind the many changes that are coming, many changes are coming to the church, many changes are coming to cities and nations around the world, and divine changes are coming to your city.

The shaking that has already begun in the church is only the beginning; there will be increase shaking, until we come to great shaking in the church around the world. The Lord is looking for humble and the meek to stand in the gap for the will of Christ to unfold in the lives of many around the world. These shakings will begin before end of this year, begin to manifest in the world as rivers of divine shaking to make room for increase of the Kingdom of God. Rivers of divine shaking and divine change will flow like rivers to many nations and many cities around the world.

Divine shaking and divine changes are coming to America, beginning in this year, and their period of five years of shaking and changes that will unfold in America. This is for the good and the hope of believers throughout America. This is for the future of America, a future of hope and goodness of the Lord.

To the degree of reformation we have reach for, is the degree of revival. The reformation has already begun as a lamb, now we will come to the beginning of the next degree in the reformation, the degree of the lion. Reformation has begun as a lamb, it will now be a lion, then in time become a horse, and then an eagle, and at last an army.

Reformation is laying the foundation for lasting revivals, many revivals, resting revivals, massive revivals, and the revival life. Not one revival is coming, instead many revivals are coming; the church will never be without revival, the life of the church will be revival.

The revival that is beginning, is a revival of signs and wonders, is a restoration of signs and wonders, and is a new beginning of revival glory and a fountainhead of revivals. The whole church will be covered with signs and wonders and the gifts of the Spirit.

We are preparing the way for whole world to be Baptist with the fire of the Lord, and for the earth to become overflowing with the glory of the Lord. The Church will become full of revivals and glory, and then overflow revivals and glory over the earth, and church will be full of revival and glory, and the earth will be full of the glory of the Lord.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Thursday, May 01, 2008

Commissioning Modern-Day Apostles

Commissioning Modern-Day Apostles

Elvis Iverson

Apostles and prophets are pioneers and forerunners, apostles and prophets are the foundation of the church, and apostles and prophets shall lead the church no longer shall pastors and bishops lead the church, and apostles, prophets and teachers are elders of the new apostolic congregation. –(Eph. 2:20, 1 Cor. 12:28)

In addition, there are apostles and prophets that are called to go before other apostles and prophets, these apostles and prophets are called to prepare the way for other apostles and prophets, these apostles and prophets are raise up by the Lord, are train by the Holy Spirit over long periods of time. Things that are new and that is visionary takes years to rise up, and cannot be mentor or father by others, it takes the Lord to rise up such leaders. –(1 Cor. 3:10)

Notwithstanding, then there are apostles and prophets that train, mentor and father by other apostles and prophets, this only takes a short time, a few years, at least two years, or three at the most. The Lord is raising apostles of apostles, and prophets of prophets, and apostles of prophets and apostles, He is rising up fathers with a heart of a father, there are those who say there are a father but without a heart of a father, all this is done with liberty, grace, and wisdom. –(Acts 9:27)

Apart from that, the Lord is arising up new ecclesiastical apostolic networks, and new apostolic congregations; we are have fathering and mentoring centers for those called into government ministry, and we are to have equipping and training centers for the believers to be raise up in the work of the ministry, and we are to raise up kings for the Kingdom of God. A new apostolic congregation is a network of home cells, and the center building is not use for pastoral ministry, instead for training, equipping, and fathering, mentoring and apostolic and prophetic ministry along with teachers. Pastoral ministry is done in the home cells along with mutual edification and the one another’s come into grace application. –(Acts 2:46)

Moreover, we are to pray for apostles to be raise up, we are to rise up young apostles, we are to love and care for those who shall be fathers of the church. As fathering apostles father other apostles into ministry, and to release them into ministry will follow this kind of pattern. –(Matt. 9:37-38)

First is ordination: we are to ordain those called into the five ministries of the grace of our Lord; this also applies to young apostles that are ready to be release into government ministry.

Second is recognition: recognition will come from the congregations that follow the anointing of a young apostle; they will sense the anointing and grace of an apostle upon a young apostle. They will become the seal of his apostleship. Don’t call yourself an apostle until the church calls you an apostle.

Third is affirmation: affirmation comes from government ministry, from other apostles, from other prophets, and from other teachers. Don’t call yourselves an apostle until other season apostles and prophets call you an apostle.

Fourth is commissioning: apostles after they walk for a certain amount of years showing proof of their apostleship in fruits, gifts, anointing, works, signs, and those who are with them. Apostles are the only ministries in the church that is commission. An apostle should be commission by a season or mature apostle, and that commissioning is not the advice of the apostle being commission, it is the wisdom of the apostle who is lead to do the commissioning. An apostle should be commission in their own sphere of ministry, etc. –(LK. 6:13, Num. 27:18-20, Deut. 3:27,28, Deut. 31:14, Acts 13:1,2, 2 Tim. 4:1-5)

Apart from that, the elders of a new apostolic congregation are plural, with a set visionary, senior elder leading the plural of elders. An elder is a mature minister of the Gospel. Elders are appoint by apostles, but there are those who have just enter into ministry, and they are young, they are apart of the ministry of a new apostolic congregation, and they will come into a leadership role, but eldership is for the mature minister. –(1 Tim. 3:1-13, Tit. 1:5-9, Acts 14:23)

Apart from that, what we see now are apostles who prepare the way for the next waves of apostles, these apostles now are rising up other apostles, but soon apostles that we have not heard of, shall arise in signs and wonders. –(2 Cor. 12:12)

Nevertheless, apostles are first in the order of church government, and first in leading the way for others to follow, we need apostles, and apostles need us, if we come into relationship, fellowship, and partnership with an apostle. We can be apart of their vision that the Lord gives them for the church, and even the world. –(Phil. 1:7,19, 4:2-3,4:10-20)

Furthermore, apostles are here to stay, Jesus was the first person to coin the title of the apostle, He was the one who created the ministry of the apostle, it is not just for the early church, it is for today, tomorrow, etc. –(Eph. 4:11-16)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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