Friday, July 25, 2008

God’s Vision

God’s Vision

Elvis Iverson

The Church is always to be lead by the Holy Spirit; we are always to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying unto the Church, we are to follow the Lord today’s leading toward the coming hopeful future. When the Lord leads His church and He leads by vision, vision that comes by revelation. –(Rev. 2:29)

We are not to move beyond revelation, and we are not to be behind revelation, we are to walk with revelation from the Lord. A church without revelation is a church without relationship and the life of the Spirit. –(Rom. 10:17, Heb. 11:1)

I am not taking about vision from human ideals, instead vision from revelation that flows from the heart of the Father. Yes visionary ideas that come from revelation, from the Father in Heaven. –(Prov. 29:18)

The Holy Spirit will speak to us on a corporate levels, this is when we need to hear what He is saying, and then pray for wisdom to follow the steps leading to His council. –(Hab. 2:2-3)

The Holy Spirit will speak to us personally, and we need to learn to hear what He is saying, and then pray for wisdom in how to walk in His leading. –(Jam. 3:13-18)

The Holy Spirit will speak to us through dreams and visions. He will give us dreams leading us in our life unto His purposes for us, and He will give us vision likewise to show His ways for us. –(Job 33:14-17)

The Holy Spirit will speak through prophecy, He need to have an ear to hear prophecy. Prophecy can ether come in the now or in the future. We need to pray for wisdom and learn how to walk out His prophetic leading in our lives. –(1 Tim. 1:18, 4:14)

In the Church the Holy Spirit speaks to us on corporate levels. He speaks through Apostles; hear what the Holy Spirit is saying unto the Church. He comes to Apostles and speaks through them in order to release them to the church. He speaks through prophets to give His guidance. Apostles say this is the leading of the Lord today; it is clear insight and vision of the leading of the Holy Spirit today leading us to the future. Prophets speak prophetic words, visions, and dreams that point to the clear leading of the Lord for today’s leading toward the future. Teacher’s lead through the council of the watering of the Word, the watering of the Word washes and cleans out our heart to see what the visions that point to the leading of the Lord, and the clear leading of the Lord. Although, we see in part and know in part, but those parts can be the clear leading from the Lord. –(Acts 13:1-4)

Apostles say come over here, follow the Lord on this path of leading, and we go by faith, the prophets give visions and prophetic words that point to the leading of the Lord, and the teachers give the watering of the Word, that we can see and hear what the prophets and apostles are saying. –(Eph. 5:26)

The Church needs to be led by vision; vision that comes by revelation from the Lord, revelation vision is how the Lord leads His church. We need visionary leaders; men and women of God of vision and revelation leading the church. –(Eph. 1:17-18)

Apostles and prophets are revelational ministry to the Church, and apostles are first, prophets are second, and teachers are third. –(Eph. 3:5, 1 Cor. 12:28)

We need to see God’s vision, it is nice to have a vision for our life, it is nice to have a vision for our ministry, and instead we need to see the big picture. –(Eph. 1)

God cares for souls, He cares for the lost, and He wants to win massive numbers, and He wants the church to be ready for coming days of harvest. –(2 Pet. 3:9, 1 Tim. 2:4)

God wants the restoration and progression to come to the Church, and the Church to lead the nations in restoration and progression. –(Acts 3:19-21)

The Lord wants to align the church once again with the Kingdom of God; He wants us to have the revelation of the Kingdom of God, and He wants to increase His Kingdom around the world. –(Isa. 9:6-7)

The Lord wants to build His church, He wants to raise up the church around the world as the city of God, He wants to raise up the city church in every city, He wants to raise up the new apostolic city church in every city. The house that He wants to build is the city church in every city. –(Matt. 16:18-19)

The Lord wants all Jewish people to have the revelation of Jesus Christ. He wants all Jews to be saved, and He wants them to have a revival of Jewish identity, and Jewish heritage. Israel has already been restored as a nation, now spiritual Israel is to be restored, meaning all of Israel and all Jewish people coming to their Messiah. He wants the Church and Messianic Israel to come into union and oneness with one another in Yeshua the Messiah. –(Rom. 10:1)

The Lord wants to bring revivals, massive revivals, lasting revivals and habitational revival to the church in every city and in every nation; He wants to restore the revival life. –(Hag. 2:6-9, Eph. 5:27)

The Lord wants social transformation to come upon many cities and many nations; He wants massive social transformation to come upon our cities. He wants the world to enter into social transformation, and be social transformed. –(Rev. 11:15, 21:24)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Holy Spirit Wine

Holy Spirit Wine

Clara Iverson

I see this bowl of delicious noodles. This is the bowl of revelation. We need this bowl of revelation everyday. While our bodies need food, our spiritual men need this bowl of revelation. We need God to impart heavenly virtue to our inner men, so we can become strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

I see God’s giant footprints walking in the garden in the cool of the day. I see green grass and the footprints. Adam and Eve are also in the garden. Before the fall, communication between God and men is direct. Our Father loves us and wants to communicate with us. If a friend wants to talk to you, and you hide behind a closet, how can this friend talk to you? Father wants to be your Friend and He wants to have intimate fellowship with you. We should get rid of all guilty conscience. We have been sanctified by the blood. Now we are made holy, just like Jesus. We don’t need to hide behind the trees of the garden. Come boldly to the Throne and behold His glory, His beauty, His love and His grace. Your inner being cry out for Father’s love. You desire this intimacy. You desire Father to come down and walk with you in the garden.

Acts 17:28 For in Him we live and move and have our being. Everyday, we need to come to the Tree of life to receive life. Father is breathing the breath of life to us. He says, Dry bones, you shall live, rise up and become mighty. Gen 2:8 The Tree of life is in the midst of the Garden of Eden. Rev 22:2 In the middle of its street, on either side of the river, was the Tree of life, bearing twelve fruits and its’ leaves are for HEALING of the nations. Come boldly and eat the fruits. Enjoy the banana. Taste the grapes. Bite the green apple. They are for you. Make an herbal tea from the leaves of the Tree of life. Drink it. It can heal all your wounds. It can rejuvenate your being. Come, children of God, come and eat and drink, it’s all FREE.

Beloved, you ask, how can I enjoy all these wonderful things? It’s very easy. Just turn on the TV. Just hit the button on the remote control. Instantly you can see everything that is going on up there. Seraphim are crying, holy holy, let God’s glory fill the earth. Four living creatures are worshipping God eternally. The Lamb, wearing white robe, is sitting on the throne. What a fascinating channel! It’s all free. You don’t need to pay cable for this channel. (Isaiah 6, Rev 4)

This TV channel is the eye of your heart. Open your heart and welcome Him to come in. He wants to come and dine with you. He has been knocking on the door of your heart. Knock! Knock! Knock! Open this door to your lover. He wants to kiss you with heavenly glory.

Not only can you watch this channel, but also you can EXPERIENCE it. By the blood of Jesus, instantly you are standing at the gate. As the presence of God increases, you find yourself flying and ascending to Paradise. In this process, you see other supernatural beings climbing up and down the ladder. (John 1:51) What a glorious realm!

God had stamped you with this seal of the promise of the Holy Spirit. (Eph 1:13) This seal is the guarantee of our inheritance of all these blessings. Why wait any more? Come and enjoy every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. (Eph 1:3) Come and drink a cup of HOLY SPIRIT WINE!

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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Friday, July 18, 2008

The Seer and The Prophet

The Seer and The Prophet

Elvis Iverson

The hearing ear and the Seeing Eye are both from the Lord, they’re some prophets who are blessed with the hearing ear and then there are prophets who are blessed with the Seeing Eye, then there are some prophets blessed with both the hearing ear and the Seeing Eye. –(Prov. 20:12)

The seer is a prophet, the seer is a part of the ministry of the prophet, is the one who moves more in the grace and anointing of the seeing eye, most prophets move more in the hearing ear.

Abraham is a seer prophet; he is a seer, Joseph is a seer prophet; he is a seer, Samuel is a seer prophet; he is called a seer, Ezekiel is a seer prophet; he is a seer, Daniel is a seer prophet; he is seer, Zechariah is a seer prophet; he is a seer, Habakkuk is a seer prophet; he is a seer, John was an apostle and a prophet, is a seer prophet; he is a seer. Paul is an apostle, teacher and a prophet, he is also a seer prophet; he is a seer. –(1 Sam. 9, 10, 2 Cor. 12:1, 1 Sam. 9:9, 2 Chron. 33:18, 35:18, 2 Sam. 24:11, Amos 7:12, Isa. 29:10)

Apostles and prophets are foundational, revelational, impartational, reformational, revivalism ministry to the church, which is the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ. Apostles and prophets are also called friends of the Bridegroom; our Lord Jesus Christ is the Bridegroom of the Bride, the church. Both apostles and prophets are revelational ministry to the church, revelation meaning Word revelation; apostles and prophets teach and preach more in revelation then any other minister in the church. Revelation is a key, there is Word Revelation and there is prophetic revelation, we all can have both without being prophets or seers, prophetic revelation are both prophecy and visions from the Holy Spirit. –(Eph. 2:20, 3:5)

There are nine gifts of the Spirit, there are more then just nine spiritual gifts, however, the gifts of the Spirit are the gift that manifest. Six out of the nine Gifts of the Spirit, six of them are prophetic, three of them move more with visions, and the other three more with words. We are as believers are to believe for the gift of prophecy; all believers are to prophecy and have the gift of prophecy. –(1 Cor. 12:7-11, 14:1,3,39, 22, 26-33)

The language of the Holy Spirit is prophecy, visions and dreams, if you don’t believe in them, if you don’t believe that God speaks today, maybe He will not talk to you. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit that begin in Acts 2 is already upon us, with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit comes prophecy, visions, and dreams, this is upon all believers. This means believers can have visions and dreams too. –(Acts 2:17-18)

Every believer is to learn to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, every believer is to learn to be led by the Holy Spirit, if you don’t believe that Lord speaks today, and then maybe He will not speak to you? God’s will for every believer is to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit in his or her own life and to be led by the Holy Spirit. –(Jn. 10:27, Rom. 8:14, Jn. 16:13-15)

The Holy Spirit has rivers flowing out of our hearts, some believer may only have one river flowing out, He gives each believer at least one river from Him, there are names of the Holy Spirit throughout the Bible, these are rivers of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Prophecy, when the Spirit of prophecy comes upon a gathering of believers in unity, vision and faith, He will come through a river of prophecy, that make most or all prophesy. –(Rev. 19:10, Jn. 7:38, Gen. 26)

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Wisdom and the Spirit of Revelation; the will of the Lord is for river of the Spirit of Wisdom and the river of the Spirit of revelation to flow in all believers lives. The Spirit of Wisdom is seeing or hearing in the future and have wisdom today to reach into the future and follow the steps leading to the will of the Lord in the future. The Spirit of Revelation is Word Revelation and Prophetic Revelation, is prophecy and revelation for today; both the Spirit of Wisdom and the Spirit of Revelation move both in visions and words. –(Eph. 1:17-18)

Prophecy is ether forth telling or fore telling, a prophet can see now or in the future. For someone to be a prophet they must have the gift of the Prophet, and ether two revelational gifts of the Spirit, and one of the utterance gifts, or the other way around. A prophet does not just prophesy or see vision, they bring a message with ether preaching or teaching. Prophets first grow in the prophetic grace and anointing, and become season; they must have recognition from the church, and affirmation from seasonal apostles and prophets. You may have the gift of the prophet but have not yet the full release of the office of a prophet, in time and growth the fullness of your prophetic office will come. –(1 Cor. 12:28, Eph. 4:11)

A seer moves in more visions and dreams more then other kinds of prophets. They will flow in a river of visions and dreams that will not end. They live a life of seeing visions and dream dreams. They wait before the Lord in prayer and worship, sometimes for hours and even days, and then the Lord speaks in visions to them. Some mislead people think that we are only to have a few visions, and that more visions is wrong and not of God, that is an evil spirit of religion working in them. However, the Seers are called to minister in a river of visions, to have many visions and many dreams. –(Hab. 2:1-4)

How to begin flowing in the seer anointing:

1. Waiting and patience before the Lord.
2. Renewing your Mind.
3. Praying and praying through, a prayerful life.
4. Praying in the Spirit for long periods of time.
5. Flowing in the peace of the Lord.
6. Worshiping long periods of time.
7. Seeing by faith and hope.
8. Don’t limit yourself to old mindsets, be humble.
9. We can see by the Blood of Christ.
10. Pray for an outpouring of prophecy, visions, and dreams.
11. Thank the Lord for the visions He gives you.
12. Write them down; be prayerful, pray and wait for insight and understanding, and interpretation.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Rest Rest Rest

Rest Rest Rest

Clara Iverson

God wants us to rest. He wants our mind to rest. Some of us have rebellious mind. This rebellion must be destroyed. This rebellious mind loves to think of logic/reasoning all the time. Some are thinkers. Thinkers cannot please God. The mind is a very fragile organ. What we think will directly affect our emotions plus our actions. This fragile mind loves to wander, to worry, and to doubt.

2 Cor 10:5 All these rebellious and excessive thinking are high thing that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God. The normal condition of your mind should be peaceful, at rest, and free from cares. An obedient mind is relaxed. Many complain, “I cannot hear from God.” Don’t you know God really want to speak to you, but your mind is too busy. He is waiting for you to cease from thinking. Then, He will fill your mind with the Mind of Christ and the Spirit of revelation.

Without rest, you can’t please God. If you want to please God, then rest your mind. Stop striving. Stop figure things out. After you have done everything, STAND. If you believe God will move on your behalf, you will enter into His rest. You will cease from works. When you rest, then God will dispatch His angels to war for you. After you have prayed, allow God to answer your prayers. You better allow angels to war for you. Angels are ministers of fire sent forth to help those who inherit salvation. (Hebrews 1:14) The battle belongs to God. Stand still and you will see the salvation of God.

Gen 1:1 Even God Himself rested on the seventh day from all His works. We must follow God’s pattern. When you rest your mind, your emotion and your body, you will see all these promises/ answered prayers fulfilled before your very eyes. Our heavenly Father knows what He is doing and He knows how to help you. So, let’s learn to trust God totally. Stop striving and enter into His Sabbath rest. Even Jesus slept in times of windstorm. We must follow our Lord’s example.

Let’s renew the spirit of our mind. Our mind must obey REST. Fill our mind with the Mind of Christ. Fill our mind with God’s good, acceptable and perfect will of God. The perfect will of God is “enter into His rest.” (Rom 12:2)

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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Friday, July 11, 2008

The Arising Prophets

The Arising Prophets

Elvis Iverson

The prophets are coming, there is a greater wave of the prophetic that is coming, and there is coming a great outpouring of prophecy, visions, dreams, and revelation, signs, gifts of the Spirit, power of God, prayer, fasting, and Workplace Prosperity upon the church in all nations and in all cities, we will see prophets arise with grace and anointing to see and do signs, and guide the church into the footsteps of destiny, and we will see the apostles moving forth in the signs of an apostles. –(Acts 2:17-18)

This prophetic company has been hidden, being train by the Holy Spirit, but now the time is upon us, that these outstanding prophets will arise to their holy calling, which is being friends of the Bridegroom, this is the call of all the prophets and apostles. –(LK. 5:33-39)

I personal have been speaking about a stronger order of apostles and prophets that will arise to shake the church into the power and glory of God, and their sons and daughters will follow them, we will have generational blessings and ministries that will pass from one generation to the next. –(Eph. 2:20, 3:5)

The church will arise in spiritual gifts, gifts of the Spirit, supernatural signs, and prophecy, the Lord will give us leaders who can lead in grace and liberty that know that they are the servants of Christ. Bishops and administrators will no longer lead the church, instead apostles and prophets with revelation and power. –(1 Cor. 12:28)

The arising prophets will begin to arise with prophetic words that will not fall to the ground, there prophetic words will come to pass, they will move in wisdom in the prophetic anointing, as there prophetic words come forth in prophetic fulfillment, the whole church will begin to be release into prophetic fulfillment. As these prophets prophesy the church will fill with the testimony of Jesus, and Christ will be glorify, and worship will arise from our hearts, and as these prophets speak forth the living prophetic word, and as their words come to pass the fear of God will fall on people, however these prophets are humble and have a servant heart. Increase prophetic fulfillment will come upon these prophets and the church. As they prophesy, and prophetic fulfillment happens, signs will come forth from their ministry. –(1 Sam. 3:1-21)

Notwithstanding, these prophets have been train in the school of the Spirit for some time, there are those prophets who are forerunners that the Lord raised them up by Himself, since He could not find a fathers heart, instead these prophets will become mature prophets and become prophetic fathers to the arising school of the prophets, the will of the Lord is to establish a school of the prophets. The prophetic sons and daughters will flow in love and anointing and will walk in the coming prophetic anointing and outpouring. –(1 Sam. 10:5-6,9-12, 19:18-24)

You don’t just one day say you’re a prophet and then go out ministering prophetic grace and anointing, instead you allow the Holy Spirit to train and raise you up our in His time, and you allow other prophets and apostles to give you that honor of being called a prophet. –(1 Pet. 5:5-11)

There prophetic ministry that is arising will join to the apostles, prophets will be around the apostolic grace of apostles, apostles and prophets will be in ongoing relationship and fellowship; for the foundation is apostles and prophets. –(Acts 11:27-30,13:1-3,32,35, Acts 16, Acts 21:1-14)

The prophetic ministry will come to the forefronts of the church, the prophetic wisdom and revelation will guide the church with leading apostles, apostles and prophets will be the center leaders of the church, and in the local congregations and the church; apostles, prophets and teachers will be the appointed elders in the house of the Lord. –(1 Cor. 12:28, Eph. 2:20)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Prosperity Anointing

Prosperity Anointing

Clara Iverson

Beloved of God, do you know you have a rich Father? Do you realize your Father is rich and you are a rich son and daughter of our great big God? My beloved, you must renew your mind and see that your Father owns all the mansions and limousines. Can you imagine you are riding limousine, drinking fruit punch inside and watching godtv in the limousine?

Right now, warfares are going on in regions. Archangel Michael and his army are warring against principalities. A war of transfer of wealth is going on. God wants to transfer the treasure of darkness to righteous tycoons. (Isaiah 45:3) They will build and rebuild the cities. They will bring social transformation. Many jobs will be created for people. These are marketplace apostles and prophets. They have Christ’ compassion. And they shall sit down on the throne and rule. No more will the wicked swallow up all the wealth.

Rise up intercessors! Intercede and war for these chosen ones. They are chosen before the foundation of the world to be rich. They are chosen to rule and reign. They are chosen to allocate and distribute resources for different ranks of the society. They are Joseph(s) and Josephine(s).

So, saints of God, renew your mind! Can you imagine every Christian is prosperous and wealthy? Can you imagine every Christian can retire in their early 30’s, sitting at home and just receive investment returns? Christians should get interested in business and real estate.

We can talk about revival all we want! Yet, we can still see the poor everywhere. We get revived, and then we should get back to society and take up significant positions. Leadership positions such as administrators, government positions, CEOs of big corporations shall belong to Christians. God is saying revival is coming to accountants and the business sectors.

Deut 8:18 God give you POWER to get wealth. God is a creative God. We all have this creative nature in us. Ask God for revelation---the revelation to excel and to get wealth. No more will Christians be poor any more. I say no more will Christians be burdened by bills and debts no more. Phili 4:19 Our Abba Father shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Our Father is not stingy. He wants you to enjoy the resources He has given us. The blessings of the Lord make one rich and He adds no sorrow to it. God never wants you to be sorrowful because of financial hardships.

So my beloved, let’s move forth by faith. Seek God for a word of knowledge on ideas to get wealth. God wants you to be rich!!

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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Friday, July 04, 2008

The Seventh Millennium

The Seventh Millennium

Elvis Iverson

It has been firmly documented from the Bible that the history of man from Adam to Jesus spans four millennia. From Jesus to the year 2000 AD is another two millennia. Therefore, the history of man according to the Bible completed six millennia in the year 2000, (give or take a few years to allow for man’s errors of his calendar, etc.). The seventh millennium began as the sixth ended. We are now living in the seventh millennium. Seven is God’s number of fulfillment or completion. –(2 Pet. 3:8,Rev. 20:6)

The seventh millennium is the new apostolic age. During the seventh millennium we will see the Apostolic Church arise throughout the church in every nation and every city. The whole church will go through a massive reformation of all things in the church. We will come to the next level of city church, and the city church will mature to the mature city church, the end time’s church. We will see the fullness of unity, the church will come into the unity of the faith, and we will see the fulfillment of the great commission. –(Hab. 2:2-3)

In additional, we will see waves of harvests of souls, massive harvests of souls. We will see many revivals, the church will fill with revival, and the glory of the Lord will fill the church. We will see social transformations and massive social transformations from many cities to many nations around the world. We will see the church in the workplace grow and increase and through them we will see social transformation. –(1 Pet. 2:9, Rev. 1:5-6)

Moreover, The church will grow, mature, and increase as the city of God in all cities, in all nations. The Kingdom of God will grow, increase and fill all cities and nations in the earth! –(Isa. 9:6-7, Matt. 16:18-19)

Apart from that, we have entered into the Joshua generations the generations of the apostolic church, and then we will come to Davidic generations the generations of the end time church. –(Is. 58:12, 61:4)

At the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, we will enter into the Solomon generations, the generation of wisdom. This will begin of the eighth millennium, the millennium of the fullness of the Kingdom of God. –(Isa. 9:6-7)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Opening the Fountains of Revivals

Opening the Fountains of Revivals

Elvis Iverson
June 14, 2008

I see a vision of the church around the earth, I see twelve foundations of revival, these twelve fountains of revivals around the church around the earth, these foundation fountains of revivals that will again be open up, and restored. They will lay the foundation to the gates revivals, and then the revivals in the city of God, which is the church around the world, and from the Throne will flow rivers of healing and rivers of revival to cities and nation around the world. This starter revival is a restoration of revival, and is a revival that is to prepare the way for others revivals to come and follow, and to open the fountains deeps of revival in the church around the world.

I see a vision of a gold reed, this is revelation, we need a revelation of revival, you need a revelation to enter into revival, and you need the revelation of the city of God, the church around the world. At the gates there is pearl, each gate has one pearl, this means revelation, you need revelation to enter into these gates, or a gate, to enter in the gates of revival, or a gate of revival.

At these gates are apostles, revivals will come through apostles and prophets, and apostles are at the gates of revival, and there are angels at the gates of revival, revival will come through angelic activity. At these twelve fountains of revivals are apostles; apostles are apart of these revivals.

The foundations and fountains of revivals are of precious stones, these fountains will be open up and these revivals to come forth, and lay the foundation for the gates and city of God revivals. The time is coming when all the fountains of the great deep will be open up, and the windows of heaven will be open.

Twelve fountains of revivals:

· Jasper Revival
· Sapphire Revival
· Chalcedony Revival
· Emerald Revival
· Sardonyx Revival
· Sardius Revival
· Chrysolite Revival
· Beryl Revival
· Topaz Revival
· Chrysoprase Revival
· Jacinth Revival
· Amethyst Revival

The Starter Revival has already begin, this will prepare the way for other revivals, revivals will follow, this is a restoration of revival, and will open the foundations of the twelve fountains of revivals, then there is the revival at the wall, and there is revival at the gates, through the gates, and in the gates, then come to revivals of the city of God, and from there the rivers of rivers flow from the Throne of God to the cities and nations of the world.

Yes this is a revelation in addition; this is a prophecy about the twelve fountains of revivals, and the coming revivals. The door to the Throne Room is open, open your heart, so that you may access and enter into the open door, and the leading of the Lord to come up here, and to receive revelation of revival, that you may enter into the coming revivals.

What the Holy Spirit has spoken is beginning to come to pass, and will come to pass, hear this prophecy, and receive its words and these words will come to pass in your life apart from that, yes these words will come to pass in the church then the earth.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Possess Your Promises

Possess Your Promises

Clara Iverson

We are all in a journey to our promises. It’s like we are on this train—a long train. Some get off earlier. Some get off later. Some are closer to the promises. Some still have certain faith lessons to learn. No matter what, we must possess our promises. Through faith and patience, we must inherit our promises.

We have a measure of faith in our hearts. According to your faith, so shall you receive. Your faith may be small as a mustard seed. That’s enough to cast out mountains. That means we can all cast out our mountains. How come some still lose their victory easily?

Because the devil will surely attack your MIND. Your mind is the battlefield. You cannot allow DOUBT to creep into your mind. The devil just needs to suggest one doubtful thought. Once you receive it into your mind, you start to doubt your promises. The promises may be your healing, prosperity or any good gifts from God. So this doubt will soon develop into a stronghold and you will eventually be filled with unbelief.

We must GUARD our mind day and night. If you want to please God, you must keep your mind on the promises of God. You must fill your mind with hope. Hope is the anchor of our souls. Hope is a helmet of salvation. Put the helmet on everyday. Protect your brain. Protect your head from doubt.

James 1:1 says very clearly, those who doubt are like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind, for let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord. You do want to receive something from the Lord. You are desperate, right? Then keep your mind simple. Fix your eyes on Jesus. Simple means composed of only one thing. Double-minded is a sin. Our mind must be single-minded. We must focus on our promises until we possess them. We must see our enemy flees from us.

Enoch pleased God because he has faith. (Hebrews 11:5) But we must keep our faith, develop this faith and grow in faith. Command our mind to subject to the mind of Christ. When we keep doing this, we will please God. He only rewards those who diligently seek Him. He only rewards those who obey faith. We cannot listen to feelings. We cannot yield to hopeless feelings. We cannot allow negative feeling such as self-pity, sadness or depression to creep in. These are self-defeating feeling. We cannot permit self-destructive thoughts.

We have gone this far. Next station, the train will drop you off and that is your destiny. Desire fulfilled is a tree of life. (Proverbs 13:12) You are almost there. Don’t give up. Be sober. Be self-controlled in your mind. The just shall live by faith. Walk by faith, not by sight. Walk by faith, not by feeling. Remember the very hope God put into your mind and heart in the very beginning. That is the evidence and the substance of your faith. (Hebrews 11:1) Keep it FIRM till the end. It will be richly rewarded. Keep that hope. Keep that faith. My Beloved, let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.(Hebrews 10:23) Jesus told us very clearly in Mark 11:22, whoever SAYS to this mountain, be removed and be cast into the sea, and DOES NOT DOUBT IN YOUR HEART, but believes that those things he SAYS will be done, he will have whatever he SAYS. My beloved, whatever you SAY shall be done. Whatever you SAY in prayer shall be done. DO NOT DOUBT! AGAIN, I SAY DO NOT DOUBT.

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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