Wednesday, January 01, 2014

New Apostolic Centers

New Apostolic Centers Elvis Iverson We are at the beginning of the end of the local church, the local church had its time, the local church is too close minded and cut off from the rest of God’s will, not only we are at the end of the local church many parts of the local church will end too, most of their groups of churches that set themselves apart of the body of Christ, yes you are called to be set apart but not set apart from the true church of Christ. There is only one body of Christ that is the Church that is the bride of Christ, the priesthood of the Kingdom of God. There is only one church in a city that church is the city church. We are seeing a change of spiritual leadership no longer will the senior pastor led the local flock, no longer will pastors led the church, and we at the end of the pay minister, most ministers will have their own career, it is time for the fivefold ministry to be in the house of God. Apostles are called to led with the corporation of the church elders, these apostles are seasonal apostles, are recognize apostles, affirmation apostles, and mature apostles. We will go from the local church to apostolic centers. What is an apostolic center? Apostolic centers are prayer centers, city church centers, New Apostolic Congregations, parachurch ministry centers, Training Centers. How are we going from the local church to apostolic centers what will members do? Its time the local church to break down into home churches, the church in the home, the centers will be use for ministry, but pastoral ministry will be in the home church. These centers will be prayer centers, parachurch ministry centers, and training centers, and most will be New Apostolic Congregations but not the city church centers the city church centers are horizontal networks of a city among new apostolic congregations and other apostolic centers. Five New Apostolic Centers: 1. Prayer Centers: houses of prayer some are 24/7, some are prayer and prophetic centers, some are soaking centers. 2. Training Centers: training centers will replace bible colleges, training centers are to train the fivefold ministry, train prophets, train apostles, most of all train believers, these training centers are equipping ministries to train and equip believers in their own ministry. 3. Parachurch Ministry Centers: there are ministers of fivefold that are call to minister among the church but not in a church fellowship, yes the ministers are a part of a local fellowship, but minister to church at larger, some are called minister in a city, some will be led to setup ministry centers. 4. New apostolic congregations: A new apostolic congregation is a network of home churches within a city, with a center, the pastoral ministry and church meets in the home, and the center is for ministry, and ministry of apostles, prophets, and teachers. 5. New Apostolic City Church Centers: these centers for the city church, prayer, prophetic, apostolic, and compassion ministry. It is time for the new wave of apostles to come, which release a new wave of the prophetic and the prophets, and with the next wave of apostles will come a wave of apostolic centers that will cover the earth. Copyright © 2014 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

The Constitution of the City Church

The Constitution of the City Church Elvis Iverson We are in the day of the rise of the modern day city church; there is only one church in a city that church is called the city church. With the raise of the restoration and maturing and the next wave of apostles will come the raise of the new apostolic city church! We are going from pastoral unity to apostolic unity, apostolic unity is unity with vision and purpose and it unity that led by apostles. We are going from the pastoral city church to the apostolic city church that will be new apostolic city church centers led by city church apostles and apostles. A city church is a horizontal network of apostolic Congregations and fellowships with a center for city wide ministry. From the rise of the modern day city church the new apostolic city church, the new apostolic city centers will come unto in generations to come a mature city church. We must understand the apostolic and the ministry of the apostle; we must open hearts and minds toward today modern apostles, and next wave apostles and future waves of apostles. City churches apostles come from territorial apostles, and they could be more than one city church apostle in a city church center, there could be more than one city church center in the church of the city, and must be in unity and work together. The city church apostles are called minister to the churches of a city and then minister and led as group in a city church center. Again let me say this again, there is only one church in a city, that church is called the city church, and there could be more than one city church center, with each city church center their networks of churches and ministries. The church of the city is every believer, the city church is the church coming together, and the city church centers are the home bases of the city church. 1. What is the City Church: The city church is the church of the city coming together in unity among the union of Christ. 2. What are city church centers: City church centers center for city wide ministry, and home to city church networks. 3. What is City Church Networks: City Church Networks are horizontal networks within a city. 4. The appointment of city church apostles: these seasonal apostles and mature apostles that appoint by the apostles within the city that gather together, city church apostles come from territorial apostles. 5. What does the City Church believe in: The Common Ground of the Apostolic Church: • Three Absolutes of Scriptures: 1. The Bible is true and normative. It is the absolute authority for faith and practice. 2. Jesus Christ is God and Lord. 3. An individual’s personal relationship with Jesus Christ makes the difference between heaven and hell. • Three Moral Nonnegotiables: 1. Human life begins at conception. 2. Homosexuality is sin against God. 3. Extramarital heterosexual relationships are also sin. • The Great Commission. • Compassion to the poor. • The Church in the Workplace. • Spiritual gifts. • Prayer. • The Body of Christ. • The City Church. • The Ministry of the Holy Spirit. • The Ministry of Apostles. • The Ministry of Prophets. 6. The City Church Center is a center for:  Prayer Center.  Outreach Center.  Feeding Center.  City Wide Ministry.  Apostolic teaching and preaching.  Prophetic teaching and preaching.  Gathering of prophets and prophetic people.  Revival Center.  Visiting ministers.  Ministering to the Body of Christ. 7. Workplace apostles and workplace believers will gather and minister to the city beginning at the city church center. Copyright © 2014 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

The Constitution of the Home Church

The Constitution of the Home Church Elvis Iverson What is the Home Church? The home church is a place where the church meets, this is the place for church meetings, believers ministries, the place where the ministry of the priesthood begins, it is the place will priesthood begins, it is the place of the one another ministry, it is the place for biblical fellowship, and the place for pastoral ministry. What is a New Apostolic Congregation? The New Apostolic Congregation is a network of home churches within a region or a city that has a center, the home church is for pastoral and the center is for ministry. The leadership of the Home Church: mature believers led as a council, pastors minister pastoral care, evangelists win souls and disciple new born believers, home church apostles plant and overseer home churches, congregational apostles led from a center but oversee the network of home churches. Mature believers: seasonal believers and mature believers who have been seasonal in the home church movement will led as council in a home church. Pastors: pastors minister in teams of two or more, they minister pastoral care and keep peace in a home church and among the home churches, they minister alongside the other believers and fivefold ministers, the do not led the home church, but minister among the home churches, they minister to new born believers and believers that need love and pastoral care. Evangelists: minister among the home churches planting home churches and planting new born believers in home churches, leading and witnesses to unbelievers and leading the home churches in soul winning, and providing discipleship to new born believers, and working with pastors, and evangelists will minister in teams of two or more. Hosts: these believers that ether allows their homes to be use for home church meetings or assist others who are allowing the use of their home for home church meetings, but they do not led, only host. Home Church apostles: are apostles called to plan home churches and minister in home churches and to establish believers in the home church and rise up seasonal and mature believers that are seasonal and are mature in the home church. They plant and raise ministry, appoint Home Church Council, and the oversee the home church. Congregational apostles: congregational apostles led the center of a new apostolic congregation, and they oversee the network of home churches. Training of Pastors and Evangelists, Hosts, and members of the Home Church Council: Training pastors: those are seasonal believers and have some maturity and have the gift of the pastor they are train and mentor by other already seasonal home church pastors. Training Evangelists: Those new born believers can train in evangelism and minister with Evangelists; those seasonal believers are train and mentor by other Evangelists. Hosts: Hosts can be new born believers that have been through discipleship, and want to help and serve the believers of a home church. Hosts train by seasonal hosts and led by seasonal and mature hosts. Members of Home Church Council: these seasonal believers and mature believers, these are believers season in home church life and these are believers that are mature in home church life, they are sound and upright, and of good doctrine and good wholesome lifestyles and can be in unity and work well with others and work with pastors and apostles and they are appointed. The Leadership of a new apostolic congregation center is led by a group of elders with a senior elder, the elders are seasonal and mature apostles, prophets, and teachers, and the senior elder is a seasonal apostle and a mature apostle. The new apostolic congregation center is a place for ministry, outreach, prayer, missions, apostolic teaching and preaching, and the ministry of apostles, prophets, and teachers. Training apostles, prophets, and teachers: train those who have been through discipleship and seasonal in home church life, and be equip in the work of the ministry. All believers are to be equipped in the work of the ministry. We are to train then mentor, and then release and father young apostles, prophets, and teachers. The appointment of elders: will be the seasonal apostles, prophets, and teachers, will be appointing by remaining elders with approval of apostolic oversight. All apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists and pastors are to be ordained ministers. Planting home church: home church apostles and evangelists and pastors and the current seasonal home churches will work together to plant new home churches, within their city and beyond. Copyright © 2014 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved