Thursday, November 27, 2008

Harvest Cometh

Harvest Cometh

Elvis Iverson
May 3, 2008

I see a vision of praying servants praying to the Lord of the Harvest, they are in intercession for the lost, and they in supplication for the believers. Then I hear from back of them, I hear and see prophets prophesy upon the prayers of these praying servants.

In addition, revelation comes by the Holy Spirit upon the hearts and minds of these praying servants. The Revelation is the keys to release harvest are the Beatitudes in Matthew five on the Sermon of the mount. Then the praying servant prayed that the Lord will change the hearts of believers all over the world to the Beatitudes in Matthew five, and the praying servants hearts where changed and anointed.

I then see angles of harvest begin to be released upon the church, upon nations and cities around the world. Then one of these angels stood before me; saying a harvest is coming, the LORD will give the sign of harvest, and the LORD will bless the prayers of the faithful.

I see a vision of a harvest of labors coming, I see a vision of a harvest of members coming, I see a vision of a harvest of partners coming, and I see a vision of a harvest of spiritual sons and daughters, I see a vision of a harvest of skilled labors, I see a vision of a harvest of wealthy people, I see a vision of a harvest of family people, I see a vision of a harvest of apostles, prophets, and teachers coming!

This was the first wave of this coming harvest; this coming harvest is in two waves, the second wave is the harvest of souls.

I see a vision of a harvest of souls, I see a vision of a harvest of great numbers, I see a vision of a harvest of masses of souls coming to know the Lord, and I see a vision of a harvest of huge numbers coming to know the Lord!

Some will say, where did all these people come from, others will say the angels of harvest have been sent out to gather a harvest of souls, and then I hear a Voice saying this is only the beginning, for many waves of harvests of souls are coming, and the believers praise the Lord and give glory to Christ.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Key of Knowledge

The Key of Knowledge

Elvis Iverson

The spirit of religion, religious spirits, religious people, and religious leaders stand in the way, and have hidden the key of knowledge. They say they are gatekeepers, they say they are doorkeepers, but they are not the gate or the door, and they are not the gatekeepers of the gates of praise or watchmen on the walls of salvation. –(LK. 11:52, Isa. 60:18)

Some of these religious people and religious leaders have become full of hypocrisy and they become not only religious but now they are hypocrites. Religious people could be free, hypocrites are very hard to be free, and it will take a divine act of mercy. –(2 Tim. 3:1-5, 1 Tim. 4:1-5)

The religious and the hypocrites have hidden the key of knowledge from us, and revelation is rare, and there is no widespread revelation. We may hear the Word here and there, but there is no Word Revelation. In our generation the Lord in His wisdom and mercy will restore Word Revelation to the Church. In our generation the Lord to rising up Samuel apostles and Samuel prophets to find and take back the Key of knowledge, not for a few, instead to the whole church. The key of knowledge is coming; the key of knowledge is Word Revelation. Word Revelation will be widespread. It is the Word of God with the Revelation Ministry of the Holy Spirit. In our time we will begin the restoration of the kings of the Kingdom, and the key of knowledge will open the door for the restoration of the others keys of the Kingdom. –(1 Sam. 3:1)

We are to pray for the Key of Knowledge; we are to plant the Key of knowledge in our hearts, to un lock the doors of Heaven to release rivers of Word Revelation, prophetic revelation, the power of God, the gifts of the Spirit, revival, and the rivers of the Holy Spirit. –(Eph. 1:15-23)

The Key of Knowledge is the key that opens our hearts, the opens the door to the Third Heaven, to the Throne Room of God, to release revivals, power of God, gifts of the Spirit, and divine changes upon the earth. –(Heb. 4:1)

The Key of knowledge is not just giving to a few; it is giving to the many, to whoever will receive and open their heart, their heart is the door to the rivers of revival. –(Jn. 7:38)

Our Lord Jesus is the door, is the open door, and He is in us through the Holy Spirit. It is by the blood of Christ we enter into the Throne Room. When you open the door of your heart you will trap into the Throne Room encounters. –(Jn. 10:7)

We go to the Throne Room by the Blood of Christ, however to open the Throne Room for revivals to flow upon the earth we need Word Revelation. –(Matt. 16:19)

The Lord is restoring the Key of knowledge in our generation, not for the few, not for the pastors or spiritual leaders, instead for the many, and for the whole church around the world, the Body of Christ. –(Heb. 8:11, Eph. 1:17-18)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Continual Goodness

Continual Goodness

Clara Iverson

We will see the goodness of God in the land of the living. Again I say, we will see the goodness of God in the land of the living. Surely, surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.

God is calling special chosen ones to launch a legacy of goodness and mercy, which will lasts for thousand generations. Surely, our God will show mercy, grace, favor to thousands, to those who love Him and keep His commandments. (Exodus 20:6) Friends, after PROMOTION, goodness of God should continue on till infinity. As our hearts bow down in awe before this God of consuming fire, and by His GRACE, it is possible we do not fall into sins later on nor suffer any sicknesses any more. I am saying by His GRACE, through our faith and application of wisdom, it is possible we allow this life of goodness to abide forever. We do not have to be like David, failing at a certain point after promotion. Instead, we can choose to be like Job and Joseph, who sustain God’s goodness to the fullness of their days.

Let us first take a look at Job. Compared to the one and only one year’s suffering, God’s goodness lasts for 210 years. Through that one year’s suffering, Job suffered many terrible losses: from the stealing of animals to the murdering of his servants; from the losing of loved ones to the physical suffering of painful boils from the sole of his feet to the crown of his head. When the time of restoration came, the Lord indeed gave Job twice as much as he had before. The Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning. The bible did not say Job fall into sins later on. Nor did he suffer any more sicknesses. All we can see is goodness of God permeated him and his household. He saw his children and grandchildren for 4 generations. So he died, old and full of days.

There was another biblical precedent who retained God’s goodness even after his promotion. Joseph’s suffering last for 23 years. (From 17 years old –30 years old) During this time, he was betrayed by his own family members and most of his time was “spent” in prison. During those days, he told God and himself, “I will forever remember your kindness if you would deliver me from my affliction.” Later on, we all knew he was promoted and stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt. He ruled and distributed resources for the whole land of Egypt. Just as the blessings his father bestowed on him, Joseph was fruitful, strong, and mighty. Blessings of heaven and blessings of the deep continued to shower upon him and his family for the rest of his life. The blessings of his father had excelled the blessings of his ancestor up to the utmost bound of the everlasting hills.( Genesis 49:22-26)

Deep in Joseph’s heart, he kept his vow to God. He never repaid his brother’s evil deeds, even after his father’s death. He spoke kindly to them, “Do not be afraid, for am I in the place of God? But as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant for good, in order to save many people’s lives.” He even comforted them and said, “I will provide for you.” Can you imagine? He will provide for his enemies! Such a heart of true forgiveness deserves a lifetime of God’s goodness and beyond. Again, no where in the bible mentioned that he fell into sins nor suffered any sicknesses later on. He lived 110 years. He saw Ephraim’s child to the third generation. Even the son of Manassah were brought up on Joseph’s knees.

As a matter of fact, God did promise David PEACE at all sides after his promotion. Nevertheless, David in 2 Samuel Ch11 forgot God’s mercy. Just like Nathan’s words, David despised the commandment of the Lord and did evil in His sight. See, God requires more of His chosen servants. He wants his 5-fold ministers to set a godly example for his church and for the world. By His sovereign act of mercy, He finally raises us up and delivers us from all trials. He promises a hedge of protection all the days of our lives. People of God, it is all grace. If we would cultivate a humble spirit, God would even give us much more! (2 Sam12:8) Do not forget His sovereign act of mercy! Do not go and sin secretly and take advantage of your power and position! Men and Women of God, God is raising up revivalists who will not fall later on. God is approving certain chosen ones who will be used mightily by God in the last days and continue His goodness for thousand generations. They will not succumb to any kind of immorality. Nor will they suffer any physical sicknesses. The glory of God abide in their midst. They remember their trials in prison. Their hearts are filled with gratitude. Their tongue will not sin and they apply WISDOM on every level of their success. That is why together with these peculiar ones of the coming army of God, heroes in Hebrews 11 will finally be made perfect.

These unique ones had been tested and tried like Joseph, molded and remolded like Moses, purified and refined like Daniel. Their sincere desire is the fulfillment of promises and the descending of the long awaited revivals that had been prophesized. They just want to glorify God and see His church be presented to God as glorious, not having spot, wrinkle or any such thing, holy and without blemish.

So, Men and Women of God, today, make an honest decision. Do you want to be like David? Or do you prefer to be Joseph? By God’s grace and mercy, through a humble and contrite heart, we are ABLE to obey God radically, even to the ends of the earth. When He looks down from the throne, will He find faithful and loyal servants whom He can entrust with revival power? Can He raise you up now as His ambassador? Can He use you now to spark revivals, exhibit miracles and enflame the world? Can He finally release this unprecedented level of greater glory to the earth?

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Under the Favor of the Lord

Under the Favor of the Lord

Elvis Iverson
May 17, 2008

I see a gift coming to believers around the world first a few, then more, and more, and then a company of believers. This gift is called the favor of the Lord; it is a grace and anointing, that when believed and open, favor will begin to shine upon their lives.

I see a gift coming to certain city churches around the world; this is the gift of favor. If believed and open favor will shine and increase in shining.

I see a gift come to some new apostolic congregations, and it is the favor of the Lord, if believed and open the favor of the Lord will begin to shine.

I see a gift come to the new apostolic church, it is the favor of the Lord, if they open the doors and let the gift of favor come in, it will shine.

I see a gift come to the church in the marketplace; it is the favor of the Lord, if they receive and believe, favor will begin to shine.

I see a gift of favor come to the city church in every city, and then upon many, many believes, the favor of the Lord then begins to shine upon the lives of believers everywhere. I see their hearts shine forth the favor of the Lord.

The Favor of the Lord is coming, you will be under the favor of the Lord, the favor of the Lord is a gift from the Lord, the favor of the Lord is a grace and anointing, the favor of the Lord is a key to wealth, and the favor of the Lord is a blessing of the Lord.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Mountains of Men

Mountains of Men

Elvis Iverson
May 10, 2008

In a vision I see mountains of men throughout the earth, and I see mountains throughout America. The Lord says, prophesy to these mountains, and cover them with prophetic prayer.

I then see an army of workplace believers arise throughout the earth from city to city, from nation to nation seeing the vision of the Lord over these mountains of Men, the Banner of the LORD over the mountains of Men is vision.

I then see the Marketplace church establish in the marketplace. The marketplace church is the outreach of the city church and the apostolic church.

In addition, I see church apostles; marketplace apostles and city church apostle arise in cities and nations around the earth.

Moreover, I see the apostolic church arise in cities and nations around the earth.

Besides, I see the city church arise in many cities around the earth.

Apart from that revelation of the Kingdom of God is giving to the hearts of apostles, and apostles open the gates of the revelation of the Kingdom of God.

Nevertheless, Apostles and prophets lay foundation in the city church, the apostolic church, and the marketplace church. Apostles and prophets build the city church, the apostolic church, and the marketplace church.

Reformation came in the church, the city church; revival came in the church, the city church, the apostolic church, the marketplace church, and cities and nations around the earth. Harvest of souls came from cities and nations around the earth.

The army of the marketplace church arose and begun to take hold of mountains of men from city to city, from nation to nation, and even upon a globally level.

I see the bridges of wealth establish from the marketplace to the apostolic church and the city church, and laid at the feet of church apostles and marketplace apostles, and rivers of wealth flow into the church, and rivers of blessings, mercy and peace flow from the church into the marketplace and the earth.

Social Transformation came to many cities and many nations around the world!

Furthermore, the Lord laid foundation, build, and guide and govern the Koinonia Church, the Apostolic Church, the Marketplace Church, and the City Church, He brought true unity and reconciliation. Reconciliation in the Koinonia Church, and Reconciliation in the Marketplace Church, and He brought unity in the Marketplace Church, and unity in the Apostolic Church, and He brought Reconciliation, Unity and oneness in the City Church. He will bring reformation, revival, social transformation, and Harvest to the Koinonia Church, the Marketplace Church, the Apostolic Church, and the City Church. These four corners of the Church became one in the Bride of Christ, the Eternal Purpose of God.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Lasting Rivers of Wealth

Lasting Rivers of Wealth

Elvis Iverson
May 10, 2008

I see angels building bridges of wealth from around the world, workplace, and marketplace to the city church, apostolic church and the church around the world.

Wealth will come through the workplace church, and through the Cyrus anointing that will come and lead the wicked to support the work of the Lord. I see angels building the church in the workplace, the marketplace church, and the outreach of the apostolic church. I see angels building the apostolic church around the world, and I see angels building the city church.

I see the coming rivers of wealth; these rivers of wealth are continuing flow of wealth, lasting revivals of wealth, these rivers of wealth will flow to the city church, the apostolic church, through marketplace apostles, and lay at the feet of church apostles.

The rivers of wealth are coming, but there will come a reformation of Prosperity in the church, repentance of Prosperity in the heart of believer and the servant of God, and reformation of giving in the church, reformation of support, and reformation of love.

The bridges of wealth are Cyrus anointing + Workplace Believers + Christian Businesspersons + Wealthy believers=Marketplace Apostles + Church Apostles=City Church and Apostolic Church, and the church around the world.

The Wealth flows into the Church will aid the work of the Lord, compassion work, city transformation, building the church, building nations, and apostolic work, caring for the church, and Israel.

As wealth flows into the church, blessings, mercy, peace will flow out from the church back to marketplace, workplace, city, nation, and world.

The rivers of wealth are coming, these rivers of wealth at not a one time thing, instead it is a river; it is a continuing flow of wealth.

Apart from that, rivers of wealth will flow both into the church and into Israel. The Lord will rise up Jewish Apostles and Jewish Prophets; the Lord will rise up the New Apostolic Messianic Church and network them with Gentile apostles and prophets, and the Gentile church.

Healing of the nations will come through revival, nations will be healed through revival, healing of the nations will come through social transformation, through the ministry of wealth, and the through the ministry of Kings of the Kingdom of God.

I see angels standing at the gates of wealth around the world in many nations and many cities, these angels will open the gates of wealth to the church, with these rivers of wealth will come rivers of angels and rivers of grace.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Nevada Grace

Nevada Grace

Elvis Iverson
May 3, 2008

I hear the voice of the Lord has a sound of thunder saying My Hand is upon Nevada, I see a divine grace flowing upon Nevada, of apostolic, freedom, liberty, justice, and restoration.

I see the anointing flow, an anointing of grace and liberty flowing upon Nevada, flowing to other states in America then flowing to all states in America, and overflow upon the whole of America.

I see a vision of an angel arising from Nevada; this is the angel of the Corporation Sole; He says freedom, liberty, grace and authority to the church of America in addition, the rebirthing of legal structure for the freedom of the church is coming, the rebirthing of the Corporation Sole is coming forth.

Moreover, I see the wind of the Holy Spirit blowing upon the cities and towns of Nevada; I see many souls coming to know the Lord, and many signs and wonders manifestation of the Spirit throughout Nevada. I see a social transformation happening in Las Vegas and Reno.

Apart from that, I see a cloud coming upon America, I see an outpouring of angels, and they go throughout the world from nation to nation, from city to city, ministering freedom and liberty. I see the freedom of worship and the freedom of faith and the Freedom of the Spirit come to nations and cities around the world.

Furthermore, I see an angel of great anointing arise with wings covering the world; this angel is name global spiritual awaking.

Conclusion, there a new freedom and liberty of faith, worship and Spirit in America, and the Canon Law Corporation Sole legal structure will be rebirth throughout the states in America, and new found freedom and liberty will come to the 50 nations and the nations and cities around the world.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, November 21, 2008

There is Hope

There is Hope

Elvis Iverson
May 10, 2008

I see a vision of a faithful planting of the Lord; they’re testing of faith and through the testing of time a mighty oak arises by the favor of the Lord, by the anointing of the Lord, by the grace of the Lord.

In the beginning of seedtime, there is faith to see with the eyes of the heart, to see in the future, and to see with destiny. The angels come like a river of peace upon the faith vision of destiny.

In the watering, there is hope; we have become prisoners of hope, whom shall receive a restore double. Through faith and patience we shall inherit the promises of God, you have need of endurance, so after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise. What is the will of God, the just shall live by faith. If we obey hope we shall receive a double portion of blessings and anointing.

In the harvest, the time when God shall give the increase, love will come, love will abound, love will flow, restoration will come, and healing will come and revival will begin, and love is a sign that the fullness of time has come and prophetic fulfillment is upon you, and at any moment.

In all these enter into rest and be fill with peace, the peace is beyond your understand, and love is beyond your knowledge. There is the revelation of faith, there is the revelation of hope, but when the revelation of love comes there is fulfillment of prophecy and prayer, this all begins when we enter into rest and live in the peace of the Lord.

Above all it is the Lord who will fulfill, it is His grace that we will come to the day of fullness and fulfillment of prayer and prophesy. If you pray, if you apply, if you have patience, above all it is the Lord and His grace.

There is Hope for prophetic fulfillment; there is hope for prayer fulfillment, enter into rest, live in peace, believe in the Lord and His faithfulness, and that Lord is faithful, and believe in His grace.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Steps Forward

The Steps Forward

Elvis Iverson
May 17, 2008

I hear these words written in the hearts of prophets around the world saying the Church is about to move forth, steps forward, the church will move, grow, increase, mature in short times that the church will be advanced, and will lead the world in the future, tomorrow and to leap forward.

The Church shall advance beyond its own limits in growth and maturity, will advance in wisdom, revelation, and the supernatural of the Holy Spirit. The church is be a 100 years advance then any type of old church wineskins, and the church will advance 100 years ahead of the rest of the world.

When the Lord speaks 100 years He means 100 percent, 100 percent advancement, 100 percent increase, and 100 percent fruitfulness. The Church shall lead the world in the coming leaps forward.

I see a grace and anointing flow like water upon the church, the Lord says this is the coming leaps and advancements forward, it will be grace and anointing that the Church moves forth, and forward.

This will bring blessing of spiritual growth, spiritual breakthroughs to believers all over the world. It will bring an end to all old wineskins, and fully establish the new wineskins and the New Wines, and end certain world’s troubles and bring favor to the Church and the Word and the Lord, and restore honor to the Church and the Faith.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Spirit of Worship

Spirit of Worship

Elvis Iverson

The Spirit of Worship is coming upon each one of us, and among us, He is coming upon our congregations, He is coming upon our corporate worship service, He is coming upon our worship ministries in our congregations and in the church, He is coming upon the intercessors, and He is coming upon the prophets in our congregations, and in the church, the Spirit of Worship is coming upon the workplace and the marketplace. –(Acts 2:17-18)

The Spirit of Worship is another title, river, manifestation, and function, of the Holy Spirit. The title came to me when I was writing a article on worship, it is based on a another title giving to Him, He is the Spirit of Adoption, in another meaning the Spirit of Adoption is the same as the Spirit of Worship, for the title came from the Spirit of Adoption, and these two titles and rivers are the same river and title. –(Rom. 8:15, Gal. 4:6-7)

Praise is more corporate, then worship, although worship is corporate too, on the contrary worship is more personal then praise. Worship is relationship, and relationship is worship. –(Psa. 100)

We are called to be true worshipers, we can be true by being born again, and filled with the Truth of the Word, and being led by the Spirit of Worship. We are to worship the Father in Spirit and in truth; this should be our goal in worship, and in all kinds of worship to worship-in Spirit and in Truth. We worship in Spirit and Truth by first being born again, filled with the truth of worship and praise, filled with truth of the Word, apply the Blood of Christ, worship from our heart, filled with the Spirit, and led by the Spirit of Worship. The Father is seeking such to worship Him that is why there is coming an outpouring of the Spirit of Worship upon the church; we will have high praise and deep worship in the church, we can only worship God in Spirit and Truth. –(Jn. 4:23-24)

John 4:23-24 is connected to John 4:13-14, since you cannot worship the Father if you are not Born Again first, and you cannot worship the Father without the well of the Spirit in you, and you cannot worship the Father without the Holy Spirit. –(Jn. 4:13-14)

Our Lord said that the rivers of life, rivers of the Spirit would flow out of our heart. Out of our heart will flow rivers of living water. Worship is to bring life, and life is to bring worship, the Holy Spirit brings life, and that life gives us worship, without that life we cannot worship, and we need to have life of the Spirit in our life to worship, when you not only have the Holy Spirit in you, but also upon you, rivers of life will come forth from your heart, each believer is to have a few rivers, each believer is to have some rivers of the Spirit flowing out of them, some have the Spirit of Wisdom, some have the Spirit of revelation, some have both, some have the Spirit of burning, and some have the Spirit of faith, and some have both, and there is the river of worship, there is the Spirit of worship, there are certain rivers that every believer needs, and we should pray for all the rivers of the Spirit to flow out of us, and these rivers flow from our heart, meaning heart worship, you cannot worship without the heart. –(Jn. 7:37-38)

We are to worship the Lord with the Spirit, and you cannot worship without being born of the Spirit, and you need the Spirit of worship to lead you in worship, and to teach you to worship. –(Phil. 3:3)

When you come to know the Lord, the Spirit of Adoption come in us, and cry out Abba, Father, He imparts the revelation of the Father, we need the revelation of the Father to worship. Just as the Spirit Adoption gives us the revelation of the Father, He will come now and lead us into more revelation of the Father and lead us more into worship, for He is the Spirit of Worship. Another thing you can see here, is liberty and freedom, when the Spirit of Adoption comes into us we have been giving freedom from bondage, and we can live a life of liberty. Freedom is being set free from bondage, there are many churches under bondage when it comes to praise and worship, when the Spirit of worship comes we will be free from the Bondage, and we can worship in the library of the Spirit, we need the liberty of the Spirit in order to worship. Where the Spirit is made Lord, giving freedom, and you have freedom, your freedom and the freedom of the Spirit is connected, then you will have the liberty of the manifestation of the Spirit. Freedom and liberty are needed for worship. –(Rom. 8:15, 2 Cor. 3:17)

When the Spirit of Worship comes into our hearts giving us a deeper revelation of the Father, we then can have heart worship, you cannot worship without heart worship, the more heart worship, the more you worship. –(Gal. 4:6-7)

Revelation is needed for more worship, revelation added will lead to deep worship, we need revelation for deep worship, and we cannot have prophetic worship without revelation, and revelation comes from the Word, and from the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Worship. –(Eph. 1:17-18)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Majestic God

The Majestic God

Clara Iverson

We all love beautiful things. We love diamonds, jewels, natural scenery and the like. Do you know the most beautiful place in this whole universe resides on the throne? Our God is the most splendid person. His throne and the glory surrounding Him sparkle. The more we behold Him, the more we discover how little our enemies are.

The appearance of the throne is like sapphire blue. It is also mingled with jasper, sardius and amber red. There is one who sits on the throne, having the appearance of a man high above it. Fire is all around Him, within Him, through Him, above his waist up and from His waist downward. It is not just fire, but also brightness. A green rainbow resembles an emerald circle all around Him. Above Him are thunder and lightning. Can you imagine thousands of light bulbs are all turned on at the same time? How bright will that be? That is the likeness of the appearance of the glory of the Lord. Since the four living creatures behold this God day and night, His glory rubs on them and it sparkles like beryl, like crystal, in the intersecting of the wheels surrounding the four living creatures. The wheels symbolize the strong presence of God which is surrounding the throne.

He is sitting on the throne. He sees everything. He sees that you are being chased by the enemies and are being attacked by injustice. Now this majestic God is coming down to war for you. He rides upon a cherub and flies upon the wings of wind. Yes, the north wind of judgment is coming to blow against your enemies. He comes down to avenge on His elect. At the same time, He is hidden in the canopy of the “dark” cloud. While your enemies are still unnoticed, this invisible God will suddenly show up.

The Most High is angry at your enemies. How dare he touch the apple of God’s eyes? When God is angry, smoke goes up from His nostrils. Devouring fire is released from His mouth, kindled with coals of fire. Your enemies are the one who needs to be scared, not the children of God. The children of God should be bold and courageous. When God hears your voice from the temple, He opens his mouth and rebukes your enemies. At His rebuke, at the blast of the breath of His nostrils, even the channels of the sea were seen. Even the foundation of the world was shaken. Then the earth trembles. The foundation of the hills quakes. (Psalm 18)

That is how almighty your God is. My beloved, if you would behold His glory, cultivate His presence and uncover His power, His glory would have invaded your situations and your enemies would have run in terror from you. The devil just uses his craftiness to lie to you. He is just a little snake. How about we perceive him as a toy snake or a dog with no teeth. He tries to imitate God to roar “like” a lion, but he is fake. When the mighty LION of fire really roars, it is thunder, lightning, and hailstones with coals of fire. Such loud noises are our God. He shoots at your enemies with arrows and He vanquishes them with lightning after lightning.

When this majestic God arms us with strength, we can leap over a wall. We can run against a troop. That is called GRACE. When we relinquish control and surrender our human efforts, Jehovah Nissi will endow us with power from on high. That is why we can say GREATER is God living in us than this cunning snake which is in the world. God even sets us on the high places. And we then soar high like eagles and are able to see in advance the evil plans of the enemies. Holy Spirit is teaching our hands to war and our arms can bend a bow of bronze. With the shield of faith and salvation on one hand and the sword of the Spirit on the other hand, we are able to pursue, destroy, wound our enemies until they cannot even rise up. We must beat them as fine dust before the wind and cast them out like dirt. Victory belongs to the children of the Most High and defeat belongs to the army of the evil one.

The day has come that our enemies say to themselves, “Draw your sword, and thrust me through with it” and then they voluntarily take a sword and fall on it. They are so scared of your God and they simply give up on chasing you. This is called David’s reward. ( I Samuel 31:4) God is giving you David’s reward, which is the utter destruction of your enemies. That is how God saves the humble and brings down the haughty looks. Remember, surely, God gives grace to the humble, raises them up and promotes them to be the head, not the tail, above only and not be beneath. Children of the Most High, salvation, deliverance, reward, and promotion belong to you. Rise up! Rise up! Children of the Most High God! Let us be bold like our majestic God for God is for us, He is on our team and He always causes us to triumph in Christ.

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Gathering My Nations

Gathering My Nations

Elvis Iverson
April 4, 2008

In a vision I see of the valley of decision. The Holy Spirit brought me to center of this valley. I see pillars of fire all around me, and then I see angels stepping out from these pillars of fire. The first angel said to me, this is the valley of decision, where the Lord of nations, will gather all of His nations in this place, for their ways and hearts be weight in the balance of sweet divine justice.

In addition, the second angel said the book of nations is abound to be open, there are divine changes, divine happens, and divine words that are about to be pass forth, and the Rod of the Lord of Nations, where all nations must pass under, and be weight in according to His divine will and council.

Moreover, the third angel said to me, The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings over the church around the world. The Father will give the morning star, and the morning star will arise in the hearts of believers all over the earth. The Lord will give the church power over all nations. The Father will pour an outpouring of prophecy, visions, dreams, signs, wonders, and gifts of the Spirit. The Lord will restore the Keys of the Kingdom to the church. The Lord will give the church the key of David.

Besides, the fourth angel said to me, The Lord will change the times and the seasons, He will remove kings, and raise up kings, He will change the governments of the nations. Divine changes and divine shakings will come to governments around the world. Rivers of healing and revival will flow from the Throne Room, throughout the church and overflow unto the cities and nations around the world. The Lord will begin to heal the nations through the ministry of the kings of the Kingdom, wealth, revival, social transformation, and the Lord will bring times of refreshing, times of restoration, and times of progression, to cities and nations from around the world from the Presence of the Lord.

The Fifth angel said to me, rivers of wealth would flow into the church around the world; the Lord will give the oil, fire, wind, water and wine of the Holy Spirit to the church.

The Sixth angel said to me, the Lord would give the baptism of fire to the cities and nations around the world. The Lord will give the baptism of revelation to the cities and nations around the world, the Lord will give the baptism of compassion to cities and nations around the world, The Lord will give the baptism of restoration, the baptism of wealth, the baptism of fear of the Lord, and baptism of mercy.

The seventh angel said to me, the Lord would release the Seven Spirits of God; the Lord will release the fullness of the Seven Spirits of the Lord upon the Church.

Furthermore, I see these angels step into these pillars of fire, and these pillars of fire went out to all nations and cities around the world.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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International Doors Wide Open

International Doors Wide Open

Elvis Iverson
May 17, 2008

I see a vision, in this vision I see an angel right next to me, saying come now let me show you what the Lord is doing!

The angel said, the Lord would open the doors to many nations within a short time, not only will He open doors to nations He will open hearts in those nations.

The first will be a ten-year open door window time, this is only the beginning and it is a grace of the Lord. The Lord will begin to pour like water grace upon many hearts around the world, and many lives will be change, and many will come to know the Lord.

The Lord is about to open international, global doors wide open this is only the beginning, this will be a 40-year window of grace and mercy.

The Lord is about to open many doors all over America, and Canada and even Mexico, upon this He will open many hearts in each of these nations, and He will open the door to many cities in America, and many hearts in Cities in America.

The Lord is about to open the door to many nations, many cities and many hearts around the world.

India, Europe, China, Africa and South America the Lord will open upon many doors and many hearts.

The Lord is about to open the door and gate of Omaha, the heart of Omaha, the heart of the Church of Omaha, and many doors and many hearts in Omaha, Nebraska USA.

Most of the all, Lord will open the heart of the church around the world, the church in many nations, the church in many cities, and the church in America.

Then the angel said to me, “I am the angel of the open door, and I am the angel of the key”.

I will open doors to wealth, favor, blessings, prophetic fulfillment, prayer fulfillment, and many other doors. I will open the doors for angelic hosts to come forth and pour out as prayed and prophesy.

The doors and gates that the Lord opens no man can shut, what the Lord will open man cannot shut, and what the Lord opens He will not shut, and what the Lord will do, man cannot stop.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Monday, November 17, 2008

My Apostles

My Apostles

Elvis Iverson
May 11, 2008

In a vision I am in the Throne Room in the Third Heaven, I hear the Voice of the Father saying to the Son, who is our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father say you are my apostle, you are the chief apostle and head of the church, you are the King of Kings over the whole earth you reign begun when were seated upon your Throne, you reign in the Earth and over all nations and over all cities and over all people groups, your reign begun when you were seated upon your Throne. Let the Kingdom of God increase greatly in these five generations, let there be great increases of the Kingdom of God in this time, and let the church increase greatly in these five generations, and let there be great increases of the Church in this time.

In addition, The Son, our Lord Jesus Christ says to the Father and to the Holy Spirit, saying I will raise up apostles, prophets, teachers, and kings in these generations, and the follow generations, I will give the church and the world great apostles, great prophet, and I will give them teachers, and I will give them great kings and I will give them kings, I will bless the work of their hands, and I will be with them, I will protect them, and I will give them favor and grace.

Moreover, I see Seven Lampstands burning day and night before the Throne of the Father and the Throne of the Son; these Seven Golden Lampstands are the Throne of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit says to the Father and the Son our Lord Jesus Christ, saying I will pour our outpourings of revivals, many revivals, I will pour our signs and wonders, I will pour out anointing and power upon apostles, prophets, teachers, the church, and the kings. I will pour outpourings of visions, dreams and prophecy upon the church. I will give harvests of souls in nations and cities around the world, I will visit many cities and many nations and I will add to the church greatly, and there will be great increases of harvest, I will pour out the revelation of the Kingdom of God, and I will manifest the manifestation of the Kingdom of God in many cities and many nations, I will unfold the Kingdom of God in many cities and many nations around the world, I first will manifest the manifestation of the Kingdom and unfold the Kingdom of God in the lives of children of God.

Our Lord Jesus Christ says, I will rise up apostles in many cities and many nations around the world.

I will rise up vertical apostles: I will rise up ecclesiastical apostles; I will rise up congregational apostles.

I will rise up horizontal apostles: I will rise up covering apostles; I will rise up territorial apostles. I will rise up marketplace apostles.

I will rise up prophets in many cities and in many nations, I will raise up kings in many cities and in many nations, I will rise up an army of kings.

I will rise up the City Church; I will raise the New Apostolic City Church, I will rise up my church in the workplace, I will rise up New Apostolic Congregations, I will rise up the New Apostolic Church!

The Holy Spirit says; I will pour our signs and wonders, visions and dreams, I will pour out revivals and manifestations, I will pour out my oil and wine upon them.

God The Father says; I will bless the work of apostolic hands, I will bless the work of Christ, I will bless the work of the Holy Spirit, I will bless the kings of the Kingdom, I will bless the apostles and the prophets, and I will bless the kings of the Kingdom, and I will bless the City Church.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Coming Great Leadership

Coming Great Leadership

Elvis Iverson
May 17, 2008

The Holy Spirit says; in this day I will raise up great leaders, there will be great leadership. I will give the church great leadership, and I will give the church in the marketplace great leadership, I will give governments around the world great leadership. This is the day of great leadership.

The Holy Spirit says; the great leadership that I shall give, I have train and mentor them for years, and in this moment I will raise them up by grace. It is grace and anointing I will raise them up.

The Holy Spirit says; I will rise up great apostles in the church around the world.

The Holy Spirit says; I will rise up great believers in the workplace, in the marketplace that will be great leaders.

The Holy Spirit says; I will rise up my people who I have called to be great leaders in governments and nations all over the world.

The Holy Spirit says; I will rise up great leadership from among my house in cities around the world to lead the cities in the visions and dreams of the Lord.

The Holy Spirit says; I will rise up great leaders to give leadership to the city church in many cities around the world.

The Holy Spirit says; I will rise up great leaders of wealth from among my people.

The Holy Spirit says; I will rise up great apostles in this day.

The Holy Spirit says; it is community, it is the believers who will do the work of the ministry, it is the corporate anointing, and it is the kings of the Kingdom, for these are great, although I will raise up great leadership, the corporate anointing is greater.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, November 14, 2008

An Angelic Meeting

An Angelic Meeting

Elvis Iverson
May 17, 2008

In a vision the place where I am in fills with cloud of the presence of the Lord, I then see angels talking with one another, an angelic meeting.

The angel of promise says the promises of prophecy and prayer is about to come forth.

The Angel called the minister of finances says there is going to be releases of great amounts of wealth, rivers of wealth that will not end.

The angel of the open door says The Lord is about to open up many doors, and many hearts around the world.

The angel of Omaha Nebraska saying Omaha is about to enter into a time of change and favor, a beginning of prophecies and prayers being fulfilled.

An angel of signs and wonders saying signs and wonders ministry is coming, signs and wonders will flow in Omaha and around the world.

Angels of the revivals saying revival will flow like a river, and testimonies of revival will begin to be reported from around the world.

An angel of harvest says harvest of souls; the Lord will increase the adding of souls in Omaha, and many cities and nations around the world.

The Angel of the Internet saying the Internet is about to come a place of favor for apostolic and prophetic ministry.

A healing angel saying there is about to be a healing river flowing throughout the church around the world.

An apostolic angel says there is going to be revelational ministry and a river of revelation, prophetic and apostolic is going to flow throughout the church around the world.

The angel of the Corporation Sole saying favor and wealth, and blessings are going to flow in Omaha and around the world.

A deliverance angel says a river of power, signs, wonders, mighty deeds, and casting out demons is to going to flow from Omaha to the church around the world.

I now see a strong angel come, he says you are right, and now we will witness the truth and faithfulness of the Lord, and the church and man will witness of the goodness and mercy of the Lord.

Now I hear the great voice of the Lord of Sabaoth, Lord of Hosts, our Lord Jesus Christ, what I prayed and what I have spoken will come to pass, who is great in the earth? The Hand of the Lord is great! The Hand of the Lord will raise up the servants of the Lord to do what I have giving them to do, the means and ways, now is the moment that destiny comes knocking, I love my church, I love my people, I love my servants, and I love their prayers, and hear them pray, and it is My Father’s good will to fulfill prayers and prophecy.

The Holy Spirit says these words are spoken to the church, the Lord speaks and the angels speak what the Lord gives them only, and the church will know the goodness and mercy of the Lord.

In this angelic vision I was in, an angelic meeting for the reasons for these prophetic words to be written and heard for the glory of Christ, it was an angelic meeting of the Lord and His prophets.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Angelic Revival

Angelic Revival

Elvis Iverson
May 17, 2008

I see a cloud coming arcos the earth, and from this cloud comes angelic outpourings.

Angels of Revival:

I see angels of revival come across America, releasing revival, these angels look like fire all over them, and I see these angels fly around the world ministering revival. I first see angels of revival visiting Singapore to release revival, and then I see angels of revival ministering revival in Japan. I see angels of revival ministering revival in Thailand. I see angels of revival ministering revival in Ukraine and Russia, I see angels of revival ministering revival in Haiti, Cuba, Jamaica, and Dominican Republic, and I see angels of revival ministering revival in Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, I see angels of revival ministering revival in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, I see angels of revival ministering revival in Canada, Netherlands, Norway, Finland, and Denmark.

Angelic Revival:

I see certain areas and certain places where I can hear the sound of rolling revival, and what I hear is the words of angelic revival. I look and I see India, in the southern part an angelic revival. I look in certain places in Africa and I see angelic revival. Now I look all across the church of America I see angelic revival.

City of Angels:

I see a vision of seven cities across the world, one in America, one in Europe, one in Africa, one in India, one in South America, one in Japan and then Singapore.

Angelic Centers:

I see a vision of certain churches, certain places, and certain meeting places these will be angelic centers, of angelic activities. I see one in America, in one in Australia, three in Europe, four in Africa, and more across the world.

Angelic Visitations:

There will be angelic visitations all over the world, and the city church and the church will be filled with angelic visitations.

Healing Angels:

There will be an increase of healing angel’s manifestations throughout the world; many will be healed giving glory to Christ.

Angels ministering to the lost:

There will be many testimonies of angels ministering to the lost in order to lead them to a believer, so that believers can lead them to Christ.

Angels dealing with governments:

You will hear the sound of angels dealing with governments sent by Christ and upon the prayers of believers.

Angels and the suffering Church:

Angels will begin increase manifestations and ministering to the church that is suffering in 50 nations around the world, dealing with those nations and governments.

Angels and the Middle East:

There will be increase and great outpourings of angels throughout the Land of Israel and upon the nations in the Middle East.

Angels and the Apostles and Prophets:

Angels will minister right side with apostles and prophets, apostles and prophets are angelic ministry carriers.

Angels and the City Church:

Angels will work, visit and minister to the city church and the work of the city church, and the unity of the city church, and the growth of the city church in the church around the world.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The spirit of Ichabod

The spirit of Ichabod

Elvis Iverson

Many cities around the world, are under the spirit of Ichabod, written upon the city church in these cities is the words Ichabod, they have stop and hinder the power of God and revival for so many years, that the presence of the Lord has departed, and the Holy Spirit no longer manifests himself among them. –(1 Sam. 4:19-22)

These are cities of confusion, no vision, no revelation, no prophetic insights, and no prophets at all. In these cities there is only a very few that ever comes to know the Lord, there is no harvest of souls, there is no harvest of labors. –(Isa. 24:10)

Revelation is rare in these cities and these city churches; there is no widespread revelation. There are no foundations of the apostles and prophets within these city churches in these cities. They are not open to the apostles or the prophets. –(1 Sam. 3:1)

There hearts have grown cold, and they are lukewarm or cold toward the Lord or the things of the Lord, they have left there first love and the first works, there hearts and ears are harden toward the Holy Spirit, and very few hear the Holy Spirit, and these city churches are filled with religious spirits. –(Heb. 3:15)

The fire upon the altar of the city church in these cities is only profane fire, and evil spirits speak and lead the city church in these cities, and the leading ministers of these cities churches in these cities are of the same spirit of Nadab and Abihu. –(Lev. 10:1-2)

The city church in these cities are in ruins, while the congregations are paneled houses; there is no revelation of the body of Christ, or unity of the church, or the vision of the city church. –(Hag. 1:2,4,8)

Before God moves upon a city or a city church He sends prophets, if they receive them, they will receive the Holy Spirit. The Lord sends prophets to minister in order to test the hearts of His people, if they are worthy of the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. –(1 Thess. 5:19-21)

The Lord sends apostles to build, to establish, to rise, and to restore if we receive them, we receive the will of God for our city and for our city church, and everything begins with prayer, prophecy, apostles and prophets. –(Isa.62: 10)

The Lord hears the prayers of the faithful and He is send His apostles and prophets to lay the foundation, to break up the fallow ground, and to raise up His will in your city and the city church. –(Hosea 10:12)

These cities of Ichabod and cities of confusion, can be change, can repent, and can have a move of God, but we must repent and seek the face of God, and be faithful and open our ears to the Holy Spirit and His apostles and prophets. –(2 Chron. 7:14)

How to break the Ichabod spirit off your city and the city church:

1. Few come together to pray faithfully.
2. Hear the prophetic words and prophecy for your city.
3. Have the revelation of the city church.
4. Hear the apostles and the prophets.
5. Open the doors of your city to apostles and prophets.
6. Repentance and identificational repentance.
7. Break the curse of Ichabod.
8. Bind the Ichabod spirit.
9. Repent of sins against the Holy Spirit.
10. Repent of sins against the apostles and the prophets.
11. Repent of sins against the church.
12. Repent of sins against one another.
13. Gather a few senior church leaders to pray and fast together, then grow the number to seven, and then begin to hold citywide prayer meetings and ministry meetings.
14. Allow the apostles and the prophets to minister.
15. Gather the prophets and allow them to speak.
16. Gather the apostles and allow the minister and to lead.
17. Allow the apostles and the prophets to lay the foundation.
18. Allow the apostles to rise up the new apostolic city church.
19. Pray for reformation for the city church, revivals for both the city church and the city, and social transformation for the city, and harvests of souls for the city church.
20. Set up a place to hold prayer, worship, and prophetic meetings on a monthly basis.
21. Reform the church, and rise up the church in the marketplace.

The Lord is speaking to those who pray for their city and pray for revival and a move of God, you have prayed for years and have seen no fruits, now today in this article the Lord is speaking truth to you, showing you the way, pray it forth and apply it to your prayers, and share this with spiritual leaders and believers who have a hearing ear. –(Matt.16: 18-19,18:18-20)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Times of Transition

Times of Transition

Clara Iverson

In times of transition, God is weaving the puzzles together. Almighty God is working behind the scene. Seemingly, nothing much is happening. Actually, the Only Wise One is causing all things to work together, so that a meaningful outcome will come forth.

During these times, we must relax and allow the wind of change to blow us to the promised land. We must guard our mind from doubt and double-mindedness. We must make a strong decision in our hearts to wholly follow God. We must lay the past behind. All the memories of sufferings, failures, good or bad choices, we must forget them all. We must cast down all vain imaginations and the fear of unknown on the cross of Calvary. Allow the blood of Jesus to wash over our mind, our emotions and our bodies. Allow the Holy Spirit to bring restoration and recovery to our entire beings.

If our mind is willing to cooperate with this first stage of letting go of the past, the wind of change will blow faster as it is a sign that we are READY to possess. If disobedience gets in the way, you could be stuck on this first stage of recovery process. Scripture says, we must set our mind and keep it set on things above. Paul beseeches us to only meditate on things that are TRUE, noble, pure, lovely and of GOOD REPORT. Paul did not tell us to entertain lies, trials, demonic attacks, lack or rejection in the past. So, friends, RENEW YOUR MIND. Everyday, Holy Spirit is trying to renew your mind. But you must cooperate. Do not plan to have one more suffering. Instead, get ready to cross over to the land flowing with honey and milk. Before you can taste the good of the land, your mind must be ready for God’s rain of goodness. Offer your mind and your heart as a living sacrifice to God by filling your mind on good, acceptable and perfect will of God---which means ONLY GOODNESS AND MERCY CAN COME TO ME.

In the past years, you might go through trials like David: hiding in the cave, escaping from your enemies, always on the move, never have much rest. But now, the time of trial is over. Saul was dead. Renew your mind. The throne is prepared for David. Now is David’s time. So, be prepared to put on royal robes and eat delicacies. Friends, if Joshua and Caleb can make it to the end, you can also do it. If Joshua and Caleb can forget 40 years’ wilderness suffering, you can also attain it. As a matter of fact, because of Caleb’s faithfulness, God has kept his promises for him.

Caleb was as strong as the day Moses sent him. Moses sent him to spy on the land when he was 40 years old. He brought back good report because he trusted in God. Now he is 85 years old. Through that 45 years, Caleb wholly followed the Lord God of Israel. He never turned to the right or to the left. His mind always recalled the great day when the Red Sea was opened and the Egyptians were punished severely. He did not allow wilderness suffering to overwhelm him. He kept renewing his mind and deliberately remembered the goodness of God. As a result, he received his inheritance and the promises of God. (Joshua 14:6-15)

Waiting is like getting on a ferry or ship. You gaze at the sky and the sea. You thought you have to wait for a while before it arrives. Nevertheless, without your conscious awareness, suddenly, immediately, you turn back and finds out all the passengers are leaving the ferry. What happens? Because WAITING IS OVER. Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. Be ready, for the promises are coming at an hour you do not expect. (Matthew 24:42) Do not plan to wait forever. Posture yourself to move forward and possess the promised land. It does not take that long for the ferry to go from one place to another.

Friends, be assured in all your hearts, and in all your souls that not one thing will fail of all the good things which the Lord your God spoke CONCERNING YOU. All will surely come to pass for you. Not one word of them will fail. (Joshua 23:14)

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

City of Revival

City of Revival

Elvis Iverson
May 10, 2008

I see in a vision of a city with clouds of glory and clouds of revival hovering over day and night. I see four gates entering into this city; the gates are named after the winds of the Holy Spirit. I enter into this city name revival, through the east gate of the wind of the Holy Spirit.

I see a wine house on the right side of the street. I enter into the wine house. An angel says this is the Wine of the Holy Spirit, this is the wine of the Glory of the Lord, and this is the restoration of the Wine of the Holy Spirit.

In addition, I walk upon the street of the city named revival, and came upon a river flowing throughout this city, and from this city flow to cities and nations around the world. An angel came by and said this is the Water of the Holy Spirit; this is the Water of the Glory of the Lord, and this is the restoration of the Water of the Holy Spirit.

Moreover, I came to a camp ground where there is a great camp meeting going on, and I could see a great camp fire burning in the center of there meetings. An angel came by and said this is the fire of the Holy Spirit, this is the fire of the glory of the Lord, and this is the restoration of the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Besides, I now see a place in the city of revival where the four winds of the Holy Spirit gather, an angel walked up to me and said this is the Wind of the Holy Spirit, this is the Wind of the Glory of the Lord, and this is the restoration of the Wind of the Holy spirit.

Now I came to a Olive Oil house, I enter into this house, and an angel meet me there and said this is the Oil of the Holy Spirit, this is Oil of the glory of the Lord, and this is the restoration of the Oil of the Holy Spirit.

Apart from that I saw pillars of Fire and Pillars of Clouds throughout the City of Revival, and then I seen new apostolic congregations throughout the city of revival. Then I came to the center of the city of revival, and I found The New Apostolic City Church, and I could see the resting revival and resting glory of the Lord hovering and resting upon the New Apostolic City Church center of the New Apostolic City Church in the City Church!

However, an angel was standing next to me, he said this city is the new wineskin of revival. Yes there are other wineskins of revival; this is a better wineskin of revival, the best is the mature city church, that is the future, we are in the now, revival is now and in your generation and time. This is a better wineskin of revival today.

Furthermore, this is the city that shall arise in many cities or maybe all cities, the will of Christ is for all cities to have revival, and revival will come to all cities and to all nations, and the church will be filled with revivals.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Unfolding Revival Presence

Unfolding Revival Presence

Elvis Iverson
May 24, 2008

The Presence of the Lord is manifesting today around the world through revival, this is the day of ongoing revival, we are entering into a time of a beginning of revivals, restoration of revival and we will never again live without revival.

Times of refreshing and times of restoration come from the Presence of the Lord, the presence of the Lord is greater then times of refreshing or times of restoration, or times of revival, but they are a manifesting of the presence of the Lord. Repentance opens the door to times of refreshing, we must change our minds so that the Lord can change our hearts.

The Lord wants revival to come to every city, but first He wants the whole church to live and experience revival. The Lord is speaking to His servants the Apostles and the Prophets; He says teach my people revival, supernatural, the power of God, and the presence of the Lord.

The Holy Spirit says, REVIVALS, REVIVALS, REVIVALS, has He said these words, faith and grace and a holy impartation came from the Throne Room into the heart of the receivers.

I see this angel before me, he says I am an angel of revival, I am an angel of the minister of revival, I come to bring an holy anointing and a grace to be imparted, you will never again be the same, revival will always be with you, this is the will of the Lord for you.

The Holy Spirit says revival is coming, revival has begun, revivals will unfold, revival is in near you, revival is in your mouth, and revival is in your heart!

I see a vision of an outpouring of revival angels all over the earth. I see revival angels being poured out upon cities, and I see angels of revival being released into the church around the world.

Now I see a vision of the Throne Room. I see burning pillars of fire before me! The Holy Spirit says the revivals that come after reformation will be greater, will be stronger, and will be lasting, and there will be a restoration of revivals, and the church will never, never, and never again be without revival. There is revival before reformation, and there is revival coming with reformation, and there will be revival that follows reformation, reformation will lay the foundations for lasting revivals. Then the pillars of fire when throughout the church and throughout the world. These are pillars of fire revival! Then I see pillars of clouds before me, these are pillars of cloud revival, and these pillars of cloud went throughout the church and the world.

Now I see a vision of pillars of the Spirit before me, one is the pillar of reformation, and this pillar went throughout the church, this pillar become powerful divine changes throughout the church. The next pillar was revival, and revival went throughout the church and the earth, from this pillar came many pillars, and from those pillars came even more pillars of revival. Now I see a pillar of social transformation and this pillar went throughout the earth in many cities and in many nations, and this pillar became many, and those pillars became many, and now I see a pillar of harvest, this pillar of harvest become many, even more, and again those became many more, and went throughout the church and the earth.

I see a vision of a house burning with revival fire and revival glory, the Holy Spirit says this is the house of revival that I am building, the door is now open to you, come and enter, become apart of this house of revival that I am building for the glory of Christ, the love of the Father, the edification of the church and the increase of the Kingdom of God. This house of fire will grow and increase and grow as the parable of the mustard seed.

Then I see an angel, this angel is great, he comes down and the Holy Spirit gives him a bag of mustard seeds and says, spread them throughout the church in the hearts of believers all over the world.

I now see a company of angels come before the Holy Spirit, He says go now and guard the mustard seeds, for they shall become very fruitful, for I have anointed every mustard seed in this bag for the glory of Christ.

I now see a vision of a coming cloud toward me; this cloud I hear is the unfolding revival presence.

Father we pray for revival fire to come upon the hearts of all believers in the church around the earth. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Sunday, November 09, 2008

Revivals in America

Revivals in America

Elvis Iverson
May 10, 2008

In a vision I see the United States of America. The Holy Spirit says to me, this is the land of revivals, mercy and blessings and freedom. Now I will show you the things to come. In a vision I see the whole of America before the eyes of my heart. I hear a voice, a mighty voice in the sky saying over America I have mercy on you.

I then see pillars of revival established in certain cities around America. The Holy Spirit says these are centers of revival in America. Now I see more pillars of Fire moving throughout America, the Holy Spirit say these are visitation revivals, some are extreme, some are massive, and some are lasting, Now I see more pillars of fire moving in certain areas in America, the Holy Spirit says these are seasonal revivals.

Moreover, I see pillars of clouds over cities, some will hover, some will move from city to city, some will hover over certain meetings and congregations and some will hover over certain servants of the Lord. The Holy Spirit says these are revivals that only the church shall be blessed with.

However, I see a revival outpouring or awaking over the whole nation of America. I see more then one; I see waves of revival coming one after another across America. The Holy Spirit says these are nation wide revivals that shall come across and upon America.

On the contrary, I see other pillars, other clouds, and angels flowing like rivers or outpourings, or breakthroughs, the Holy Spirit says these are other kinds of moves of God, which are social transformation and harvest.

In addition, I see a city in America where the Pillar of Fire and Pillar of Cloud both meet and rest, this is visitation, this is massive, this is extreme, this is lasting, this is seasonal, and this is resting. I see pillars of fire and pillars of clouds around the Pillar of Fire and Pillar of cloud that meet and dwell in this city. The Holy Spirit says, this is the city of revivals in America.

Nevertheless, I see a pillar of fire that rest on the New Apostolic City Church Center, of the New Apostolic City Church in the City Church, in certain cities in America. The Holy Spirit says this is resting revival that come only upon the city church.

Apart from that, I see revivals in other cities in other places around the world in other nations.

Furthermore, I see certain cities and certain areas in America, where angels come to set the revival of fire to burn throughout America. The Holy Spirit says this is restoration of fire of the glory of the Lord and of the Holy Spirit.

Conclusion, I now see a Pillar of fire burn throughout the church of America, and then I see a Pillar of Cloud that follows right behind the Pillar of Fire. The Holy Spirit says reformation will come; massive reformation burn throughout the church of America, and then revival will follow reformation.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, November 07, 2008

Journey To The Coming Glory

Journey To The Coming Glory

Elvis Iverson
May 9, 2008

The End!

In a vision I see a world and environment of influence; I see a city, and around this great city, I see towns and villages. The name of this city is Babylon, some of the names of the towns were called Ichabod, rebellion, witchcraft, fear, divination, religion, and Jezebel, and some of the villages were called rejection, bitterness, unforgiveness, strife, hated, and division.

In this vision I was among the people of a town named Ichabod, I would seek the Lord, pray, prophecy, worship, and practice the presence of the Lord. However the people don’t want to hear or witness of these practices of faith. Anyways I prayed and fasted, I made intercession for these people, and the people in this environment. The time came after seven years; an angel came down from the Third Heaven. He said you must now come out from among them, and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness. So I obey the leading of the Lord, as I begun to leave this town, I had an encounter with the LORD; He said you have obey My voice, now go to each of these villages, towns and the city of unfruitfulness. There are others that I had already sent before, and there will be others I will send after you, and there are others who I am sending right now as I send you to speak to these villages, towns and the city of hopeless. You will say, “Let MY People GO”

Moreover, I went from village to villages saying to each village The LORD says LET MY PEOPLE GO! Few will be set free; it was only those who desired the presence of the Lord. If they desired, the villages had to let them go. Only those who wanted the realm of the village more then the presence of the Lord remain.

Moreover, I want from Town to Town saying to each town The LORD says LET MY PEOPLE GO! Few will be set free; it was only those who desired the presence of the Lord. If they desired, the town had to let them go. Only those who wanted the realm of the town more then the presence of the Lord remain.

Nevertheless, I cry unto the LORD saying why only a few desire the presence of the Lord, why only a few were set free and enter into freedom of the Spirit? Then the Holy Spirit said network and fellowship with other messengers that I have sent. So I obeyed and seek out the messengers of freedom and of the presence of the Lord. We then begun to come together two, three, four, five, six, seven, and so on, we came together to fellowship, to pray, to love one another, to speak to one another, to minister to one another, and build one another up. We would come together to fellowship from time to time, and as we each when out to speak the prophetic word to these towns and villages more and more begun to be set free and enter into freedom of the Spirit.

Now an angel comes down from Third Heaven and said, “it is now time to go to the city of bondage and speak the words of the LORD!

We begun to obey the leading of the LORD, however some messengers were stoned at the gates of the city of Babylon. It was hard to enter into these gates, they were bronze gates, and iron gates, however, through much prayer and fasting angels came down, and the anointing came upon us, and few enter into the city of Babylon, we were led to first build a resting place, then build underground network of fellowships throughout the city, and open wide the gates of this city to the messengers of freedom. In these meetings the fire of the Lord will come, the glory of the Lord will come, the presence of the Lord, and revelation will come and prophetic rivers will flow, and there was signs and wonders. Many upon many will repent and enter into the freedom of the Spirit. In those days our numbers grow, and the unity among the believers increased. As the Holy Spirit manifestation increase, the gates were opened wide even more, to the point where mass numbers could leave the city to begin the journey to the coming glory.

The Holy Spirit says, the presence and glory of the Lord is limited in this city, however there requires a certain degree of manifestation to open the gates wide enough that there could be at those opportunities a mass exodus, for He does not want us to leave until there can be a mass exodus.

The opportunities for mass exodus are almost upon us, we have been planting the seeds in the hearts of the believers, and revelation brings a harvest of reformation and revival.

Now I see in the near day when the mass exoduses will come, the LORD says there will be 12 mass exoduses; these mass exoduses will shake the city of Babylon.

Apart from that, I see the deserts on the journey to the coming glory. As the great multitudes of the freedom of the Spirit enter into these deserts, the towns and villages, were set on fire and begun to burn day and night until they were burn to ground, the city of Babylon was set on fire in many places throughout the city, and fires burn day and night until the city burn to the ground.

The first desert we pass through was the desert of repentance, the second desert we pass through was the desert of prayer, the third desert we pass through was the desert of worship, and the fourth desert we pass through was the desert of revelation, and the fifth desert we pass through was desert of signs and wonders. In each of these deserts we saw camps where apostles and prophets would minister reformation to those who pass through these deserts on the journey to the coming glory.

Apart from that, we came to a new world and environment of influence, we seen only one city, this is the city of God, that is in every city around the earth, which is the city that shall arise in every city around the earth.

We see rivers of glory, rivers of revival, rivers of signs and wonders, rivers of wealth, rivers of healing, and rivers of blessings, rivers of revelation flowing throughout the city of God and went from the city of God throughout the earth.

We see clouds of glory, clouds of blessings, clouds of angelic outpouring, clouds of mercy, clouds of revival, and clouds of anointing that hovered over the city of God. These clouds will rain and give a mist upon the city of God.

We see pillars of fire, pillars of prophetic revival, pillars of blessings, and pillars of grace that burn throughout the City of God. We will see angels walk and moving throughout the city of God. We will see winds of change, winds of the Spirit, winds of revival, winds of signs and wonders, winds of blessings, winds of restoration, winds of the Kingdom of God blow throughout the city of God.

Furthermore, the LORD says this city is the city prophesies in Revelation and Ezekiel, and the name of this city is named YHWH Shammah. I have now found my resting place.

The Beginning!

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Stronger Order of Apostles and Prophets

Stronger Order of Apostles and Prophets

Elvis Iverson

Apostles and prophets are first and second in the order of church government, apostles and prophets are sent and send ones, apostles and prophets are gatekeepers and watchmen, and apostles and prophets are judges and counselors at the gate of the city. Apostles and prophets are foundational, revelational, impartational ministry to the church; apostles and prophets are reformation, revival, and social transformation ministry to the church and the world. –(Eph. 2:20)

The New Wineskins are coming forth and the New Wines are being poured out filling the new wineskins, the New Wineskins can connect to one another and promote unity and the ministry of Christ in our cities. The New Wineskins are a growing and maturing structure; it is an environment of relationship building, fellowshipping, spiritual growth and spirituiral maturity, fathering and mentoring, the believer’s ministry, spiritual gifts, signs and wonders, revival, harvest, and the Holy Spirit. –(Psa. 133)

Some apostles and some prophets are not of the new wineskins; they have the title not the New Apostolic revelational structures. What we need is apostles and prophets of the New Wineskins. –(LK. 5:33-39)

We need a stronger order of apostles and prophets, the first waves of apostles and prophets have prepared for the coming waves of apostles and prophets. –(Isa. 62:10)

Stronger Order of the Apostles and Prophets:

1. Apostles and Prophets who love and seek unity, and to cooperation with the Body of Christ.
2. Apostles and Prophets of the New Wineskins.
3. Apostles and Prophets of Freedom and Liberty.
4. Apostles and Prophets of the servant Heart.
5. Apostles and Prophets who believe in the glorious destiny of the church.
6. Apostles and Prophets who seek relationship and fellowship with other apostles and prophets.
7. Apostles and Prophets of the plurality of elders.
8. Apostles and Prophets who believe in the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry.
9. Apostles and Prophets who believe in the church in the marketplace.
10. Apostles and Prophets who believes in the City Church.

The Church is an organic church, we do not need organization flowing against Church organism, and instead we need structure that flows with the organic church build on relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and relationship with one another, and build upon grace and truth, and Spirit. –(1 Cor. 12,13,14)

Remember love never fails; Teachers bring faith, prophets bring hope and apostles bring love. We may disagree, however let us always love the Lord, love one another, forgive, and give place to love even if those believers and spiritual leaders don’t agree and don’t like us, we must give place to love always, for when the day is long gone and over, it is love that matters. –(1 Cor. 13:13,8)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Approved by God

Approved by God

Clara Iverson

Do not get startled when you are tested again! If Peter was tested and Abraham was tried, we will surely be put through fire. It is vital that we realize this: We will always be tested right after a significant victory, such as a powerful healing or right before the manifestation of a long-waited promise. If we will be ready of this kind of patterns, the possibility to overcome the next temptation will be higher.

Please also notice that God did not tempt us. Satan is the one who tempts you. God allows those temptations to come to check our heart conditions. It seems like the demonic cohorts in hell somehow can find out God’s divine time clock on us. It is like satan knows the best moment to push your button. If you are still on chapter one, he will leave you alone, but only temporarily. Wait until you are on the chapter when you are about to usher in your destiny, he will surely show up and give you a surprise. You thought you would not betray Jesus. Wait until the onset of extreme fiery trial, when everyone ran away from Jesus and even a stranger’s careless words at the fireplace could entice Peter to disown Jesus.

God is constantly checking our hearts to see if we are WORTHY of the upward call of God. He wants to make sure we bear fruits of repentance worthy of the high calling. He cannot give us pearls lightly. Only those who possess the holy fear of God can be entrusted with great power and significant responsibility. He needs to be certain there are “no part dark” in us any more. No more baggage, bitterness, unforgiveness or unsettled issues remain in us. That is why once a while, He will give you a similar situation to see how you react. If you have truly settled things in the past and have totally forgiven those who had hurt you harshly, you will respond with grace, mercy, and love to your PRESENT SITUATION.

If this majestic God evokes complete awe on us, we will absolutely guard our hearts from offence. Offence is the most common form of tests God allows to come to our ways. Most people lose their healing right away when someone offend them on their way out of the healing avenues. The devil is good at stealing your victory. Get ready and be prepared to lay down your life for Jesus. We must protect our victory and healing. Abide in love and be quick to forgive. Overcome all accusations by the power of Jesus’ love. Do not try to defend yourself. Sometimes the adversary is probably right. Let Jesus be your advocate. Christ IS making intercession for you day and night. Stand still and you will see the salvation of the Lord. Once again I repeat, we must guard our victory from offence.

In times of tests, we cannot succumb to the voice of the flesh. Obey your heart where the Holy Spirit resides. There is just a fine line to choose between right and wrong. We can act impulsively, pamper our flesh uncontrollably or we can put to death the deeds of the flesh, by the mighty power of the Holy Spirit from within. We do not have to lose our destiny like Moses did. We should be able to supersede Moses’ mistake and possess or victory. The bible is for application, not for listening only. We must DO the word, apply the word to every situation and every test. We must show our God that we are indeed worthy of that healing, deliverance, precious promises and the high callings He had predestined us to walk in them.

Choose this day whom you will serve. Choose this day which Bible characters you want to be. Do you want to be like Moses who made a mistake at Kadesh and lost his destiny? Or do you prefer to be Caleb who obeyed God’s voice all the way till the end? Let us imitate Joseph who said “NO” to fleshy temptations. Let our hearts be steadfast, never sway, no matter how much heat this fire intensifies. In the end, God will accredit us as we achieve our stunning victory.

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Four Years of Contemplation

Four Years of Contemplation

Elvis Iverson
October 25, 2008

The Prayer of Contemplation is a prayer of centering on God, long waiting times upon the Lord, which leads to supernatural encounters from the Throne Room. –(Hab. 2:1, Dan. 9,10, Acts 10)

The Lord spoke to me saying four years of contemplation. This is why we need to understand the prayer of contemplation, and understand how to apply and begin to enter into the prayer of contemplation.

An outpouring of prophecy, visions, dreams, trances, angelic encounters, Throne Room Encounters, and supernatural encounters that will change lives, beginning with ours and then touching those around us, for visitation will bring manifestation in your life and ministry. –(Acts 17-18, Acts 10, Dan. 9,10)

Contemplation is a key to supernatural encounters that led to manifestation of the Spirit in our lives. The Lord through the prayer of contemplation will help us overcome and pass through the next four years; contemplation is a key to overcome the next four years.

Can the heart of a nation be change, this is what the Lord is asking us, and I believe the Lord is going to change the heart of America.

Our Lord Jesus Christ already reign on earth from heaven, the Kingdom of God has already came and begun in Acts Two, now it is time for church to change our minds so the Lord can change our hearts, we need to realign the church once again with the Kingdom of God, so that we can see the increase of the Kingdom of God and great increases of the Kingdom of God in our own generation and age. The Kingdom of God has already come, and the Increase of the Kingdom is through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the fullness of the Kingdom is at the return of Christ. –(Phil. 2:5-11)

Our Lord Jesus Christ reigns today over America, and over all nations and over the Earth!

America will bear fruits worthy of repentance, theses fruits will point to true repentance, and America will bear. –(Matt. 3:8)

America will bear the fruits that lead to true repentance, the divine ax will be laid to the root problems in America, therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit will be cut down. The Spirit of repentance will sweep across America; there will be great, deep, and massive true repentance. Revival fires are coming to America, the Lord will baptize America with revival fire. –(Matt. 3:8-12)

There will be a mighty prayer movement that will sweep America; the Spirit of Prayer will be poured out in great ways upon America. The Lord will heal America; times of healing and times of restoration will come to America. –(2 Chron. 7:14)

The Spirit and Power of Elijah will come upon the Church of America. There will be a restoration of fathers and sons, there will be a restoration of the hearts of fathers turning to the sons, there will be a restoration of the heats of the sons turning to the fathers, many people will turned to the Lord in the Church. There is coming the restoration of heart in the Church, a restoration of hearts in the Church. –(Mal. 4:6, LK. 1:16-17)

The restoration of many generations, and the restoration of generation blessings will come, and the ministries of the restoration of many generations and generation blessings shall arise in the hearts of believers throughout the church. –(Isa. 58:12, 61:4)

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Understanding Contemplation

Elvis Iverson

We are to be faithful in prayer; we are to be faithful in prayers of supplication, petition, intercession, and etc. before moving on to the prayer of contemplation. A person should be fruitful and faithful in personal prayer life and knowledge in prayer before entering into the prayer of contemplation. –(1 Tim. 2:1)

The Prayer of Contemplation is a prayer of centering on God, long waiting times upon the Lord, which leads to supernatural encounters from the Throne Room. –(Hab. 2:1, Dan. 9,10, Acts 10)

The Lord will act for the one who waits upon Him, those who wait upon the Lord shall come into renew and grow wings of the supernatural to fly and enter into Throne Room Encounters. There is a time that you will come into your Christian walk in your prayer life when you will be still and know that your God is God. Be still and know that I am God. –(Isa. 64:4, 40:31, Psa. 46:10)

During the prayer of contemplation you enter into deep peace of God that will surpasses all you’re understanding, and the love of God passes knowledge, and you will have joy inexpressible. –(Phil. 4:7, Eph. 3:19, 1 Pet. 1:8)

In the prayer of contemplation you will come deep and go from the deep to the deep of the Lord. The prayer of contemplation is deep calls unto deep. –(Psa. 42:7, 1,2)

The Prayer of contemplation begins with three steps/three phases, which are prayer of recollection, prayer of quiet, and the prayer of ecstasy. –(Psa. 37:4)

Before you begin to practice contemplation get your house in order, prepare your heart, have a recorder ready, so you can write those times down, set a full day apart, and even have another day back up, if you go for one to the next. Set the whole day apart, sleep good the night before, pray in a relaxing and comforting place, eat good before you begin, and a drink of water beside you, and set the alarm clock before you begin. The prayer of contemplation will take more hours and most of your day, if you go into the supernatural encounters of the God kind it will even take longer, that is why you set two days apart for the prayer of contemplation, you may not see any real fruit the first times, keep practicing and allow the Lord to do the work of contemplation, contemplation is a work of the Lord not your work, only you need is grace for contemplation. Contemplation is not for trying, it is for faithful practicing and allowing the Lord to led you and dealing with you, while you wait upon the Lord.

The Lord is restoring the prayer of contemplation, we have entered into the restoration of the prayer of contemplation, and each prayer of faith and each prayer of the Lord will be restored. There has begun a prayer movement of the prayer of contemplation that the Lord wants many to be apart of, to have visitation, which will give a manifestation of the Spirit in our lives. –(Col. 3:1-4, Rev. 4:1)

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Beginning in 2008

Elvis Iverson
November 3, 2007

Beginning in 2008, and to the next four years, from 2008, to 2009, to 2010, and 2011. The Lord is speaking repentance, refreshing, and restoration. What are coming to America are repentance, refreshing, and restoration. The next four years will be years of repentances, refreshing, and restoration. –(Acts 3:19-21)

In America, America will bear the fruits worthy of repentance. We will see these fruits come forth, this is a work of the Spirit, and this is a work of intercession that has come to fullness in the Throne Room, and now the beginning of fulfillment of intercession for America will begin. –(Matthew 3:8-12)

The time of shaking that has already begun will continue, and will prepare the way for divine changes and blessings, and prepare the way for more times of shaking, and these times of shaking will go throughout the world and the church, they will bring freedom and liberty to the church around the world.

Times of repentance will come to America beginning in these next four years. The next four years will be the beginning of these times of repentance that will come to America.

Times of repentance will come to the church, the next four years is the beginning of this time of repentance in the church.

Times of repentance will come to the spiritual leadership in the church in America. The next four years is the beginning of this time of repentance in the spiritual leadership in the church in America.

Times of repentance will come to the family life in America. The next four years is the beginning of this time of repentance in the family life in America.

Times of repentance will come to the children and youth in America. The next four years is the beginning of this time of repentance in the children and youth in America.

Times of repentance will come to the government in America. The next four years is the beginning of this time of repentance in the government in America.

Times of repentance will come to the business and the workplace in America. The next four years is the beginning of this time of repentance in the business and workplace in America.

Times of refreshing is coming to America, beginning in 2008, in the next four years will be the beginning of the times of refreshing coming to America.

Times of refreshing is coming to America; first the church, second to the family, thirdly to the children and youth, fourthly to the government, and then the business and workplace.

The Presence of the Lord will bring the times of repentance, and the times of refreshing, and the times of restoration to the church and America.

The Presence of the Lord will become so real in our lives, in our churches, in our cities, in our communities, in our families, in our nation; love the Lord, fear the Lord and practicing the presence of the Lord will be our heart purpose in the church in America and America.

The presence of the Lord will begin to manifest and unfold in our churches and in our cities, and we will see and know the wonders and acts of the presence of the Lord in the community of faith in each of our cities.

The Revelation of the presence of the Lord will be unfolding in the church around America, the presence of the Lord is the key to many things and all things that we need and want, and those things we pray for, we will make changes to have an environment for the presence of the Lord to come and dwell. Not just a visit, instead to dwell, and the life of the presence of the Lord.

Times of restoration are coming to America; the next four years will be the beginning of the times of restoration for America, not only times of restoration, also times of progression, times of restoration for the church, the family, children and youth, the government, business and workplace in America.

The next four years is the preparation and the beginning of the coming fires of God upon the church, upon our cities and upon our nation. –(Matt. 3:8-12)

The fires of repentances, the fires of changes, the fires of reformation, the fires of revivals, the fires of social transformations, and the fires of harvests are coming to America and the church in America. The restoration of the fire of the Holy Spirit, and the restoration of the fire of the glory of the Lord is coming.

Apart from that, Reformation will lay the foundation for revivals, social transformations, harvests, and the restoration of the glory of the Lord, the oil of glory, the fire of glory, the wind of glory, the water of glory, and the wine of glory.

Furthermore, God loves all nations, and God loves America, God hears our prayers, and He is speaking to His prophets, and His apostles are being raised up, God wants to bring mercy and goodness to the church, bring revival, and glory, and bring social transformations to cities, nations and the world, and this is the will of God and the soon future.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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