Friday, April 25, 2008

Application and Understanding

Application and Understanding

Elvis Iverson

From the Word of God, which is the Bible comes teachings that are to apply to our lives, we are to renew our minds and believe and be a doer of the Word, instead of being a hearer only. Today I want to talk about a principle of application and understanding about how we see the practices and methods that we find in the early church when we apply them to the church today.

There are teachings in the Word, then there are practices and methods in the Word, and from the teaching of the Word we will can have practices and methods, then there are practices and methods that come from the early church written in the Holy Word of God, which is the Bible. There can be teachings that come from these practices and methods that come from the early church that we can apply in the church today.

From the teaching of the Word of God come principles that we are to apply with grace. Then there are principles that can come from the practices and methods that come from the early church that we can apply in the church today with grace.

However, these practices and methods that come from the early church may grow, procreate in their application to the church today, and methods may changes and we may have better ones today since the early church was not prefect, and the Lord has brought restoration and progression to the church, and church that we will have become will be more better and more glorious then early church in the Book of Acts; these practices will come from Word.

Notwithstanding, there are principles, practices and methods that the early church has that we are to apply them; these are ones that are clear in the Holy Scriptures.

Nevertheless, We must understand principles, practices and methods of the early church are not absolutes, they can ether be interpretations, deductions and even beyond these, which we should not build upon. There are the gospel essentials and then there are non-essentials, which is where principles, practices and methods are under.

Notwithstanding, we need to study the practices of the early church and begin to be led by the Holy Spirit in how to apply them for their better then the ones that we have today, they didn’t come from God, instead from man, and it is time to teach these practices and give application of them, so that we may see their fruits and even better fruits then of the early church.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, April 18, 2008

The Thesis of the Third Reformation

The Thesis of the Third Reformation

Elvis Iverson

We have already enter into the Third Reformation of the Church, The New Apostolic Church is the church of the Third Reformation, and the New Apostolic Church will arise and fill the whole church, and some day in our future the whole church will be the apostolic church. The Third Reformation will touch all believers, and all churches, and all groups in Christianity. The Third Reformation will bring an end to the Christian Religion, and the church will stand as the Priesthood of the Kingdom apart from the Christian Religion, and the bond between the Church and the Kingdom of God will be establish once again, and we will see the glory of the Lord, for the Third Reformation is laying the foundation for many revivals, massive revivals, lasting revivals and the resting revival. –(Prov. 29:18)

In the third reformation many churches will come to an end, and many new apostolic congregations will be birth and rise up in every city of every nation around the world. In the third reformation many Christian groups will come to an end, and many new apostolic networks will be birth and rise up. In our cities, in many cities the new apostolic city church will arise a network of new apostolic congregations in a city. The foundation of the Church shall once again be apostles and prophets, the foundation of the city church shall once again be apostles and prophets, and apostles and prophets shall lead the church once again. –(Jer. 1:10)

The Holy Spirit spoke to me about five reformations throughout the Church history; The First was the reformation in the New Testament Church, the second was the Protestant Reformation, the Third Reformation, is the New Apostolic Reformation, that has already begun, it is our reformation in our times, and in the future there will be two more reformations after this one. The Fourth reformation is the Apostolic Church to the Mature City Church, which is the End Time Church, and the Fifth reformation will be from the End Time Church to the Eternal Bride. –(Heb. 9:10)

In this article I will share with you, the thesis of the Third Reformation, for in each reformation there was thesis, I am not saying that I know all of them on the contrary, I do know some of them, be prayerful, and be humble, allow the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to the Word of God and the Thesis of the Third Reformation. –(Isa. 62:10)

The Thesis of the Third Reformation:

1. The Church is in the home, the church meetings are in the home, the equipping ministry is in a center gathering place, the pastoral ministry is in the church in the home, and the ministry of the apostles, prophets, and teachers are in the center gathering place.
2. All believers in Christ are priests, they have spiritual gifts, and a purpose, they have a ministry, and the believers are called to do the work of the ministry.
3. The Church is the Priesthood of the Kingdom, ambassadors of the Kingdom of God, and the Bride of Christ.
4. The Kingdom of God has begun at our Lord Jesus Christ’s resurrection, ascension, and seated at the Right Hand of the Father. The Kingdom of God is coming through the outpourings of the Holy Spirit and the works of the saints, and the fullness of the Kingdom of God will come at the return of Christ.
5. The believers are called to be kings of the Kingdom of God, they are called to change and bring social transformation to our cities and nations around the world, and the apostles are called to rise up the kings of the Kingdom.
6. The future and destiny of the church shall be a church full of glory, a glorious church, and the church shall be a mature church, the church shall be a holy church, and the church shall be a united church.
7. The End times are a time of the glorious church, mature city church, healing of the nations, the oneness of Israel and the church, and preparation for the return of Christ.
8. The Jews rightful land is the nation of Israel, and that Jerusalem is the rightful capital of the nation of Israel.
9. The Torah, the Sabbath, and the Seven Feasts of the Lord are applicable to believers today.
10. The new apostolic congregation’s elders are plural; the leading elders are apostles, prophets, and teachers, with a set person leading the plural of elders.
11. The new apostolic congregation’s is an environment for spiritual maturity, spiritual gifts, gifts of the Spirit, and the work of the Ministry.
12. The Main purpose of the Five-Fold Ministry is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry, and the saints are to do the work of the ministry.
13. There are modern day apostles and prophets, and apostles and prophets are the foundation of the church.
14. Grace Giving is biblical giving, in a new apostolic congregation, it is the Lord who gives us the seed and grace in order to give, and those who give are blessed in their giving, giving is an act of worship.
15. Spiritual gifts and the gifts of the Spirit are for today, every believer is to walk in spiritual gifts and gifts of the Spirit giving to them.
16. All believers can flow in prophecy, visions, dreams, signs, gifts the Spirit and the power of God.
17. The new apostolic congregation’s is an environment for spiritual maturity, discipleship, equipping, mentoring and fathering.
18. The new apostolic congregation’s is a house for the prophets, and Prophets are protected and welcome.
19. The new apostolic congregation’s is a missionary home base to the nations.
20. The new apostolic congregation’s is a place for compassion and mercy ministries and works.
21. The new apostolic congregation’s outreach is the marketplace, the workplace, and we support the church in the workplace.
22. The new apostolic congregation’s believes there is only one church in each city, and that the church is the city church, and we support the city church, and are a part of the new apostolic city church, and seeks to work with other churches in their city, and believes in the Body of Christ, and seeks and supports unity in the church.
23. The new apostolic congregation’s Church is a church of many people groups in Christ, and this is a church where women and Children are honor for their gifts and skills, and are not hinder. There is no age gap or gender gap, or race gap in the Apostolic Church.
24. The new apostolic congregation’s is a house of prayer for all nations and is a house of true worship according to the Tabernacle of David.
25. The new apostolic congregation’s is a church of deliverance, and casting out demons and healing the sick in the name of Jesus.
26. The new apostolic congregation’s believes in the common ground and common faith of all believers in Christ, and seeks to love and fellowship with all believers in Christ.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, April 11, 2008

Hebraic Culture and Church Life

Hebraic Culture and Church Life

Elvis Iverson

Hebraic Culture came from the application of the Torah; it is a Culture that was tested throughout the times of the Old Testament, it is a Culture that brought forth our Lord Jesus Christ. The Hebraic Culture was the environment of the Church in Acts, and I believe with the restoration of the Torah will come a modern day application of Hebraic Culture in the community of the church. –(Rom. 15:4)

In Hebraic Culture the Jewish men were spiritual leaders of their homes, they lead their homes in partaking and celebrating the Sabbath, and the feasts of the Lord, the Hebraic Culture attitude and emphasis was the grounds of the home life of the church, in the Church of Acts, since the Jewish men were already spiritual leaders of their homes, it was applicable to fine those called to me home church leaders. The church life came from the home life, and the church life came from the home life of the Jewish family. Church life comes from the family life. Church life came from Hebraic Culture. –(Deut. 6:1-9)

We need church life today, we may have a church, and however we don’t have church life, the church meetings are to be in the home, and the ministry meetings can be in the center gathering place. –(1 Cor. 12:28, Rom. 16:5)

The Church life is home life; the church life is family life, for the church life comes from the home, comes from the home life, and comes from the family life. The Church life is in the home! –(Acts 2:40-47)

This is why we need a restoration of church life, this is why we need a restoration of home life, and this is why we need restoration of family life. Restoration and progression of church life we are to believe, apply, and pray forth. We not only need restoration, we need both restoration and progression. –(Acts 3:21, Jer. 6:16-17)

Hebraic Culture came from the Torah, and the Sabbath and the Seven Feasts of the Lord came from the Torah. And from the Torah and the Sabbath, and the Feasts came the home life, and from the Hebraic home life comes the church life. –(Rom. 12:1-2)

The restoration of the Torah, Sabbath, and the Feasts will aid in the restoration of the family and home life. What Christian families need is a restoration of home life. –(Psa. 128, 112)

Church life is greater then just home life, and the church in the home, it’s revival life, it is a life full of the Holy Spirit, it is the Word with the Spirit, it is the life of the Spirit, and it is the Gifts of the Spirit, outpouring of prophecy, visions, dreams, and signs, wonders, and the power of God. –(1 Cor. 1:2,7,9)

The Church life begins in the home, begins in the church in your home, this is why we need a restoration and a progression of the church in your home. –(1 Cor. 14:26-33, Eph. 5:15-21, Col. 3:12-17)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, April 04, 2008

Restoration of the Seven Feasts of the Lord

Restoration of the Seven Feasts of the Lord

Elvis Iverson

We have entered into the forerunner restorations to prepare the way of the spiritual restoration of Israel, Israel has already been restore as a nation, now we are coming to the time of their spiritual restoration to the Lord. Spiritual Israel is Israel who has returned to the Lord, the church of Israel is the Jewish believers and non-Jewish believers living in Israel, and it is the Jewish believers around the world. A spiritual Jew is a Jew who has return to their Messiah. There will be a holy union and oneness between the Church and Israel. The Messianic Jew and the Gentile believers in Christ will be one in Christ. –(Eph. 2:14-18)

The Lord in His wisdom and council will rise up the new Messianic Apostolic Church in Israel, He will raise up modern day Messianic Jewish apostles and prophets, that will network with Gentile apostles and prophets, and this will be a beginning of the restoration of the union and oneness between Israel and the Church. –(Matt. 10:5-8)

All of Israel will be saved, they will return all to their Messiah, our Lord and their Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. There will be revival in Israel, that will be a great revival, and that will go to the whole world, and cover the whole church. –(Rom. 10:1)

Now in our time, the Lord to restoring the Torah, the Sabbath, and the Feats of the Lord, this will prepare the way for the spiritual restoration of Israel, when all of Israel will come to know the Lord. We cannot have a restoration between Israel and the Church, if we don’t first prepare the way, by returning to the Messianic Jewish roots of the Church. –(Rom. 15:4-6)

The Hebraic Culture is the environment and world of the Bible, Hebraic Culture is the culture of the Bible, and Hebraic Culture is biblical culture; The Lord throughout many years give a more pure culture then any other culture in the world, Hebraic Culture came from the Torah. Hebraic Culture is Kingdom culture, and it is the culture where the Lord came to earth through, to bless us all. –(Matt. 5:17-20)

The Early Church and the first centuries of the church both Messianic Jews and Gentile believers both took part in the Sabbath, and the Seven Feats of the Lord, the Bible of the New Testament was the Old Testament, was the Torah. The Apostle Paul believed in partaking in the Seven Feats of the Lord. We as Gentile believers are giving freedom, and we can partake freely and willingly, it is not a command to Gentile believers, however the Gentile believers did celebrate the feasts of the Lord, it was when the church become a religion, a state religion, that they no longer partake in the feasts, I believe this was one of the signs of the great apostasy. –(1 Cor. 5:6-8)

The Great Apostasy came for the reasons: the lack of apostolic leaders, the end of the church in your home, hindering the believer’s priesthood, the lost of the prophetic voice, the lost of Messianic Jewish Roots, the arising of Christian religion, and the state-religion, and the lost of the teaching of the Word of God. Although this was the Great Apostasy, there was progression, for many came to become Christians, and now we come to the day of the restoration of the Torah, Feasts and Messianic Hebraic Roots are going to be restore to the church. –(2 Thess. 2:1-12)

In the New Testament Church in the Book of Acts, you can clearly see a New Testament Messianic Hebraic Roots, that the church today needs to be restored too. The New Testament Apostles, and believers believed in the Torah, the Sabbath, and the Seven Feasts of the Lord. This is the one of the foundations that the Lord wants to restore in our time, however it is going to be greater. –(Acts 2:46)

In the seven feats of the Lord and the Sabbath there is the cycle of blessings, that Lord wants to restore in our time, The Sabbath brought the weekly cycle of blessings and the seven feasts of the Lord brought the yearly cycle of blessings. –(Ex. 23:14-17, 1 Cor. 5:7-8)

Christians should enjoy the Sabbath, the Sabbath is on Sunday, it is a day of rest, the application of the Sabbath is open to us, as long as you don’t do thinks that are work toward you, instead do what you enjoy on that day, the Lord made the Sabbath for man, it was not to be a bondage to man, instead a day of rest and enjoyment. –(Ezek. 20:12, MK. 2:23-28)

Yes Christians are free to worship the Lord everyday, we are free to gather in homes, for the church meetings, and we are free to gather in center places for the ministry meetings. –(Acts 2:40-47)

The Seven Feasts of the Lord, are fulfilled in our Lord Jesus Christ, we are to celebrate and partake in them, in remembers of what the Lord has already done for us, and what He will do for us, and the Seven Feasts are prophetic in that Christ fulfilled them and that their will be fulfilled in end time Bible prophecy. –(Ex. 23:14-17, 1 Cor. 5:7-8)

The seven feasts of the Lord are: the feast of Passover “redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, the feats of Pentecost: the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the feats of Trumpets, the day of Atonement, the feats of Tabernacles, feast of Unleavened Bread and the feast of First Fruits. –(Ex. 23:14-17)

There is a connection between the Lord’s Supper and the Feasts of the Lord, I think that they became one and the same, and they are one in Christ. The first Lord’s Supper was to celebrate the feast of Passover and the Blood of the New Covenant. The truth is that the early church Lord’s Supper was more a dinner and coming together to eat and fellowship together. We need a restoration of the Lord’s Supper in coming together for fellowship and eating together. –(Matt. 26:26-30, 1 Cor. 11:17-34, Matt. 26:17-25)

To the Jews and Messianic Jews it is a command to celebrate the Sabbath and the Feats of the Lord, but for us Gentile believers we are not commanded, we are free to celebrate or not to celebrate, it is up to the desire of our heart, when we celebrate them, we are to celebrate freely and willingly. –(Col. 2:16)

The application of the Sabbath and the feast of the Lord are open to the Gentile believers, we should follow a simple application, such as apply the seven feasts of the Lord to the Lord’s Supper in eating and fellowship, and on the Sabbath not to do what we think is work, instead do what we enjoy. –(Col. 2:16)

Nevertheless, I recommend you to study the Seven Feast of the Lord, and the Torah, and the Jewish roots, and the Messianic Hebraic roots of the Church. –(Rom. 15:4)

In our new apostolic congregations, we should have a Jewish heritage ministry to minister to Jews and Messianic Jewish believers, and to teach the Gentile believers. –(Heb. 11)

The church in the home needs to be reestablish, the new apostolic congregation is a network of home churches, and the new apostolic congregations are a network of the new apostolic city church. –(1 Cor. 12:28, Rom. 16:5)

We need to learn to celebrate the Sabbath and the Feats of the Lord in our homes, for it’s a time of family love in the Lord, more then celebrating of congregational meetings. I believe that the Sabbath and the Feats of the Lord are more for our homes then for the congregation. –(Eph. 5:22-33, 6:1-4)

In the beginning of the Church, in the Book of Acts, the reason they found home church leaders, is that the Jewish man led their home spiritual, they were spiritual leaders of their home, this made it easy to apply to the church in the home, out of the Jewish homes of celebrating the Sabbath and the Feats of the Lord, came the church in the home, came the church life, and came home church leaders. One of the elements of Hebraic Culture is their attitude and emphasis toward the home life. This is where the church life came from, it came from the Sabbath and the Feasts of the Lord in the home life, and the restoration of the Sabbath and the Feasts of the Lord means to us and adds to the restoration of true church life and the restoration of family life, the restoration of home life. –(Deut. 6:1-9)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

River of Unshakable Peace

River of Unshakable Peace

Elvis Iverson
April 1, 2008

I hear a wind blowing throughout the church around the world, in this wind I hear a voice saying come with me and I will show you visions of the life of the church. Therefore I follow the wind toward a valley called hope, and then an angel appeared from the wind. The angel pointed toward a small river in the middle of this valley. I when down to this Small River that looked like a stream. Then I could see a few, then many, then a company of people coming to drink of this stream, the stream grow and increased and became a mighty river of the Spirit.

In addition, the angel said to me, this is the river of unshakeable peace. He then said go and drink of this river, I then listen and obey the leading of the Lord, and drink of this river, and a change came upon me.

Moreover, I see the company of people, building homes and gardens along this mighty river of the Spirit, and then will take water from the river and poured it upon there gardens and then they will become very fruitful beyond season, and not limited to any season or time. Then I seen from these gardens became vineyards, rich and full with life.

Besides, the angel said to me, the name of this company is the peacemaker company. It is not peace that you know of, or what you think peace is, this peace is greater and not limited to your understanding.

However, it is only the love of God and the peace of God that you can receive knowledge, revelation, wisdom, discernment, understanding that is coming. To know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, and the peace of God, which surpasses all your understanding, without these you will not be ready for the days that are coming.

Nevertheless, the angel says those who enter into rest and abide in the peace of God will trust in Divine protection. Then I seen witchcraft spirits, religious spirits, Jezebel spirits, antichrist spirits coming against this company of peace; the angel then said the company is in the rest of the Lord and the peace of God therefore they are protected from these evil spirits, controlling and fear.

I then see a shield and wall of protection come around the company of peace. The angel then said to me, this is the day of the restoration of the walls of salvation and the gates of praise.

Unfortunately, I then seen believers coming, who have not yet drink from the river of unshakeable peace, there minds are open to these evil spirits, and they have come to speak the words of these evil spirits, they could pass through the wall of protection that was shielding the company from these evil spirits.

On the contrary, the company of peace, when to drink more of the river of unshakeable peace, and then gather vessels gold, silver, and honor, and fill them full with waters from the river of unshakeable peace, and give the vessels as gifts to the coming believers who are being mislead by evil spirit, then the Holy Spirit will touch the hearts of these believers, and they will drink of these vessels of water of unshakeable peace, after the waters of unshakeable peace enter into their beings there hearts melted with the love of God, and a divine change came upon them, and then they were set free from those evil spirits; and the evil spirit went to a dry place; then a golden anointing rising from among the company and over all those who enter into the walls of salvation, and this anointing was unity, and this anointing rested upon this increasing company.

I see the First Corinthians 14:26 fellowships raisin among them, and then seen the First Corinthians 12:28 Centers arising among them, and then I see the Ephesians 2:19-22 Unity House arise from city to city.

The angel said to me reformation is fulfilled in your hearts when your hearts is melted by the Love of Christ.

Apart from that, the angel then said to me point your finger at Algeria and Liberia, Africa; then the fire of God came down upon these two nations in Africa. The angel then said point your finger at India, and then the five of God came down upon India, and the angel then said point your finger at Singapore and the fire of the Lord came down upon Singapore, and the angel said point your finger at Japan, and the fire of God came down upon Japan, the angel then said point your finger at Netherlands, and the fire of God came down upon Netherlands, and the angel said point your finger at Ireland and Northern Ireland and the fire of God came down upon them. The angel said point your finger at Vancouver, Winnipeg, Toronto, and Montreal and the fire of God came down upon them, point your finger at Buffalo and Rochester New York, San Francisco and Las Vegas, and the fire of God came down upon them; the angel then said to me, the fire of God has now been released in the earth again!

Apart from that, I now see an outpouring and rivers of signs and wonders throughout the church around the world. I see an outpouring of signs and wonders in America, in Europe, in Africa, in India, and in other nations around the world.

Apart from that, I see visions of Jesus our Lord coming in visitations to small villages in India, I can see Him walk right through, many falling down and worshiping Him, and giving their lives over to Him, and I see Him in villages where Christ was never preached, and many coming to know Christ. I see Him coming in visitations among people in southern Mexico, and in places in Australia, and to the places of American Indians in America.

Furthermore, The angel that came out the wind, said peace by multiplied to you, over and over as he went into the Wind.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Turning Hearts and New Hearts

Turning Hearts and New Hearts

Elvis Iverson
April 1, 2008

The Ministry of the Holy Spirit is upon the hearts of the masses, the work of the Holy Spirit is upon the hearts of the messes; this is the time for reconciliation in the hearts of the messes.

The dove is a symbol for the Holy Spirit, and the dove is a symbol for peace, the dove is coming upon the hearts of the messes, the Holy Spirit is coming to bring a time of reconciliation.

Reconciliation will weaken the decrease of the kingdom of darkness even more, breakthroughs and miracles are about to be birth between the hearts of the messes.

Turing of the hearts is coming, turning the hearts of the fathers toward the hearts of the sons, turning the hearts of the sons toward the hearts of the fathers, turning the hearts of husbands toward the hearts of wives, and turning the hearts of wives toward the hearts of husbands.

Turing the hearts of the messes is the ministry of the Holy Spirit; we have come to the day of the turning of the hearts of the messes.

Many will receive a new heart, this is the day of an outpouring of new hearts, of impartation of new hearts is upon many from around the world.

Many will become a new person; many will turn into another person, and receive a new heart. It is upon these new hearts, that the fires of the Lord will come and rest upon, for the Lord is seeking for new hearts and those who will become another person, who will turn into another person; and upon those new hearts the fires of the Lord will rest.

The reconciliation of the messes is coming, the turning of hearts of the messes is coming, the time when the many will become another person, when many will turn into another person, and the fires of the Lord will rest upon new hearts.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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