Wednesday, April 27, 2011

These Things We Don’t Understand

These Things We Don’t Understand

Elvis Iverson

The Lord is moving throughout the world, doing these that some don’t seem to understand, but the Lord is moving and will never stop moving until He fines a resting place among us, right now the Lord is trying to prepare a place for the resting glory. –(Ex. 13:21-22)

Does this line up with the Word of God, the Bible?

It may not line up with your views of the Bible; you may have mindsets that are not in the Word, that in turn you built the Word around your mindsets, making them truth. This is why we must have a love for truth, and seek for the Lord to open our eyes to the Word of God. –(Matt. 22:29)

Does this glorify the Lord?

This is a big one, if you are seeing and hearing this that don’t give glory to the Lord, then there is something wrong, you can fine in the Bible what gives glory to God and what glorifies Christ.

Does it bring edification to the church?

What ever you are seeing or hearing does it bring edification to the church, building, rising the church up? You may not understand what is going on, but if the church is being edify, that is a good sign that it is from God.

Does it bring peace, freedom and liberty?

If what you see and what you hear brings believers into bondage then it is not of God.

Do you feel the anointing or presence of the Lord?

There are many servants that I don’t even since the Lord upon their lives, if you feel the Lord is showing up, and then this must be from God.

What are the fruits and what are the changes of hearts of people, and do you see the fruits of the Spirit there?

If the fruits that are coming out of what you see are good then it is good, if lives are being change then it is good, and if the fruits of the Spirit are flowing in the lives of people, then praise the Lord.

What are the apostles and prophets saying?

If apostles and prophets are saying good things, that means it is good.

The Lord is doing new things that we don’t understand, let us not judge God, instead test all things and hold fast to what is good, through the test of time we will see the outcome, it seem that everyone has to say something, even if they don’t have no insight. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. God will never pick a person that you like to receive; instead He will get a person who the Lord will test your heart through. –(Matt. 3:1-17)

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Restoration of the Barren Land

Restoration of the Barren Land

Elvis Iverson
December 25, 2010

I hear a voice saying I will come through for you, great things are about to happen, I am not late, I will make up for all things, I never done any bad or evil things to you, I only done good things, But I will bring full healing and full restoration. I will not allow no more suffering. I will be coming now, this is the moment.

I see a vision of the barren land, when revival comes to Russia, to India, to Europe, and to China; revival will come to the barren land, for now I will bring the ministry of the pillars of fires within a few years. But the day will come that revival will cover all places and all cities, and revival will cover this barren land and all barren lands. This barren land will become a fruitful garden of life, a land of flowing anointing, honey, and milk.

I now look to the north and see a city touch with overpowering raging holy fire. I look again at a city in the heartland, I see the whole city filled with living flowing holy wild fire of God. I now see other cities touch my mighty holy fire.

The Lord will heal the land, will heal the people, will heal the cities, will heal the hearts.

I hear a voice saying I will fill the land with a holy lake of wild lasting fire.

I see within a center heart land, a great apostolic center with a great network of home churches arise, beginning within a few years from now. I see one day soon, in some short years the apostolic city church will begin to arise. The Lord shall remember the prophetic words spoken over this city and this land, and shall bring them to pass, all of them.

The Lord speaks to every barren land, and every barren area, any unfruitful place, be healed, be touched, be blessed, you are no longer barren, you are fruitful, great fruit, full of great fruit, I speak life, full of life, great life.

Now I see a vision of a small group that once pass through this land. I see a person in a city in the west, he is an apostle, healing ministry, I see a mega apostolic congregation home church network. I see an apostle with a teaching, and signs and wonders ministry in India. I see an apostle in a city in the south, with a great congregation, and international great ministry, and a leader of apostolic networks. I hear an angel say God is faithful.

Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Monday, April 25, 2011

Beyond Hear and Now

Beyond Hear and Now

Elvis Iverson
December 18, 2010

I see a vision of many networks in many nations; I see many networks of home churches with a center in many cities. I see revival, anointing, blessings, and revelation, signs and wonder rain upon them all at the same time. Millions of souls were saved all over the world.

Now beyond this; I see a vision of huge gatherings all over the world, meetings of signs and wonders, meetings of Bliss, meetings of Word Revelation, Meetings of Prophetic Revelation, Meetings of Harvest. I see every month there was a meeting of harvest, and every month there was on of the other meetings. These meetings went around the world beginning in one city then going to the next city. They were broadcast around the world. Millions of souls were saved all over the world.

Now beyond this; I see a holy meeting in one place, but I see other meetings like this in other nations. These meetings were of the Bliss gifts of God, Gifts of the Spirit, prophecy, visions, signs and wonders, ecstatic and ecstasy manifestations.

Now Beyond this; I see the raise of the city church, beginning now, I see the increase of the Kingdom of God, I see the raise of the Kings of the Kingdom, and I see full restoration of the priesthood, and I see many revivals, all these beginning now.

Now I see a group that shall not die, that shall not see death. They can’t get sick, they can’t die. They live in holy grounds all over the earth, giving wisdom and meat to those who visit them, I see a fellowship of those who shall not die come forth, even beginning now. I see them with a glory cloud upon them, and ecstasy manifestations, and deep prophetic, and prophetic union. I see an angel that watches over them. The river of life flows through them every day, they eat of the tree of life everyday. This is a holy anointing coming and being release in the church beginning in these days. They will move in the Bliss Gifts of God, and practice the presence of the Lord, and angels will visit them and care for them. They will minister the healing touch of God to those who come to them, and they will raise the dead if you ask them. Their doors are always open to the holy. They can walk in heaven and walk in earth whenever they want, and they will share their life with us.

An angel says now let the great healing revival begin, let the great miracle revival begin, let the great signs and wonders revival begin, let the great signs of the apostles begin, for now is the time of the coming miracle worker. God is the God of miracles now and always.

Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Monday, April 18, 2011

Breakthrough of Destiny

Breakthrough of Destiny

Elvis Iverson
December 18, 2010

I see a vision of an open heart, the door of the heart is open, it is the heart of faith, and it is the prophetic heart of faith. It is anointed heart of a supernatural open heart. I hear a voice saying I have opened the heart of destiny, the door of destiny, the door to many cities and many nations, and many people. This is the time of great prophetic fulfillment, and great prayer fulfillment. I see an angel come very fast through the shy saying now is the moment of destiny. You will not miss it, for the blessings are coming too, the blessings are seeking you out, and the blessing will overtake you.

I see a great breakthrough that has been hidden, and will happen at this moment in history. 500 angelic hosts shall be release in the earth right now.

I can hear them say great wealth, great wealth, great favor, grace favor. I see 500 rivers of extremely great wealth flow in a lasting river of wealth. I see angels flow with these rivers of wealth.

I see 1000 angelic hosts come with 1000 rivers of great grace, great power, and great favor, these are 1000 of rivers of ministry.

I see 500 angelic hosts come forth with 500 rivers of great blessings.

I hear an angel says; now is the time, this is the time, this is the right time, this is the now moment, now faith is, and the windows of the heaven are open, the gates of heaven are open, the moment has come.

I see rain clouds all over the earth. I see heavy rain and strong holy winds come forth right at this moment, I see flood gates open, I see the flood of many blessings, I see overflow of many blessings. The blessings are coming, the blessing are here, the bless are seeking, the blessings have found, the blessings are overtaking. I hear the foot steps, I hear the phone ring, I hear the mailman come, I hear the knock at the door.

The beginning has begin, the time has begin, that has been prophecy is now beginning to come to pass. Peace, peace, great peace, great peace, rest, rest, great rest, great rest, grace, grace, great grace, great grace the angel says.

Breakthrough. . . Breakthrough. . . Breakthrough. . . Breakthrough. . . Breakthrough. . . Breakthrough. . . Breakthrough. . . Breakthrough! Great Breakthrough! ! !

An angel says God is the God who hears prayers! God who fulfills prayers!

Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Restoration and Progression of All Things

Restoration and Progression of All Things

Elvis Iverson

Repentance opens the gates and doors for times of refreshing, and times of restoration of all things, these times come from the Presence of the Lord, they are a manifesting of the Presence of the Lord, the Presence of the Lord is greater, if we will change our minds, the Lord will change our hearts. The restoration of all things is more then just restoration; it is restoration, double restoration and progression. This prophecy is a prophecy about today and fulfilled in the end times, the end times is the fullness of restoration of all things. –(Acts 3:19-21)

The times of restoration of all things apply to the restoration of the church, the restoration of the Kingdom of God, The restoration of Israel, the restoration of the city church, other restorations in the church, the restoration of nations, the restoration of people groups, the restoration of cities, the restoration of family, and the restoration of the land. –(Acts 3:19-21)

The Lord wants to heal our land, it seem it is up to the believers to repent, pray for the Lord to begin healing the lands, cities and nation, more then with the sinners. As the church arise as the city of God in every city, and in every nation, and as the church matures, and the city church arises in every city of every nation, the river of healing, a river of restoration, a river of revival, and a river of glory, will flow from the church, and the hearts of believers will flow healing, restoration to cities, nations and lands all over the world. The healing of the nations will come, the Lord made the nations, and apart of their destiny is to be healed, worship and glorify the Lord. The nations will be healed through revival, through social transformation, through the ministry of the Kings of the Kingdom, through the ministry of wealth, and the increase of the Kingdom of God. –(2 Chron. 7:14, Ezek. 47, Rev. 22:2)

The Kingdom of God has already begun when Christ rose from the dead and was seated upon His Throne, He already reign on earth from Heaven, and when He returns, He will reign over heaven from earth, the Kingdom of God is increases throughout time, through the outpourings of the Holy Spirit, the hearts of the believers, and the ministry of the kings of the Kingdom, the church shall arise as the city of God in every city and in every nation, and the Kingdom of God will fill the earth, and the beginning of the fullness of the Kingdom will begin in the end times, and the fullness of the Kingdom will come with Christ at His return. –(Isa. 9:6-7, Matt. 16:18-19, Acts 2:17-18)

Habakkuk’s vision was a vision of the coming Kingdom of God, and the King of Kings, this was fulfilled in the first coming of Christ, and in the second coming of Christ the Kingdom of God will already have increase and filled the whole earth, and the end times is the beginning of the glorious church, and the beginning of the fullness of the Kingdom and at His return will come the fullness of the Kingdom. –(Hab. 2:1, 2-3, 4,14,20)

We as believers are to possess the kingdoms of men, and open the gates and doors for the increase of the Kingdom, which is manifested through social transformations. We are to enter and possess the seven spheres of influence of society, spiritual/social/family, government/polities, business/economy, education, media, arts/culture/entertainment, and sports. –(Rev. 11:15, Joel 3:18)

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Monday, April 11, 2011

Enter into the Divine Rest of ministry

Enter into the Divine Rest of ministry

Elvis Iverson
December 25, 2010

I since a strong, powerful, weight, and liberty presence of God filling our lives around the earth, this is a new day for ministry, this is a new day for the church, this is a new day for the believer, it is not going to be the same as last years, this is a new year, a new day, a new time, a new decade, a new age of the presence of God.

I hear a voice saying; enter into rest and I shall fulfill all things, enter into rest and I shall fulfill all prophecy, and enter into to rest and I shall fulfill all your prayers. You are not to carry any burden, you are of the labor of rest, and you are my partner in harvest. You will work with me in all things that I have said to you. Many things are about to happen. You must follow the labor of rest when doing my works and my will; this is how I do things. You must apply the rest of the Lord to ministry, work, and life. You must by grace, only by grace apply the Sabbath principle and the Jubilee principle to ministry and life.

I since a great peace coming, it is great peace that the Lord has giving as a gift of grace. I since a great rest coming that this too is a gift of grace. It is easy to plant churches, it is easy to plant mega churches, it is easy to plant networks, and it is easy to oversee the massive gathering of the faithful. It will be also easy to raise the dead, to fly in the Spirit, to go from one place to another by the Spirit, to heal the masses, and to win massive numbers to Christ.

We are the vessels of grace, it is His who will raise the dead, and He will raise massive numbers from the dead, He will heal massive numbers, He will win massive number, He will plant massive networks, He will plant massive churches, He will set free massive numbers. Yes in His grace, peace and rest.

I since the presence of God over the future, and the future is no longer the future, it is now and today, this is the moment. No longer will you not see signs and wonders, no longer will you not see great signs and great wonders, you will see them everyday.

It is God who will help you, it is God who will make everything easy, and smooth, it is God who will bring forth His will in your life. It will be easy to have massive amounts of wealth and to have a river of great wealth.

I since great peace, great rest, great grace, great power, great favor, great wealth and great signs and great wonders. All doors that you have prayed for are open, and the blessings shall come to you in this moment, it is all grace, for your union is with Christ by the Cross, by the Blood of Christ and By His grace. You have entered into a mystical union, and mystical ministry of the supernatural of Christ. As you enter into rest, rest enters into you!

I see a vision of great peace filling cities and churches all over the earth, in America, in India, in Russia, in Africa, in Center America and South America, and in Europe. I see great rest filling the church around the world. Now I hear these words enter now into the divine labor of divine rest and the ministry of great signs, great wonders, great deeds, great power, great miracles, and great speaking of river of life and Word.

I see churches open up all over the earth, I see cities open up all over the earth, I see city churches open up all over the earth, I see nations open up all over the earth, I see people groups open up all over the earth, I see the hearts of many massive number open up all over the earth.

Now I see massive outpourings of angelic hosts for many years, generations, and decades now and to come.

I see a vision of a great congregation with great doors open wide with a great number of believers, I see their hearts open wide, this is the moment of the open door, this is the day of the open door.

Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Monday, April 04, 2011

Divine Love Feasts of Fellowship

Divine Love Feasts of Fellowship

Elvis Iverson
December 16, 2010

In a vision I see the faithful company and what came forth from the faithful company was a team called the first team, and what will be there signs? All will be healed, the many dead will raise, there will be harvests of souls, the Presence of the Lord will come in a weight of glory, ecstatic, ecstasy, Bliss Gifts of God, the Nine Gifts of the Spirit, the signs of the apostles. This First Team went to many cities and many nations around the world.

Now I see a vision of divine love feasts of fellowship, as I look I see 26 networks of home churches in America, each with a center, I look at one of them in L.A. I see supernatural signs among the believers, I see prophecy, visions, dreams among the believers, I see the many healings of sick among the believers, and I see revival in the home church. I see 10,000 souls come to Christ.

Now I see a vision of Houston, I see a network of home churches with a center. I see signs of the apostles; I see revival in the center, and in the many home churches. I see the nine gifts of the Spirit, I see the bliss Gifts of God, and I see many signs and wonders. I see massive numbers come to the Lord, flowing like a holy river into the network of home churches. I see 10 million souls come to the Lord. I see continue outpouring of angelic hosts.

Now I see a vision of India, I see 40 networks of home churches with each having a center. I see many dead rise, I see three million souls come to the Lord. I see in a city called Bangalore I see 90 percent come to the Lord. I see revival raining like mighty water and wild day and night. I see a network of Home churches of 10,000 members. I see many healing waves come upon this network of fellowship.

I see a holy fellowship in Japanese have 50,000 members, I see 13 apostolic home churches networks each having a center. I see one million souls come to the Lord. I see signs and wonder revival.

I see a vision of Korea. I see one million souls come to the Lord, I see great unity among all believers in Christ. I see a revival of love and holiness coming throughout this nation. I see seven networks of home churches each having a center. I see each network over 10,000 members.

I see a vision of China I see much revival throughout the land. I see more then ten million souls come to the Lord. I see 50 networks of home churches, I see healing, miracles, signs and wonder among the believers.

I see a vision of more nations before me. I see 72 nations, I see outpouring upon them all an outpouring of signs and wonders. I see many networks of homes churches all over these nations. I hear an angel says this is only the beginning, God has plan much for His people.

Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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