Friday, January 30, 2009

Visions of the Apostolic Church

Visions of the Apostolic Church

Elvis Iverson

We are in the second apostolic age of the church, the first apostolic age was in the Book of Acts, we are seen the restoration of the prophets, and we have seen the restoration of the apostles, and the foundation of the church are apostles and prophets, and the foundation of the apostles and prophets are being laid throughout the church around the world, and already we have entered into the New Apostolic Reformation, and the church of the third reformation is the new apostolic church. –(Heb. 9:10)

Reformation has come to lay the foundation and prepare the way for the revival life, revivals, lasting revivals, many revivals, and the resting revivals to come upon the church and the world. –(Eph. 2:19-22)

The whole church will go through reformation, this is the beginning of the end of many groups and many churches, and this is the beginning of new groups and new churches that will have unity and an oneness among them, for after this reformation the groups and the churches that remain will be in unity and in oneness. –(Psa. 133)

The New Apostolic Church is like a wild fire burning throughout the church, the Lord will establish the new apostolic church in every city and in every nation, and the new apostolic church will fill the whole church, and the whole church will become the apostolic church. –(Heb. 12:25-29)

The Lord will rise up the new apostolic congregations in every church, where there is the plurality of elders, with a set man leading the plurality of elders, the set man is a leading apostle of the plurality of elders, and the leading plurality of elders are apostles, prophets, and teachers, the leading elders of the new apostolic congregation is apostles, prophets, and teachers. The new apostolic congregation is a network of home churches, with a center meeting place for the equipping of the saints, for the ministry of the apostles, prophets, and teachers, and the ministry of the pastor is in the home church. In the new apostolic congregation the believers do the work of the ministry, and the five-fold ministry equips the saints, and the outreach of the new apostolic congregation is the marketplace church. –(1 Cor. 12:28)

The Lord is establishing the New Apostolic City Church, in many cities and in all cities around the world, the New Apostolic City Church is the next level of the growth of the city church, and the city church in the end times is the mature city church. The New Apostolic City Church is a network of new apostolic congregations, with a network of apostles at the city level, and there is a city church apostle leading the New Apostolic City Church Network, and there is a New Apostolic City Church Center for 24 hours 7 days of prayer, worship, and prophetic watch, and is home to the ministries that minister to the city as a whole, and the city church as a whole, and the outreach of the city church is the marketplace church. –(Eph. 2:19-22)

Besides, the Lord is rising up the city church, regional church, national church, and the global church. –(Acts 13:1,Acts 18:22,Rom. 16:1,1 Cor. 16:19, Acts 15:41, Rom. 16:4)

The Lord is rising up Apostolic networks all over the world, vertical apostolic networks, horizontal apostolic networks, and city church apostolic networks around the world. –(Matt. 13:47)

This is the Apostolic Church age of the Church! We have the Chief Apostle and Head of the Church our Lord Jesus Christ leading, building and rising up the Apostolic Church, with the Holy Spirit, for the Holy Spirit is the sending Spirit of the Father, He is the Apostolic Spirit of Christ leading the apostles, and the Father is the Apostolic Father sending Christ into the world to begin all these good things, the church, the Kingdom, the salvation of Israel, salvation of the world, and the restoration and healing of all nations. –(Heb. 3:1)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, January 23, 2009

The Torah and Israel and The Church

The Torah and Israel and The Church

Elvis Iverson

The Third reformation of the Church, the New Apostolic reformation will bring a restoration of the Torah to the church, and a reformation of the Gentile Church, and application of the Torah in faith, grace, love, life, and the Spirit will come to the church around the world, and this will bring an outpouring of blessings of the Torah upon the church. –(Rom.8: 2)

We as believers we to love and pray for Jerusalem, Israel, and the Jewish people from around the world. The day will come when the church and Israel will be one in Christ. –(Psa. 122:6)

The Lord in this New Apostolic Reformation, will raise up the new apostolic church around the world, the new apostolic church is the church of the third reformation of the church, and soon the church will become filled with the new apostolic church, and in Israel and among all Jewish people around the world, the New Apostolic Messianic Church shall raise, and the Lord will restore Jewish apostles and Jewish prophets and they will seek to fellowship and network with Gentile apostles and Gentile prophets and this will lead to the restoration of the oneness between the church and Israel. –(Eph. 2:11-22)

The restoration of the Torah to the Church, the restoration of the Sabbath, and the Restoration of the Feasts to the Church will prepare the way for the spiritual restoration of Israel and the restoration of the oneness between the church and Israel. Israel has already been restore in history now their will the spiritual restoration of Israel, which is Israel coming to their Messiah Jesus. –(Rom. 9,11, 10:1)

Spiritual Israel is the Jewish believers born of the Spirit, they are Jews who are both Jews in the flesh and in the Spirit, those Jews who don’t know Christ yet are Jews only in the flesh, they are real Jews, and when Jew comes to Christ, born again, born of the Spirit, he is then a Jew inwardly, he is a Jew in the spirit too. The Church of Israel, is not the church around the world, instead it the church in Israel, although the church in Israel is apart of the church around the world. –(Rom. 2:28-29)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Torah and The Church

The Torah and The Church

Elvis Iverson

The Restoration of the Torah has begun to be restored to the Church, with that restoration will come the blessed life, a life of blessings, and the life of the Torah, the Torah of the Spirit and Life in Christ Jesus. Our Lord Jesus Christ came to bring the fullness of the Torah, and to fulfill the Torah, and in Christ the Torah is fulfill, and you can walk in the fullness of the Torah, the Torah of the Spirit and life in Christ Jesus, through the Blood of Christ we have access to the Torah, and through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit the Torah is restore to the whole world. –(Matt. 5:17, Rom. 8:2)

All believers are to walk in signs and wonders, we are all to walk in the common power of God, and we want to see the signs of the early, even greater today and tomorrow. –(MK. 16:17-18)

We have Spirit, we have Christ, we have Faith, we have the Gifts of the Spirit, we have the anointing, we have love, however we don’t have the Torah, we need a restoration of the Torah in our lives. –(Rom. 8:2)

The missing link is we don’t have the Torah, we need to have faith in the Torah, the early Church had the Torah and they walk in signs and wonders, if you want signs and wonders, you need to rediscover the Torah today. –(2 Thess. 2:13,2 Tim. 3:14-17)

The Apostles in the early church walk in power, signs, and mighty deed, today we have already seen the restoration of the apostles, but now we need the restoration of signs, wonders, and mighty deeds, the signs of an apostle to be restored. –(2 Cor. 12:12)

The missing link is that the early apostles had the Torah, and the apostles today do not have the Torah. The apostles believed in the Torah, they had the life of the Torah, the Spirit of the Torah, the Torah of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus, but today apostles don’t have the Torah; let us return to the Torah of the Four Gospels. –(Jn. 1:14)

Today the prophets make mistakes in the prophetic, they error in prophecy sometimes, some of there prophecy falls to the ground. Yes prophets are not prefect and they will mature, and with maturity comes better prophecy, and there is coming a day when prophets prophesy and all prophecy will comes to pass. –(1 Thess. 5:19-22)

The missing link is the Torah, the prophets had the Torah, and they were train in the Torah from childhood, and they came to Christ, and the Torah came alive, and the Torah give them power to prophecy, and none of their prophecies fall to the ground, and they came to pass. –(Acts 11:27-30)

The Torah is the beginning of the revelation of God, and if any prophet does not prophesy according to the Torah, you must disagree with him, if his prophesy and the prophecy comes to pass, but points to a other god, or lead you away from God, He is not a prophet from God, the Torah in the Prophet in Christ comes alive with the Spirit and prophesy prophecy that comes to pass and leads to Christ. –(Deut. 13:1-5,Deut. 18:20-22)

The Torah is the beginning of the revelation of God, and all prophets, and all apostles, and all things after the Torah has to agree with the Torah to be from God. All Holy Scriptures agree with the Torah, the New Testament and the Four Gospels agree with the Torah, and the Holy Spirit comes to guide us in truth, and to guide us in the Word, and to guide us in the Torah, and He will not say anything that does not line up with the Torah, and this is the missing link of the church; we need a restoration of the Torah. –(2 Tim. 3:16-17, 2 Pet. 1:20-21)

The Torah was giving on Mount Sinai to Moses, a type of Christ, for the people of God; the feast of Pentecost is the celebration when the Torah was giving, and the coming of the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost. There is a connection between the Torah and the Holy Spirit, When the Holy Spirit came, and the Torah was restored to the earth. If we renew the Torah in our lives we will have an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and power in our lives. –(Ex. 19, 20, Acts 1, 2, Ex. 23:14-17, Lev. 23)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, January 16, 2009

The Torah and You

The Torah and You

Elvis Iverson

The Torah is the door to blessings, and the Gospels are the key to open this door to blessings. Without the Four Gospels you cannot open the door to blessings. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the door to blessings. For Christ is the end of the Torah for righteousness to everyone who believers. The Torah did not come to an end when Christ came and die on the Cross and rose again, Christ give the Torah to Moses, Christ is the Living Torah, and Christ is the Torah, in Christ the Torah is fulfilled in you, and you can walk in the fullness of the Torah in Christ. The Torah has not ended, instead our Lord Jesus Christ is the Torah, and through Christ we have access to the Torah. –(Rom. 10:4)

You are not under the misapplication of the Torah, the righteous works of the Torah, works for salvation, or the condemnation of the Torah but under grace you apply the Torah by the Holy Spirit. Instead, we now have the application of the Torah; we apply the Torah by faith, by grace, by love, and by Spirit. –(Rom. 6:14)

The Torah of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus is the Torah and the Gospels in oneness in Christ opening to you the life of the Spirit and blessings. The Torah applied with the Four Gospels is the Torah of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. –(Rom. 8:1-2)

The hearing of faith you receive the Spirit, the supply of the Spirit and works of miracles come by the hearing of faith. It is the hearing of faith is the beginning application of the Torah that brings the outpouring of blessings that so many Christians are looking, seeking and praying for. We are free from the misapplication of the Torah that brings the curses, however in Christ we have access to the Torah without the righteous works of the Torah, works for salvation, or the condemnation of the Torah, in Christ we have the true application of the Torah, which is faith, grace, love, life, and Spirit. –(Gal. 3:1-9)

Through Christ on the cross we are free from the law of sin and death, the misapplication of the Torah, and we are free from the curses of the righteous works of the Torah, works for salvation, or the condemnation of the Torah, and in Christ we have the blessings of the Torah. –(Gal. 3:10-14)

Abraham was before the Torah; He had faith in Christ, the Torah giver, and the Torah, for Christ is the living Torah. Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. This is the True application of the Torah, and in Christ every believer has access to the Torah through Christ, by faith. –(Gal. 3:6-9, Rom. 4:1-8)

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the door to blessings; the Torah is the door to blessings, and the Four Gospels is the key to the Torah the door to blessing, the key is the application of faith, grace, love, life, and Spirit. –(Rom. 8:1-2)

The Torah is the beginning of the revelation of God, and the Torah is the revelation of the nature of Christ, the Four Gospels is the fullness of the Torah, and the manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in Christ you have access to the Torah. –(Matt. 5:17-20)

The Torah is the door to blessings, and our Lord Jesus Christ is the Torah, and the Torah is the beginning revelation of God, and the Torah is the revelation of the nature of Christ, and if you seen Christ who is the fullness of the Godhead, and the fullness of the Torah. The Four Gospels are the application of the Torah; we apply the Torah by faith, grace, love, life, and Spirit. –(Matt. 5:17)

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the way to blessings, the Truth, meaning the Torah, and the life of the Spirit. No one comes to the Father except through Christ, the application of the Torah. Christ is the Torah and the application of the Torah. –(Jn. 14:6)

We as believers in Christ have access to the Torah through Christ, and through Christ we have the blessings of the Torah. The Key to the blessings of the Torah is the application of the Torah in faith, grace, love, life and Spirit. –(Deut. 28)

Meditate on the Torah, to meditate, is more then just a bible study, instead is a life of meditation on the Torah, this means you are change by the Torah, this means you apply the Torah, this means you live the Torah, and you have the life of the Torah. If you do this, your life will be prosperous, and you will have good success. We know the Torah and we apply the Torah, and live in the blessings of the Torah. This all begins with Christ the application of the Torah in faith, grace, life, love, and the Spirit. –(Josh. 1:8, Psa. 1:2-3)

The Holy Spirit is the teacher of the Word of God, and the Teacher of the Torah, for the Torah is the beginning of the Word of God, and even Christ the living Word is the beginning of the Torah, and the Holy Spirit will lead, guide, teach, and empower you to apply and follow the Torah into the way of blessings. –(Jn. 14:26, 16:13)

The application of the Torah is faith, grace, love, life, and the Spirit. Love is the fulfillment of the Torah, if we love, the Torah is fulfilled in us, and we walk in the fullness of the Torah. If we love Christ, His Word, and the Torah, then the manifestation of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit will be poured out upon us. The key to manifestations with God, is love, love Christ, love the Word, love the Torah, and we will have an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Not just one outpouring, instead a life of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. –(Rom. 13:10)

When we come to Christ by faith, and have hope in Him, and His eternal promises, the love of God is poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. When you come to know Christ, born of the Spirit, born again, by faith the Holy Spirit comes into you and pours out holy love, the love of God is poured out in your heart, for you to apply and live the life of the Spirit, the life of the Spirit begins with Christ and love. –(Rom. 5:5)

When you come to Christ, the Torah is fulfilled in you, and you can walk in the fullness of the Torah, when you come to Christ, the Holy Spirit comes into you, and pours out the love of God, and love is the fulfillment of the Torah, and the fullness of the Torah, it is through the love of God from the Holy Spirit, that Christ imparts the fulfillment of the Torah and the life of the fullness of the Torah in your life. –(Rom. 5:5)

We are to love God, love the Word of God, love the Torah, and love one another, and love the world, thus we walk in the fullness of the Torah, and a life of the fullness of the Torah, and for love is the fulfillment of the Torah. –(Rom. 13:8-10)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, January 09, 2009

The Torah and The Family

The Torah and The Family

Elvis Iverson

The Restoration of the Torah is coming to the Church with the life of blessings; with the restoration of the Torah will come the restoration of the Sabbath, and the restoration of the Seven Feasts of the Lord, with the restoration of the Torah will come the restoration of the Family, restoration of the home life, the restoration of the church in your home, and the restoration of Christian life and church life. –(Psa. 19:7-11)

Fathers and mothers are to know the Word of God, they are to study and mediate on the Torah, they are to learn how to apply the Torah to their lives, their children are to know the Word of God, and the Torah, they are to learn how to apply the Word, and the Torah, they are to live the Word for themselves. Fathers are to teach the Torah to their children, they are to teach them the Word of God, for children are to know the Torah and the Word of God for themselves. One of the number one ways of being a father or a mother is teaching the Word of God, and leading your children in knowing, studying, mediating and applying the Word of God for themselves. This act of application is a key of restoration to the family. –(Deut. 6:1-9)

The fathers are to be spiritual leaders of their homes to led them on the Sabbath, fathers and mothers are to apply the Sabbath with their children in rest and enjoyment, loving one another, for love is the fulfillment of the Torah. We are to walk out the fullness of the Torah beginning in our hearts, personal, and then among our love ones, our family. –(Eph. 6:1-4)

The fathers are spiritual leaders of their homes, they are to lead their family in the application of the seven feasts of the Lord in their homes, there is a need in coming together for joy, for love in the home of a believer among their family members. The feasts of the Lord are times for the believing family to come together in their homes to love one another, eat and fellowship together. –(Col. 2:16)

The church begun in the home, the church in the house, the Sabbath and the Feasts are bringing a restoration of the home life, a restoration of the family, and the church first begins in the home, the church in the home, with the restoration of the Sabbath and the feasts comes the restoration of the family, and the home life, and with the restoration of the Torah, Sabbath, Feasts, and family, comes a restoration of the church in the home, the restoration of church life. –(Acts 2:42,46-47)

If we love our family, if we love one another, love the church, if we love those in the world, we begin to walk in the fullness of the Torah, for love is the fulfillment of the Torah, and in the family, in the home, and the church in the home, comes the application of the one another’s and love, for love is the fulfillment of the Torah. –(Rom. 13:8-10)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Thursday, January 01, 2009

The Torah and the Gospels

The Torah and the Gospels

Elvis Iverson

The Torah is the first five books of the Bible, it is the foundation of the Bible, it is the foundation of the whole earth, and it is foundational to life with God, in our Lord Jesus Christ we have access to the Torah, and through the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Torah is restore to the whole earth. –(Psa. 19:7-11)

Our Lord Jesus give the Law, give the first five books of the Bible, give the Torah to Moses, all Holy Scriptures are giving from Christ, but Torah is the beginning of the revelation of God. One of the names of Jesus is the Word, our Lord Jesus Christ is the Word, the living Word, and Jesus Christ is the Living Torah. –(Jn. 1:1-5)

Our Lord Jesus Christ brought us the Law of the Spirit and Life in Christ Jesus, the Spirit of the Torah; the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Torah, the Law of the Spirit of life, is the application of the Torah in grace, faith, love and Spirit. –(Rom. 8:1-2)

Our Lord Jesus Christ brought us Grace and Truth, first grace then truth, grace comes before truth, He brought us grace and then Torah, grace is before Torah, it is grace and Torah, not Torah and grace, only by applying grace to your life and the Torah you can apply the Torah. –(Jn. 1:14)

Our Lord Jesus Christ brought us Spirit and Truth, it is Spirit first, then Truth, it is Spirit before Torah, it is not Torah first then Spirit, It is Spirit and Torah. We apply the Spirit to our lives and then to the Torah, and then we can walk in the Torah. –(Jn. 4:23-24)

Our Lord Jesus Christ brought us the Word, Spirit and Life, we can apply the Torah in Spirit and Life, when we apply the Torah in Grace we will have the Life of the Spirit, we will have the Spirit, we will have life, the Torah is to give Spirit and Life, there is the ministry of the Holy Spirit that comes following the Torah. If there is no Spirit and Life, then you have misapplied the Torah; the application of the Torah is grace, Spirit and life. –(Jn. 6:63)

Our Lord Jesus Christ brought faith to us, in the time of Abraham, Abraham had faith and believes in the promises of God, and it was accounted it to him for righteousness; it was not righteousness of the Torah, the misapply of the Torah, instead, it is the beginning of the true application of the Torah, for faith is before the Torah, it is by faith we apply and walk, and follow the Torah. Abraham had the Torah of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus; the application of the Torah in grace, faith, Spirit, life and love. In Christ we can have faith in the life of the Torah. –(Jn. 6:28-29)

Our Lord Jesus Christ brought us love; the Torah must be applying with love. If we have His commandments and keep them, and love Him; Christ will manifest Himself to you. If we love Christ, we will keep His Word, and the Father and Christ will come to make their home with you. It is love first and then Torah, we are to apply the Torah with love, we are to apply love first to ourselves and then to the Torah. If we Love Him and keep the Torah He will manifest Himself in our live. –(Jn. 14:21,23)

The two great commandments are to love the Lord and then love one another; these two commandments hang all the Law, and the Prophets. Love is the key to the life of the Torah. When we love one another, we fulfill the Torah; we walk in the fullness of the Torah. Love is the fulfillment, fullness of the Torah. We walk in the fullness and fulfillment of the Torah when we walk in love. –(Matt. 22:34-40, Rom. 13:8-10)

When we come to Christ we are born again, born of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit comes into our hearts and pours our love, and through love we apply the Torah. –(Rom. 5:5)

Our Lord Jesus Christ brought us the Torah of the Spirit and Life; the application of the Torah in faith, grace, love, life, and Spirit. –(Rom. 8:1-2)

The four Gospels is the renewing and the new beginning of the Torah in the life of the believer, the Four Gospels give us the application of the Torah, the Torah of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus. The Four Gospel is the Torah in the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus Christ. –(Rom. 8:1-2, 1:16-17)

The Four Gospels is the fullness of the Torah. The Four Gospels is the way to the life of fullness of the Torah. Our Lord Jesus Christ came to fulfill the Torah, to bring the fullness of the Torah, when you’re in Christ the Torah is fulfilled in you, and you can have the fullness of the Torah in your life by faith. –(Matt. 5:17-20)

Our Lord Jesus Christ was the greatest teacher of the Torah, in the Four Gospels; our Lord Jesus Christ gives us the greatest teachings of the Torah. Apostle Paul follows Christ by revelation and gives us the greatest understanding of the Torah. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of the Torah. He will teach you all things, He will guide you into all truth, He will teach you the Torah and lead you in the Torah; and by the Holy Spirit we can apply the Torah. –(Jn. 14:26,16:13)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Message of Change

The Message of Change

Elvis Iverson
December 20, 2008

The message of change, the message of repentance is beginning in our history, there is change coming, this is the time for change, and we are to pray for change, we are to call it forth. We are to repent for the Kingdom of God is increasing! Change our minds, so the Lord can change our hearts. A cry for change is going up before the Lord, and now angels of change are coming.

The Kingdom of God will increase!

The Church will increase!

Reformation will come to the church around the world!

Revival will come!

Social Transformation will come!

Harvest Time will come!

Great Harvest will come!

Extreme Harvest will come!

Apostles and prophets shall be established in the church around the world!

Outpouring of prayer fulfillment!

Outpouring of prophetic fulfillment!

Outpouring of Breakthroughs!

Outpouring of Angelic Hosts!

Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Angels in Kansas City

Angels in Kansas City

Elvis Iverson
December 20, 2008

In a vision I see the angel called awakening visiting Kansas City, he says I have come to awakening God’s people, revival will begin in seven cities around the world, this work of revival has only begun, the capstone revival is a divine move of God. This is a revival of the Seven Spirit of God.

In a vision I see angels of revival moving toward each of the seven cities around the world, then from these seven cities came a rivers of angels of revival.

In a vision I see coals of revival being release upon the servants who gather in these seven cities of capstone revival. I see an angel fly abound the earth, around the world over many people, over the church, this angel is called release revival, for he carries these coals of revival that he will plant around the earth.

In a vision I see a revival came forth and cover the whole church around the world, it has begun, I again hear thee words it has begun! Philadelphia church revival. The faithful church revival, the key of David revival, the open door revival, and the hearing ear revival.

I see within the city of Kansas City, I see this arising revival, spread all over the city, yes people are coming from all over the world, but the city will have revival all over, fires will burn all over the city among the company of the people of God.

Now again I see the angel of awakening, he says I have come to you, to tell you a secret; God has His own plans for His Church, and He will fine a way to fulfill them all in His very own time, and Christ will have all the glory!

I see a gate open up before many who stand before the Lord in faith, I see rivers, rivers, rivers, and I see angelic hosts, angelic hosts, angelic hosts, angelic hosts, angelic hosts, I see blessings, blessings, blessings, blessings, blessings, blessings, and much more.

I ask what is this gate? The angel of awakening says this is fours years in this generation of man. The Lord will do a quick and fast work; this is only the beginning, to open all the goodness of the Lord for the church around the world.

Now come and enter into this pouring gate, I then see a house arising, the angel of awakening says this is the house that Lord will build in this generation. But it is only one of the many rooms in the House of the Lord.

He then said go deeper, then I see a school of the Spirit, and he said this is the restoration of the gifts of the Spirit, and all gifts of God. Now go even deeper. I then seen a Barn, he says this is a time of great harvest; this is the time of extreme harvest.

He then said go even deeper, then I see the earth, he says this is what the earth shall become in coming soon days, near future. I then said wow!

Now I see a stone, I ask him what is this stone; those who touch this stone will change the world. They will become great in the earth; they will have grace and power to do the will of the Lord globally. Now I see a pearl, he says this pearl will change the church and the world.

I now see a group of angels waiting before the earth, for a time, each of them have a gift to give, then the angel of awakening says the only thing you need to do is go up to each one, and they will give you these gifts.

In a vision I was back on earth, and the angel of awakening said look to the north, south, east, and west, and look upon the ground you walk upon, I then see rivers in the north, rivers in the south, rivers in the east, rivers in the west, and rivers upon the ground I walk upon.

In this vision I see an old man come upon and spoke a blessing and laid his hands upon me, then I seen another, and another, and another. I was giving wills, trusts, deeds, and anointings, and graces.

In this vision I see angels come up to meet me in destiny, they give me things, and spoke words, another, another, another, and another.

Then I hear these words this is how I will bless My Church in this period of history.

Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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