Friday, March 27, 2009

Revival Seasons and Revival Times and Revivals without End

Revival Seasons and Revival Times and Revivals without End

Elvis Iverson

There are seasons and times of revival, we must learn to see these seasons and times of revival and the leading of the Lord in those seasons and times, this is why we must hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to the church through apostles and prophets. –(Eccl. 3:1, Eccl. 8:5-6, Eccl. 2:26, Dan. 7:25)

Revelation 22:2 is not just for the future it is for all the time of the church, healing of the nations, meaning revival, there are times of the healing of the nations, there are times of revivals of the nations, the leaves are for healing of the nations, and fruits are blessings of the believers. We are to have seasons of revivals without an end, season after season, glory after glory, and revivals after revival.

There are seven feasts of the Lord, revival flows in the times of the feasts, revivals are connected to the feasts, this is why we must understand them, there are three main feasts out of the seven, and third main feast is the feast of Tabernacles, which is the feast of revivals, the Lord wants the church to have revival every year, never to have a year without revival. –(Ex. 23:14-19, Lev. 23:33-44)

In Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 you can see the seasons and times of revival: a time to be born, a time to plant, a time to heal, a time to build up, a time to laugh, a time to dance, a time to gather stones, to embrace, to gain, to keep, to sew, to speak, to love, and a time of peace. Revival is also the others times lists here, etc.

The Church is the Bride of Christ, the City of God, the city of revivals, the Lord will fill the church full of revivals, and we are to come together we are to hear the Call of Revelation 4:1 and 22:17 for they are same calling of the Spirit. –(Rev. 2,9,22:17)

From Revelation 21:11-21 we see a prophetic vision of revival for the church. A most precious stone which is Jasper, Jasper revival is coming, Gates of peals, there will be revivals at the gate, pearl and a gold reed are symbols of revelation, you need the revelation of revival to enter into the coming revivals, and the gate revivals. Apostles are going to be leaders of these coming revivals; these revivals will begin with apostles, for apostles and prophets are revival ministry to the church. The Lord uses angels to bring revival, there are angels of revival, and then there is angelic revival too. Walls of Jasper, there will be revival at the wall, a city of pure gold, a city of revival and revelation, and the precious stones revivals are coming, these are the great fountain deep revivals that open up soon in the future.

Jasper Revival
Sapphire Revival
Chalcedony Revival
Emerald Revival
Sardonyx Revival
Sardius Revival
Chrysolite Revival
Beryl Revival
Topaz Revival
Chrysoprase Revival
Jacinth Revival
Amethyst Revival

A gold reed, you need the revelation of revival to receive these coming revivals, a pearl, you need a revelation to enter into revival. –(Rev. 21:15,21)

Revelation 21:22-23,24,25,26 the Lord does not just want us to have seasons and times of revival, He wants and wills the church to have revival, revivals, many revivals, resting revival always. The Lord will rise up the church as the city of God in every city and in every nation, and from the city of God will flow revival to the cities and nations around the world, and nations will give honor, wealth to the church and praise and glory to the Lord.

Revelation 22:1-5 is the city of God, which is the church and from the Throne and the Church in the City of God in your city will flow revivals that will heal your city and nation.

The will of Christ is for the Church never to be without revivals, we will have many revivals, lasting revivals, visitation revivals, habitational revivals, and the revival life. –(Acts 2:17-18)

Open your heart, the Lord has already open the Lord to revival, come up here to the Throne Room by the Blood of Christ where revival is beginning, it is time for Throne Room Encounter, Throne Room Revival, and Revival Encounter. –(Rev. 4:1)

The Church is called and shall become a glorious church, a church full of glory, a church full of revivals; this is a major part of the end time church, and the end times. –(Eph. 5:26-27,22-33)

First revivals will fill the church, then once when the church is full of revivals overflow upon all cities and all nations around the world, then the earth will fill with the glory of the Lord, fill with revivals, God’s will is for the Church is to be full of revivals and the earth to be full of revivals. –(Isa. 11:9, Hab. 2:14, Rev. 21:24-26, 22:2, Ezek. 47:1-12, Isa. 60:3, 5,10,11,16, 19-22)

Isaiah 60:19-22, The church is the city of God, the church shall arise as the city of God in many cities and many nations, all cities and all nations, The Lord is building the house of revivals in every city, He is building a dwelling place for revival, this is the key for lasting revivals and resting revivals.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Pray for Social Transformation for all Cities and All Nations and Globally

Pray for Social Transformation for all Cities and All Nations and Globally

Elvis Iverson

Heavenly Father we come boldly to the Throne Room of God, in the Third Heaven, by faith we receive the Presence, Light, and Truth of the Father, by faith we see our Lord Jesus Christ at the Right Hand of Father making intercession for us, and by faith we see the seven lamps of burning fire which is the Throne of the Holy Spirit. Father you are on the Throne of Mercy we ask you for mercy, Lord Jesus you are on the Throne of grace we ask you for grace, Holy Spirit you are on the Throne of love we ask you for love. Father led us by the Holy Spirit in praying apostolic and prophetic prayers for the Body of Christ.

Father we pray for the increase of the Kingdom of God, we pray for great increases of the Kingdom of God in our generation, and in our time, we pray for the Kingdom of God to increase in every city, every region, every nation, and globally around the world.

Father we pray for the increase of the church, we pray for great increases, massive increases of the church to come in our generation, to come in our time, and to come in our decade.

Father raise up and establish the Church as the City of God in all cities, all nations, all regions, all places, all people groups, and globally around the world.

Father raise up and establish apostles and prophets in the church in all cities, all regions, all places, all nations and globally.

Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of reformation to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of revival to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of social transformation to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of Harvest to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world.

Father send social transformation!
Father send social transformation!
Father send social transformation!
Father send social transformation!
Father send social transformation!
Father send social transformation!
Father send social transformation!

We believe social transformation will come to many cities and many nations, and globally.

Father we pray for social transformation to come to many cities, many regions, many places, many people groups, many nations, and globally.

Father we pray for social transformation to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations, and globally.

We believe in he vision of social transformation, we believe with the increase of the Kingdom of God will come social transformation, therefore we pray for social transformation and the increase of the Kingdom of God.

Father we pray for the increase of the Kingdom of God to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for the increase of the Kingdom of God and social transformation to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for the Spirit of social transformation to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations, and globally.

We believe social transformation is God’s will for all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for many social transformations to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for great social transformations to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for massive social transformations to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for extreme social transformations to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for rivers of social transformations to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for many waves of social transformation to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for continue social transformation to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for lasting social transformation to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father send social transformation!
Father send social transformation!
Father send social transformation!
Father send social transformation!
Father send social transformation!
Father send social transformation!
Father send social transformation!

Father we pray for the increase of the Kingdom of God, we pray for great increases of the Kingdom of God in our generation, and in our time, we pray for the Kingdom of God to increase in every city, every region, every nation, and globally around the world.

Father we pray for outpourings of the Holy Spirit to increased of the Kingdom of God. We pray for the Kingdom of God to flow like a river from the hearts of all believers in Christ. We pray for kings and priests of the Kingdom to increase and rise up in all cities, all regions, all nations, all places and throughout the earth, and globally. We pray for many, massive, great, lasting, continues Social Transformation to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all nations, and all people groups and globally around the world. We pray for the healing of the nations to come to all nations.

Father we pray for healing and to heal all nations through revivals, social transformations, and the increases of the Kingdom of God.

Father heal all nations and all cities through revival, social transformation, ministry of wealth, and the kings of the Kingdom, and increase of the Kingdom of God.

Father we pray establish the bridges of wealth from the world to the church, let rivers of wealth, continue rivers of wealth flow into the church. Establish the church in the workplace, rise up the marketplace church in every city and every nation and globally. Build bridges between the church and the marketplace church. Father we pray for marketplace revival to come upon the church in the workplace and upon the marketplace in all cities, all nations and globally.

We pray for the Church in the workplace to be established in all cities and nations around the world, for global workplace army of believers to be rising up in every city, in every nation and around the world, for workplace apostles to rise up in every nation, and every city around the world, for a bridge to be built between the workplace and the church for blessings, wealth, and social transformation, for the workplace apostles to network with the church apostles, for the wealth of the wicked to flow as lasting and continuing rivers of wealth into the church, for social transformations to come to our cities, nations and the world, for great favor and influence to come to all believers in the workplace, for the Lord to rise up wealthy business Christians in every city, every nation and the world, for revival for all believers in the workplace.

Father we pray for an outpouring of times of refreshing and times of restoration of all things from the Presence of the Lord upon the church around the world and the whole earth, every city and every nation, every people group, and every place.

We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen

Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, March 20, 2009

The History and Future of Revival

The History and Future of Revival

Elvis Iverson

We are coming to an outpouring of many revivals, and the restoration of this has already begun. With these outpourings of revivals will be an outpouring of signs, wonders, and gifts of the Spirit, with these outpourings will be an outpouring of prophecy, visions, and dreams, and an outpouring of angelic hosts. –(Acts 2:17-18)

Throughout history The Holy spirit’s has pour out in every generation, now we are coming to a time of the restoration of many generation, a revival of many generations.

We have entered into the beginning days that the church will never again be without revival, ever again are without revivals.

There are many revivals coming, and from those revivals will come many more revivals and upon those revivals will come much more revivals.

We have already entered into the restoration of revival; this is the preparation revival of all revivals that are coming. –(Acts 3:19-21)

Apostles and Prophets are laying the foundations for reformation, and reformation is laying the foundations for revival. –(Eph. 2:20)

The application of revival is being written before our eyes, the Holy Spirit is opening our ears and the application for revival is be written upon our hearts. The application of revival is found in Ephesians 2:19-22, this is the application of revival!!

First the will of the Lord is to fill the church full of glory and revivals, revivals will first come to the church, then overflow from the church to cities and nations around the world, and then fill the earth full of glory and revivals, and this is the will of God. –(Eph. 5:27, Num. 14:11)

The revivals of the past will not even be of like matter of what is going to happen. Yes study revival and be open to new things. You cannot teach revival based upon past revivals. You can only teach revival upon revelation of new things. –(Isa. 43:18-19, 42:9)

The Capstone Revival is the revival of restoration of revival and preparation revival, we need to receive and seek to understand the heart of revival. –(Zech. 4)

The coming revivals are the revivals based upon Revelation 21, 22. Ezek. 40, Isa. 40, Rev. 4:1 Ezek. 1)

Every believer needs the revelation of revival, and we need the revelation of revival for the church, those who hear and receive the revelation of revival shall be open to receive the coming revivals!!!

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Pray For The End Time Church

Pray For The End Time Church

Elvis Iverson

Heavenly Father we come boldly to the Throne Room of God, in the Third Heaven, by faith we receive the Presence, Light, and Truth of the Father, by faith we see our Lord Jesus Christ at the Right Hand of Father making intercession for us, and by faith we see the seven lamps of burning fire which is the Throne of the Holy Spirit. Father you are on the Throne of Mercy we ask you for mercy, Lord Jesus you are on the Throne of grace we ask you for grace, Holy Spirit you are on the Throne of love we ask you for love. Father led us by the Holy Spirit in praying apostolic and prophetic prayers for the Body of Christ.

Father we pray for rivers of joy, rivers of being drunk in the Spirit, rivers of being filled with the Spirit, and rivers of the intoxication of the Holy Spirit to flow from the heats of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world.

Father we pray for the increase of the Kingdom of God, we pray for great increases of the Kingdom of God in our generation, and in our time, we pray for the Kingdom of God to increase in every city, every region, every nation, and globally around the world.

Father raise up and establish the Church as the City of God in all cities, all nations, all regions, all places, all people groups, and globally around the world.

Father we pray for 1000 fold return, thousand generations fold return to come to all believers in Christ and the church around the world.

Father we pray for the increase of the church, we pray for great increases, massive increases of the church to come in our generation, to come in our time, and to come in our decade.

We pray for the Church in the End Times, we pray for the end time church!

Father we pray for end time church, the holy, mature, unity, and glorious church that the church will one day become, we ask realign us to true end time church, and the true end times.

We pray for the fullness of unity for the Church in the End Times. We pray for the church to be full of glory in the End Times, the church shall be a glorious church in the End Times. We pray for the fullness of the City Church in the End Times. We pray for victorious living for all believers in the End Times. We pray for victorious spiritual warfare for the church in the End Times. Pray for victory for the church in the End Times, for the church in the End Times is victorious. We pray for the unity of the Faith in the Church. We pray for the unity of the Godhead in the Church. We pray for the unity of the Spirit in the Church. We pray for end time apostles for the End Time Church. We pray for the Church to be full of revivals and glory in the End Times. Pray for end time harvest, end time harvests, massive harvests of souls and the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

We pray for the fullness of the Kingdom of God in the End Times. We pray for kings of the Kingdom to begin to come into their fullness in the End Times. We pray for revivals to fill the earth and the earth to be full of the glory of the Lord, and the healing of the nations in the End Times. We pray for many nations, many cities and many places to be massive social transformation. Pray for end time harvest, end time harvests, massive harvests of souls and the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

We pray for all of Israel will know the Lord. We pray for oneness between the church and Israel. We pray for revival for the Middle East in the End Times. We pray for revivals to fill the earth and the earth to be full of the glory of the Lord, and the healing of the nations in the End Times. Pray for end time harvest, end time harvests, massive harvests of souls and the fulfillment of the Great Commission. We pray for vision and revelation for the End Times.

We pray for salvation to come to all of Israel and all of the Jewish people. We pray for the peace for Jerusalem, Israel and all Jewish people. We pray for Jerusalem to be established in righteousness far from oppression, far from fear, and far from terror, and pray that the Lord make her praise in the earth. We pray for the restoration of the Torah, the Feasts and the Sabbath and pray for Israel and the Church to come into a holy union and oneness in the Lord. We Pray for the rain of the Holy, and outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and pray for the Lord to pour out the Spirit of grace and the Spirit of Supplication upon all of Israel and all Jewish people. We Pray for all of the Jewish people to have access and to be led by the Lord to return to the Promise land, Israel, and be restore spiritually and have revivals and great revival. We Pray for the Lord’s protection, and to rise up the sheep Nations to protect Israel, the Jewish people and the Church. We pray for the New Apostolic Messianic Church to rise in Jerusalem, Israel, and among all Jewish People, and pray for the Lord to rise up Jewish apostles and Jewish prophets. We pray for Egypt, Iraq and Israel to come into peace and a holy alliance with the Lord and with one another, and that through them peace will come to the Middle East. We pray for times of restoration, times of progression, and pray for times of healing for Israel, and all Jewish people.

We pray for reconciliation, unity and oneness for the church. We pray for unity today, tomorrow, in the future and the end times. We pray the prophetic Holy Scriptures prophecies about unity over the church. We pray for the city church to rise in every city of every nation, pray for the regional church to raise in every region of ever nation, pray for the national church to rise in every nation around the world, and pray for the global church to rise in the church around the world. We pray for levels and growth of the city church. We pray for city church unity. We pray for the revelation of the city church, the church and the Body of Christ. We pray for the seeds of unity to be planted and watered. We pray for the vision and revelation of unity. We pray for rivers, rains, revivals, restorations and reformation of unity to come. We pray for the anointing of unity. We pray for the Unity of the Spirit to come. We pray for the unity of the Faith to come. We pray for the unity of the Godhead to come. We pray for healing love to come, and healing unity to come. We pray for the release of unity and love. We pray for a restoration of Christian love. We pray for common ground and common faith to be established. We pray for the community and fellowship of all believers. We pray for open doors for unity.

We pray for the city church to arise in every city of every nation, for the city church to arise in unity, glory, power, anointing, signs, wonders, wisdom, prophetic, apostolic, revelation, authority, vision, and freedom, for city church unity to come to every city church, for apostolic unity to come to every city church, for unity to come among all congregations within every city of every nation, for territorial apostles and city church apostles to arise in every city church, for workplace apostles to arise in every city, for a pool of apostles to arise in every city, for a company of prophets to arise, and territorial prophets to arise in every city, for a company of intercessors to arise, and territorial intercessors to arise in every city, for city church networks to arise in every city, for city church centers to arise in every city, for the ministry to the poor and hurting to arise in every city, for a company of workplace believers to arise in every city, for revivals, massive revivals, and habitational revival to come to every city church, for revivals, massive revivals to come to every city, for reformation, and massive reformation to come to every city church, for social transformation, and massive social transformation to come to every city, for the mature city church, the fullness of the city, and every growth level of the city church, and pray the maturity of every level and growth of the city church, for vision and revelation of the city church to be release to all hearts in the body of Christ, for the national church to arise in every nation, for the national church to arise in revivals, reformation, unity, visions, dreams, signs, wonders, wisdom, revelation, vision, and blessings, for the global church to arise around the world, for the global church to arise in unity, power, grace, mercy, vision, revelation, prayer, networking, compassion, holiness, and glory.

We pray for the Church in the workplace to be established in all cities and nations around the world, for global workplace army of believers to be rising up in every city, in every nation and around the world, for workplace apostles to rise up in every nation, and every city around the world, for a bridge to be built between the workplace and the church for blessings, wealth, and social transformation, for the workplace apostles to network with the church apostles, for the wealth of the wicked to flow as lasting and continuing rivers of wealth into the church, for social transformations to come to our cities, nations and the world, for great favor and influence to come to all believers in the workplace, for the Lord to rise up wealthy business Christians in every city, every nation and the world, for revival for all believers in the workplace.

We pray for the apostolic church to arise in every city and in every nation, for apostles to arise in every city, and every nation, for prophets to arise in every city and in every nation, for an outpouring of the signs of an apostle for the arising apostles, for the signs of the apostles to arise and be established in every city and every nation, for apostolic ministries, churches, networks, and spheres to arise and be established in all cities and nations, for apostolic vision for the church, for apostolic unity for the church, for apostolic reformation, massive reformation, and reformation to come to the whole church in everyday city, in every nation, and in every place, for freedom and liberty for all apostles in Christ, for apostolic provision for all apostles, for the foundation of apostles and prophets to be established in the church around the world in every nation, in every city, and in every place, for unity, relationship, and networking among all apostles, for true and whole connecting of apostles to prophets, and prophets to apostles, for all false apostles and false prophets to be stopped, uprooted and come to repentance, for an outpouring of angelic hosts to aid apostles, for divine protection for all apostles, for prosperity and success of all apostles, for recognition and affirmation for all apostles, for apostolic fathers for apostles, for maturity and growth for all apostles, for sons and daughters of the apostles to arise and grow in the apostolic.

Father we pray for the Kingdom of God to come in your city, nation and world, for the Kingdom to come in the Church in your city, and around the world, and in your local church, for the Kingdom to come in your Life, for the kings of the Kingdom to arise in every city, every nation, every place, and every kingdom, for apostles to rise up kings in every city and in every nation, for the Kingdom to manifestation in power, signs, wonders, demonstration, healing, deliverance, righteousness, peace, joy, preaching, and teaching in the Holy Spirit, for rivers, continuing rivers, revivals, outpourings, movements of Kingdom manifestation, and pray that there will be no end to these manifestations, instead will always increase, for social transformation to come to every city, every nation, every government, every area of mankind, and in every place, for massive social transformation to come to every city, every nation, every government, and every place, etc, for endless rivers of social transformation to come to every city, every nation, every government, and every place, etc, for endless rivers of social transformation to come to every city, every nation, every government, and every place, etc, for the Kingdom of God to grow and increase in all cities, nations, governments, areas, and places, etc, for the Kingdom of God to become a great mountain above all other mountains, for the Church to arise as the city of God built upon the Kingdom of God in all places, etc, for all kingdoms to become the Kingdoms of Christ, for revelation and vision of the Kingdom of God to be release in the hearts of all in the Body of Christ, for a mighty army and company of workplace believers to arise in every city, every nation, and every place, for a company of workplace apostles to arise in every city, every nation, and every place, for the wealth of the wicked to continue to flow as a river into the church, and city church, and to the hands of the apostles, for marketplace revival, transformation, and revolution to come to the saints in the workplace, the church in the workplace, and to the marketplace through the hands of believers in the workplace.

We pray for the fullness of unity for the Church in the End Times. We pray for the church to be full of glory in the End Times, the church shall be a glorious church in the End Times. We pray for the fullness of the City Church in the End Times. We pray for victorious living for all believers in the End Times. We pray for victorious spiritual warfare for the church in the End Times. Pray for victory for the church in the End Times, for the church in the End Times is victorious. We pray for the unity of the Faith in the Church. We pray for the unity of the Godhead in the Church. We pray for the unity of the Spirit in the Church. We pray for end time apostles for the End Time Church. We pray for the Church to be full of revivals and glory in the End Times. Pray for end time harvest, end time harvests, massive harvests of souls and the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

We pray for an outpouring of angelic hosts upon the church around the world. We pray for outpouring of reformation, revival, social Transformation, and harvest upon the Church around the world. We pray for outpouring of mercy and grace upon the Church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of the goodness and mercy of the Lord upon the church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of the Spirit of prayer and the Spirit of fasting upon the Church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of healing and restoration upon the church around the world. We pray for an outpouring revelation and visions, and prophecy, and dreams upon the church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of signs and wonders upon the church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of breakthroughs upon the church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of prophetic fulfillment and an outpouring of prayer fulfillment upon the church around the world.

Father we pray for an outpouring of times of refreshing and times of restoration of all things from the Presence of the Lord upon the church around the world and the whole earth, every city and every nation, every people group, and every place.

Father we prayer for rivers to flow from the Church and the City of God, rivers of repentance, rivers of refreshing, rivers of restoration, rivers of healing, rivers of revival, rivers of harvest, rivers of social transformation, and rivers of blessings to flow to all cities, all regions, al nations, all people groups, all places and globally around the world.

Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of revival to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of reformation to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of grace to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of supplication to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of wisdom to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of revelation to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of prophecy to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of glory to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of burning to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of might to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of faith to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of love to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world.

Father we pray for rivers of joy, rivers of being drunk in the Spirit, rivers of being filled with the Spirit, and rivers of the intoxication of the Holy Spirit to flow from the heats of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world.

Father we pray for 1000 fold return, thousand generations fold return to come to all believers in Christ and the church around the world.

We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, March 13, 2009

The New Apostolic Age of Revival

The New Apostolic Age of Revival

Elvis Iverson

This is the second apostolic age of the church; the first was in the book of Acts, the new apostolic age will even be greater then the first. This is why we must understand the ministry of the apostle, for apostles was the first to follow Christ, and the apostles were the first leaders of the church. –(Matt. 4:19)

We have already enter into the next reformation of the church, this is the New Apostolic Reformation, it is also called the Third Reformation of the Church, apostles and prophets will lay the foundations for reformation, and reformation will lay the foundations for revival, many revivals, lasting revivals, and the revival life. –(Heb. 9:10)

One word the Holy Spirit spoke to me that this is the New Apostolic Age of Revival, we have enter into a new time of revival, a new age of many revivals, there is not going to be one movement, instead many movements of the Holy Spirit, and there is not going to be just one revival, instead there will be many revivals. There is coming an outpouring of many revivals, and this outpouring has already begun. –(Zech. 10:1)

The Capstone Revival is a restoration of revival, and it to prepare the way for other revivals. –(Zech. 4)

The Will of the Father is for the Church to always have revival, and never to be without revival never again. There will be revival there, and here, before one revival comes to an end another will begin, one revival will lead to another revival, there will come a time that there will be revival everywhere. –(Acts 2:17-18)

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Pray for Open Doors and Open Gates

Pray for Open Doors and Open Gates

Elvis Iverson

Heavenly Father we come boldly to the Throne Room of God, in the Third Heaven, by faith we receive the Presence, Light, and Truth of the Father, by faith we see our Lord Jesus Christ at the Right Hand of Father making intercession for us, and by faith we see the seven lamps of burning fire which is the Throne of the Holy Spirit. Father you are on the Throne of Mercy we ask you for mercy, Lord Jesus you are on the Throne of grace we ask you for grace, Holy Spirit you are on the Throne of love we ask you for love. Father led us by the Holy Spirit in praying apostolic and prophetic prayers for the Body of Christ.

Father we pray for outpourings of grace, mercy, love, truth, revelation, prophetic revelation, Word Revelation, prophecy, visions, dreams, Angelic encounters, Throne Room encounters, revivals, the Gifts of the Spirit, Breakthroughs, healing, miracles, signs, wonders, anointing, anointings, breaking anointing, Seven Spirits of God, the fire of God, blessings, favor, deliverance, angelic hosts, prosperity, financial release, financial breakthroughs, financial miracles, financial angels, rivers of financial blessings and wealth, healing and health, releasing the blessings of God, enlargement, increase, the arm of the Lord, divine safety and protection, releasing the power of God, releasing the power of the Blood of Christ, love, restoration, refreshing, harvest, increase of the Kingdom of God, increase of the Church, continue harvest, the arrows of the Lord, the sword of the Lord, freedom, liberty, rest, peace, and great peace, to come upon all believers, to come for all believers, to come to aid all believers, and upon the church around the world.

We pray for an outpouring of angelic hosts upon the church around the world. We pray for outpouring of reformation, revival, social Transformation, and harvest upon the Church around the world. We pray for outpouring of mercy and grace upon the Church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of the goodness and mercy of the Lord upon the church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of the Spirit of prayer and the Spirit of fasting upon the Church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of healing and restoration upon the church around the world. We pray for an outpouring revelation and visions, and prophecy, and dreams upon the church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of signs and wonders upon the church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of breakthroughs upon the church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of prophetic fulfillment and an outpouring of prayer fulfillment upon the church around the world.

Father raise the joy levels of all believers, make the church always drunk in the Holy Spirit, release the intoxication of the Holy Spirit in all the hearts of believers and upon the church around the world. Father Release Rivers of sozo salvation in the hearts of all believers and upon the church around the world.

Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of revival to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of reformation to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of grace to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of supplication to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of wisdom to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of revelation to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of prophecy to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of glory to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of burning to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of might to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of faith to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of love to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world.

Father we pray for rivers of joy, rivers of being drunk in the Spirit, rivers of being filled with the Spirit, and rivers of the intoxication of the Holy Spirit to flow from the heats of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world.

Father we pray for 1000 fold return, thousand generations fold return to come to all believers in Christ and the church around the world.

Father increase the Kingdom of God!
Father increase the Kingdom of God!
Father increase the Kingdom of God!
Father increase the Kingdom of God!
Father increase the Kingdom of God!
Father increase the Kingdom of God!
Father increase the Kingdom of God!

Father increase the Church!
Father increase the Church!
Father increase the Church!
Father increase the Church!
Father increase the Church!
Father increase the Church!
Father increase the Church!

Father send massive reformation!
Father send massive reformation!
Father send massive reformation!
Father send massive reformation!
Father send massive reformation!
Father send massive reformation!
Father send massive reformation!

Father we pray let the church never again be without revival!
Father we pray let the church never again be without revival!
Father we pray let the church never again be without revival!
Father we pray let the church never again be without revival!
Father we pray let the church never again be without revival!
Father we pray let the church never again be without revival!
Father we pray let the church never again be without revival!

Father send revivals!
Father send revivals!
Father send revivals!
Father send revivals!
Father send revivals!
Father send revivals!
Father send revivals!

Father send social transformation!
Father send social transformation!
Father send social transformation!
Father send social transformation!
Father send social transformation!
Father send social transformation!
Father send social transformation!

Father send harvest!
Father send harvest!
Father send harvest!
Father send harvest!
Father send harvest!
Father send harvest!
Father send harvest!

Father we pray for open doors and open gates!

Father we pray for open doors in all cities, all nations, all regions, all places, all people groups, and globally around the world.

Father we pray for open doors to come to the city church in every city, the regional church in every region, the national church in every nation, and the global church globally.

Father we pray for many open doors, rivers of open doors, in all cities, all nations, all regions, all places, all people groups, and globally around the world.

Father we pray for many open doors, rivers of open doors, to come to the city church in every city, the regional church in every region, the national church in every nation, and the global church globally.

Father we pray for open gates in all cities, all nations, all regions, all places, all people groups, and globally around the world.

Father we pray for open gates to come to the city church in every city, the regional church in every region, the national church in every nation, and the global church globally.

Father we pray for many open gates, rivers of open gates, in all cities, all nations, all regions, all places, all people groups, and globally around the world.

Father we pray for many open gates, rivers of open gates, to come to the city church in every city, the regional church in every region, the national church in every nation, and the global church globally.

Father we pray for open doors, many open doors, rivers of open doors, open gates, many open gates, and rivers of open gates for apostles, prophets, kings, evangelists, pastors, believers, marketplace ministers, and for the preaching of the Gospel, the Preaching of the Kingdom of God, the Teaching of the Word of God, The Knowledge of Truth, The Love of Truth, signs, wonders, revivals, harvests, supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, movements of God, the increase of the Church and the Increase of the Kingdom of God in all cities, all nations, all regions, all places, all people groups, and globally around the world.

Father we pray for open doors, many open doors, rivers of open doors, open gates, many open gates, and rivers of open gates for apostles, prophets, kings, evangelists, pastors, believers, marketplace ministers, and for the preaching of the Gospel, the Preaching of the Kingdom of God, the Teaching of the Word of God, The Knowledge of Truth, The Love of Truth, signs, wonders, revivals, harvests, supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, movements of God, the increase of the Church and the Increase of the Kingdom of God to come to the city church in every city, the regional church in every region, the national church in every nation, and the global church globally.

We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen

Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Thursday, March 05, 2009

What is Revival?

What is Revival?

Elvis Iverson

We need a revelation of revival, those who have study revival for years, those who think they know what revival is, don’t even understand revival, for you need revelation to understand revival. –(1 Cor. 2:9-10)

We need a revelation of revival! The Holy Spirit has begun to talk to me about revival, and He wants me to teach you the revelation of revival that the Lord is giving me for the church. Let those who have an ear hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to the church! –(Rev. 2:29)

One word the Lord spoke to me is this is the new apostolic age of revival! This is why the revelation of revival is coming, you need to have faith for revival, and in order for you to have faith for revival you need a revelation of revival. To enter into this greater age of revival you need the revelation of revival! –(Acts 2:17-18)

For years I have been lead to prophecy about revival, the Lord has spoke to me more then a few times about revival, and the church needs to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying about the coming revivals! Now the Lord in His wisdom is going to release the revelation of revival. Not just to me but other prophets and apostles who have apostolic ears to hear the revelation that is coming from the Throne Room. The Lord has brought me from prophecy about revival to revelation of revival, and the Lord wants you to hear and receive with grace. –(Ezek. 37:1-14)

I believe the church will become full of revivals, then overflow upon cities and nations, the church will be full of revival and glory, then the earth will become full of revival and glory. It is not just one revival, it is many revivals, there will never be a time between revival without revival, before a revival ends another revival will begin, there be revival there and here, the church will never again be without revival, and this is the will of the Lord. Revival will come to every city and to every place! –(Eph. 5:27)

Apostles and prophets are laying the foundation for reformation, and reformation is laying the foundation for lasting revivals, many revivals and the revival life. The Holy Spirit spoke to me saying to the degree of reformation we have entered through is the degree of revival we will have. –(Eph. 2:19-22)

Apart from this, there is reformation, revival, social transformation, and Harvest. –(Acts 3:19-21)

Repentance is one of the keys to revival, but throughout the Holy Scriptures repentance is not always needed for revival, only a little percent of time repentance brought revival, yes there is repentance in revival, those who preach repentance and are attacking revivals without repentance is preaching a false repentance, preaching repentance legalism, true repentance is with grace, those who don’t repent of this repentance legalism and attacking true Spirit of revival, will never be apart of the coming revivals. –(Acts 3:19-21, 2 Chron. 7:14)

The revival that came on the day of Pentecost was a revival that came by prophecy, prayer and unity, not repentance. –(Acts 1, 2)

The pillar of cloud and pillar of fire was a revival to lead them through the wilderness. This revival came as apart of fulfillment of prophesy in that time. –(Ex. 13:21-22)

The other times revival came through the time of Moses came for the reason the Lord wanted to come and for the reason of the Tabernacle. –(Ex. 40:34-38)

The revival that came in the time of Solomon came for the reason of the fulfillment of the building of the Temple and worship. –(1 Kings. 8:10-13, 2 Chron. 5:11-14, 6:1-2, 7:1-3)

In Isaiah 64:1-5 is a prophecy about revival that came for the reasons of waiting on the Lord, rejoicing, and righteousness. We are the righteousness of God through Christ, by the Blood of Christ.

Ezekiel chapter one is a prophetic vision of revival and glory; you see no part of this prophetic vision that repentance was needed, for reason the Lord is moving, and the Lord is manifesting. –(Ezek. 1)

In Ezekiel Temple, which is the future of the church, the city church, and the church, the glory of the Lord came by the east, for the temple was build, when the church is build and becomes the city of God in every city and in every nation, then the glory of the Lord will come. –(Ezek. 43:1-12)

The Prophetic vision in Ezekiel about the healing waters and threes, these rivers of revival, healing and restoration that go to the nations of the world. Once when the church becomes the city of God, revival will flow like a river to all cities and all nations. –(Ezek. 47:1-12)

One of the names of the church is Jehovah Shammah the Lord is there, the presence of the Lord. This is the name of the church, another name of the church; this is name of the city church, and the city of God, which is the church. –(Ezek. 48:35)

In Ephesians 2:19-22, it talks about revival, habitational revival, resting revival, revival came for the rest of the building of versus 19,20,21,22, when all is competed revival will come.

Revival comes by faith and the blood of Christ. Revival does not come for the reason you are good, only for the reason of the blood of Christ.

We are never to be without revival, the church is to always have revival, and this is the will of God. –(Acts 2:17-18)

There is corporate revival, then there is personal revival, I believe we will always have corporate revival, corporate revivals, and corporate revival life, but also we are to have the revival life, and you can have personal revival right now, if you want personal revival pray with me.

Father I pray for a revelation of revival, Holy Spirit teach me revival, and bring revival in my life, Father I ask you for the free gift of revival, by the Blood of Christ I can have revival, I ask for personal revival right now, let revival fire fall upon me, let revival fire come now, it is by grace and faith that I receive revival today, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Pray for Revival in the Church around the World

Pray for Revival in the Church around the World

Elvis Iverson

Heavenly Father we come boldly to the Throne Room of God, in the Third Heaven, by faith we receive the Presence, Light, and Truth of the Father, by faith we see our Lord Jesus Christ at the Right Hand of Father making intercession for us, and by faith we see the seven lamps of burning fire which is the Throne of the Holy Spirit. Father you are on the Throne of Mercy we ask you for mercy, Lord Jesus you are on the Throne of grace we ask you for grace, Holy Spirit you are on the Throne of love we ask you for love. Father led us by the Holy Spirit in praying apostolic and prophetic prayers for the Body of Christ.

Father we pray for the increase of the Kingdom of God, we pray for great increases of the Kingdom of God in our generation, and in our time, we pray for the Kingdom of God to increase in every city, every region, every nation, and globally around the world.

Father we pray for the increase of the church, we pray for great increases, massive increases of the church to come in our generation, to come in our time, and to come in our decade.

Father raise up and establish the Church as the City of God in all cities, all nations, all regions, all places, all people groups, and globally around the world.

Father raise up and establish apostles and prophets in the church in all cities, all regions, all places, all nations and globally.

Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of reformation to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of revival to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of social transformation to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of Harvest to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world.

Father we pray for the revelation of revival will be release in the hearts of all believers in Christ. We pray for the revelation of revival to come upon the church around the world. Father pray and ask you give us the revelation of revival.

Father we pray bring revival to the church around the world, Father we pray bring revival to the church in every city. Father we pray bring revival to the church in every region. Father we pray bring revival to the church in every nation. Father we pray bring revival to the church globally.

Father bring revival all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups and all nations, and globally.

Father we pray give us many revivals in the church around the world. Father we ask give many revivals to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups and all nations, and globally.

Father we pray let the church never again be without revival!
Father we pray let the church never again be without revival!
Father we pray let the church never again be without revival!
Father we pray let the church never again be without revival!
Father we pray let the church never again be without revival!
Father we pray let the church never again be without revival!
Father we pray let the church never again be without revival!

Father we pray for massive revivals to come to the church around the world, we pray for massive revivals for the city church in every city of every nation, we pray for massive revivals to come to the regional church in every region in every nation, we pray for massive revivals to come to the national church in every nation around the world, we pray for massive revivals to come to the church globally.

We pray for massive revivals to come to the all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups and all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for great revivals to come to the church around the world, we pray for great revivals for the city church in every city of every nation, we pray for great revivals to come to the regional church in every region in every nation, we pray for great revivals to come to the national church in every nation around the world, we pray for great revivals to come to the church globally.

We pray for great revivals to come to the all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups and all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for rivers of revivals to come to the church around the world, we pray for rivers of revivals for the city church in every city of every nation, we pray for rivers of revivals to come to the regional church in every region in every nation, we pray for rivers of revivals to come to the national church in every nation around the world, we pray for rivers of revivals to come to the church globally.

We pray for to rivers of revivals come to the all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups and all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for floods of revivals to come to the church around the world, we pray for floods of revivals for the city church in every city of every nation, we pray for floods of revivals to come to the regional church in every region in every nation, we pray for floods of revivals to come to the national church in every nation around the world, we pray for floods of revivals to come to the church globally.

We pray for to floods of revivals come to the all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups and all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for waves of revivals to come to the church around the world, we pray for waves of revivals for the city church in every city of every nation, we pray for waves of revivals to come to the regional church in every region in every nation, we pray for waves of revivals to come to the national church in every nation around the world, we pray for waves of revivals to come to the church globally.

We pray for to waves of revivals come to the all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups and all nations, and globally.

Father send revivals!
Father send revivals!
Father send revivals!
Father send revivals!
Father send revivals!
Father send revivals!
Father send revivals!

We pray for continue revivals to come to the church around the world, we pray for continue revivals for the city church in every city of every nation, we pray for continue revivals to come to the regional church in every region in every nation, we pray for continue revivals to come to the national church in every nation around the world, we pray for continue revivals to come to the church globally.

We pray for lasting revivals to come to the church around the world, we pray for lasting revivals for the city church in every city of every nation, we pray for lasting revivals to come to the regional church in every region in every nation, we pray for lasting revivals to come to the national church in every nation around the world, we pray for lasting revivals to come to the church globally.

We pray for revival visitations to come to the church around the world, we pray for revival visitations for the city church in every city of every nation, we pray for revival visitations to come to the regional church in every region in every nation, we pray for revival visitations to come to the national church in every nation around the world, we pray for revival visitations to come to the church globally.

Father we pray for habitational revivals, and resting revivals to come to the city church in every city of every nation around the world.

Father we pray for dark cloud revivals to come to the city church in every city of every nation around the world.

Father we pray for revival glory and revival fire to come to the city church in every city, the regional church in every region, the national church in every nation, and the global church globally.

We pray for to Revival fire and Revival Glory come to the all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups and all nations, and globally. Father we pray for corporate revivals to come to the church around the world. Father we pray for personal revival to come to all believers in Christ. Father we pray revival life to come to the church around the world and to all believers in Christ. Father we pray for outpourings of revival angels upon the church around the world. Father we pray for outpourings of angelic hosts upon the church around the world.

We pray in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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